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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 29, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 29, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Clauses give to those in need :./i:iC'i: ~?i!! i~i~i~il Journal photo by Emily Hanson Mrs. Claus and Santa gave out filled stockings and gifts at Saint's Pantry Food Bank on Monday, Dec. 20. Rigo Itehua-Itehua, 3, received a stocking while at the food bank with his mother, Christina Itehua-Itehua, right. Ar~i~I ~c"y onA~ LMTAAA Open House at our new location: 628 W Alder Shelton, WA 98584 February 1, 2012, 2 -4 pm Senior Information and Assistance Family Caregiver Support Program Case Management 360-427-2225 or 877-227-4696 Union hosts nnual bake sale iOn Friday, Dec. 16, Peninsula brownies, cookies and 'specialty items son, North Kitsap Fishline and South Cr~edit Union hosted its 25th An- like diabetic goodies and party trays. Kitsap Helpline along with others in nual Bake Sale in their Shelton, Bel- The only thing better than the taste the credit union's field of member- fair, Port Orchard, Poulsbo and Port of these homemade delectables, isship. Townsend branches benefitting local the fact that Peninsula Credit Union In addition, checks will be sent to F~od Banks. Credit Union staff pre- matched all donations, dollar for dol- other Mason County and Jefferson pared many of their specialties and lar. This year, the bake sale and cred: Couiity food banks. donated to the bake sale. it union match totaled $5,441.76.Peninsula Credit Union would like ~Members and non-members alike Checks will go to a fund where 100 to thank Community members for came in to take their pick of a variety percent of the collected funds go to making this year's event another suc- of holiday treats, including breads, area food banks including North Ma- cess. Washington State Patrol Troopers bust drunk drivers Washington State Patrol I Troopers across the state ar- rested 161 drivers suspected of being impaired by drugs or!alcohol over the recent Cl~ristmas holiday Weekend. ~hat's down from 194 ar- rests during the same pe- rio~ in 2010 and does not include arrests made by lo- cal' sheriffs deputies or city police officers. :"We're going in the right dir;ection, but these num- ber;s are still too high," said State Patrol Chief John R. ty. Troopers believe an im- partment is investigating a Batiste. "There's just no paired driver went around car-pedestrian fatality that excuse for putting yourself barricades and drove onto occurred yesterday morning and others at risk by driving a pedestrian walkway, kill- on Auburn Way South. while impaired." ing one man and injuring There were no fatal col- The State Patrol is aware another, lisions during the same pe- of three fatal collisions dur- A 9-year old Clinton girl riod in 2010. ing the holiday weekend, was killed when a tree fell Through Nov. 30, State one of which involved drugs on the vehicle in which she Troopers had arrested or alcohol. Drugs or alcohol was riding. Troopers found 20,130 people for DUIs for are suspected in the death no evidence of alcohol in- the year. That's up about of a 47-year old Chehalis volvement in the collision, one percent from the same man on State Highway 2 which occurred Sunday inperiod in 2010, but falls near the Hewitt Avenue Island County. within a normal range of trestle in Snohomish Coun- The Auburn Police De- year-to-year variance. .:: " ... ~..: ", FtR.~ TBAP TIST Grace Baptist Church ... for the faith aft~gospd ~ eo Box 1025, 6hdt0n, Wh 98584 .............. ~v .... ~ Phone: (360) 462-1611 Times of Services: IE! ~ E marl: Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. V~:~I w~,.gbcs} I:::Sunday M°rning W°rship '"'" 11 a'm' ~ Listenon ! ::::: Sunday Evening W0rship ........ 6p.m. I:::.;~ ....... Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... 7 p.m. ~kv'~ 8und@KM~IO3OAM'9:30-lO:OOam F i:i: Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd, Sunda , * 9:30 aan, * 728 Railroad Ave, CrossPoint Service A mine ~ontemporary service A Chnst-cer rA Church : Shelton United Methodist Church 428 W, Cota St, Shelton, WA 98584 360.426.8461 9:00 & 10:30 am .~,,.~..°,~,.~..,oo, • Latino Church Service 6 pm • Night Church Service 5 pm 41~ml Railroad January Ist New Year's Day. 10:30 a.m. Mt. Olive St. David's of Wales Lutheran Church EPISCOPAL CHURCH MIssouri Synod 206 East Wyandot£e Avenue A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton ..... / Children ContemporaryService .......... 8:30 ~.m. SUNDAY SERVICES shelton Christian Educati0n ................. 9:45 a.m. Traditional Service . thai begins al ii~ TraditionalWorship ............... 11:00 a.m. 10:45 AM 9 15 Conversati6nal Bible Study that begins at 9:00 AM • Praise Band ' Praise'l~m~ .: 9 AM • Childcarebothservices s~.9 ~~'~i~I, ii~ ~%)~ Davcare427-3165 www, ~~~. Youth Group, Children's Activities, Spiritual Growth Classes . Adult Choir, Small Groups, Bell Choir ° Intergenerational Ministries o Dynamic Worship Experience ...for love of the world! Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. The Peo le~ o "Shelton United Methodist Church • Contemporary Message and Adult Sunday :School ............... NEED W-~KDAY Sunday Services 9:00 ,,M I Celebration Service lO:3O AM J CeIebration Service Attended Nursery Children's Classes 4;00 I'M I Gateway to Recovery ChHdcare Provided 1405 S" 7th St', Shelton PHONE 1360-426-2758 W~SITV I New Community Church of Union Refreshed - Restored - Renewed m Rivers of Grace ..........i Sunday Gatherings (All are Welcome!) I') Wednesday Night Servic~ 7:oo ,'M I Mid W6ek Service WORSHIP SERVICES N~rse~y~o~V ....... 8:30 and 10:30 Children's Classes ............... Ca I 1 426-4412 Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m. the • Worship for attages Union Fire Hail ] The purp°se °f ~ (~li~=~l~t i s t° help ~J ............ Witness, ~V,qrfare,~ll~and Work 'or His ................... Kingdom. to place your ad Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave 50 E. Seattle St;, Uni0n 98592 438-8531 360-898-7855 web site: Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 29, 2011