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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 12 For Sale Solid State, AM-FM, like-new, $200. press, new (Chicago), )eed, heavy-duty, $200. rack for Fleetside pickup, 26-4545. R12/21tfn EXCELLENT clover and $50 ton in stack. Alfalfa, 20-ton lots, $71. F.O.B. )n. One to five tons, our store. Call Monday Saturday, 9-6, 426-4373. Bros, W.F.A. W11/30tfn SLAB base guitar, and ler, needs minor repair. As 877-5857. M12/21tfn D Craftco rock Motor, pullies, belt and I included. $35. 877-5857. 21tfn CHEVY rear-end posi-trac, dt, set up for factory coil suspension. $200 or best 426-4227. F12/21-28 LFA HAY. $4 bale, less full truckload. 426-1446. R, three bar stools, condition. $250. i108. B12/7-28 THOROUGHBRED four-ply nylon snow on wheels. Size 650-13. ilent condition. 426-6659. Jack Frost Construction Licensed - Bonded Remodeling and new. No job too small. Call for free estimate. 426-4227 tfn and Engine Repairs New Business Opening Soon Sondblastln i equipment ready :for ulm.  ........ Good ratm. or 275-3011 tfn Carpet Layers installation carpet, vinyl, tilt,. $2.00 a yard. 426-3763 3, Box 406 Shehon 6/gtf. B's BOAT TOPS tools will travel. )m made boat to fit your boat on land or sea. For Appointment Call 426-2806 Evenings Weekends Bates, Owner 12th and Thomas, Shelton 30 Years Experience tfn J Dale tanks dozing gravel otto field service 20b €. pine 42b.t5OO For Sale CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Little Harvey food dryer, 6-tray, 15"x17", U.L. listed, 1,000 watt heater and blower, safety switch, harvest gold or avocado. $129.95. Dist. Earsley Company. 877-9707. E12/7-28 PORTABLE DISHWASHER, avocado. 426-1889. K12/7-28 FIREWOOD FOR sale, special orders extra. 426-9272. S12/7-28 CARPET, SHAG, plush, high-low, grass, kitchen, many colors. $2.90, $3.75, $4.75, $5.85, per yard, etc. 426-8111, appointment only. Tuesdays through Saturday. G9/14tfn BARK FOR landscaping, 15-60 yard loads. Call Skillman's, 866-8812. S3/23tfn NEED A passport picture? See The Photo Center for instant color passport pictures. 426-6163. 124 North Second. P5/18tfn ARE SPRING greens invading your fleshtones. Start the new T.V. season with a new Curtis Mathes T.V. from Conley's. Four year financing O.A.C. First and Alder. 426-5528. C7/27tfn FIREWOOD. $40 for a two-cord load. Mill ends, 24" long, delivered. 426-1037. M12/7tfn GOOD GRASS hay, no weeds. Large bales. $1.50 per bale. 426-6046. J12/7-28 SEARS CERAMIC top range, self-cleaning oven. Used about six months. $285. 426-5275. A12/7-28 DRAPERIES, READY to hang. Popular sizes at rock-bottom prices. Kay's Draperies. 113 South Second. K3/4tfn THE HERCULITE JUNGLE i Sail Loft Services  \\;  I Marine Hardware  \\; I Boat • Auto * Tops  \\; I Sailcovers * Awnings I=_ ff'_" - Insurance Work Estmla)es Sallmaker Bob Dunnln| Waterfront Serwce Upholstery Fabrics 426-2321 :: (UALIWWORK'O TOPS IN MATERIALS REASONABLE PRICES lit. 4 Box 312 • Sladten, WA 98584 SAND ^ GRAVEL For the finest in: . SAND . GRAVEL . CONCRETE SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Radio Dispatched Trucks LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/IS/fin 6RMBTONE CORPORATION Concrete Building Materials * Pipe * Sand & Gravel * Masonry * Crushed Rock * Septic Tanks * Ready Mix SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON At the end of West Franklin. 2/11tfn For Sale ANTIQUES AND old furniture. Open every day, 10-6. Shelton Furniture Repair. 426-1858. Route 1, Box 168. S3/2tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon. Sixth and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/gtfn GOOD QUALITY oat hay. $1.50 bale in ton lot. Phone 426-8856. R7/27tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture. Fourth and Cota. 4/16tfn FOR OUTDOOR families: free sleeping bags for your time, just to see what we have to offer. Call Shelton Furniture Repair, 426-1858. S9/21tfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store -- 2215 Olympic Highway North. We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/8tfn HAY, $1.50 bale. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley. 426-3740. Mc8/24tfn HAMMOND ORGAN, cherry wood spinet model, two keyboards, C to C bass pedals. $500. 426-4915. No Friday evening or Saturday calls. B12/14tfn DON'T MERELY brighten carpets... Blue Lustre them... no rapid reselling. Rent shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C12/28 FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Grant Impett, Route 2, Shorecrest, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A12/28 SCHMIDT OSTHEIM-ROHEN 357 magnum, 50 rounds, ammunition, holster and ammo belt, $200. Saar's space heater, oil, thermostat control, self-starting, like new, $75. Table and four chairs, new, never used, $75. 426-5155. R12/28 TRAINING AND buggy harness. Like new condition, running "W" with knee pads, ankle straps, nerve halter, reins, crouper, tugs. Extremely adjustable heavy-duty unit. With blinder bridle and Ionge rope. Train your horse to stop! Could save serious injury or life! Complete outfit all for $250. 877-5857. M12/7tfn FOR SALE wood. Fir and pine. 426-7476. S12/7tfn ONE HD6 Allls Chalmers with blade and winch. Tracks 75%, running gear good. One Drott skid shovel with ripper, model 224. 426-4954. B12/7-28 TRAINS, TRAINS -- two complete sets, all work on one nearly finished, 5x9 pike. Thirteen automatic electric switches, no limit to versatility of set-up. Some buildings still in boxes. Also includes collectors engines that need minor repair. Great beginning for new set-up or to add to what you have. Worth $500, all will go for $325. 877-5857. M12/7tfn JAN DANFORD'S new book, Passing Fancies II, is on sale at the Journal and in local book stores. A very few copies of the first Passing Fancies book are available a{ the Journal only. D12/28tfn PERMANENT HEAVY-DUTY mount carrier for pickup canopy. $25. 426-2382. E12/21-1/11 DRAPERIES INSULATED backs, used less,,than, year. Two pair, white, 75 x63 ,I $18 pair; two pair, celery, 48 x63', $10 pair; two pair, light coffee, 75 x63 , $20 pair. 426-7486 evenings, weekends. C12/14tfn INVENTORY CLEARANCE sale, all items reduced. Kay's Draperies, 113 South Second. K12/28 Pets, Livestock BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED German shepherd puppies. Ten weeks old, Very playful. They're all black and tan. 426-9519. $12/28-1/4 Ha RSESHOEING, CORRECTIVE hot shoeing, certified ferrier. Terry Clark. 426-7351. C12/28tfn A WONDERFUL Christmas present. Two purebred beagle puppies with papers. $50 each. 877-9458 after 5 p.m. S12/7tfn FOR SALE -- Registered Australian terrier puppies. Phone 426-6152. F11/2fin LOW COST spay/neuter Clinic. Sponsored by M.C.C.F.A. For information and appointments call 426-9413, 426-7087. M8/3tfn PUREBRED ANGUS. Fast rowing big cattle. Excellent load lines. Twin River Ranch, Shelton. 453-0444, 885-2467. R 11/30if n X-CEL HORSE feed. Reasonable prices. 426-9136. A10/12tfn Boats & Motors 21' CARVER, E-Z Load trailer, fully equipped. $6,200. 426-6557.H11/30tfn Beats & Meters 1970 INBOARD/outboard 16' Johnson Seasport, 155 horsepower, easy Uft trailer. 426-3724. L12/7tfn , 1972 85 hp Evinrude outboard. 950 with controls. 426-9606 or 26-9960. Ask for Bob. W12/21-28 Travel Trailers and Campers 1977 FIFTH Wheel Prowler trailer. Asking $5,900. Fully self-contained, stereo. 426-1753. Call after 5 p.m, W12/7-28 32' SELF-CONTAINED trailer. Potlatch area. 426-9104. C12/21-28 1976 22½' Jamboree motor home, 22,000 miles. 426-2774. G12/21-1/11 Motorcydes 1977 YAMAHA YZ 125D. New piston and rings, ports just polished, good shape. $500. Evenings, 1-898-4481. M11/23tfn 1974 RICKMAN 250 MX, runs reat, needs clutch. $150. venings, 1-898-4481. M11/23tfn Used C=rs 1960 FORD ¥4-ton, four-speed pickup, body rough, runs OK. $450. Union, 898-3983 after 6:00. L12/21-1/11 1961 PLYMOUTH, runs. $100. 426-1862. S12/21-28 MUST SELL- 1978 F-100 Ford pickup. 302 V-8, Ranger XLT, short box. Call after 5, 426-7209. W12/21tfn '70 FORD station wagon, four-door, $1,075. '74 Monaco four-door, $1,125. Both in (load condition, clean, excellent tires, P.S./P.B. 877-5228. M11/23tfn '75 FORD Granada, 41,000 miles, red, bucket seats, good running condition. $3,000. 426-7513. Call after 5. K11/9tfn 1974 PLYMOUTH Valiant Slant 6, four-door hardtop. Deluxe interior, tinted glass, power steering, A.C., radio, Michelin radial tires, looks and drives like new. $2,295. No Friday evening or Saturday calls. 426-4915. P12/14tfn 1976 VEGA wagon, 32,000 miles. $2,200. 25-30 m.p.g. 426-1234. W12/7-28 '74 MUSTANG, runs well, clean, extras. 426-3230. S12/28 1975 3/4 Chevy Cheyenne, 350, heavy-duty. After 6, Olympia, 352-4419. W12/28-1/4 1965 FORD F-100 truck with ¾-ton rear end, mags, radial tires. $700. 426-2732. C12/14-1/4 '75 PINTO wagon, perfect Christmas gift, excellent condition. $1,560. 426-8974. C12/14-1/4 Help Wanted LEARN REAL estate sales -- Join the most progressive realtor firm in Mason County. Full training and help for inexperienced sales oriented persons. 25 years of successful real estate experience by broker to assure your success. If you like dealing with people and are willing to work plus be your own boss, call Reid Mitchell today. Are you retired, but not tired? Age is an asset, not a handicap. Phone 426-4486. Mason County Realty. M10/26tfn INFANT CARE and some light housekeeping in Union area home. Weekdays from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. The person who applies for this job should be reliable, have references from previous employers or teachers and love small children. This is a permanent position beginning in January. Call 898-2317 anytime after 5:30 p.m. Fll/30tfn SUPPLEMENT YOUR retirement income with ,part-time employment in the security profession. Must have telephone and transportation. Send name, age, phone number and address to: P.O Box 747, Shelton, Washington 98584. P11/]6tfn CENTURY 21 offers the most comprehensive training course in the Northwest. Experienced or just starting, at Century 21 you have the best chance of success. Call Tom, 426-3363. C12/14tfn PREVIEW REALTY has openings for real estate salespeople who wish to join an innovative office with a progressive and generous commissions program. Call Mary at 426-9748. P12/14tfn PART-TIME person, 18 years or older to transport young mildly handicapped children to and from school. Compensation negotiable. Contact Mr. Jones, 426-2151. S12/21-28 COOK WANTED immediately, Capital Restaurant, 102 Railroad. C 12/21-28 SALES AND office help, full-or part-time, must have a good appearance, be able to deal with people effectively, and have a OlOd aptitude in math. Viking oar Covering. 426-2916. V 12/21tfn FULL-CHARGE bookkeeper with accounting background needed for special permanent position. Must meet CETA requirements for eligibility and have experience necessary for the job. To learn more about this position, write Box 103, c/o Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton. EOE position. 12/21-1/11 LILLIWAUP INVALID needs housekeeper. $300 month, board and room. 877-5501. M12/28-1/4 COLLEGE BOUND? You can earn approximately $8,000 part time during the next four years in the Washington Army Na- tional Guard. We offer a lot more than money. Find out about the many benefits now. The best port time job in America could be yours. Call 753-5033 direct or collect, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Ask for Steve. 12/21-28 CHRYSLER-DODGE-PLYMOUTH YOUR HOME TOWN DEALER DEALER BUY OR LEASE ONE OF THESE USED CARS 1975 Chrysler Cordoba 2-dr. 1976 Buick Regal 2-dr. 1977 Plymouth Fury d-dr. 1978 Chrysler LaBaron 4-dr. 1978 Dodge Aspen 2-dr. USED TRUCKS 1978 Dodge D- 100 1977 Dodge D- 150 1976 Chev C-10 W/Camper 1975 Ford F- 100 ANY ONE OF THE CARS AND TRUCKS CAN BE LEASED ON APPROVED CREDIT. PAULEYA4OTORI; PHONE 426.5548 Front & Railroad, Shelton RATES 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 ).m. Tuesday Help Wanted DEPENDABLE, RELIABLE person needed to run addressograph Wednesday nights at the Journal. Must have own transportation and be a hard worker. Apply in person at the Journal between 3:30-4:30. J 12/28t fn CHRISTMAS TREE workers wanted, all types of work, including experienced cutters graders, hand balers, taggers and tally people. 426-2306. D11/30tfn PART-TIME JOB? Earn $55 per veekend now and over $2,000 next summer in the Washington Army National Guard. High school seniors 8, graduates only. Call 753-5033 direct or collect, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Ask for Steve. 12/21-28 Work Wanted MATURE WOMAN wants housework. 426-7892. B12/28-1/18 LICENSED DAY care --infants thru five years. Pioneer School District, Timberlakes. 426-8140. Ct1/30tfn WILLING TO do housework. Call after 5 p.m., 426-1137. R12/14-1/4 HANDYMAN QUALITY work, free estimates, no job too small. Call evenings, 426-3091. Y12/21tfn IF YOU would like your fruit trees pruned, call evenings, 426-8157. D12/28-1/4 Sporting Goods 30.06 RUGER, five shot carrying case, one box shells. $225 cash. 426-6141. B12/21-28 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Wanted WANTED -- ALUMINUM cans, 6c dozen. Also beer bottles, 30c case. Will pick up in town. 426-1355. R 12/28-1/18 WANTED -- 24" cedar flat saw blocks, second growth and old growth. Knots okay. Can haul. 482-4051 E12/21-1/11 .O .a 6emge, Yard Sales FLEA MARKET, second Saturday monthly, 9-6. Potlatch Women's Clubhouse, Hood Canal Lions Club. H9/28tfn NEXT FLEA market sponsored by Senior Kiwanis at Lincoln ym, January 27, 1979. 12/14tfn Lost & Found %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOST ONE Redbone female hound in Hamma Hamma area. Real shy. If seen please call 426-8756. W10/12tfn LOST BEAGLE puppy on power lines near Price Lake. Name P.J. $50 reward. Call John Straatman any night after 5 p.m., 877-9458. S12/7tfn Personal LIVING WITH a problem drinker is too much for most of us. If you want help, call AI-Anon, 426-6909 or 426-5307. V2/2tfn THURSTON-MASON Community Mental Health Center, Shelton branch, offers counseling for children, adults, families. 426-1696. T9/15tfn ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. For information call 426-5044 or 426-8446. S4/29tfn GEORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliances --the best night spot in town -- Sealy mattresses. V3/14tfn P.W.P. RAISING a child alone? Single parents, interested in getting together to discuss common problems? 426-2333 or 426-6659. P11/9tfn For Rent ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment downtown for single man. $175 plus deposit. References. 426-1205 or 426-6629. D12/14tfn ONE, TWO-room apartments. $70 to $95. Utilities, cable T.V. aid. Second and Grove. 5/1 ltfn FOR RENT: trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/8tfn ONE-, TWO- and three-bedroom apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Security deposit, first and last, no pets. $129 to $154. Edgewood Apartments. Phone 426-4364. E12/7tfn NICE TWO-bedroom apartment, carpet throughout, refrigerator, CEDAR LOGS or timber stove, utilities paid except wanted. Highest prices. Scheller electrical, no p.ets. $175, $100 Brothers Lumber. 352-3178. damage depos)t, $25 cleaning. S6/15tfn 426-1078. W12/7-28 BUY BEER bottles, 30c case, FOR RENT unfurnished delivered; 25c if picked up. Call " downtown houses: (1) large after 5, 426-8569 or 1619 house suitable for commerc,al Laurel, Shelton A5/18tfn use at $250; (20 very small house suitable for one adult only at $95; (3) another very small WANTED -- CEDAR saw logs, green second growth. Call for house, one adult at $100. All current prices. Versapanel Inc. rentals require first and last 426-5571. V10/14tfn months rental, plus deposit and references. Please see in person, Rod Olsen, Olsen Furniture, CASH FOR all cars, trucks, bodies, parts. Immediate pick-up Fourth and Cota. Oll/30tfn services. Scrap and metals of all kinds. Newsprint and corrugated BEAUTIFUL HOOD Canal cardboard. Mason County waterfront rental. Two bedrooms Salvage. 426-8626. M7/15tfn plus den, two full baths. Partially furnished, many extras. Near TIMBER OR timbered land Robin Hood Inn at Union. One wanted. Call for free estimate or child okay, no pets. References. offer. Query and Sons Selective $375. Call Kurt Mann Realtor, Thinning. 426-7058. Q9/14tfn 426-6592, 426-3228 evenings. M12/21tfn SELLING YOUR car? We pay cash for qood used cars and ONE- AND. two-bedroom pickups, l-lilburn-Pauley Ford. waterfront apartments in Allyn. Ask for Craig Chapman, sales $165-$185. $100 damage manager. 426-5585. HlO/12tfn deposit. No children or pets. References required. 426-3724. D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Company, L12/7tfn Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling, stumpage MODERN GROUND level and land. 426-6350, home phone one.bedroom downtown. Two 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. blocks from supermarket and K2/24tfn stores. Ideal for older couple looking for long term housing. WANTED -- 6' cordwood, any $185 plus utilities. Call mix of fir, hemlock, pine or 426-5400, 9-5. F12/28 cedar. Minimum 3Vz inch top diameter. 25c each. Call Versapanel, John's Prairie. TWO-BEDROOM mobile home, trees and garden, available 426-5571, for specifications. January 1. 426-5909. A12/28 V7/28tfn I - I I WANTED SALAL brush. We are aying a good price for salal rush. Please call Whitleys Evergreen, phone 426-3051. Located one mile out on Cole Road. W11/30tfn WANTED -- 10' or 12' falling saw. 249-4849. Clyde Dills, Montesano 98563. D12/14-1/4 ROOMMATE NEEDED, prefer female or student, two-bedroom in Skokomish Valley. Five acres with pasture, animals welcome. 426-3687. C12/14-1/4 WANTED: ALDER poles. Butt 5V2" maximum diameter, top 3Vz" minimum diameter, 8½' long at .44c; 10Vz' long at .56c. Delivered to Beerbower Spool Manufacturing Company, Route 1, Box 152, Lima, Washington, 482-2601. B12/21-28 For Rent STUDIO APARTMENT, completely furnished. $125; first and last; $100 deposit. References. 426-2121. L12/7tfn AVAILABLE JANUARY 1, one-bedroom furnished mobile home, close to town, references, deposit required. Phone 1-565-3739, 426-4283. U12/28-1/18 THREE-BEDROOM chalet, Lake Limerick, prefer bachelors, but will consider others, occupancy January 1. $230 month. Call 426-3058. M12/21-28 DUPLEX UNIT for rent near Spencer Lake Tavern. Three-bedroom. 426-6908 evenings. No pets. P12/21-1/11 CLEAN TWO-BEDROOM unfurnished house. Carpeted, drapes, nopets, damage deposit. 426-8269. (312/21tfn RANCH HOUSE, near Dayton, tenant must feed livestock for PRatt of rent. 479 Dayton-Airport oad. 426-9104. C12/21-28 THREE-BEDROOM mobile home, 2-bath, dishwasher, 11 miles north Hoodsport, Division 4, Lake Cushman. 693-4370, Vancouver. References, deposit $75. B11/30tfn LARGE TWO-bedroom apartment, wall-to-wall carpeting, range, refrigerator, two baths, no children, pets. First and last, 100 deposit. References. 26-2121. L12/7tfn FOR RENT duplex, two bedrooms, wall-to-wall carpet, refrigerator, dishwasher, range, disposal, water, sewage and rbage paid. $225 a month; 00 deposit; no pets. 877-9421 after 5. S12/21-1/11 TRAILER, TWO-BE DROOM, partially furnished, very quiet, clean. Shorecrest. Available December 20, 1978. $170. Call 426-9021 evenings. T12/28tfn SMALL FURNISHED house, Mason Lake. Deposit required. No pets. $150. 426-3659. K12/28 SPACIOUS ADULT one-bedroom complex, walk to shopping, coin-operated laundry, rty room available to tenants. ater, garbage, T.V. cable paid;, One penthouse left, view Mt, Rainier. $200-$225. Appointment, 426-6251. No children or pets. References plus deposit. F12/28tfn AVAILABLE FOR occupancy: one-year-old two-bedroom duplex. Carpets, drapes, self-clean oven, dishwasher, G.D., refrigerator, garacje, deck. Water, garbage paid. Chddren welcome. $235 month plus deposit. 426-2179, ask for Cleo. F12/28-1/4 i im, i One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 "7/12tfn i i i i i Auctions AUCTION EVERY Saturday night, 7 p.m. Bring in consignments for quick cash. McCleary, Auction & New/Used, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 495-3454. Virgil Reading, auctioneer. R5/5tfn Public Auctions Held every Thursday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, Olympia Highway 101, 866-0866. Cliff Nichols, Auctioneer tfn I III _ HILLCREST -- 2 bedroom, range, refrigerator, washer & dryer, electric heat. $205. No pets. MATTOCK -- 4 PLEX -- 2 units available. 2 bedrooms, renter pays utilities. $165. No pets. HILLCREST -- DUPLEX -- both units available -- new, 2 bedroom, garage. $215. STRETCH ISLAND -- VACANT .new home, 2 bedrooms, no bank salt waterfront, deck 2-car carport, no pets. $300. DOWNTOWN -- 3 bedrooms, gas heat, close In. $150. CALL SHELTONVILLE PROPERTIES 426-9791 ii ii i i iii i ii Thursday, December 28, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23