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Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 29, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 29, 2011
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Youngquist said that, while it's nice to win meets, the On Tuesday, Dec. 20, the Highclimbers defeated River team views meet results as feedback. Ridge at home 114-67. "Meets build the swimmers up and they're really impor- "Winter break is two weeks of real solid conditioning rant for swimmers to improve and see progress," he said. so, for this meet, Coach [Rob] Phelan and I decided that One impressive improvement from this meet was that it was better for the guys to race in off events than to get Brandon Smith dropped 40 seconds in the individual med- lower times in their main events," co-head coach Chad ley from his time last year. Youngquist said. "We knew we didn't have blocks and it's "That's a huge improvement," Youngquist said. harder for guys to get best times in their main events and I The Highclimbers' next meet is scheduled for 4 p.m. on didn't want them to go into break discouraged about that." Tuesday, Jan. 3 at Gig Harbor High. School. Youngquist said that, at first, he was disappointed with "Gig Harbor is the strongest team we'll swim agaist," the first relay splits and that it seemed like the Highclimb- Youngquist said. cation of something more serious CINE. All therapy is patient-fo- cused and individualized and we than many might think. The fact provide rehabilitation in several is that the inflammatory condition areas including acute injuries, neu- that builds up plaque in arterial rological disorders, post-surgery walls, known as "atherosclerosis," and chronic conditions. For more is not limited to the arteries sup- information, call (360) 426-5903. plying blood to the heart. Athero- We have over 32 years of experi- sclerosis is systemic, which means ence providing physical therapy that it can affect other parts of the care. You'll fmd us conveniently body. When plaque builds up in the located at 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B. arteries supplying the limbs (espe- New patients are welcome. 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The varsity squad began competing at the Pac Coast Championship on Wednesday, Dec. 28 at Hudson Bay High School and are set to continue competing on Thurs- day, Dec. 29. The junior varsity squad is competing on Thursday, Dec. 29 at the North Mason Classic tournament. "Pac Coast is a great mid-season thermometer and we expect to do very well," Chris Lacy, head coach, said. "Our JV will be competing in a varsity tournament. They're absolutely ready; we wouldn't be doing it if they weren't ready." Lacy said that, judging on records alone, the most suc- cessful wrestlers this season are Jakeob Garrick, Ty Mc- Cullough and Colby Barber. "There are so many kids doing well it's hard to single anyone out," Lacy said. "The wrestlers that have had the most dramatic improvement from last season to this sea- son are Adam Coffman, Ben Anderson and Kusiah Mc- Cullough and we've been getting great leadership from all of our seniors, especially Johnathen Dennis and Skylar Core." Because of winter break, the wrestlers had Dec. 19 through Dec. 23 to practice for these two tournaments. "We're having very intense practices this week and next to get ready for those two tournaments," Lacy said. "We're treating those like our mid-season postseason because our intensity is where we want it for the postseason." The last time Shelton attended the Pac Coast Tour- nament was in 2005. That year, the Highclimbers came home with one champion: Zach Corbett at 275. "This is the first time we've gone back because we didn't feel like we had a team that was ready for Pac Coast," Lacy said. "Last year, we tried to get in but the tourna- ment was full." Fourteen Highclimbers will be competing among 36 teams during the two-day tournament while Shelton will be sending as many junior varsity wrestlers as they can to the 16-team North Mason Classic. 426-1467 GUN FOR SALE Smith & Wesson M & P 15 • 6 Position Adjustable Stock " EO Tech Holographic Scope o Tridgicon Tactical Sights • Picatinny Rail System Top & Forearm SingJe Point Bungie Sling • Houge Grip • Discrete Carry Bag • 450 Rounds of Ammo W/Carry Bag • Zeroed at 1,000 Yards This weapons system is "like new" and is an incredible buy at $1,2000. Call Rick @ 360-581-4283 Journal photo by Emily Hanson Highclimber wrestler Ricardo Franco jumps tv over Blake Gentry while he does pushups www.masoncoun,,, corn during wrestling practice on Thursday, Dec. 22. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 29, 2011 - Page C-3