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married for 34 years and Store (now Pro Build) 19, Chris immigrated to
cots from page/3-22 had lived on Mason Lake from 1973 to 1987. He the U.S. with his faro-
since 1966. Sandy and was a wonderful hus-fly. He started a life in
Reuben Peterson Pete were married at the band and father and we Southern California
Shelton Faith Lutheranwill all miss him. where he would learn
Reuben (Pete) Pe- church on Feb. 14, 1981 to be a machinist, play
terson, born on Oct. and attended services Christiaan guitar and sing in a band.
24, 1922, passed away there regularly until they "Chris" Van It is also where he would
peacefully Sunday morn- moved from Allyn, Wash- Aagten meet his wife, Couny
ing, Dec. 11, 2016. He ington to Oregon in 2013. Mooyman.
is survived by his wife Pete was a World War Christiaan "Chris" Chris would go on to
Sandy; his younger sister II veteran who served in Van Aagten was born on marry the love of his life;
Joanne Vahsholtz; his the Coast Guard from November 14, 1941 inConny on February 1,
four sons Mark, Steve, 1942 to 1946. He was aSurabaya, Indonesia to 1964. They would go on
Kirk and Craig; nine radarman on the CGC Eugenie and Robert Van to have 6 children and
grandchildren; and four Clover in the Alaskan Aagten. He was raised in be married for nearly 53
great grandchildren. Aleutian Islands. After Indonesia until his family years.
Pete lost his first wife the war he worked for moved to the Nether-In June of 1979, Chris
Bettie Jeannine, the Gates Rubber co. from lands where he attended was given the opportu-
mother of his four boys, the late 1940s until he school and learned car- nity to move to Shelton,
to cancer on Jan. 10, became manager of the pentry. WA as a supervisor of
1980. They had been Shelton Lumberman's In 1960 at the age of a new aircraft machine
Dec. 29, 2016 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-23
shop; Certified Aerospace. Chris passed away
He brought his family to peacefully on December
Shelton to create a new 19, 2016 surrounded
home and lay down their by his loved ones. He
roots, is survived by his wife
There was nothing Conny Van Aagten of
Chris was more proud of Shelton, WA; children:
than the family he and Vincent Van Aagten
Conny created. He was of Ontario, CA, Shirl
always at the ready with Van Aagten of Shelton,
a story about his children WA; Brenda Bait of
and grandchildren. Chris Victorville, CA, Brian
enjoyed cooking and fre- Van Aagten of Olympia,
quently tried new recipes. WA, Randy Van Aagten
He enjoyed watching auto of Shelton, WA, Gigi
racing and football. There Olsen of Shelton, WA
was nothing he loved as well as 13 grandchil-
more than spending time dren and 2 great-grand-
with his family and he children.
loved a good poker game Per Chris' wishes,
when they would get to- there will be no public
gether, service.
As a community service, the Journal publishes contact information for
organizations that need volunteers. There is no charge for this service.
If you would like to contribute some of your time to your community,
watch these listings for places that need you.
Catholic Community Services
Communication Support Team (CST)
Team is made up of licensed HAM Radio
operators and others interested in assisting your
County during disasters - man-made or natural
incidents. You do not need to be a licensed radio
operator to help. Meetings: 3:00pm on the last
Tuesday of the month at the Public Works Facility,
100 West Public Works Drive. Background
check required. Call Mason County Emergency
Management at 360-427-7535 for more
Community Lifeline
Barbra Weza, Executive Director
360-462-4439 or 360-490-3430
Volunteer opportunities for Board of Directors,
grant writinga receptionist, filing, data entry,
resource navigators, mentors, community meals,
landscape maintenance and lawn care, blanket and
towel washers, fundraising, event planning, carpet
cleaning, painting.
Community Youth Services
Crisis Clinic of Mason and Thurston Counties
Courtney Ingwaldson
360-586-2888, ext 110
Next training begins in April.
Hood Canal Food Bank
Kathy Roberson, Director
Need volunteers to help load and unload food.
Days vary.
Faith in Action
Grapeview School District
Habitat for Humanity of Mason County
Volunteer Coordinator - Kathleen Hunter
360-426-8134 extension 204
We need both teams and individuals for house
construction and related activities.
Harmony Hill Retreat Center
Lisa Monnerjahn, Program Associate
360-898-2363, ext. 12
We currently have volunteer opportunities in our
office, during special events, special projects and a
Community Garden day the third Saturday of each
Hood Canal School District
Hoodsport Visitor Information Center
Mark Franklin
We are seeking volunteers to assist visitors to Ma-
son County and specifically the Olympic National
Forest and Olympic National Park in Hoodsport.
KAOS Radio
Senior Services for South Sound
360-586-6181, ext 128
Kitten Rescue of Mason County
Kitten Rescue of Mason County needs volunteers.
We're open 7 days a week, evening and day shifts
av~able. Contact Dee 360-490-5627.
Love, Inc.
Shelton Friends of the Library
Eileen Oberg, President 360-426-1318
7he Friends are volunteers who support our local
library community. While we are a branch of
Timberland Regional Library (TRL ), there are
many important programs and services we offer
360-462-LOVE to !he Shelton community that are not covered by TRI2 budget. We provide funding through our book
Love INC of Mason County has volunteer sales and other fund raising activities. We fund
opportunities in the downtown Shelton the Summer Reading Program, Library Outreach
Clearinghouse answering phones and basic o~ce Programs, and many activities for youth and adults
procedures. 71u're are also opportunities to in Shelton. Please join us; we always can use more
assist in the following areas: furniture, medical willing hands!
equipment, Jobs for Life Program, grant writing,
and fundraising events. Our mission is to mobilize
the churches to transform lives with a hand-up not
a hand out. We do not discriminate in any way due
Shelton School District
to gender, race, sexual preference, or religion. Sound Learning
Mary M. Knight School District
Mason County Historical Society
Kristin Fabry
We are looking for volunteers to help at the mu-
seum with a variety of projects having to do with
our museum operations and special events.
Mason County Forest Festival
We are seeking volunteers to help fill the following
needs: classroom assistants, English-math-reading
tutors, F_SOL tutors, basic computer tutors and
light office help.
Sunrise Equine Rescue
Janean or Brooke
We currently have volunteer opportunities in our
office, during special events, special projects and a
Community Garden day the third Saturday of each
month, hard worker, experience with horses a plus
but not required, able to clean stalls, pastures push
a full wheel barrow, clean andfill waters. In any
Mason County Juvenile Court/Probation
Services James W. Madsen
360-427-9670 ext 332
Mason County Senior Activities Center
Mason County Sheriff's Department
Mason General Hospital
TenieHe MasteUer, Director of Volunteer Services
Mason General Hospital Foundation
Mason Transit Authority
Volunteer drivers needed.
Haly Wooten 360-432-5723
Nifty Thrifty Thrift Store
Patrida Vernie, Store Director
We need volunteers for the following¢ cashiers,
donation cleaners, sales floor straightening and
dressing room attendants. We also need part time
office help that's computer literate.
North Mason School District
Pioneer School District
Treasures Thrift Store & Book Store
305 W Railroad Ave, Shelton WA 98584
Help support quality health care through Mason
General Hospital & Family of Clinics. Volunteers
are needed in both stores to sort merchandise, stock
shelves, do window displays and assist customers.
Varied shifts are available.
Turning Pointe Domestic Violence Service
Judy Mayo-Vehsco, Volunteer Program
Turning Pointe currently needs volunteers to
Prh ovide childcare Monday through Friday for 2
ours each day while Morns attend educational
groups onsite -choose one day or several. We are
also in need of an organizer to come in once a week
to work in our linen and dothing closets helping
to fold and organize sheets, blankets and donated
clothing -choose your own hours.
]he United Way of Mason County
The Volunteer Center
To list your organization, please contact
Linda FrizzeU at 360-426-4412 or
Red Cross
The Saints Pantry Food Bank
Steve Russell, Director