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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 29, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 29, 2011
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[ !1, ' , I have fishing 427-9099 supplies/ Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) Happy New Year from 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 @ At the intersection of H ry. I01 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Sk~komish Indian Reservation Coors & Coors AssortedO Varieties pk. 12 oz. cans 3-piece Chicken & Jo 83.50 NORTHFORK SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quilting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health Journal photos by Emily Hanson Shelton's Clara Robbins hands out a box of food from girls' basketball head coach Aaron Leth's truck at Saint's Pantry Food Bank on Thursday, Dec. 22. girls' i bac]~ ......... LUBRICANTS I U I L IJlbl. L_L.~ COMPANY ic ,,,,, ,:" I~:~o" rnw. ~,~i.Y~SO~ We dehver Before the official start of the Shelton OM R-- O girls' basketball season, first year head coach Aaron Leth said his goal was for the '~ LOW team to support the community that sup- ports them. We carry kerosene. :ocated at Sanderson Last week, the team had its first oppor- I nd ustrial Par k i tunity to work toward that goal., IL~!~I ~Jl~t~-£~~ t On Thursday, Dec. 22, the Shelton girls ~ ~¢~m~. basketball team donated 674.55 lbs of food to Saint's Pantry Food Bank in downtown Shelton. The food was collected during the Lady Highclimbers' home games on Wednesday, Dec. 14 against South Kitsap and on Monday, Dee. 19 against North Ma- son. During these two games, community TRADITIOB 100% ADDITIVE, FREE Sale offerea or~ Fu# Flavor ll?Os & Hi.ql~ Air IOOs members who donated food were given raf- fle tickets for prizes, which were announced during halftime on Dec. 19. "It went really well," Leth said. "It was an amazing success for just two home games. We need to figure out ways for us to be more involved in the community so we can get their support at games." Leth said its good for the girls on the team to give back to the community. "It's a good thing and the girls were ex- cited after the last game to hear the food count of 830 items," he added. "I think the girls are taking to the philosophy of sup- porting the community. I put the idea of a food drive in their minds but they took it Mways quality products, plus KTP offers everything you've come to expect from ~ f~tl-$ervice Tribal conveuie~ce ~tore! 360-426-5254 ~ Open 6am dally 61 W Stote Route 108 ~ Sheltotz W~ 98584 s,~o~,~ s~ [Located next to Little Creek Casino Resort) vvome~ Ma~., Result in Fetal tnjury, e Birth, And Low ~irth Weigl'~t *g~t~vu sales o~ly, wh/le sepp/ios I~t ~,~ ....... .. - ......... lg~ She ton Ma~n County ~ i~ii ............ Call 300-470-4417 .......... '% < EJor advertising information Jl [[' over and took it upon themselves to let the community, their families and their peers know what they were doing and how it ben- efits our community." Leth said the girls went out to business- es to collect donations for the raffle prizes. Donating to the raffle prizes were Hunter Farms, Hamma Hamma Seafood Co., Russ- es Shellfish Co., Annie's Quilt Shop, ADL Custom Car Signs, Domino's, the Holloway family donated iTunes cards, Jordanne Krumpols donated Seahawks tickets, Er- in's Pies and Cheyenne Overlin donated a GameStop gift card. "During the games, one community mem- ber donated $100 to buy food and another one donated three cases of canned goods," Leth said. "I just want to give a big thank you to the community for supporting us, es- pecially at our win. The amount of people we had at that game was phenomenal, the girls couldn't believe it." Though the entire team helped with the food drive, the ones who went with Leth to donate the food to Saint's Pantry were Lolly Jones, Nicole Osberg, Clara Robbins, Al- lison Hunter, Kelsey Holloway, Krumpols and Overlin. Kathie Lane, a Saint's Pantry volunteer, said the donation was very nice and size- able. "We're really appreciative of it and we know the community is, too," she added. Shelton's Allison Hunter, left, waits at Saint's Pantry while Jim Mullens writes down the weight of the box of food she carried in as Kathie Lane tells him the amount on the scale on Thursday, Dec. 22 Sh e/ton Athletic Club Presents: :TIVE SELF DEFENSE FOR WOMEN Lean successful self-protection tec ~niques for all situations. This is a beginning class for women only. Sign up now for four weeks of classes. Starlts January 14th to February 4th Classes are each Saturday ~ime: 12:00 (noon) - I:30PM $ oo Cost: 60 Instructor: Clan Jacobs of Jacobs Fighting System. Over 25 years of e~ enforcement. Sign up at the Shelton AthLetic Club 360-426-1388, Sp~ Page Cr2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 29, ,erience teaching self defense to the military and law :e is limited so sign up now. Come dressed in gym clothing, 2011 ~~C Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; sac@hctc,com Check us out on the web at sheltonathleticclub,com Hours: Mon.Fri 4'.30am-9pm, Sat & Sun 7am.3pm