December 30, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE 4 gT ELTON---MAgON COUNTY 3OT/RNAL--- Published in "Ohr,l tmastown U.S.A.", Shelton.
......................................................................................................................... =::::: 2: ................................... __ _:::__.::z::
Thnrsday, December 20,
Parr ~;tart down the "as~.embfy line" in the PUD 3 auditorium as
they begin to put together a Chvistmat; basket for the 40 & 8-
Journal project lust week. Next, project chairman Jay Umphen-
our chc'cks his list of lamilies to receive baskets. Mr. and Mrs.
Ciacde Jackson .~;ec that [p.e us~.~c:mhly line is stocked with the
itciTm wifich will go m~:o tl,,e b:~skets. Children of some of the
,i0 & 8 meml)ers er, joyed Iv:iilh~9 put tim I)askets together, too,
and here you find Chris ClinLon and 1~4ike Luhm looking at a
shiny big pedal-car toy and ,q reakinq ho, se which went to faro-
ilies receiving Christmas baskets. That's 40 & 8 voyageur Ed
Faubert peeking at the toys, too. Cathy Luhm was another will-
in(] young helper, shown filling a sack of oranges as her dad,
John Luhm, got a hand into the proceedings. And finally, the
baskets are delivered to one of the homes. Del Weston and Cliff
Wivell ducked tallin9 :,nowflakes ;m )hey c2.rried a box full of foo~
and a box o~ toys into a rqrnl rc"Jdcm;e last Thursday morning
I ! U HI 14
Sm t ade 0g e zahe s Flare
tlhris ma P rties Lal Week
Than s Your Another Success t,, ,,i ,,, , p,,.ly ,,,, h,,d I,,l th,,l le,,O','. Mrs. T,)ni Ma ,on
Momlay evenin? al the S()uthsi(l(, l()()l{ lh(, ,1--fiefs home. Have a
l#irSt ()r(]o]' of })llsillo.qS |lli,q gn()w-(l()lllillal:e(I week i,~ 11, seh()()l with around 25() l/topicMerry (?hl'i,~;till;/S and ll~ t:tnppy
~'l'OHf hi/ hllll(Ih! ()t' ;llllw(mi'liJOll l() OVOl'yOll(~ Who I)il(:h(~(t ill 1)res,'nt. Miss Moore of lh)od (::,n- New Yeal', ~epm'ted Susan Sway-
|() III;Ik(, (Ills 3'~qll"S (lJ)l'iSlllH~S l)as((!t project SIICh 11~ rill- ql /av,~ her lirsl, presentali(m of ze.
lhe l)and and choir. I)m'in,-" the (hwMs ()f Mr. and Mrs. T)hil
l'()al'ill~: ,glitt(!og~. (lay l)e:m 'l'arrach l)rou/hl hisIh,rdic for (:'hristnlas Eve were
Tim ,Iollrllal is OXIWI!RF, iIIg" iis OWll ;IS V¢OII 119, lhe gl'~lli- (!l'Hm:lth';~ ekms (ml to S() hsi let Mr. and Mrs. l}ill Marcy of Skook-
tl,l(]O ()J' (he 'l() (E" N VOi{III'(~ [;~ lo all who assJgle(] ill hOW- sch()o] and I)ri!senled two (flu'isl-jum, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hardie
(~\(~t' lliillll(O :) lll;llllt(W 1() the Sll(~(toSgfll] CllllllilHliiOII O[ lhis nms pl:lW~.
• land Family of Gr'H)eview, Mr. and
Southsi.h~ s(:h()ol was out em'ly Mrs. 1)qvid l-lnrdi(~ and fanlily of
20i.h ill (h~ hill!4 .~llCCe,gSiOll of (]hI'ISI:III;.IS chot.w I)rojo(tts Wedn,,sdav f()r 1he (Hn'islmas va- A]'eadia, Eva Mae Plll'vis find tWO
\vhi(:h llav(t tt()w Ira('11 (ton(llll'i(!d joimly by tht'~ .i0 & ,S all(l e, ath)n an(I holidays and will sl.arl rhihlr(:n of Tunlwaler and Mr. and
111ti~; II(~\VS]I:~i~tq'" '~g:lill 1.he Monday alfm' New MYs. Bob Marcy and litlle girl.
it is only ) • rrl Yea)"s. Mr. and Mrs. plIlil Hal'die, Mr.
t,ll'Otlt..,1 the whole-hearted cooper- Acti(ms 4-1{ chlh m(,mhm'~ h,d.'l and Mrs. Ehlon Todd and Mr. and
aiioh of the navy ndividuals and organizations i .....
.... I [ ] lr t 11 'lSIl:l 1!4 )Hi'l\ ill ItH~ I}OllH' Mrs. I. A. Todd %vel'e Clll'iSI]HIS
w~II,1K to gwe their asslstallce that th s project to >1" Allis( n Wi ( I' I')t ' i '1 h(,x l)ay :.,,'uesl~{ (ff Mr. and Mrs. Low-
hlll~: ,l blIL of (,hrl,~tmas cheer II]tO Mason County ~le dmlwr an,{ ~q):'n,'d I1;('i1" ~'il'ti ull Har(lie and family of Grape-
fan~ilies where ti~ings haven't gone well can be t.heV had pxchal~..ed lheu i~l:ev view.
carried out at all. w:diu:d lllr(mKh the woo(I.~ 1~) \Val'- .~oulhside Homenlakers met Dee.
• . iker 1 I'{ lid IH('I 1 I~ (7 's ,~2l with seven gl'own-ll[)S attend-
II 151 l)l'llllHl'l]V f()t' (]ll~ (QII](h'("I/ O|" lh0G(3 fallli]i(%~ |hilt h():ll, lhat wa:~ II.,re T cv li,~le ,¢ ink mad exchanged gift:s at tile
|h(' (lhl'igil)l;Is I)asku(,~ al't, ])l't,I)Hy(~(I. T]lb; vf!ar llHwo W(WO,[Io a carol ilml was :uH;.q on the home of Mona tieinis, and mere-
,lit,. >'()l!l}~:,~41Ol'N ill (]w X.q flHlli]il,g i() which (~hl'iSllll}lS ]);IS-] (!hrislnm,~ h(ml. lh(m lhcy s g a I)(,r~; reporl.ed oil tlleir field trip
k(d~; \\'m'(~ d(qivm'ed. All bill 56 ()f lllo c]lildl'(Hl were Illldlq' e;ll'~)l back l,) lib'Ill. "I-M memlmYs to Tacoma. Ruth Chambers gave
1:~ yl!H,)'~ ()f 3'2,'0. lhcn w,,nl r'a]'(dint; i'rmn \Valkm'a r(q)orl: on lhe small honle al)pli-
• 1~Hl'{[ |()%VHI'()..~ to\vii. Ib('u lhe ..~,c- ah('e delllons1:l'al.ion she attellded
()[ (]|{, 5:!'; ('Hllli]io!:, i!l ,1,1 l]lOl'(~ \\'~l:q }Ill ()ll( 'ldpll, , tl \vi(]- ,J li()ns l'ellll'll(~d ;llld w:llkcd 11t) :ll 1he ]~xtensi()ll ()ffiee, that was
(}'A'(q~, (]iV()F('~'(I ()1' (Ios:(H'(~f! ]I~(){h('F ](}i'1 \\'Jl]l ('hi](]l'Oll lO ill'O- \V:llker Imrk I)ill ;!I1(] lh('y ,q311~' ~_,,iv(!n I)y ,l}lno Wind.qor. The next
\,;~t~: f(w.Ill ()l~.t, .~',i,(.h;e I}ml'e was }t \vi(h)w/~d I)lO|h(~l' ........... meu|inK in ,}al~llal'y will bc held
" t ke [M a zel ;, ,,,,ri,
wilh I., ('t~ih!v~,,~. 'I']~(~(, ar~, tin, c,~!~cia]ly de~er\:i)~K (qn'i,~l- .,~ ~ ~ROWNIE TROOP 109metlnst
Ill;I,'-; b:!~.;I~'i I'{'~:;~):,('Hl'.~, Hll(] h(']IHIILt: ,~;r!('h f:llll[li(',~ ;l,q l]lib; ,r . 'PH,'.~-;~hKv and l'ini.~hed ttwi]' g'ifts
It1:I,% t}l'(~,i:'('( ,¢:,!)(~l~;~'{/t'~-,' ]IIF,;)iFO(~ I() ('()lllillll(~ VO;tl'--al'(:(W-y(~;ll' ~ ~ = .. t)m:: t.)ums mH. of a t)ook, sank
• " [~" Y~" ~" T[]~'~a (q,:'i;d)n:m (mrols and nm(lc' Rocky
\riCh:)t) :)('ii\iiv v'ili~ll (,nt:lii~..; :~ (:()~si(hq'al)h, amount ()f ,~,~G~il',J~ ~ P~,m,:l candy. ,h)An]l t[errict{ and
w(,rk :tHd p];l)lllii~.g I'()r (ll~il(' a t'(,\\' pe()l)h~. F,y ,ll,>.;~,/E 'l'llt'i'Ei~ J()\'ce Sh(t)p;~rd sell'~,ed refresh-
Let us poh)t out gto{;:itl that t~]emberg Of the I,AKI,', NAIIWATZEI, Th(,m,'nls. 'Phe nex( meeting will I)e
40 Ih, I;ll,,r, :~llh~.)/.ll ;':}['li(m h;~d M!':-;..IhH M()rt,,an were (~}ll'i~;|l"H3S
~>, ()ll (1)i!4 [! ')] ' '{. V. lli(:], i:4 J)lll (~!](' ()f !:;~'V('l'tl! ('X('('il,ql( at(iv-- l,,),.v(w y('sl(:)'{tH3, uJl~q' r~,l,;:ll \\'()]I.: li]\
si(/(',~ (his~ h>ca! ('l))'i'd)Ha~ P)'(',i('('(, l>r~)\'hh' iltll','-,(',{~ (l';lil)ill;~:
schol;)r~fl~il)~.; h(~ii~ h)c:~]ly "),)d )h)lh~)mlly H1Hi O1) :I ,~',(;lI(~-\~'i(l(gnized the need for a ll:~tioual
policy governing lal)or-nlanage-
nlent relal.ions, a poli('y l}mt would
be unifor]n aniong :ill tile states.
However, in 1947 one exception,
and only one, was made ill that
uniform policy--Section ].t Ib),
which permits the slates t()out-
law nnion shop eontl'aets. T]lere
ix 110 eolnt)al-able t)rovisioll in ally
fe(leral l&w for 14 (b) exists in
1:lie face of ttle oriKinal Consti[u-
tion~tl de(:lal'ation tllal, on matle)'s
wllere the federal govel'nment has
assumed jurisdiclion, federal la.w
shall be superior to state law.
A llnion shel) does llOt (!(lille ill-
tel being simply l)eeallse il ix per-
milted by law, A milch shop must
first be wanted by Ill(: \voFI.:(ws
who al'e to be covul'(!d by it and
it lnust then be agreed lo t)y the
employer. ILel)eal ()f 1.'t /b) Wolll(1
):ester(' the freedolll of enll)]oyer:~
and illliol!s to reach ltle kind ()f
llnion seellrity agl'eeable to both.
The llllion stlol), when sought
by the workers and ae.(',(,l)1.ed by
the eml)h.)yer, is in the l)est h'a-
dili(m of indust)'ial democracy. A
Iln{Oll \vhich has b(2eOlllt! b,ll'~/liil-
ills agellt for a sl)ecified I~'1'o111) O[
\V()I'I{(!)'S IIHS ;Ill ineseap;tbh' ()l)li-
~'~l(l()ll, Illldcr [he Natioll:ll I,HI)()I'
l{(q;H.ions Act,
ellf()l'et~ill)h, bv 1;t~%,
1o give eqlml HIl(t Hall'(Ill;lie "repl'(~-
senl.~ll iOll to all (ql/1)loye('s llll(]ul'
its barg.'tining jurisdi('.lion; 1.11eY(>
fo)~, it zs enttre y fiLLing that all
el]lplnyees ;l(:(:('l)t lh(dr ,~:lm)'(~ of
the (u)sts which is all Lh:lt thc
IIHi()l/ shel) I'eqllil'eJ.
Tile ~llleric;lll 1)e()l)le h:lv(! l'(~-
)(':tle(lly ('Xl))'(~ss('(l lh('iY SIll)l)()]'l
foY the prin(dl)h~ of the uni()n :dr)f).
l((,p(,al ()f S(!(dioll 11 (h) wa:~ ex
l)]ieilly pledg(,(I ill lhe I)eulo(,.l'a.lie
1):lr1:y I)lalf(H'lu of 19(;4; lhe na-
tiollal can(It(Isles who I'~I|I ()11 111al
((~A)litillll('d I'l'()lll l':l~(' l)
the city, de,~;('rib('.d as one of th('
l()]~gest in 20 yu:H's was (:;luscd 1)5'
:1 ehHin )'e:lclion \vtleI1 ;I lree lle:ll'
fi)'st porlra]t from ZHi]GIAiHUS 1)hll f(n'm w(,)'e ov(wwh(flmin;4']y
$I0 gift certil:ie.ate from ()LSEN eleete(I. In ew~ry refer(qMunl say(:
lrIll{NIT(ll{lq; A hat box ch,('.l:rie .........................................
haw dryer from LI~M WA[£1{EN
l::,,:l,,1,:(~,,:,~,,'l',O,; ,~o wo,,l, ,,f $~OW
l)ahy Slll)l)li('s l'l'or~] PI{[i]I)P'S
1-'JqXALL ]:)t),I.IGS; l#()r M:onl, a
l)emHiful polled plant from COOK
PLANT FARM; A t)eautifully en-
gl';~ved s|el'linK silver (:lip for the
\villllel' fl ()m JEW-
()n(, SillC(, I!K)N all(i-nllion stl()1) I('~;'-
islali(m l):lS t)cU]l r('jeclcd by the
vet t!l'S.
M:ally ,)(her g)'(mps ill Al~]e}'i(';iH
life all major religi,)us denomina-
tions and all lea(lin/ civil ri/hls
org{l ilizal lolls, f()l' t,xllnlple Sill)-
port; the IIRi(Hl Ntlop. Maj(n' ('lip
ployel's in viY111ally ew!l'y litfl(i wh(>
have learne(1 lhat t/ Illlit))l ,HholJ
conl:libllles illlllle:lSlll'ably to st.~L-.
bility slid tmrmrmy in la])()l'-lll~lll-
age]nent: dealings, do llOt a(lvoc.ltl.(?
)etenti(m ()f ]4 (b).
Vel'y Irllly y()lll'S,
]\VA L()c:d Union :~,-3g
DOlT K. Denoyel', P)'esident
Ih)l)(,rt M. \Vhilmarsh,
Business Manager.
S()n~elinl(, H,(~)'() ill :I h!l[(,l' 1o lhe
1)H pel', [ \Vl'()le thai Ill:In 1lee(Is
}){){}1 s;:]vali()tl :tl](I K()O(I \VO)'I{s.
] \\'ish l() hi:l/{(' I}];I] bl;lloll]elll
Ill()l(' eh';!l' by ~.!x|H;tinill;)~" \vhHL iH
}ll('it!ll by ilH\'ill!4 h,)lh.
In ltw first l/I,m(' (hewhMi,
world n(,ods sa]v:lli())l, \\'ill( h
III('HIIN ;Ht(:Ot)linK ('h)'i>d. a:; t)ll}'
( )\\'11 t)('F}{()IUI I SHVi()lll'.
]~,111 if \v(, hH\q! ~llV:l! iOI1 only
and >i! ())I lh(' (h) 't,,lhi)lt" si()(){.
\v(, ~l}'l' in('()i]ll)lt,ll,' ~l~l(I :I;X' >;!nll)-
ly l):]ttiup" OIIFHclv('s ())I I})e l)',i('k
thH[ Vc ;ir(' ~4'()(),I ('h)'islialY~. ()II
i!m ()tht,]' }l;l)l,I if x\'~, ;~rc h;~viH~"
(;)L]),' ~U)()d \v()rl,:.H, 1 I!('I'(' :t,~;litl ~\'.,([ !he l)()Ht, :1:~ we ;,)'(,
i)('ii:~,'" il:fhh'HCI'(I I!3" IIII1' ()\VII E('ll
I'i~h!e()ll,~'ll(,',~s, ;lll(] ]P;l\'ing (!!l!'i~?t
oul i)f il.
t;,)od works n](,:~n h.)~(li)l;:" :1 h('lp-
in)4 }3Hil(1 [,) In;i nkiH(! W}l,:','('Vcl'
I('('d('(I. If \'.'c }::,.(' }>(,ih ~:i~:l.
li()ll :1111 ~(,(~(I \\'())'P,:< ,\P ;!lo I,VI,IV
~() ~1;111!1 I1]) I,) 1]i!' \V())')'[ ;Ill(1 II1,1
})o :ll'r;)id (d it>; rlHHbli~t:>< (h)(i
\\ill ),' th(')',' ~'.'i,I) t~:; Ill 111,' why.
li'pIw:;i:~l~!~ t;:i(;: "i,'i)~;~lly my
l'l(ql~(.u h,, :ii'~)ug in lh(' l,nrd,
;lll{] il) Ill(' p* )',\( 'l' of Ili:~ ItliL',h!,"
I']phosi;t ;]:; G:I 1 "lhll HII lhe
\\'h()](' H}IIIO!II' Ill (~()(I, lhHl yt' IIHly
})P :)hi*' I,) ,.:{;~ml :l:4Hiil!d 1lie wiles
,ff lhe ,h'vi;."
i,]\'uh.m, I,'H rrcll
-'- IVl'],.%Tl][1,;l{. --
lligh l,ow I']
I )(,('. :?2 .............. 42 30
1 ),'c. 23 .............. 40 30
] )(,c. 24 .............. ',,7 3:,
l~,e. 25 .............. 44 32
I ),:('. 2(; .............. 40 :}3
I),'< 27 .............. 43 33 1
1)c('. 2£ " 5 ")")
1 )(,('. 29 ............ 3(; :-12 1,!
I'~eading's HI'(! fol' a 2,1=hour
i()d Cll(tin~" ;I.{ 8 a,lll, as
by 1he l~.ayonier, lne. weather
lqmrmn(:ies sell remedies
1)'eat ella fed skin quielcly
e:l!;ily. The word "e])afe,"
ever, has not always denoted~
In Middle En/lish, the
('}};lllf'ell \VHS o)'i~in:t]]y
IIIO:UI "lO \V;LYIII" (;IS in tod,~
,:lml'h~K dish) . .. and later
llified the l)l'oe.css of kee
warm by rul)binK thc hands.
]h~e;~nse the rubbing
,~;()]ll ('{.il]l('~ too vig'oroHs,
the :~l~il) l)e(':~in(, i)Til.ated,
lllt'HD!n,(2 of the w