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Michael Borns, owner of Michael's Meats and Seafood, just opened a new location in Shelton.
Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Michael's Meats opens new I
tion in Shelton
By NATALIE JOHNSON Dec. 17, and since then
has gotten a fantastic re-
Michael's Meats and sponse from local meat-
Seafood opened its doorslovers, said owner Michael
in Shelton on Saturday, Borns.
EST.. 1983
"B][N 106" SHOP
A Short Walk West of Alderbrook Resort & Spa
6871 E. Hwy. 106 Union, WA 98592
10:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
OWNER 360-898-3200
Two months before
openingup shop, Borns
and hisemployees spent
two months cleaning and
r~modeling the market's
location on Olympic High-
way North, the former Jer-
ry's Drive In.
]"It's an excellent loca-
tlon," he said.
Borns has a total of 30
years in the meat busi-
ness and owns three other
Michael's Meats locations,
split between Grays Hat-
bor and Thurston Court-
t~es, including a meat and
produce market partnered
With Jay's Farm Stand in
Borns decided to come to
Mason County because it
has a similar demographic
to Grays Harbor County.
One thing will keep lo-
cals coming back to the
business, Borns said.
i "We're cheaper than any
store - we're cheaper than However, over Christ-it.
Walmart,"he said. mas, their most popular "There's no hands on
Because the business product was an old standcontact anymore," he said.
has a low overhead costby. ~ "Everything's cut here.
and is very specialized, "Betwleen the stores Some of the stuff they get
Borns said he can pass we have sold about in the store can be a week
savings on fresh meat and 15,000 pounds of prime old."
seafood along to his hungry rib," he Said. "That's a lot He and his family -
customers, of beef."i Borns' five kids work for
Customers can buy a va-Much of the meat and him - have a different, per-
riety of meat, seafood and seafood at Michael's Meats haps old-fashioned way of
other products at the store, is either raised by some of doing business, focusing on
from just a single portion the top producers in the keeping prices low and be-
up to a whole side of beef, country, or is local, ing honest with customers,
Borns said. All of the beef sold at Mi- he said.
A popular product at Mi- chael's Meats comes from Whether a customer
chael's Meats is the locker Washington, the seafoodwants a T-bone steak, a
pack, Borns said, a variety comes frgm Westport, and chicken breast, the ever-
pack of different cuts of Borns buys all his salmon popular marinated came
meat. from the Quinault Tribe. asada or pepperoni, Borns
Michael's Meats boasts Borns compared some Wants them to get the best
a wide variety of products, grocery store meat de- possible product for the
even those that might seem partments and large best price.
strange to some. butcher shops to used car "I just want people to
"We have a lot of odd salesman, trying to push knowthat we're honest and
stuff that other peoplean overpriced product on we won't take advantage of
don't carry," Borns: said. a customer who doesn't them to make a buck," he
"We carry elk and buffalo." necessarily want or need said.
Now You Have A NEW Choice
in Automotive Repair -
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Our lower shop rates will
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(360) 462-6622
Michael Huggins, Owner
1142 E.JohnsPrairieRd. OpenM-F 8to5
Shelton, WA 98584
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Ross Gallagher, a former Mason County commissioner, volunteers through the Sons of the
American Legion to help fill the 40 et 8's food baskets on Wednesday, Dec. 21. The baskets, 905
total, were distributed on Friday, Dec. 23.
Page A-2 -
(most models)
Advance Glass
2316 Olympic Hwy N
"Next to Super Kleen Car Wash"
County Journal
Through the distribution of 905
food baskets, the 40 et 8 and other vol-
uhteer groups helped to feed slightly
more than 3,600 people in Mason
On Friday, Dec. 23, the 40 et 8
-Thursday, December 2,9, 2011
distributed the baskets with the help unteers that came out to help us."
of Boy Scout Troop #110, Cub Scout Community members began sign-
Troop #110 and the Shelton ROTC at ing up for the food baskets - which
the Mason Transit Community Cen- included one turkey, various vegeta-
ter. bles, bread, canned fo~ds and instant
"It went really, really smooth," mashed potatoes- on Nov. 26, Strozyk
Gene Strozyk said. "That's the smooth-
est it's ever gone. We had fantastic vol- See Baskets on page A-6