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Kenneth D. Kessel
Kenneth D. Kessel died on
Dec. 15, of pancreatic cancer,
at his home, in Olympia. He
was born to Willard and Mary
Kessel in Morton on March 1,
He graduated from Irene S.
Reed High School in 1961.
He served in the U.S. Air
Force until 1965.
He retired from the state
of Washington's Department
of Social and Health Services
(DSHS) as a computer pro-
grammer and later on from
Target stores as a manager.
Kessel enjoyed fishing,
bowling and basketball in his
younger years. In his later
years, he enjoyed planning his
class reunions, singing kara-
eke and traveling. He enjoyed
his trips to Mexico with his
significant other, Patricia Fet-
He is survived by his signifi-
cant other and life companion
Patricia Fetterly of Olympia;
sons Karl Kessel of Olympia
and Kevin Kessel of Centralia;
daughter Michele Melton of
Olympia; brother Willard Kes-
sel (Barbara) of Olympia; sis-
ters Katherine Welsh (Dave) of
Camas, Mary Stevenson (Jer-
ry) of Rochester and Gertrude
Anderson; five grandchildren;
one great grandson and nu-
merous nephews and nieces.
A memorial service was
held at noon Wednesday, Dec.
21, at Forest Funeral Home,
in Olympia. In lieu of flow-
ers, donations may be made
to Shelton Historical Society,
427 W. Railroad Ave, Shelton,
WA 98584. Condolences can
be sent to the family at www.
Andrea Irene Bruce
Andrea Irene Bruce, 62, died
Friday, Dec. 16, of cancer at
Providence St. Peter Hospital
in Olympia.
She was born Oct. 3, 1949,
in San Francisco to Filip Pals-
son and Frances (Korpi) Pals-
married William J.
in 1994 in San Fran-
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadine is 2pm the tuesday
before publication.
cisco, resident of Kamilche for 62 rage and yard sales. Her family
She was a federal employeeyears, said she was the glue that held
for 38 years, working as per- She was born Dec. 21, 1948 them together and was compas-
sonnel techni- in Olympia to Wilson W. and sionate, big hearted, a great
[!i~i[ ~i{:i! !. cian for the~.~.Sarah L. (Miller) Johns.wife and mother and a person
U.S. Mint and She attended who gave above self'.
Bureau of A1- ~ Chilocco In- She is survived by husband
i::::i:!: ~M~i~i~:iiiiiiiii!iiiiii cohol Tobacco dian School in Arnold Cooper of Kamilche;
:~i::!~. i~!~~ ~if;~ and Firearms ~ Oklahoma and daughters Rose Boggs (Cody)
° ®1 ~;:i~ for most of her South Puget of Kamilche, Nicele Cooper
~ career. Sound Commu- of Kamilche, Angel Johns of
gan her federal nity College, Kamilche and Alexandria Coo-
employment Olympic Col-. per of Shelton; sons Nicholas
working for the lege and Bell- Cooper, Alan Cooper, Gene
Andrea U.S. Navy as ingham Indian Cooper, Rusty Cooper, Tom
Bruce an office assis-Charlene College. BlueBack, Chauncey Blue-
rant. She married Back (Karen) all of Kamilche;
She enjoyed Cooper Arnold Cooper stepfather Herb Johns of Ka-
collecting antiques and vintage Sr. in Olympia milche: brothers Issac Johns
memorabilia as well as garden- Oct. 21. 1989. (Babe) and Sunny Johns both
ing and caring for her cats. She beganher working ca- of Skokomish Nation; sisters
Her family shared that she reer as a Community Health Elizabeth Yeahquo (Conrad)
was a devoted wife and sup- Representative. then as a lead of Steamboat Island, Ruthie
porting of her mother Frances. clerk at the Kamilche Trad- Whitener (Andy) of Shelton,
Her husband William Bruce ing Post and most recently as Sarah Johns of Kamilche and
of Shelton; brother Wayne A. a Cultural Resource Techni- Iladee King (Jerry) of Shelton:
Palsson of Seattle and mother clan II for the Squaxin Island 22 grandchildren and three
Frances Korpi Palsson of Shel- Tribe. Her family shared that great-grandchildren and nu-
ton survive her. she was passionate about hermerous nieces, nephews and
She was preceded in death position, interviewing elders cousins.
by her father Filip P. Palsson of the tribe to be saved in the She was preceded in death by
and brother Ralph I. Palsson. archives of tribal history, her parents, brother Wilson W.
Forest Funeral Home of She was a member of the Johns Jr. and son Wilson Neal
Shelton is handling the ar- Shaker Church. Her hobbies BlueBack.
rangements. A private service included collecting native has- A service will be held at 11
will be held. kets. Elvis Presley and Coca- a.m. on Friday, Dec. 30, at the
Cola memorabilia and native Sq uaxin Island gymnasium.
Charlene Mac Cooper Indian dolls. She was the in- McComb Funeral Home of
Charlene Mae Cooper, 64, spiration of the tradition of the Shelton is handling the at:
died Wednesday, Dec. 21, at Cedar rose corsages given out rangements. For your conve-
the University of Washington at tribal services. She enjoyed nience online condolences may
Hospital in Seattle. She was a cooking for family holidays, ga- be sent to the family at www.
Jack Norman Howard
Jack Norman Howard, 93,
died Friday, Dec. 16, of natu-
ral causes in Shelton. He was
a resident of Sh~lton for more
than 70 years.
He was born in Montesano
on Aug. 28, 1918, to Ralph
Howard and Jennie (Babcock)
He was a longtime logger
and in his later years was a
real estate salesman.
He enjoyed flying airplanes
something he began early in
life and continued for most of
his life. He was a hiker, bird
and wildlife watcher. He vol-
unteered at the Caboose and
information center in Shelton
for many years.
He is survived by his sons
Richard Howard (Kim) and
Douglas Howard (Laurie) of
Shelton, sister Tony Howard
of Orcas Island and numer-
ous grandchildren and great-
He was preceded in death by
his parents and brother Don
Howard. A private family ser-
vice was held.
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton handled the arrange-
Maurice Christian Kaare
Maurice Christian Kaare,
93, died Dec. 15, of natural
causes in Hoodsport.
He was born on Jan. 16,
1918, in McMillan to Marius
Anton Kaare and Mamie Pe-
trea Bollerslev
'::~!:~::i,i~~:~i:~:d~:;::~;i~i~% ':ii;i~:ii'i Kaare.
He grew up
in the Hood-
~sport area
and went to
Shelton High
He was em-
ployed as a
machinist and
Maurice ship fitter for
Kaare Puget Sound
Naval Yard
during World
War II and beyond.
He married Marie Finch on
Feb. 15, 1940, and they were
married for 70 years
His family shared that he
was an outdoorsman who loved
to boat, hunt and fish. He was
a Mason.
He is survived by his son
Gerald Kaare (Patricia) of Puy-
allup; daughter Karen Peder-
sen (Robert) of Port Angeles;
six grandchildren; seven great-
grandchildren and two great-
His wife, Marie Finch Kaare
and brother George Kaare pre-
ceded him in death.
There was a private memo-
rial in Hoodsport.
McComb Funeral Home in
Shelton handled the arrange-
William Charles Richardson
William Charles Richard-
son, 68, died Dec. 12. He was a
longtime resident of Belfair.
He was born June 16, 1943,
in Everett.
After graduating from high
school he served in the U.S.
Air Force. He also worked as
a boilermaker at Puget Sound
Naval Shipyard.
A graveside serwce with
Military Honors will be held
at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan 6.
2012 at Tahoma National Cem-
etery in Kent.
For your connivance you can
sign the online guest book at:
Noon and 5:30 p.m., Al-
coholics Anonymous, 125
West Cota Street
5 p.m., AA, New Commu-
nity Church of Union office,
951 E. Dalby Road
5:30 p.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Mason General
Hospital, Washington Room
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, The Right Path,
North 80 Tribal Center Road.
7 p.m., AA, Sah,t David's
Episcopal Church, Third and
Cedar streets
7 p.m., Friends of Bill W.
Chapter at Hood Canal Com-
munity Church, 81 Finch
Creek Road, Hoodsport
8 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
mous, Mountain View Al-
fiance Church, 314 East J
11 a.m., NA, United
Methodist Church 1900 King
Noon, Al-Anon family
group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church call 427-6831
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30
p.m., AA, 125 West Cota
6:30 p.m., Celebrate Re-
covery, 419 Railroad Avenue.
Childcare provided. Call 426-
7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport
8 p.m., NA, Ellinor Room,
Mason General Hospital, 901
Mountain View Drive
10 a.m., Overeaters Anon-
ymous, Saint David's Church
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA,
125 West Cota Street
7 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
mous, Ellinor Room at Ma-
son General Hospital, 901
Mountain View Drive
10 p.m,, The Point Is,
Easy Does It, 125 West Cota
8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and
7:30 p.m., AA, 125 West
Cota Street
9:30 a.m., NA, PUD Hall,
Third and Cota streets
:3-5 p.m., Freedom in
Recovery, New Horizons
Church, 307 East F Street
4-6 p.m., Gateway to re-
covery at Gateway Christian
Fellowship, 405 S. 7th Street
4:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport
Library for women only
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Spinners Gone
Straight, St. David's Episcopal
Church, 324 West Cedar Street
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA,
125 West Cota Street
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, Belfair's New
Hope, Be]fair Community
Baptist Church
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third and
Cedar streets
7 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
mous, Mountain View Alliance
Church, 314 East J Street
7 p.m., AA, Fir Lane Health
and Rehabilitation Center,
2430 North 13th Street
6:30 p.m., AA open meet-
ing, Hoodsport Library
10 a.m., Al-Anon Step
study AFG at St. David's
Episcopal Church 324 W. Ce-
dar Street
7:15 p.m., Narcotics
Anonymous, Mountain View
Alliance Church, 314 East J
7 p.m., Depressed Anony-
mous, at Mason General Hos-
pital, 901 Mountain View Drive
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 29, 20t 1 - Page B--7