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Shelton-Mason County Journal
By EMILY HANSON J~~ The Highclimb- second half. In fact, Shelton outscored
ers also lost a player Aberdeen 13-10 in the fourth quarter.
In its final game of 2011, the Shel- to injury in the first '%Ve basically played them even in
ton boys' basketball team could not half - Thomas Cook the second half," Jensen said,
overcome Aberdeen for an on-the-road sprained his ankle, Senior guard Dakota Andrews
victory, taking him out of the led the Highclimbers with 11 points
On Thursdayi Dec. 22, the High- game. while guards seniors Austin Schi-
climbers lost at Aberdeen 57-40.THURSDAY: "We weren'trato and Curtis Wuestner along with
"It wasn't very pretty," Mark Jen- Aberdeen.:... 57 matched up very well sophomore Colton Hubble and senior
sen, head coach, said. "I'm not sure we Shelton ........ 40 on man-to'man de- forward Patrick Fabrizio scored six
were real ready to play." fense," Jensen said. points each.
Jensen said the Highclimbers didJAN. 4: "Their kids were a"I think we didn't play as well as we
not defend very well in the first half Shelton at lot bigger than ours. could've but there's still room to im-
of the game while Aberdeen shot very Stadium, 7 p.m. Also, I didn't~ think prove," Hubble said. "We need to work
well against them. we moved very wellon playing more as a team, playing to-
"We gave up 33 points in the half defensively." gether and playing to our full poten-
and that's way too many to give up in Jensen said he thought the High-
a half," Jensen said. climbers came back stronger in the See Basketball on page C-4
Senior guard
upcourt after
a rebound
away game
on Thursday,
Dec. 22.
Journal photo by
Emily Hanson
2008 Sheiton graduate continu
to compete races
D i 1Pai pl dfo th ~ningonhisown-herecentlyraninthe raningasmasks."
~/~// e ~//e ace /~r 13.5-mile Xterra World Trail Running This wasn't Paine's first time running in Hawaii. As a
t Ha aii ra Championship in Oahu, Hawaii be- junior Olympicsrunn~er, he trained there with the Down
in age group a w ce causehewantedtoseewhathecould UnderTourbeforetravelingtoAustraliafortheUSver-
still do. sus Australia race.
"I'm pretty happy with the Hawaii "I did pretty well at the Australia race in my sopho-
By EMILY HANSON race," Paine said. "It was my first trail more year of high school," Paine said. "I got first in my
race so I wasn't as confient with how I age group and I think third overall."
Daniel Paine is fairly certain he wants to run his en- would do but I'm happy with it." To compete at the Xterra World Trail Running Cham-
~ire life. Paine finished with a time of 1:46.43 pionship, Paine said he went online and found the web-
Paine, a 2008 Shelton graduate, began running track Daniel and was fourth out of 53 in the 20-24 site for the race, which was held at the Kualoa Ranch
:n fourth grade and hasn't really stopped running since. Paine year old age group, and registered himself to compete indepetldently.
As a cross country runner for SHS, Paine started all "Dan is the last great cross country "It was awesome," Paine said. "I really like trail run-
~our years of high school and lettered each year before runner Shelton has had and he ran for ning. I found that you run by yourself a lot more and it
graduating and beginning to attend Evergreen State us for four years," Daryl White, Paine's former SHS cross was pretty neat because the terrain changed a lot."
3ollege, where he set the freshman 5K record. During country coach, said. "In that time he was all-conference Paine, a senior at Evergreen, is set to graduate in
his high school years, Paine also competed on the Junior (first team), All Area Team, he was an age-group All spring 2012 with a degree in leadership and natural
~lympics team, traveling across the United States and American in the Jr. Olympics and he finished seventh at studies. He's been attending the Grays Harbor campus
~nce to Australia to run in races, the state meet." but is thinking about transferring back to the Olympia
"Running was a pretty big part of my life and then I "Running keeps your mind and body healthy and it's campus for his last few quarters, Paine said.
can with Evergreen State College for one year," Paine fun to go to these big races and see all the people there," He stated that he loves the health and community as-
~aid. "I moved to Forks because I work with the Olympic Paine said: "At this race, there was a team called Team pects of running.
~ational Park Service and I couldn't compete anymore X-Treme and it was four guys in the military service who "I don't know how competitively I'll run but I'd like
Jecause I was too far away to train." were competing to honor their friend who was hurt in to keep it going," Paine said. "I'd also like to compete in
The 22-year-old Paine said he has tried to keep run- Iraq or Afganistan. They parachuted to the startline and some bigger races, too."
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 29, 2011 - Page C-1