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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 28, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 28, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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+mmo Hommo: nusual IAXINE CLaW istmas cards bring ges of the season. They are tnediunl and small, and they come even as Is, postcards. But on )or? One of our readers us the story of two cards. year a local resident who moved into a new home her messages on lovely of wallpaper samples. On wrote: Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING OTICE IS HEREBY EN THAT the City isaiah of the City of Washington will hold a hearing on the proposed ordinance in the Room at 7:00 p.m. January 6, 1979. All ted persons are invited to W. Stodden 12/28 1/4-2t NANCE NO. 978 N ORDINANCE AN EMERGENCY CH COULD NOT HAVE FORSEEN AT THE TIME THE ADOPTION OF THE 8 BUDGET AND FUNDS TO MEET NECESSARY t THE OPERATION OF :PARK AND RECREATION PARTMENT, THE NSFER OF EXCESS S TAX MONIES TO RRENT EXPENSE ULATIVE RESERVE FOR bEING, EXCESS FUNDS IN 1 9 6 6 B O NBD E EMPTION FUND NSFERRED TO SEWER WATER CONSTRUCTION- Tb AND EXCESS FUNDS HE SEWER FUND BE LNSFERRED TO SEWER WATER CONSTRUCTION AND FUNDS FROM E RAL REVENUE AND STREET DEPT.  ALLOCATED AND NSFERRED TO THE LID 9 FUND. REAS, $2,292.00 is able from unanticipated enues of Anti-recession .s; be it ordained to as follows: I. Park and Recreation for |rice $2,292.00. This :arian of Anti-recession will enable the Park and department to retain Summer employee hired as a help to train for a additional sales 01 $5C,000 was received over estmate for 1978; be it Lined to allocate as follows= $50,000 to be invested in reserves for Current nee building fund. HEREAS, there are revenues of $27,000 Revenue Sharing Fund 500 cash revenue in the et budget not being nded as budgeted, be it to transfer the above Puts to Ll.D. No. 29 to pay istered warrants. a transfer of ,000 was made from the fund to 1966 Bond }rnption for Bonds which not sold in 1978. There is an excess of $35,000 which be transferred to Water and Construction Fund to be paying the City&apos;s of the Complex Sewer and an excess of in the Sewer cash be Sferred to the Water and Construction Fund to be paying the City's cost of Complex Sewer warrants in THEREFORE, be it d by the City Imission of the City of That sufficient funds were Irovided in the adoption of 978 budget to cover the additional and unforseen nditures. Extra summer help was over for training for a nent position in the Park Department. The Federal Revenue monies and the Street monies will enable the :red Warrants for L.I.D. to be paid off. That the excess monies in 66 Bond Redemption fund fund will enable the 10% share of the Complex Facilities to be paid in and cause a savings of monies to the City. It is to the best interest City's funds to invest the nal monies received for in a cumulative reserve ;reeds 52 inch engine, balanced ;) performance in medium timber. 2 is Jonsereds biggest seller, Fully "mounted, Has electronic ignition, brake, many safety and performance Model S2ES IMPOfflrANT COLD CLIMATE IXTRA. Opflonah Eleetrtcolly II:lted front, roar hlndlal pro- ' tact use, ¢a|nsl TVD, lhe log: ger's dtseos*. 'C For the Pro's chat O See the Jonsereds line at Liquor license greeting brings response rejected by board NOW IS THE TIME FOR The Washington State Liquor it is not advisable to approve this , NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS The grocer wants his money, got was the one tile maihnan just will be meeting at Jorstad Creek Control Board announced this application since board The builder wants his fee. brought. Campgrounds at the usual 7 p.m. week that it disapproved an information indicates this Resolve now that you wili no longer trtvel disttnces Christmas time is coming as 1 appreciated the sacrifice time, January 9. Patrons are application for a Class H license, premises does not qualify as a bee=use of promises, (often not true), of possible you can well see. spent, invited to attend, to sell liquor by the drink for restaurant with tavern activities savings on medidnes. You con depend on ),our To send you folks no A wall from which the paper Another reminder of a on-premises consumption in lieu as the main business. Food sales pharmecytogiveyouafalrprleeplusmanyimportent greeting wouldn't do at all!! was rent. meeting of the Hamma Hamma of a tavern license at Lake amount to less than 26% of the services worth more thin Iny discount. And, we resolve, because we value your friendship So to wish you a Merry l found a card, the prettiest Fire District No. 17 Auxiliary Nahwatzel Resort, Route 10, overall business. Further, in end as our thank you for your petronege, thetwewlll Christmas 1 tore the paper off of all. January 16, at Jorstad Creek Box 275, Shelton. accordance with RCW 66.24.420 continue to price everything we supply =it no more file wall. So you could cover your Campgrounds at 7:30 p.m. The In a letter to the applicants, (four and five) this county has than we need to operate a.rellable ph=rmaey. Wewill Merry Christmas. tattered wall. major item to be considered will Jerry LesSer Richmond, Marlene an adequate number of Class H never omit personal, ittentive, professionMpherm=ey This year our poet received Merry Christmas. be the special report of the F. Richmond and Archie establishments to meet the service.. dfis answer in a lovely card. A reminder that the Fire "committee of three" regarding Radakovich, Shelton, the reasonable needs of the • The cutest Christmas card I District No. 17 commissioners future fund-raising plans to following reason was given for community." r e c o m m e n d . t o t h e the denial: YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you commissioners. Aryone who "Investigation discloses that need = medicine, Pick up your prMeriptlon if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without ------------------------------------" ------------'------------------+--- wishes to be heard should be Begin as . . . extra chirge. A great many people entrust us with Legal Publications Legal Publications present, if you cannot be at the All great truths begin as their prescriptions. May we compound yours? --------------__-_-_-. ---------------_-..-_-_-_-_-_-_---------- meeting and wish to contact one 5. It is hereby declared that Attorney of the board members with your gudnet blasphemies. an emergency exists in each of 12/28-1t ideas, you may call Mrs. " --' " George Bernard Shaw the above departments within the purview of RCW 35.33.091 CALL FOR BIDS LaVonne Jantz, auxiliary t nsfer Nell's Pharmacy regarding such expenditures and Bids will be recieved for a president; Mrs. Penny Robbins, ra the City Treasurer is hereby frame building 16 ft. wide by 32 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 authorized to make such feet long with 10% foot ceiling vice-president; Mrs. Edith nnroveA All wealth expenditures for such purposes height, and concrete slab floor. Christiansen, treasurer; or Mrs. alrFrF  All wealth is the product of, Open Daily, 9:30-7:30 and such transfers as outlined To be constructed on Fire Isabel Holder, secretary or one labor. SaturdaysI9:30-6:00 above. District property on Highway INTRODUCED in regular No. 3 South of Shelton. of the trustees, Evelyn Stein, Bill A budget transfer for the John Locke Commission meeting this 19th Complete specifications are Chisholm and Bart Robbins juvenile court was approved by day of December, 1978. available from the district Dick and Margaret Theobald the Mason County Commission ............... P A S S E D i n r e g u I a r secretary. Commission meeting this 26th Bids will be opened January arespendJngtheirl0-dayhoSday The transfer request, I I h--  day of Ecember, 1978. 16, 1979 at8:00 PM at Station vacation between a visit to submitted by Gerald Wood, 00Mas0100 b'Oty'00un-- /s/James F. Lowery No. 1. The Fire Commissioners Portland to be with family and director o£ the court, asked at Mayor reserve the right to reject any /s/Bradley S. Owen and all bids and to accept only their home at Ayock Beach. $512.50 from extra help be Commissioner those bids deemed most Clem and Phlo Schab are in transfered; $250 to. vehicle ' ,,, ) O /s/MichaelJ. Byrne advantageous tothedistrict. Hawaii enjoying the sun and maintenance; and $150 to L.. Commissioner Mason County Fire -z00uslness ATTEST: District No. 4 sand. advertising; and that $375 from /s/Helen W. Stodden Louanna Porter, Secretary Jim and Christy Messmer and secretary salary be transfered; Attorney P.O. Box 100 /s/Herbert H. Fuller Shelton, Wash. 98584 children spent Christmas in $150 to computer rental; and Special Asa'S. City 12/28-1,4-2t Aberdeen with family. $150 to detention. ?/ Directory00 Northside Baptist Church .... ' + s,--, NAZARENE t' Pe=tm.l..K..thP. Herrlng r00rme00t&ll01m00 426.1291 Coil 426-5336 ant action? Call an expert to help you. Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. Rmn G. Vmderpeol, Pastor or write: Box 88 Morning Worship ...... 11=00 a.m. HOME PHONE 426-1485 u Repairing Electrical Recreati*nel Vehicles Evening Worship ...... . 7:30 p.m. O.W. 1AlaN, helot 111 lost '*P" It. 426.gS94 Sunday School Hour ..... 9"45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... ! 1:00 a.m. Evening Service ......... 6:00 p.m. (Wed.) Family Training Hour ................ 7:00 p.m. Jesus loves you i wo do, tool S.l.C. Shelton Christian Fellowship ItS West Franklin 426-2758 BIBLE - CHAIIISMAllC - COMMUNITY Sunday 10 a.m ............... Bible Study 11 a.m .................. Worship 7 p.m ............ Home Meetings Thursday 7 p.m ................... Worship Sixth and Railroad Saturday, 9:30 o.m. -- Sabbath School. 11:00 a.m. -- Hour of Worship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Tim Gollagher. Pastor 426At601 First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON0 WA. Sunday School 11:00 o.m. Church 11:00 a m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7'30 pm. READING ROOM -- 302 ALDER Hours: 12 noon-3 p.m, Tuesday thru Friday CHILD CARE PROVIDED DURING SERVICES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH G and King Streets Dr. Ludvlg Esklldsen, Minister Sunday School ....................... 9:15 a.m. Worship Service .................... 10:30 a.m. Faith Lutheran Church ALC Pastor: Kenneth Robinson SUNDAY SCItOOL .............................. 9"OO a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE ............................ 10:30 a.m. 1212 Connection St. 426-8611 II , I Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod )tte Roland Huber, Pastor Sunday, December 31 206 E. Wyandotte Worship Service, Communion ............. 10:30 Sunday School ........................... 9:15 New Year's Eve Worship .............. 7:30 p.m. I SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 152! Monroe Street M.A. Younglund, pastor Rick Vickery, assistant "We Skre Deawso We Care" Sunday School .............................................. 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Pastor Youngland, speaking ............... 10:50 a.m. WATCH NIGHT SERVICE DECEMBER 11, 8:$0 P.M. WITH JAMES AND JEANNE LOWELL Missionaries to India Colored Film: *'A DOOR TO INDIA" Followshlp Time... Communion... Prayor I I III Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m, -- Major Overhauls So.d * tic.,+ • w+rmg • F ...... Joh .... Electrlc ,o,.**. ..d ..., M & M RV Center Morning Worship... 11:00 a,m. -- Brakes & Ignition Pumps" Underground* Commercial Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. first Baptist Church - Welding & Tune-ups Arcadia Electric Rrealional Vehicles The family worship Sth and Cota ldrs Sorvico Bob Taylor Office 421kqltN Supplies -- Service -- Repairs church Downtown Sholton 219 So. let. 41tk.1212 P.O. Box lglql Home 4:!6-19SB Custom Canopies Prospecting & Clam Dec. 31, 1978 Beauty Floor Covering Mt. View Digging Supplies Alliance Church 11:00 "Steps Out of -- Complete Hair Care * Expert Installation A.M.' Discouragement" --Wigs-Wiglets-Switches * Large Showroom 2335 Olympic Hwy. No. Washington & *'J" its. .T Merle Norman Cosmetics * Notional Brands -- Pennyrich Bras * Convenient Terms  K Street "War,hip with a purpOse, Christian educoflonwlthavision." 8:30 "New Year's Eve llalne's Beauty Salon Viking Floor Covering 426.51 O1 Sunday, Dee.ember 31 P.M. Fun Fellowship" 6th & Laurel 426-4582 11 a.m. 111 W. Cote Shelton 411k11911 "Worship the King" Builder Floor Covering Remodeling .l 9 p. m. - 12 Rev. Jerry Ham alton, Pastor Watch Night Service 9:30 o.m ........... Sunday School • Building * Remodeling tAglg8 Multi.Media Sunday * 11:00 a.m ...... Morning Worship • Cabinets --Linoleum -- C,rpe,,g C01|TIUCTI01 School ................ 9:45 a.m. -- Tile -- Formica Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. 7i00 p.m. Wednesday Dick Wood +" HOUSING • REMODELS * REPAIRS Evening Service ......... 6:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Rt. 1, Be= Stl 411-ITS7 Rex Floor Covering Rick & Dee Sperling r.o. lax 141 Family Night (Wed.). .... 7:00 p.m. " Mason Lake Drive, Grapeviow Mr. View PIk. 4tlk.IIRPJ (206) 898-3666 Unlon,.1Fr r,imot"wA else2 • The Morning Wotlhlp Is broad. Roy. BERT LINN, Istor lair Ilvo over KMA$, 12110 k¢. Rentals Istor DENNY TYAS, "- a b in ett . i. Mt-----  Horseshoeing Assistant Pastor Shelton's -.-4 /" II Horieihoeing Complete Rental Storel .. /11t]t  .N €.rtlfiod Farrlar Tool, & Equlpmont for Homeawnors & Ctraetors FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ',I,,< hllde'r,.,' . .\\;11 ,.,/c,...s,. Barden'iRentali ';;t,ted.,ing 11 Tarry Clark Rt. 4, Box 83,A 111 Olympic ttwy. $. 426-11191 Arcadia & Lake Boulevard Kurt Hardenbrook, Minister  P.O. Iklx 114, LIIIlllmup I'l 426-7151 Shelton, WA i Bible School ........... 9:4S o.m. Family Service ......... 6:30 p.m. Roofing Worship .............. 11:00 o.m. Cable TV Insurance Wednesday Home Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. T+,.d ot shopping? Let us do it |or you! Auto- - H .... Soot-Lita.Haolth.SusinesI-Pref•,red NI' NAIL For Service Call .,..t, ,t.o.,g"k w. +,... ,h, to**,, ,o,, ,.,u,... ts 426 1691 For all your Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Arnold & Smith roofing nood. Connection & 12th StrootI Phone 421.2805 " Insurenco Agoncy €II 416-9757 Priesthood Meeting .......................... 9:15 a.m.  117 E. €orD 416-1117 Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m. t Cer Care - " Secrelrill Sacrament Meeting. 5:00 p.m. j EngineDegreaslng,l+ Lighting ..........................  , Z < "K , Shampooing, : The Bum.,, 7d,L Light Gallery tot the COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH *LLOU.L,NT, NNEOS "OFFICE Brian Marler Olympic Gateway Center ASSISTANTS" The Friendly Church rry Marler Route 1, Box II Shelton 426-7414 Do your work. 42t.9976 hlton, WA IHUI84 Discipling the saved to abundant life and reaching their world for Chriit. We do: 10 a.m. (6th & Railroad) ..................... Sunday Service & School Concrete" LJghting" Typing, Bookkeeping, Evenings .............................. Home Bible Study Fellowships Income & State Taxes, Daily ................ ; .......... [dlvidual Dis¢ipling : Driveways. patios, sidewalks dLilldnlkt FINE CUSTOM ................ • Retaining walls Mimeograph Printing TOM BARWICK, PASTOR * Saturday pours %%:-S LIGHTING • Free estimate Suite No. 4, Govey Bldg. 524 Dearborn -- Office 424k91q14 or 41&.$221 Bill COX Concrete H m-,,t Shelton, 4t6-7100 1101 Buena Vlato 414.|el& UNION, WA  GSEG UND£R St. Edward's Catholic Church Concrete Masonry Septic Service -- Ready-mlx Concrete " Fireplaces -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks * Block Foundationl ABe Father Michael Feeney 426-6134 3rd & Pim - Sand, Grovel, Brick & Stone " An)'thlng with MoIonry Sere Tank Service -- Fireplace Screens & Tools John Klmmel + Special Christmas -- Masses -- GreyItone of Sholton Licensed, bonded and insured, season offer SaturdaY ...................................... 7 p.m. 7th & Perk 41144 Rt. 2. Box 947 426-1512 Sunday ......................... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m.   $5.0 discount iConcrete, [Music' 1 good through Decembe r '  ..... J CONCREACTORS NO digging chargo i X[b___  24-Hour Sarvice EpIKopal Church Welcomes You i ,,c., and Bonded as Mlko Gibson I General Contractors tOWN! I \\; I / St. David's I Serving M,,on C*u.W 426-9070 [ 426-1718 877-9728 . . 4th and Cedar, Shelton I BEN MYERS ALAN TAHJA L '*' °" 'r "* '" mu''€ ,.= Sunday 7:30 & 10:30 o.m. Cosmetics. Sllughtering - JL=k,I COSMETIcs THIS SPACE €lmm m ammlm St, Garmaln'$ liW/t, t t Shat Mary $1S per heed. Main Street, Hoodsport "r,4PH Kay can do AVAILABLE J&T "1 for you. Sunday, 9 a.m. Sharon Parhom $1.80 per week Northwest Slaughtering 426-5819 426-861S evenings. 426-8472 Come As You Are 426-2268 613 Terrace BIvd. S h . I t o n , W 9  1 " ...... Drugs F)ainting' Tooi Shar'ie'n'i n g--g------ f -- " Llcen|ed and bonded. FRED DOWELL --Helena Rubinsteln No job too small. Saw and Tool Sharpenir;g FOURSQUARE CHURCH --Cosmetics Fr. EstlmoteI. Scissor Sharpening --Prescriptions Interior & Exterior 910 East Dearborn Pastor Lewis B. Wysong --Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics J.D. Company Nell's Pharmacy 42&.7St7 1011C*tt'. 8:30 p.m.----,Midnight Sth & Frenklln Ph. 4511117 SHIELTON, WASHINGTON S.rdl4 426-'/1117 .......................... ' /  * RepalrServlce 9:45 a.m. Sunday School--classes for all ages Hanging, Taping, Spraying TH IS SPACE j  • Recreational 11:00 a.m ..................... Morning Worship HourIpostor speaking • Remodeling 7:00 p.m ...................................... Wednesday Bible Study O 1 S  AVAI LABLE Larry Orth 426-qtk18 THE CHURCH WHERE NO ONE IS A STRANO|R Free Estimates J G. Lannlnll Plumbing $1.80 per week  / 877.9719 Thursday, December 28, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27 Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m.