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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 30, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 30, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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day, December 30, 1965 SHELTON- -MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 --er I/:'::': Social Even ts .;. • Cosmetics Cathy Hoard -- - • !!i t last Week ~/~:/,2].~ ha W I[i[i Society Editor • Marj Jacobsen • Phone 426-4412 ~ . . ~.-'~-"-4"t [ o)::rJ A I/? ................ , ................. e.~.t; Cathy Hoard, who oecame "~'~@~,_~-5~'# At • I | '~-:..~*-X-X-X-:..;'~";";"X":"X~h-;~'~'~~X'~";~'~'~ • de of Ron Ellis Monday "7. ~ ~mm • • dk I/ • was guest of honor at two ~ |' . • .. .... o o K I n . I/Unusual Santa [Engagement Of Form (T.,. s.,o. given Monday evening, was " *. • sed by Bes, ie N tter VISITS Faculty Resident Announced ,s a courtesy by N~.,I'e Pharmacy ithe bridegroom's sisters, Mrs. ~////// ~ " I/ l~vTo ,[7" • ~am - I Former Shelton residents, Mr. o help you in your choice In t., Morgan ,~nd Mrs. Linda Pea- ~1//11 l| wlves IUle tarry I and Mrs. William Levette, have . oper cosmetic for you. ', in Mrs. Morgan's home. - ql || ........... ~.• / announced the engagement of ~nes were played and refresh- ~ ~[ rl,gnngntmg.tne annua~ ~nelcon/ their daughter,.Barbara, to Jef, CLEANSING WITH WATER were served at a table dec ...... :..~ ............................ = .:::...~..,~.:.: ........................................ ~,.,,~_~| Faculty Wives" ~nristmas party~ frey ~leg, ot L:nario~cesviile, .va. Q. I have ache. Should I avoid ;d with red candles on a white~: l : J ~ ..... :: ~ | was a visit from Santa bringing[ He is the son of thelat.e [.leut. :is[rig water on my face for clcazls- • er ...... ..... ~ ~ * ~;ol aua 2¢lrs l~lcnar(1 ~leg "l'ne cloth G~fts were groc y • ~ ....... ach f " " " 1 ~ : :~ ...... , gifts for e o the 30 members L s ........... ~,J ~~ :~ . / evettes now live m Plymouth, .~g purposes? ' ~ ~::: ~:.°~ ~'~:/~ i:::!,~,~ present Although he lookea as if t N C A. No. As a matter of fact, le holiday-decorated Hooa : ' ,~/~. ~ ...a~mm~t.= • • • tl Woman's Club clubhouse at : : " 1 he had dressed in a hurry and/ Miss Levette is a Junior attend- :~any of the cleansing products itch wan the scene of the sec-' .... ~ ~ I had a strangely'feminine-sounding| ing East Carolina college in formulated especially for your par'ty' on Tuesday evening ~: [ ~: :~.-.~ /.~; ....... voice he was his old merry self. | Greenvil!e, N.. C. Her ~lance at- ~ype of skin req,~ire the use of : ...... '--- "~ .... ~-o -q,,e : ~ =ll~ ~ I / cenaeu ~ne umversicy o~ wr~;.,a• water. .l MISS 5.atlly ~r~s ,,~-~ .... ~: :, , " .......... :er and Miss Anne Brevig were ;. '~ i The party was held Dec. 20 in[ An early wedding is planned. ~sses ~=~.~._~:.2~ ~~:,~:~..: ':~. ~/'~:'T~:'~i!:~ ..... I the home of Mr• and Mrs. Larry// ----~ PERSPIRATION TREATMENTS fire burning in the fireplace ii: Nelson which was attractively dec- . ~"'~:'"'.:~./i',":"'"~ ~.~ :"i~] orated featuring a sleeping Santa,'| ~,11~ Q. Whets the difference be- alced the atmosphere for t~le tween a deodorant and an anti- ling of gifts and serving of re- i: : [created by Larry Nelson, resting/ |~l~llllgl~W perspirant? Which should I use, ~nd why? hments The door prize was ~ [ ~..~.,:~;~(~ :~ • ........ atop thejfirep_lacekmantle:.cted a/~vtrs, oe ~ore c°nuu / ,oo wa oo. A. A d'eodorant is a preparation which "covers up," or neutralizes, ----------------- ,, |short business meeting in the ab-| Ikl~ll$~$ DUPLICATE BRIDGE ~ ..... ..... : sence of the president, .Mrs. Larry] AnDl~ing for marriage licenses perspiration odor. An anti-per- :':=~'~~:*:' :' ~',~!~:.'~ ~: : Weir Mrs Rud Oltman was wet- -- - ~ , CLUB W INN E RS ::) c:: '~:" :" I ] " " " • Y .... /in the ~ason county Auditor s of- spirant is a preparation which in- ]nners at Monday night's ~ ~':~.*:~ I .... :~:~i corned beckto tne group, t fire this past week were: hibits the flow of perspiration in licat nd e Club were Cord ~: ""~" Followin~ the business meetin~ ~ .......... - e B ' g - ~[~::i.:~ ~ ~ o . .... o ~'ran~ tt., zz, ~ne~ton, ano the area to which it is applied. ~ld Jane Bennett Janet Hen- ~: ', games were un(~er the wo,,~ ~. WnlUor 17 .~h~l~n and Evelyn Sta'rr, Don and ~ [ ~~ 'leadership of Mr~e HeUeghinMOOdnY~ " ~Gaera'~l "BT"Lanning."18('Hoods- Your physical condition.., the Bennett and a tie between i~ ..:~ | - ,r Game prizes zo t g t ...... a W~o~.~ ~ ..... ~r~ ~ctivities you engage in . • . your Hansen Colbert Starr and ~/.~~ i to Mesdames C1 de , bert .............. emotional state ... and your'diet r Geovine, Jim Thomas ~~' ! Sund, Joe Bore~Ya°nd Bernie Dorcy. Nt~'?s;~ll~ ~V~r~{~is',L36 He uiam, 'etermine the extent to which you • . . , q e club meets at 7'30 p m. ~~~ ~ " - Refreshments were served by the ond Anne E Willis 32 Hoouiam )crspire. You should select a prep- ' , ...... -~ • 'xaticn, therefore, that suits your Monday in the PUD Audi- [ • .'hostesses, Mrs. Dean Tarrach Mrs. ~ individual requirements. ,re. All bridge playersare , " ~' ~~:~ Larry Nelson and Mrs. Harold[ ome. ~ [ ~,~:, T(i Wilson. I SALVATION ARMY TRUCK -----~------ ~ [ /~~i I The January meeting will in-I The Salvation Army truck will VIKI HUBBARD DEODORANTS AND SHAVING • * '' * * ' I Q. Is it safe for me to use a de- '~" ............... ''K ~ : ~ " .... ~[7"./~ 'elude husbands of members and be in tow~ next Tuesday. Anyone Orld War I Veterans and Aux-}i~ [ ~~ will feature slides shown by Clyde ' wishing articles picked up can One of the talents that shows up ,11, 1948 and moved to Shelton' odorant immediately after shav- will hold a potluck hmch- ~~ [ ~~ Knight which were taken on his call 426-6564 or 426-2405 or leave surprisingly often in young women when she entered the sixth grade, ing under my arms? today, ~s the g. g. ". • i • t noon next Thursday in the~~~ ] :i~~ trip to Ethiopia. at 325 No. 5th St. ' ' ' t of sewin Son , The daughter of M~ and Mrs )rial hall. Entertainment and ~~ [ : ~,~ Queen Viki Hubbard is one of the ,7ohn Hubbard, she has two sis-: A. It depends upon your sensl- .'~tmg w~ll follow. * ] TO WED NEXT SUMMER we bare talked with who makes~-ed, and Barb is a sophomore, t.ive, a deodorant with an alcohol • [~/il~:~~ i ~1~1~1~7~~1'::, sen.or girls at Shelton High school ter~. Linda, the oldest, is mar-tivity. If your skin is very sensi- mo:~t of ber own clothes. She alsoVile[, a brown-eyed brunette is b.,se might produce a stinging ........~~ I ~''::i ike~ to cook. . '~ icet 5 inches tall Her fon~iest s'ensati°n if xmed immediately aft- ~1 !!ill!t[ Viki is active in several organi- memory of la.':~t summer is a three- cr shaving. It m]gh.t be l~tter for MRS. BAKER ' ~ations in school including Rifle, week trip to Canada with several you to use a ~ ................. Club, Pep Club, Pep Staff and the I friends. ~ based deodorant at thzs t;me. __ [ '-- [ : Saghalie staff Being on the Pep ........ "=--'-~- :--, OU In All .... ~ -.,.., ',chool she is active in Rainbow.; I NATIONALLY___ ADVERTISED Will Help Y " II , . ~ ........... Subjects on her schedule tn's ---- . .... • .:ze II MARIAN LINCOLN S Peanut Brittle is nice to nave on hand for ~~ i~ome economics, home relations I~ m ~ m ~ W~* _ _l $h _" P'roDlems o, -,, [I ~7~tohll;2 sweeteaandoW:dU.ld also be wonderful for gifts during year include civies,sociology, _ algebra, i, ,r Such As I ,s,o,, u . , ° .' " r " - ........ S I/ Peanut Brittle is a favorite with The Lincolns moved to Shelton ' After high school Viki plans to [*~.]~ ~.~[~ f~'~5,, ~,~ ~1~, v,, ,e, Marriage, mus,~uu limany but too difficult soundinga year ago .from Belfair where attend ~acoma technical School cou.s ip, Etc. II~or most cooks to tackle. Marian twhi~hY ~1~: ~i?slgne%Z~unYea~s~a~eD,es tOsheStUdYwasIBM.born in Tacoma, March '" l/Lincoln always makes her own and nartment " " ~~~!~A1 -~-~-- --~'~,": ........ ~,.. Overnight Service on Those Hard-to-Get Parts =e visit will convince you = Ilclaims she's never had a failure Marian enjoys handicraft work. ~k~~~ ......... ~-,~-- : that she can help you |/with today's recipe. Her dexterity with candles and ~~~"~ MEETS NEXt TUESDAY I . - .... with any problem. II Although the Lincoln's children Christmas decorations was obvious ~ 1.1~LL2 "~ Welcome Chapter No. 40 OES II Expert Automotive Machine nop • I/are all grown, Marian and husband in her home this month. However, , ;.. .. 249-4078 Monte,no el Seth have 12 wonderful grandchil- her main hobby is gardening. She~ ~-,: Social Club will meet for a 12:30 i[ 320 Marcy Ave. It dren to enjoy. Much of the month loves working with her flowers and p.m. luncheon in the home of Mrs. ' | ............ Claude Danielson, Arcadia, next ~1 Open 8:30- 5:30 Monday tnru ~a~uroay " Church St ) ||of December has been used by keeping up her yard. . Tuesday. Transportation will leave ,~ tcorner ' Other for bat~ing goodies for them Peanut Brittle ............ f l~Irs, Hack's at noon. I I during the holidays. 1½ C granulated sugar REV. AND MRS..A..C.M.OTe.~ announce~ ~ne engagemen~ ,o __------------ ' ~ C light corn syrup their daughter, ~aliy LOU, tO James ~elv;n Howse, at a party mn ------ ,/~ C" water their home last Sunday. The future bridegroom is the son of GETS I, I ¢~ ~:l~:l ~ IIE~T~ ~Al~Te, PD rl~&ll I IPq• lC. "peanuts. raw if possible M'. and Mrs J. H. Rowse of Hope, British Columbia. Miss Motes~~°t~::ii~ek' son o_f229So~L~II '~ ~Flr~st~t~/" ,~i~Phone 26 ~'~''~" ',~" 335, ~OGI~I-~,.~/.~LILI~| 1 mbs butter is a graduate of Seattle Pacific College with a B. A. in Home [~ ~g j; ''-- __ ......"._!1 % tsp vanilla Economics, Her fiance graduated from Northwest Baptist Theo- I'~f"tf, t::3-~ Vg:~F~C'l~l~[::]r~i,~ll 1/8 'ts- salt :Omit if salted logical College in Vancouver. B. C. from which he holds a Licen- %/I L~U u'.),vu-,,.,v,,-- I,.. ~Wvv,~,,. / .... ~ts are used " t ate in Theology degree. He plans to enter the ministry after oom- ~r,,'~ ~Ft ..,.I, ,,~ 4~r~w ([yr) f~f~ , pe~n _ .s -leting his B A. In Christian Education at Seattle Pacific Col- ,~,UU V~lUI~ IU| %0/-.,UV z,,= jsp.^so.o~ .,,_ ....~.,.. o,, Fege in June "The coup e will wed in August . gar, corn syrup and water. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. 2. Cook rapidly on high speed to soft crack stage (270 degrees). Takes 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile NEW There no soap in the world like Roger & C llet per- 'fumed soap. Madewith the purest ingredients, itactsgently and thoroughlY, keeps skin clear, velvety-smooth. Hard- n illed and incredibly long-lasting, it never goes soft in the :Soap dish, Lathers instantly, even in hard water, Brim. ing with natural perfume oils that give a delightful fragrance d the last sliver. Each precious tablet IS rappedto preserve its fragrance.Tuck i ntoburea u drawers, .Use as sachet till you need. Special sale, limited time only. Blue Carnation, Fleurs #Amour, Jean Marie Farina Violette, 3 cakes hand soap, $2.00 ($3.00 value); 2 cakes bath soap, $2.00 ($3.00 value); also in Sandalwood, at a special price: 3 cakes hand soap, $2.50 ($3.50 value); cakes bath soap, $2.50 ($3.50 value). ByAppointment Suppliers to H. H. Queen Elizabeth Named for a flower that never was: a fragra nee so haunt. ingyou'll never forget|t! BlueCarnation,byRoger&Gallet, is legendary among discriminating women. A light and delicious mingling of spicy garden scents, it is a lingering fragrance that whispers (never shouts) its message.Try = ' • ' n *t in perfume, eau de to=lette, spray cologne.You 11 see be using it in everything: perfumed soaps, dusting der, talc, sachet, Bath and Body Perfume oil. EAU DE TOILETTE -- 2 oz. Reg. $3.00 -- NOW $1.50 EAU DE TOILETTE -- 4 oz. Reg. $5.00 ~ NOW $2.50 PERFUME BATH OIL--2 oz. Reg. $4.00--NOW $2.00 PERFUME BATH OIL---4 oz. Reg. $7.00~NOW $3.50 3rd & Railroad Subsidiary of P.N. Hirsch & Co. butter sheet pan and get other ingredients ready. 3. Add peanuts and continue cooking, stirring constantly, to hard crack stage (310 degrees) about five minutes, or until candy is brown and smokes• 4. Add butter, vanilla, salt and soda. As you stir the candy will foam up. 5. Pour into pan and rub spoon acros,~ top to break bubbles. 6. As candy cools you may pull it out ,~ith spatula to make .a thin brittle. 7. When cold, break into pieces. ~Iakes about 100. Store tightly covered. DEGREE OF HONOR The Degree of Honor executive board will meet at 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday in the home of Martha Dunbar. ARRIVAL8 Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Fraisure, 1733 Laurel Street, a boy, Dec. 21. Mr. &nd Mrs. Douglas McVey, 528 Franklin St., a girl, Dec. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Krei- fels, 1012 W. Birch St., a boy, Dec. 23. l~fr. and Mrs. Gerald Corey, P.O. Box 662, girl, Dec. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Deyette, 417 Cote St., a boy, Dec. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stiller 1727 Stevens St., a boy, Dec. 26. Mr. and Mrs. John Strong, Star Rt. 1 Box 151, a boy, Dec. 28. ALL q FROM REGULAR The Board of Directors of Thurs- ton County Federal Savings & Loan Association have declared a regular quarterly dividend at 4.35% per an- num, payable December 31, 1965. In aecordance with customary practices, this dividend will be cred- ited to members' accounts. TllUR$TON ~VINOI ,an, LOAN A$10{IATI~ AI L Ao"V I OHe t.TO lt~e Off lee / Iranoh ~' Ira.b and HEELS i" TOWN and COUNTRY COBBLES Reg. Price $7.99 to 90 SKOOTERS $12.99 SHINDIGS ONE "Special ........ ARGE GROUP of our BRAND SHOES All Displayed on Tables for Easy Selection i iiii i i WOMEN'S ! Dept, Operated and Managed by Christensen's for Shoes - Bremerton