December 30, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 30, 1965
u--PuN: U.&A." PAGE 11
ort Has
OODSPORT--lt was a White
out onr way and looks
it woukl be a WhiLe New
coming up. Tim rain chang-
to snow Sunday afternoon pil-
up fast, keeping the road
Mrs. Carol Radtke was thrown
tile windshield, when the
driven by her husband, Jim,
with another at 106th
S.W. in Seattle, about noon
Both Mr. and Mrs. Radtke were
to West Seattle General
for treatment of cuts and
Jim was released a few
later but Mrs. Radtke was
for observation and treat-
for shock, until Christmas
Radtkes two children, Rex-
and Jimmy were not injured.
were taken to their aunt's,
Daisy Neun, who lived near
the accident occurred.
Radtkes were on their way to
to spend ChristllmS
relatives, finding they must
for a ferry they decided to
the Neuns while waiting. The
interrupted all their
~oth cars were severely dam-
The two women, alone, in
other car were shaken, one
a few slight scratches.
!]ecause of the accident the an-
pleasure of Roxann's and
great-grandparents, Mr.
Mrs. D. H. Pierce of having
f o u r great-grandchildren
them for the first thne on a
Eve, was unavoidably
)oned. H ow ev e r, at the
s were Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nich-
and sons, Harry IV and
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Will Pierce, Miss Tammie
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pierce
sons, Allenr Mark and Brian;
and Mrs. Terry Pierce and
and Mrs. H. C. Pierce.
and Mrs. Matt Kaare eter-
at a Christmas Eve dinner.
were Mr. and Mrs. George
and sons, Terry and Wal-
of Poulsbo; Mr. and Mrs.
'ice Kaare; Mr. and Mrs. Bob
men and daughters, Debbie
Cindy of Port Angeles; Mr.
Mrs. Jerry Kaare and daugh-
Karen and Mrs. Mac Dean. On
day for dinner all were
;the Maul'ice Kaare's home.
BUNDAY WAS Mrs. Gertine
birthdayI Her family
to wish her a happy
as did a few close friends.
Jacobsen is the mother of
Kenneth Simons and Mrs.
3 Jarvis.
~. Ernest Carlson is home
ring a long stay in a Shel-
hospital. Coming to spend
Lmas with her mother was
Jerry Maury, with her hus~
and children of Olympia.
'aid Lanning, son of Mr. and
a. Albert tanning is home from
lsburg AFB, N. Y.,.,~0~l~-'
] ~.ys. '! +
l e Richard Addleman's enter-
ed Christmas, Mr. and Mrs.
r Addleman and children;
and Mrs. Emil Rauscher, ot
.ton and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
l~ons, of Twin Falls, Idaho.
;er Dickinson Mrs. Addle-
Ps father, traveled to Port An-
s to have dinner with his son
family, the Floyd Dickinson's.
4nday guests at the E. T. Arn-
home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Old and family of Seattle.
t the Don Sutton home Christ-
were Mr. and Mrs. Art Indahl
N[r. and Mrs. Tom Cole of
e from Portland, Dec. 17, and
brother, Donald, drove up Dec.
rand Christmas with their
Mrs. Lem Roe. Also
Lem Roe's were Mr. and
Andrew Scott and Cliff
Howard Lockwoods' spent
stmas in Tacoma at Mrs.
:Wood's sister's, Mrs. Dorothy
:tag's. The Lockwoods' dough-
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
and MI'~. Session' son
also guests of their aunt
Bertha Crumb came up
Comas to be with her son
Baplisi Church
Adull Classes
Hergert will begin a
of discussions on the theme
Science Mdde Parts of
]ible Obsolete?", at the Shel-
Baptist Church Jan. 2.
study will be devoted to the
conflict between modern
and the historic Christian
Class members will be ca-
to participate in class
Mary Mell will bring a
the Book of Romans.
members should read this
as advance preparatiou for
are to assemble at 9:30
each Sunday morning in the
t011 First Baptist Church audi-
and will run for a period
Public is cordially invited to
6% On Reducing Balances
No Commission Charges
' . f , ,J "~ , " +, " "'~
Rosemary Crunlb from Seattle
and Miss VirginiaCrmnb from
The Emil Lauber's spent Christ-
mas in Portland, white Mrs. Jane
%Verner went to Seattle to be with
children there. Mr. and Mrs.
George Riker were in Olympia at
Mrs. Riker's sister's. Mr. and Mrs.
Ing Gronvold enjoyed Christmas
at the Charles Dillon's, while the
John Kneelands entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Eddie Kneeland and Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Goes and children.
At the Stephen Hales were Fred
Noad and the Hales' daughter,
Miss Linda Hale fronl Pullman.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray and
son, Carl, spent Christnlas Eve at
Frank's brother's, Oliver Gray's,
Christmas morning with Frank's
sister's, the Richard Endicotts and
tllen left for Beaverton, Ore., to
have Christmas dinner with Mrs.
Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wit-
liam Hays.
At the Roy Pierces for Christ-
mas dinner were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Nieholson and sons, Harry
IV and Kent; Mrs. Evelyn Nich-
olson and Miss Judy Nicholson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dess Haines went
to Sacramento to spend the holi-
days with thetr son and family.
rained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gwin
and Frank Deemer and children
Dianna, Pat and Larry, all of
~nion, Christmas day.
At the Lowell Jarvis' were Mr.
and Mrs. Herb Boeck and Mrs.
Mamie Durand to enjoy Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pierce
niotored to Bremerton to enjoy
their Christmas dinner with Mrs.
Pierce's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Weems.
The Robert Beardens enjoyed
the company of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Bearden mid Wilfred and Mrs.
Elaine Nikkelsen and sons, Billy
and Randy Essex, Christmas. An
added pleasure was a call from
their son Gary, who is in the
MATTOCK - + Due to tile h~tqvv
~now fall Sunday night. Our phone
lines are down'and rnt not able
to get in touch with all the I)0P-
I wish all my readers an~'
friends a very happy and pros,
perous New Year and also want
to thant~ all that contributed items
for my news.
The Matlock Community Church
will have a watch party and a. pot
luck supper New Yea, re Eve.
Starting at 8 p.m. Everybody is
welcome, there will be a film latel'
in the evening.
The Matloek Grange will have
its anntlld Ne\v Year.~ Eve Party
and pot luck lunch bv invitation.
Mr. and Mrs. Jahles Freden-
burg of Hoquianl and Mrs. Norma
.Iacobson of Aberdeen were Ct:rist-
mas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Elvin Hearing.
MR. AND MR,~. Harold Clift
spent tile Christmas weekend with
the loiters sister and family Mr.
and Mrs. Art Osburn of Tillamook,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. BradbertT
hud Christmas Eve supper with
My. and Mrs. Tom Rowe of Shel-
tom and then they all attended
church and visited the
Tunmr family and spent -1 few
hours at the Wee Goodburn family
all near Shelton.
Mrs. Augusta I'ofl, man and Carl
Portman spent Christnlas weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Port-
man of Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sell and
daughter Margo spent the Christ-
mas weekend with relatives at
Sedro Wooley.
Mr. and Mrs. Thorn and chil-
dren are the owners of a new
car. They spent the holidays at
Mount Vernon with relatives.
David Valley spent Tuesday
Robert evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Hea ring.
Mr. ana Z~rs. LeRoy Boothe and
family of South Bend and Mr.
and ~Irs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr.
and children spent Christmas Eve
with their folks, :Mr. and Mrs. I.
C. Ford.
MR. AND MRS. J. D. Simpson
of Br~mmlq.on spent Sunday with
Mrs. J. R. Singleton and Mr. and
Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mat$in of
Ehna Mr .and Mrs. Floyd Sher-
wood and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Hoskins of Satson were Christmas
Eve dinner garnets of Mr. and
Mrs, Herbert tlelin, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Nilsson of Seattle were week-
c+nd guests of the Helin home.
MR. AND MRS. Arthur ,.harp
and cllildren and Mr .and Mrs.
,lame:; Rossmaier and girls of
Olympia and the Carl Goodburn
familv of Shelton spent Christmas
Eve \;,,ith tlleir folks. Mr. and Mrs.
Lud Roasmaier.
Christmas dinner guests at the
Lud Rossmaier home were the
Eugene Rossmaier ~amily of Olym-
pia and the Carl Goodburn fanlily
and the Larry Chamberlin family
of St~elton.
:Mr. and Mrs. Carl ~Valker
spent Christmas in Tacoma with
Mr. and Mrs. Robet~ Trimble
and fmnily enjoyed Christmas
', Imagin
Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Calahan
along with Archie's sister, Mrs.
Gable and niece, Pam, and his ........
father, Kelley Calahan, enjoyed a . ~i ~i,+
Merry Christmas at Arelfie's sis- So delicious"---'toppeu with....
Let" and brother-in-law's the Ben
Morris at Redondo Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bryden
had their two daughters with thetr
children at home Christmas, Mrs. ~"~+~
Sandra Winters and Tony, Tim
and Kim, of Lacey and Mrs. Ag- Snoboy Frozen.
nes Dyment, Eddie and Pat of Lil- Raspberries_...._ .................. 10 size
liwaup. ~ 0 r .... 0 Z,
Christmas Eve at the Kenneth
Connally's were Mrs. Elsie Sey-
mour. Mr. and iVh's. Bob Weather- ~i~!::~! ~i~:~~!~:::~ .::~!~::::...:..-~: "~ ~ II I~
Bill Seymour and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Alexander and LENNON,s "
Chuck Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mad-
leon and Mr: and 1Vfrs. Tom Con- S~8 £1~e.~o~ne U.~;DI:.
nally and children. L ssROo~/~~&~-" "- ~,1: !
The ~reathcrleys will remain
.4glJ~ij Vfednesdav visiting relatives CH;i ' 'e;;+:'+;; ..... '+" 69"
'b=e?°~re +tu'~in~ + Peace Park at ' U.S: ~?, ~C h o~i¢~e Ao~nTe ?:b~t ¢
/~lafne: ~ ! .^N,S ~:ULL~ cOO~.ED
mour hadmostof her family at IIl$ ! "'-...- .... : .... "- + ,.
home, the Art and Roy SeymoursMrs. '~JkR,~..-- i" .,i. ''.' k--Jn'ess Fresh Loan"".. -'' "''--," ............ • " Tin 'b 6 ¢"" "-- 7 ~ONE ~ ~t ;
from Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. GROUND " ........... . 9
Bryan Schulky of Bremerton, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Weatherly and S Wift's Pr"--" ~UgK --
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. B,ll Sey- ;:::?i~17' less, FUll~+." e~d,,~
recur and'children and M'r. and fl4/~lNP~,Eb"Hik:~e C::0k
Mrs. Kenneth Connally and chin Sha~k PO~liO~
dren. =m .. r S ~ *~ "~ 10. +-- 8
Rule Dickinson and Mr. u'lU, I?./li~ll~.k _ .~9
and Mrs. John Shortsleeves had ~ Rath,s o,wl|l/~¢U ~AM ,,.
Christmas dinner with their chil-
dren, the Gordon Diekinsons. Sun- -- . . I.. 13c
,:.IVERe --. ,' u
day the Gordon DickinsonSMrs. Bill wereRbn. '", --__0~ ' ' " , • Ib, 98C Sa `-O±s+ • • • t. tb" s9¢
guests of Mr. and ,.." podi ........... , oo, Cu ....
tier in Tacoma.
SlUS4~,~, ~o~ u~ .............. ,~. 49,
Since his birthday falls on
Christmas, Harold Drakeandfam- ,G~I~~ SI~ • • 6~U~¢
ily spent Christmas Eve at Har- " ............................. lb.
old's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Drake's of Shelton and enjoyed
birthday cake as well as a Christ-
mas tree. Christmas morning Mr.
and l~rs. Ben Drake arrived at
their son's home in time for a
Christmas breakfast and to watch
their grandchildren open presents.
MR. AND MRS. William Gilbert
enjoyed their family at their home
Christmas. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Hansen and Chris, Mr.
and Mrs. Myron Roberts, Seattle,
Dean Gilbert, Spokane, Mr. and .... 10 OZ,
Mrs. Jim O'NeI1, Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy O'Neil and Paige and SNOBOY FROZEN pkg.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Neil and
Dennis Junior.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Connally and
weekend visitors, the formers
folks, Mr .and Mrs. ~obert Tfl~-
ble St'. m~l daughter Karen 'of
Cathlamet and a" brother."Deirll
Trimble of Minneapolis, Mifln.
Rev. and Mrs. mxmes Everest
and son Bobby were' Christm~ts
dinner guests of Mr. and i~fz~s.
Steve Brown.
Mt~. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmey-
er Sr. and sons Michael and BH-
an and Mrs. Ray Kimmerly and
family, the iatter of Shelton, had
Christmas dinner with Mr. arid
Mrs. Paul Johnston of Ehna. Jim
and Da~ell Kimmerly are spendt~g
this week with their grandparents.
Rev: and Mrs. James Everdst
and son Bobby left Monda.y fol~ W~e-
Minnville, Ore. to vmit Mrs. Ever-
est folks a few days.
4 LBS.
s ,¢
S & W Small l-lb. '"~'
........................................ • ,.. 89¢ .,o .,o
Coudy Savings g Loan Association
Mrs. Van Overbeck spent Christ-
mas at the home of Mrs. Betty
Basher's in Bremerton.
Mrs. Bertha Visser was a guest
of her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. LeslieMcGhee,
Christmas. 6 OZ,
Bruce Miller arrivedhome in
time to spend Chlstmas with his SNOBOY FLORIDA FROZEN 3 12 oz. tins $1.00 Tins
mother, Mrs. Georgia Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. and MrS.
George 1Vflller, Mrs. Don Smith, --;;------~-----;-;
Mrs. Charles Longshore, Fredrick
Casey and Mrs. Benny Noonan as
well as many nieces and nephews, gtm~hv S& W 6mall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward RadtkeFealty
went to Seattle Christmas day toCOCKTAIL .................................... 5 303Tins$1 WHOLE ONIONS 303
........................................ , __¢
be with her daughter, Mrs. Daisy Arden
Neun and family and the Jim ~ai66n'~6r~[ES
Radtkes. All were able to be to- 32 oz. 39¢ TOM & JERRY BATTER Pt.
........................................................ Bt,. ......................... ____¢
aether for dinner at the Neuns. Betty Crocker
A happy New Year to you all, Tradewell - 3 Bag Box
and many thanks for your pa- POTATO CHIPS ....................
tience and for your news in 1965. Box 49`.¢ CINNAMON ROLLS 3 9Y~i;:" 89+
.................................................. Party Tyme - 10 Varieties
Nalley's - 8 Flavors
24 oz.
.......................................... s,,o 89`¢
.... . ............................................................. 25 ct.
Planters ................................................ pkg. ="11" ~W~-
OOCKTAIL PEANUTS 6.+,+ o,. 37¢ Minute Maid Blended o,r Grapefruit
.................................... +,ze FROZEN JUICE 6 6=. $1
• ....................................... Tins
• ................................... T+.s 89¢ ,,~,~Coffee Corner
Standby Large Pitted Manning's
........................................ Ta,l Tins 1 ,$, 29
.Pacific Pearl ........ 2 lb. Tin
GRAB MEAT o, 69¢ l-,b. Tin 69c +
........................................................... Sze ..
Prices effective thru Friday, Dec. 31, 1965. No sale to dealers.
Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. Equal Opportunity Employer.
Smucker's: Butterscotch, Caramel,
Choc. Fudge, Pineapple 12 oz. size