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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 30, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 30, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Shelton, Washington • SHELTON- M&S ON • COUNTY JOURNAL-- PUbllsli d in t¢Oh s m fow,n; U,S:A." Bob Miller, added 42 digits to sag between was killing• They out- his personal point accumulation within 72 hours last Week but they weren't enough to keep the Shelton Highclimbers from stOck- ing up their sixth .and seventh straight defeats of the season• Miller bombed in 22 while the Climbers recefpted for a tight 59- 54 loss to Ehna in Shelton gym, then added' another 20 during a 66-50 setback at Chehalis two evenings later. The Climbers appeared to be off ' uc Fredson 9, Bayley 0, Knautz 0 ,. at 57-54 on Reid Preppernau s b - -- • LET'S RIP Hmc hchmber s etbal ke i ri ket with 20 seconds left Score by Periods -- " g " ba k I squad brea FOr a few moments tile Climbers realJy d d p, too, ' . !. . . _. out of its pre-game huddle with Coach Jaok Wright gaining a 9-0 lead dV'er the Eagles. But the in- At Chenalis the Climoers start- ~nelton ............ 17 8 8 17 50 Just before the tipoff of the Elma game last week. 'vaders eventua y rallfed,for a 59-54 victory, ed and finished strong but the ChehMis .......... 5 15 24 12--66 Eel! &Vail tio " " ' s ey,¢0rrec ,,,,,,,, Ha nta" g beate City H p rk' m.,, ,,, 0,,m,s. CITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE 39--Garth 'Getty i2," Dilkl Cor- j- - W L pf pa mter 4, Ron Jonker 2,. Dave Smith ~~~ ~ ~~ |,..~~,- = i . . league action last week while two [Barron 212. • ] _ _. "~ : m~ _,~,- '- m teams maintained their undefeat- High series---Marg Macon 428, . . ' r " ed records after three rounds of Bill Barron 536 WHERE TO NOW?--Bob M Iler (40) was endeav- against the Eagles. Miller sco ed a season high of play. , •, , .... oring to feint Elma's John Butorac (25) after re- 22 points in the game but Elms won anyway, 59- ' Eells & Valley Appliance Cen- Birds 4 (Tom Matye 479), Foxes celvlng a pass in last week's ' basketball game 54, in a nerve-frayer. ter, geeing a 37-.pointthrus, t from J O (Ky Wilson 493); Boys 4 (PerCy [ ~ .... rmnz Dean, ~omvea ~mkns Tav- IZamzow 516~ Curlers 0 CAnna) ~aammm ,-m n ~adamn a ,--~--~.A m I Jim Harding (NM), 1•42 firs~ ern, 68-39, after leading only 22- Ma e"' ~ , , ~ | m , ' eriod, ' 21 at halftime, and the Correctmns "~ n'r ' r '" . IBacon 428), Aces l (Ma~ Anstey J URIH M l $gl ,)PUK//$ n I 154--Greg Stock (SK) pinned" . ty 402), Rayonettes 3 (Marg , ) P ~e ~e w~th th ee prayers scoring • _ "., ...... 1476); Maintenance 3 (Bill Bar-] . ' - --, . .... ]sam Gatlin (NM), 1•28 first per- =~e~t"l ~OIIDIE I1Lvllr~R. fl~IITI(2.~CJ MOre'An )_.._ ~.,...,,, ,,~ .... ,.,e_.._~ .... .~ ,.~,-.~ l f1~ ...... flfl~|l~, l~...-,..,^~v,~,~,.~ "1[T,,.,~4..,~...,,,.,,. l~,rll..~.,.~,n m. . ' JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL W L pf pa Miller .... . ............... 4 0 171 139 Centralia .............. 2 1 148 112 Jefferson .............. 2 2 160 188 Hoquiam ................ 2 2 147 I12 Hopkins ................ 1 2 106 123 Washington .......... 1 2 109 120 Shelton .................. 0 3 97 124 Last Week Washington 38,Shelton 36 scored the Bearcats by 17-15 in the first stanza and 17-12 in the final, but the home club came up with 39 points against only 16 by Shelton in the two periods be- tween. Particularly disastrous was the third, when Chehalis sprinted to a 24-8 difference after grabbing the lead at the half, 30-23. 'MILLER A(M2OUNTED for 46 .percent of Climber scoring in the two games with 42-point total. to the races, and a scissoring of Swisher contributing 21 points 1V£iller 40, Hoquiam 39 their failure streak, when they with 10 against Elms and 11 at Centralia 73, Jefferson 42 ran up a 9-0 lead on the Eagles Chehalis. lvLeantime, Chief Clayton Next Games Jan. 6 before Jim Wolfe hit for Elma's and Mike Fredson came through Jefferson at Shelton first point with the period almost With their season pinnacles of nine Hopkins at Hoquiam half gone. each, Chief against Elma and iV/ike Centralia at Washington BY THE END of the quarter the against the Bearcats. Eagles had shaved the deficit to The Climbers have no games this Fouls played the key role in 12-9 and they drew even at ].6-16 week and do not return to action Shelton's third straight loss in wRh 4:05 on the clock in the until Jan. 7, when they open their junior high basketball conference second canto, finally gaining their Olympic League schedule against competition last week. first lead at 18-17 at 2:50. The title-favored East Bremerton on By virtue of converting two Climbers traded baskets from their the Knights' home floor, more free throws than the Blazers on and got the last one in the .Laat..w~el~!s..lineups: did, Washington scored a tingling period'to Lake a 23-22 margin off 38-36 triumph in Shelton gym de- the floor at the half. Elms59 I Shelton54 spite an excellent foul-line mark The Climbers shot well and sup- Wolfe 20 f[ ' Miller 22 ported this with good floor play Weld 6 fl Swisher 10ofbY 14theopportunities.Blazers' who converted 10 in the first quarter, then got a bit Butorac 15 c Bayley The Bulldogs had more chances, sloppy in the second as the Eagles Moore 16 gl Clayton ~ however, and scored 12 tallies began to whittle the lead. Comer 2 gi Keenan 7 from gift throws• Both teams In the third quarter the Eagles Subs: Elma---Johnson, Patch.scored 13 field goals, the Blazers came on strong and ran up a Shelton--Whitener 4, Preppernau in 36 casts, the Bulldogs in 47. 40-31 margin before the Climbers 2, Fredson Knautz. ANOTHER FOUL - FACTOR straightened up and bounced back. They cut it to 40-37 by the period ' Score by Periods which mitigated strongly against F~ma .............. 8 14 18 19--59 the Blazers was the loss on per- end on two quick field goals by Shelton ....... ..12 2 14 17--54 sonal fouls of twu of their best Miller, then knotted it at 41-41 shots in the fourth quarter. Bill early in the final chapter on a .~kehaJts66 I Shelton50 Daniels, who had nine points, ufent pair of baskets by Scott Swisher Pfaff20 fl Miller20 out at 3:43 while Lee Burfiend sandwiched around a~ Eagle free Nachtll f] Swisher ll was banished with 2:03 left on throw. Swisher tied tit again at ~3, but then the Eagles scored four Stedham'8 cI Whitener 3 the clock. Thomson 4 gj Clayton 5 The Bulldogs led at all the straight field goals and the die Batchelor 10 gl Preppernau 2 stops, 13-10, 20-19, and 32-27, but ,cab cut. THE CLOSEST THE Climbers Subs: Chehalis--Walker 5, Cusic the Blazerskept the pressure on pulled after that was three points, 4, Stottlemyer 2, Cabs 2, Reynold- all the was. Baskets by Daniels at 55-52 on a Swisher foul and son 0, Rinta 0, Hopkins 0. Shelton and Mike LaMarsh in the first 40 seconds of the final quarter built up the steam and it was point-for- point the rest of the way• with the Blazers never quite getting even. They kept within one to five points throughout the period but never could come up with the go- ahead goal, primarily because ~.ither Ken Muirhead or Bill Mops managed to match whatever the Blazers accomplished. CHRIS CLOSE, who led Blazer scoring with ten markers, put Shelton at 37-36 with 51 seconds "eft by converting two foul shots but the Blazersnever got another shot, even though the Bulldogs missed two of three foul shots aft- er that. Washington also won the 8th grade game, 43-21, but the Blaz- ers captured an overtime thriller, ~8-34, in the 7th grade game play- ed the day previous. Bobby Tur- ner got the winning field goal in the extra period and Kevin Dorcy ~dded insd~r~t~"'with another. .~Dbrcy wa.s high for the Blazers ,'~,~th"14 while Turner,had ten. There will be no further junior high cage action until January 6, when the Blazers will host Jef- ferson of Olympia in Shelton gym. 9th GRADE GAME Washington 38 Shelton 36 Muirhead 12 f Burfiend 4 Bailey 3 f Close 10 Mops 21 c LaMarsh 8 Allen g Tuson McGuire 2 g Daniels 9 Subs: Washington--McCuistion. Shelton--=Schmidt 2, Austin 2, Purvis 1, Adams. Score by Periods Washington ...... 13 7 12 6--38 Shelton ..... ~ ....... 10 9. 8 9--36 n 8th GRADE GAME T hursday, December 30 9.Team Ghur©h Hoop Loop Preps For ..... :, , Opening On Tu , day Nine teams representing seven ~[|. ,Bm churches will open the 1966 city ~[l~ ~ church league basketball schedule W~L,..|~u next Tuesday night with double- headers in both Lincoln and Mt: .~ 'More thins weeks • : ........... :---- I£ronl inl:er-scnool c0mflat, Once-a-week for nine weeksbugaboo of mislaid or f, these twin bills will be repeated'on eligibility slips due Losc] Tuesday nights in same gyms with caLiorr, lies behind Hig] the single exception of Feb. 22, wrestlers as they roll off to when the.normal Mr. View double'- Thurston to grapple with' header will be shifted to the Bor, Rams in a non-league mat deaux school gym. One tean-i this Thursday night. draws a bye each date. ' Coach Larry Weir exp St. E2wards Catholm and Shel' •have his varsity squad in ton Fir~,t Baptist churches will en- shape for the Rams, and ter two teams apiece in the league. Other teams will be suited up by the Methodist, First Christian;' Faith Luthera~l, Four Square Gos- pel, and St. David's Episcopal churches. Next Tuesday's openers are' paired as follows: . . LINCOLN GYM --- Methodist vs• 1st Christian, 7 p.m.; Catholic I vs. Baptist 1, 8:15 p.m. . ',): MT. VIEW GYM -- Baptist .II vs. Four Square, 7 p.m.; Cath0Hc II vs. Epis(:opal, 8:15 p.m• , should be, for North 0he of this area's toughies mat. £)ne week from then, Climbers visit Vashon another non-league Their next date at home Jan. 8, when St. Martins • Shelton gym. ', ,, ,MASON~ COUNTY SPOR~I are gradually warming up mat sport, after discover bears 'little resemblance 1 kind they See on television its' sham brutality trod in'g. ' , Under prep wrestling ches are divided into IH EL[' A mimtte rounds during which aa'e scored for various a( Shelton's junior varsity squaredl ~. m]tS of the ri~a] xwestler., accounts with all teams it has'lost' a: fall or pin ending the to this year wl~en the Little Climb- .~.~ i :nW point, within the ers nipped Elma, 65-61, in Shelt~n" ~'~unds. gym early last week in two thr:fil~;., ~ Ldc]~ing a fall or pin, a d tng overtimes, then 48 hours la£er, is warded on the basis seriously short-handed, lost to a p~)in:Ls, scored during the team it had beaten earlier, 42-3457 p~ ia ciraw.if the points coz at Chehalis. 7 :~ven. In both games the Little Climb-~ TWO pOINTS are award ers sorely mis,~ed the hustling plas; a "hike-duper', which occurs and heavy scoring of Jon Arnt-~ ~ver. one wrestler brings strong, who will be lost for tile ponent to the mat and gait season with a leg injury suffered t~ol of him; two points also: in practice. " IN THE EI:M,A extra-sessi0n' "reversal" when the wrest: 'is: being cont) olled escapes heart-stopper Jerry Sparks, steve" tm'~z gains control oz)e '~n #.'escape", v/hcn the Looney and Tom Marshall scor¢d' the critical points in the two over- the'disadvantage gains a times The game ended at 53-a11' ~':' .~",~" +~....~:.,..+0 ~"~.. ~ ,, niter tne regular four periods, each f¢,11" w~, ~ a.~ ,-,z.......~..t-._ +. team scored four m the first ove~;:( 'tl~e ~mat and the other is L!me, t~en the Little Climbers on¢ inch for two full seconds s~ruc~ zor eignt in the second 3- ~i~ts'for a "predicament", minute added period while Ehna': ~.:*~.'::~.~,,~,~ .... h=~a ,.~+hir manufactured but eight. ':'" 'i~i~c~:e:+"of't'h~e'm~a't, ";?on';";~l"~ Sparks rang up 19 for the six- [ ~s i01zching and the other is: period contest, Looney 14, to which [h~' ,~,~ ;~nm. ~e a.~ ~c,~o~ Rollie Duckham ad;led ]1. 1Kar2/w'itl~l'Se'~n~a~"but m~z'e~t"ha shall SCOled all five of his poi'tlt~ {' f[~ O11 • . " ' .. ~.) nch ~m zt for at least zn the two ovel-I:lmes when they (s,~eond... one ~oint for a "ne~ counted_critically. ' l:~.d~d:agai'nst a wrest[eri AT CHEHALIS, Coach Jerry [ In'~ *.. ~nOv~; or hold that.' c0i Knut.,son. had only eight_ playm:s,],]nj't/r~o~'~s (two points for 'a a~ ms msposkion ano it nurt, ~or |tit~n~~. / the Little Climbers, after leadffig | "--, '..'~. ....... for the first three periods, seemed ~ "&' ~C~Ln.. O~ ~:~ occurs to run out of gas in the late go-'l any.:Pa.~t or oo~n s,noume~s a! zn and couldn't hold• i~ contac~ wzm me ma~ ~ • g thezr aclvan-'~t ~ A f-ll ends the tage ' ,| seconus, a Shelton entered the fourth quar-iim~m.edi~,rely" . '. ter with a 31-27 pad after leadiffg['~"u~ve:;'~ea,,m points a i~e a~ at the two ,~r~vio .......... ~,. |tor~. a ialt VlCI:ory Lnree~ n " , ~61dts or a dec szon w~ a d 22-18.. Rzck McComb s 11 ~ .... 'x~°) - - - o two) p~n~s rot ~ca team, points paced Shelton scorin.d. Tim |. }~_ ...... 34 points was Lh~s~al#~st ,~cm.e~,,qSa~" ~' " " -e i s t~ the Little Climbers riave rha~le 'in ~ Tpe.:; matcn D !g n w~ d their seven ~a~ ..... • ..... ~_~wre~tle~s m a s~an~ing p. loss cut their 'eeord to 4:3. , e ch att emp.ts The box scores for both gamem,.l other tn.e and She!ton 65 ] Elma 61| wrestlers on. their knees w Swisher 4 f Moody 15igiven ~he top position. Thq Looney 14 f] Ochsne'{':15 Jrot)nd ' ~tarts similarly wit Sparks 19 cI Schaef 7'lp0si}-io~'s reversed, Each at) McComb 6 g Boyez: 3'~ to de]~0nstraLc his skills fz~ Duckham 11 g[ Joines 6/t°l~'and bottom positions. : Subs: Shelton---Donaldson 4,'1 THIRTY MLINUTES heft' Malloy 2, T. Marshall 5, Hays• 0.),,,~H~,~ ~ h~#in~ the Elma--Moxley 11, Levering 4, L"(~,'~!"Wa']~h[i'n-to-d%term'it Amie 0. |Wei-ght=c~ass they will be Score by Periods ' |i'd 'wrestle in Shelton .... 10 11 20 12 4 8--65|. ~,h~ w~i~h~ dlvlaions Elma .......... 7, 1t 1~, 18 4 4--65~12, 120, 127, 133, ].38, .......... ~5:17~, 191~