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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 29, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 29, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JOURNALOFRECORD Calls reported to Shelton Police, Mason County Sher- iffs Office and Tribal agen- cies included: At 3:54 p.m. on Dec. 26, items were reported stolen from a residence in the 200 block of South 7th Street. Doors were reportedly locked. Stolen items includ- ed a laptop, a Nook tablet computer, a Canon digital camera and a Fuji camera. Burglaries At 4:42 p.m. on Dec. 20, several items were reported missing from the 500 block of Northeast Lakeshore Drive South. At 7:23 p.m. on Dec. 26, an individual reported that At 5:12 p.m. on Dec. 21, he chased four children out an individual reported that of a vacant house in the their caregiver accidentally 1000 block of East Pickering left a door cracked in the Road. He said he believed 600 block of East E Street. they broke in, but was un- Somebody reportedly came able to provide a description in during the night and of the subjects because he went through the report- was blind. ing person's belongings and stole her checks and medi- At 10:05 p.m. on Dec. 26, cations, a house located in the 1100 block of East Pickering Road was reported broken into. At 2:09 p.m. on Dec. 23, a possible burglary was re- ported in the 100 block of Southeast Steh Chass Place. At 4:12 p.m. on Dec. 23, an individual reported that a man broke into his sister's house in the 600 block of Park Street. No items were reported missing. At 11:18 a.m. on Dec. 24, a residential burglary was reported in the 300 block of West Fredson Road. The burglary took place some- time since Thanksgiving. Tools, propane and a quad were reported stolen. Es- timated value was about $2,000. Assaults At 7:22 a.m. on Dec. 22, an assault was reported at the jail in the 400 block of North 4th Sreet. At 10:25 a.m. on Dec. 25, an assault was reported in the 900 block of Fairmount Avenue. At 12:19 p.m. on Dec. 25, an assault was reported in an undisclosed address on West Alder Street. Domestic violence At 12:26 a.m. on Dec. 20, an individual reported that her husband punched her in At 11:21 a.m. on Dec. 24, the face on Turner Avenue. a residential burglary was reported in the 3600block of At 12:02 p.m. on Dec. East Pickering Road. About 20, an individual reported $1,000 in damage was re-a possible domestic distur- ported, bance in the 100 block of West Cota Street. At 12:22 p.m. on Dec. 24, an attempted burglary took At 10:31 a.m. on Dec. 22, place in the 1700 block of an individual reported that Southeast Crescent Drive. her boyfriend assaulted Approximately $1,200in her in the 26100 block of damage was reported. North U.S. Highway 101, Dec. 22 -- Shawn Mi- chael McElhinney and Ann Marie Graham Preston Smith and Tere- sa Maria Gonzales Dec. 25 -- Justin Kim Canterbury and Karl Lor- raine Canterbury Dec. 26 -- Brian William Snyer and Leslie Angelique Grosz DIVORCES Dec. 20 -- Terri L. Van- DenElzen and LeRoy C. VanDenElzen Dec. 20 -- Jeffrey York and Kristi York Dec. 23 -- Wendy Pua- nini Jeffery and James Ed- ward Jeffery Jr. ~Ioodsport, by attempting to ~hoke her. ihAt 11:24 p.m. on Dec. 23, n individual reported that e was assaulted by her ex- usband in an undisclosed ddress on Southeast Ridge Dec. 23 -- Marilyn J. Augbun and Johnny L. Aug- bun Taylor Continued from page A-4 Eoad. organizations, state and federal agencies and tribes. However, we have never be- fore experienced this level of unified commitment from so many critical stakeholders. We believe this is the level of effort required to ensure that the Initiative's goals are achieved. We at Taylor strongly commend the federal and state leadership who worked to bring about this common sense reform for business, tribes, the environment, and the citizens of Washington State, and look forward to doing our part and working with other stakeholders to bring the goals of this initia- tive to fruition. At 2:56 a.m. on Dec. 24, ~n individual reported that his wife was drunk and get- ~ing out of control in the 200 block of East Timber Tiger Lane. At 10:57 a.m. on Dec. ~4, a second-hand report of physical domestic violence was reported in the 800 block of West Cota Street. At 8:12 p.m. on Dec. 23, a 1992 black Honda Prelude ]?hefts was reported stolen from At 9:15 a.m. on Dec. 20,the 100 block of West State Lools were reported stolen Route 108. from the 1200 block of South ~th Street. At 3:42 a.m. on Dec. 24, an individual reported that At 3:40 p.m. on Dec. 20,she just caught two people Hail was reported stolengetting into her neighbor's from eight mailboxes on mailbox in an undisclosed iSoutheast Oyster Beach address on South 10th ~oad. Street. The reporting person said she confronted them i At 7:19 p.m. on Dec. 20, a and they said they were ishoplifting was reported in looking for a church and ~he 100 block of East Wal- were putting candy canes in !ace Kneeland Boulevard.mailboxes. ~vOSmetics and perfume ere taken. At 3:42 a.m. on Dec. 24, an individual reported that in the 1300 block of West the 500 block of Southeast Cota Street. Estimated val- Arcadia Shores Road. Chris Bryan Reynolds, ue was $40. 40, of the 7300 block of At 1:25 p.m. on Dec. 24,Northeast Hazel Dell Av- At 3:09 p.m. on Dec. 23, Christmas ornaments wereenue, Vancouver, Wash., two packages were reported reported stolen in the 100 was booked at 11:03 p.m. for stolen after delivery in the block of East Lake Forest DWI, possession of a con- 700 block of East Timber- Drive. trolled substance and pos- lake East Drive. Estimated session of drug parapherna- value of the two packages At 10:35 a.m. on Dec. lia. was more than $400. 26, construction equipment valued between $1,500- Dec. 25 At 4:43 p.m. on Dec. 23, $2,000 was reported stolen Dale Alan Zimmerman, an individual reported that from the 2200 block of East 41, of the 400 block of East she let her sister borrow Brockdale Road. Aycliffe Drive was booked her car and when it was re- at 12:28 a.m. for violation turned a wallet was miss- ARRESTS of protection order, assault ing. The reporting person Dee. 20 fourth degree, interference said she thinks it was one of Robert Gabriel Bernal, with reporting DV and ma- her sister's friends. 19, of the 100 block of West licious mischief third de- Franklin Street was booked at 7:51 p.m. for malicious mischief third degree. James Douglas Harris, 44, of the 800 block of 13th Street was booked at 10:36 p.m. for assault fourth de- gree (DV). Dec. 21 Taralyn A. Sortor, 36, of the 4000 block of West Shelton Matlock Road was booked at 3:31 a.m. for DWI and possession of controlled substance. Gavion Tiger Tinaza, 27, of the 500 block of North At 12:10 p.m. on Dec. 21, about 10 mailboxes had a theft was reported in the been broken into at the post 100 block of East Wallace office, located in the 200 Kneeland Boulevard. block of Reed Way. i At 3:35 a.m. on Dec. 22, a theft of $75 was reported in ithe 200 block of Southeast ]Klah Che Min Drive. Page At 12:23 p.m. on Dec. i22, mail was reported sto- len from a mailbox in the 3700 block of East Pickering Road. At 7:21 a.m. on Dec. 24, an individual reported that somebody stole money from an undisclosed address on Cascade Avenue. At 8:06 a.m. on Dec. 24, a theft was reported in the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. At 1:37 p.m. on Dec. 23, a At 12:05 p.m. on Dec. 24, bicycle was reported stolen a mail theft was reported in Reservation Road was booked at 8:14 p.m. for DWI. Journal photo by Natalie Johnon Brad Patterson over as general manager of the Mason County Transportation Authority last month mad plans to advocate for mobility in Shelton. Transit A Continued from page -3 in Colorado and Wyom ng, the self at opened a Jp with his .rs, Patter- ;o college in taking the very day. rted work- ing as a part time bus idriver, and has worked in transit ~ver since. gree. Chad Allen Gallagher, 42, of the 200 block of Fir Street was booked at 2:20 a.m. for DWLS third degree and DWI. professed Spiderman n poster and framing Sh mom. After seven ye~ son decided to go back~ Colorado, and started bus to class and back e Soon, Patterson ste Baskets Continued from page ~-2 said. ] "My only concern is ~e had a lot of bas- kets left over, but that! food went to the needy anyway," he sai4. "The unclaimed baskets went to the domestic violence shelter, the St. David'~l Kitchen for the Homeless, the Matlocl~ Food Bank and the Hoodsport Food Bm lk." The baskets are fille i thanks to mone- tary donations from con Lmunity members through a partnership with the Shelton- Mason County Journal. Strozyk said the tim [ numbers for do- A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 29 2011 Patterson said he was drawn to tems in Denver, Colo., then moved transit because he saw it as a way to a company called Teleatlas, to help people and make the world which does survey work to create a better place, maps. "My dad was the third radiolo- Before coming to Shelton, Pat- gist in the State of Colorado and terson was the Transit Manager the first in Northern Colorado," he in Greeley Colo. said. "I was raised with the value Patterson said he views mobil- of giving back to society. That's ity as a basic quality of life along why I really enjoy transit - you're with food, water, shelter and safe- making the world a better place." ty. When he interviewed at MTA, Patterson helped set up a fixed Patterson told MTA staff that he route bus system in Loveland Col- wanted to be more than just a orado, woked at Smart Route Sys- transit manager, but an advocate nations and what was spent on food were not yet available. "Last year, we did 1,057 food baskets," he added. During the food distribution, the Ted- dy Bear Brigade distributed toys to local children. "People sign up for the toys through the 40 et 8," Destany Kempton said. "The firemen put money on a certain amount of gift cards and we take families through a set aside aisle in Walmart for toys. Fami- lies only get $25 per kid and we make sure they haven't been through before." Patti Kempton said the Teddy Bear Bri- gade collects all of the toy and stuffed animals for the toy room in the community center. Bryant Noel Walker, 26, of the 1300 block of North Callow Avenue was booked at 11:02 a.m. for unlaw- ful possession of a firearm, assault first degree with a firearm, assault second degree, kidnapping first degree and burglary first degree. Dec. 26 Silverio Pab]o Martin, 19, of the 200 block of South 10th Street was booked at 1:50 a.m. for NVOL without identification, felony elud- ing and DWI. Dec. 23 Jim A. Anderson, 70, of the 500 block of West Simp- son Road was booked at 2:48 p.m. for DWI. Ruben Cruz Gomez, 24, of the 2700 block of Sch- Brandon Cruise Zinga, ley Boulevard, Bremerton, 22, of the 100 block ofNorth was booked at 2:42 a.m. Suncrest Drive, Hoodsport, for harrassment/previously was booked at 4:32 p.m. for convicted. DWLS third degree. Felipe Calmo Pablo, 21, Dec. 24 of the 2700 block of Her- Samuel Escalente Pablo, ner Boulevard, Bremerton, 22, of the 2000 block of Ad- was booked at 3:51 a.m. for ams Street was booked atobstructing law enforce- 3:22 a.m. for DWI. ment. for mobility. "I'm a good transit manager, but if that's all you want, you shouldn't hire me," he said he told his inter- viewers. "I'm a better transit advo- cate." While Mason County has always supported its transit authority, Patterson said he wants to work to make sure everyone here under- stands the value of transit, which they pay for with a 6/10 of a percent sales tax. "What we're providing to the community has value," he said. Patterson is living in a one-bed- room apartment in Mason County while he waits for his family to join him. Patterson's oldest son will soon enter the University of Colorado, but by the beginning of summer, he hopes his house in Colorado will sell, and his wife and four other children will join him in Washing- ton. His oldest two sons helped him move to Washington in November. "We had a long discusson about being adoptable, being flexible," he said. "In transit the one thing that's constant everyday is change." After only a few weeks, Patter- son said he's fallen in love with Ma- son County's natural beauty. MTA's staffhas given him a very warm welcome, he said. "I'd been here 30 seconds and I got a hug from someone in our ac- counting staff," he said. Patterson said in the coming months he is excited to get the project to remodel the transit community center, or the old ar- mory, downtown, and to increase service between Shelton and Olympia. Journal photo by Emily Hanson Lucy Juan Gonzales, 4, holds up the dolls she chose from the toy room in the Mason Transit Community Center during the food basket distribution by the 40 et 8 on Friday, Dec. 23.