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District ton. Ear- McCleary and Oakville are
~ lier drafts not in the 35th district -
Continued from page A-1 of the they're very similar to Ma-
plan put son County," Sheldon said.
draft plan of those districts, Bremerton "I'm unhappy that we're los-
including Mason County's entirely ing that area of Grays Har-
35th District, on Friday, within thebor."
Dec. 16. 35th Dis- Sheldon said these pro-
The most recent draft trict, posed changes could leave
plan shows that all of Mason T h a t the 35th a very different dis-
County will be completely Tim draft plantrict.
intact within the 35th dis- Sheldon also takes"I think we would have
trict, currently represented Grays Har- a fairly high percentage of
by Democratic senator Tim bor, includ- new people to represent," he
Sheldon. ing cities Elms, McCleary said.
However under the most and Oakville out of the 35th Three of the:four voting
recently released draft plan, District. Steamboat Island members of the commission
Port Orchard will be in has also been cut out of the must vote on a congressional
the 26th, not 35th district, 35th district, and legislative redistricting
along with parts of Bremer- "I'm surprised that Elma,plan by midnight on Jan. 1,
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Outgoing Shelton Mayor John Tarrant thanked all those who supported
him in his 16 years on the city commission at a send-off party on Tuesday
afternoon at the Shelton Civic Center.
'Tou're a credit to your former ... students
Commissioners and to this community," he said to Tarrant.
Continued from page A-1 Tarrant summed up his decision to run
for elected office as a way to practice what he
sewer treatment plan. preached with his students at Shelton High
"I have no report today... I think I'm.g0ing School when he was a teacher there.
to cry," Byrne said during his last City corn- "He told the Crowd of C[~f~ploy4eS and
mission meethig on Tuesday. community members that he always encour-
That sewer plant was rebuilt in the last aged his students to be active in their corn-
few years, when Byrne was again on the corn- munities and in politics.
mission, along with 16-year veteran Tarrant. "They said, 'okay Mr. T. are you actually
Tarrant was elected as Commissioner of Fi- going to do this? Put your money where your
nance in 1996. then ran for mayor and was mouth is," Tarrant said.
elected in 2000. As O'Leary expressed, city staffwill sorely
During Tarrant's time on the commission, miss their long-time colleagues and friends.
Shelton has most notably embarked on a plan '~/ou can see the accomplishments that
to completely revamp its sewer system, re- their legacies leave," he said.
building a sewer plant, adding a reclaimed Mike Olson will be sworn in as Commis-
water utility, and restoring sewer basins, sioner of Finance and Mayor Protem, and
Tarrant also successfully proposed and Gary Cronce will be sworn in as Mayor and
saw a public safety sales tax passed this year. Commissioner of Public Safety during the
An emotional Tarrant thanked former Shelton City Commission's first meeting of
Shelton Mayor and current Hospital District 2011 at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 3 at the Shel-
l board member Scott Hilburn for encourag- mn Civic Center.
ing him to run for mayor at the send-offparty "John has left real hard shoes to fill,"
on Tuesday afLernoon. Cronce said. "I have to step up to those shoes
Hilburn also spoke at the send-off, and I'm looking forward to that."
Continued from page A-1
which instead of continuing
through Hoodsport to Lilli-
waup. Eldon and Brinnon, will
do a loop to Lake Cushman.
The modified Route 8 ser-
vice should be a two-hour
round trip starting at either
the Shelton Civic Center or
the Wallace Kneeland Boule-
vard bus stop, then continue
along Highway 101 to Hood-
sport. From there, the bus Journal file 3noto
will take riders up the hill to Mason Transit is expanding bus service to Lake
Lake Cushman. The service Cushman and the Skokomish Reservation.
is expected to start in early
MTA plans to use busses ready worked this year to up- Patterson said working
that were planned to be sur- grade some bus shelters on with the Skokomish Tribe
plused this year to cover the the Skokomish Reservation. has been a very positive expe-
modified Route 8 in the pilot The grant funding will rience for both organizations.
program, cover a year-long pilot proj- "One of the things that was
"We're getting extra val- oct, Oliver said. so gratifying ... is how their
ue," MTA General Manager However. Patterson said tribal council is so grateful for
Brad Patterson said. the transit authority and the bus service," he said. '~he tribal
The gran~ money will pay Tribe should be able to contin- council was more excited about
for the operating expenses of ue ~o get the grant in coming bus service than this massive
the new route, including the years as well. to help sustain water treatment plant."
maintenance and service to and improve the added service. MTA hopes to increase
the busses: 'Tou have to be cautiousridership with patrons and
Oliver said the grant, about putting service out employees of the Lucky Dog
which has no matching funds, there that you can't sustain," Casino, but primarily focused
will be administered through he said. on providing a better service
the Skokomish Tribe. Eventually, MTA staff ex- to the Skokomish Tribe.
Members of the Commu- pects the modified Route 8 to 'TVhat we did concentrate
nity and Economic Devet- blend in with existing routes, on was providing the out-
opment department at the "Depending on the fund- reach," Oliver said. "The big
Skokomish Tribe were not ing.., we will consolidate it thing is outreach to tribal
available for comment, into our regular service," Oli- members and people out
Oliver said MTA has al- ver said. there."
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, December 29, 2011 - Page A-7