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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Irsday, December 31, 1959 I-IELTON- MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publlshed in "Chri.fmasfown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Wahin SOHOOL MENU Week of Jan. 4 - 8 ItMian spaghetti, hot :red french bread, snap beans, applesauce and r. Navy hean st)Ill), hot corn bread, carrot and sticks, chocolate pudding milk. thinning thatch dog on a but- bun, cabbage and pineap- salad, white cake with or- lge icing and milk. ..... Hamburger gravy hot biscuits, peas and car- fresh fruit and milk. ..... Grilled cheese sand- whole kernel corn, fruit Ilo with whipped cream and Supplement your child's diet Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 133 Railroad HA 6-4642 ::!iii': ...... iY i!i; i! ......... !:i.i:iK ::) Grange Movement ,rs 93rd Year o[ Rural 5ervke ly Clive Troy fnmily. It is the nation's oldest, ands of women in the rural areas, has moved progressively forward. As we are about to enter into largest and most effective commu- The annual dues are less than ANYONE INTERETEI) in a the 93rd year of the grangc as a llational organization we wonder if we are really putting every- thing into l, he fraternity that we could. We have the only rural fra- ternity in the worht, it is tim only l'raternity that accepts the whole New Year's Eve DANCE AT SKOOKUM HALL Music by BUZZARD'S ORCHESTRA Admission $1.50 Per Person ":' ?i:: i i! : ": ::::::::::::::".¢: :::::::::::." !  i i: iiiiit YEAR END ii ":! :::i: SUPER VALUE. = I  = ii!!iiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiiii!;iiiiili!iii!iiiiiil;i!!ill 250 Pieces 00i0000iiii00iiiiiii00i iiiiii00il;iiiiiiii; :i/ii0000ii;ii :!ii!::!i::!i "":::i / / !s:: i.,:::: ......  i;iiii!::!ii! i! ;iii .... i! I iiii:.!!i!il! . " 'ii:!:.!/.:.i::!!;::!i::g!:: i / .::/:;)!i:.!g!::g . ", iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiijiii!ii iii!i;i)!iiii!i!iii!!i:. !::.,. .,.!.::::iiii:i/;)ii}! , Sae 0n Girls' Snpe[ Values 150 Prs. Sizes 2 to 8 Years. Fabulous Values! GIRLS' SANFORIZED COTTON SATEEN STRIPES ql OR STURDY TWILL JEANS, Elastic back ........................ Jl_ Sizes 4 to 14 Years. Machine Washable. Fleecy GIRLS' PRIIITED OUTING 4 PAJAMAS, at only ............................................... ",-.dr Just 30 Pairs, Sizes 7 to 14 Years. Warm, Washable GIRLS' CORDUROY SHORT SLACKS, Sl 44 Red, Blue, Black ................................................................. = 34 Left of these! Reduced to Clear! GIRLS' WASHABLE WOOL qlll PLAID SKIRTS, 7 to 14 years .............................................. Just 6 Left! Warm, Smart Styled. Blue Color' ORLON PILE LINED qlP POPLIN COATS, Sizes 7 to 12 Years ................................ 3 Only! Tan Color, Waterproof, Rayon Lining GIRLS' LEATHER-LIKE PLASTIC I LONG COATS ................................................................ Now O Sizes 8, 10 years. A much wanted style at a bargain, 1 Only! Princess Style, Matching Cap GIRLS' ALL WOOL GREY 12 FLEECE COAT, Size 7 Now  1 Only!.. Lon or Shnrt Zil%off Skirt... Warm, Size 7. GIRLS' ORLON LINED CONVERTIBLE s12 TWEED COAT ................................................................ NOW 7 Only! Finest "Bor" Fleece. Sizes 5, 6, 10 Years. GIRLS' BETTER ORLON LINED $10 ALL WEATHER COATS Now Just 5 of These! Suburban Length. Sizes 6 to 10 Years GIRLS' ORLON LINED LEATIrlER.LIKE q¢l PLASTIC COATS .................................................................... Just 25 Left! Sizes 7 to 14. Give-away Priced! GIRLS' COTTON BLOUSES 88 ¢ White and Checks Just Men's Denadmenl Markdowns Knit Collar and Cuffs, Snala Front BOYS' ALL WOOL MELTON JACKETS S , To clear Just--m Warm melton at a "ive:away"pce: Sizes 4 to 18 yearsj Shop early. This jacket will sell out quickly! Just 19 Pairs Left. Some Men's All Wool Worsted MEN'S DISCONTINUED SLACKS s4 88 Washable Rayon Gabardine .......................................... s Fabulous price and clacks to sell quickly! Hurry! tlightly Soiled, One of a Kind, Unpinned, etc. MEN'S ODDS AND ENDS OF LONG "8 SLEEVE SPORTSHIRTS .............................................. "_L B Sizes small, medium, large. All excellent bargains. Just Unpacked! A Repeat of a Check Out! MEN'S ,MPORTED RAYON FLANNEL $4 98 SPORT SHIRTS ................................................. = Rich. warm, washable plaid flannel shirts in sizes small to extra large. If you missed out before, don't wait this time. Santa took a lot of these! Just 5 Pairs! Machine Washable, Holds the Press MEN'S WASH 'N WEAR HEAVY 6 O0 0RLON/RAYON WHIPCORDS s Sizes 1-30x32, 31x32, 32x32, 42x30, 42x32. Hurry! Only 4 Pairs of These. Washable Rayon, Heavy MEN'S STURDY WASHABLE RAYON =4 00 WHIPCORD PANTS ........................................ Now a Sizes 29x30, 32x31, 36x34, 44x32. Shop early! Save! Warm, Washable. Fleecy Lining BOYS' CHARACTER SWEAT SHIRTS 1 OO 4 to 12 Years s White and colors with Western screen prints. Don't Forget! You Can 'Charge It' at Penney's I nity organization in terms of membership participation. It works in the state and national capitols for its members, seeking to improve the economic status of rural people giving them increased opportunities for social and cul- tural progress. It also provides a forllnl for self-expression and dis- cussion of issues local, state, na- tional and international. THE GRANGE has helped to secllre for rural America such benefits as a fairer taxation, low- er freight rates, rural delivery of nmil and parcel post, rural credit, better roads, schools and market- ing facilities. It has saved the farmers and other rural people thousands of dollars by maintain- ing fire, hail. tovnado, casualty and automobile insurance. It has created a more neighbor- ly atmosphere in the community and has been a godsend to thous- any similar fraternity yet the benefits are greater by far. If we carry any insm'ance at all tim dollar savings far outmmber the dollar outgo for dues. When we read the history of the grange we find the seven founders experienced many set-backs and disappointments 'yet they never faltered, it seemed only 'to giw them more incentive to strive harder. Especially Oliver Hudson" Kelly who spent his-last penny and returned home after two years travel without success. DJu'ing his absence his wife had rdceived a legacy of $500.00 which was a lot of money in 1866. This she gave him and bade him try again. This time he was successful and in a period of a little over one year granges had bee n organized , throughout the length and breadth of the land. What a feeling of ela-i tion this must have given him. From this beginning the grange / ,, I , iig,00 Priced to Clear Quickly! ' 200 Yards WASHABLE RAYON FLANNEL PLAID SUITING $'50 NOW ..... YD. Plaids and plain colors. A smooth, easy care fabric ideal for skirts, jumpers, sport shirts. Hand washable. Shop early! 100 YARDS ONLYI WASHABLE WOOL PLAIDS 60" Width $I To Clear... -- r.yd A fabulous savings. Very pret- ty plaids. Bargains ! history of the grange should read "The Grange, Friend of the Farm- er" by Charles M. Gardner. A copy presented by Mason Connty Pomona No. 20 is in the Shelton public library. After' attending an exceptionally nice Christmas program at our Pioneer school we felt the patrons should be proud of our rural schools and the faculties and as such should attend at least some of the board meetings to show. our interest and appreciation. We are sorry to report that Mike Zelenak suffered a heart seizure last Tuesday. He is in tim Shelton General Hospital but is not permitted to have visitors al- though his condition is satisfac- tory. Mike was a charter member and first master of the Cloqual- lum grange, is a past master of the Fair Harbor grange and a past deputy of Mason county. Mike is a very affable person and is well liked by everyone, We hope he will make a speedy recovery. We are sure he would appreciate a card or any token of remembrance from his many friends. Sheiton Valley and Cloquallum Granges are both having New Year's Eve dances so put on your dancing slippers and hop out to either grange hall for a real good time. Matlock, South Side and Twan- oh will all meet this Friday eve- ning even though it is New Year's: night, i Now as 1959 is about to gel down in history we would like tel take this opportunity to thank all who have been so cooperative and considerate-as to nlake this col- voices, sang a number of Christ- mas songs. The Choir of the West, comprised of 60 voices, also sang. Mrs. McLaughlin's grand- daughter attends P.L.C. and sings with the chorus. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Badgely and daughters of Montesano, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rau of Elma spent Christmas day with the Joe Whitings. Maria Badgcly stayed over the weekend as the guest el Marcia Whiting. The Norman Eveleths of Cor- vallis, Ore., were home for the Christmas holidays. They an( the Marion Eveleths were guests of the Murrel Blunks on Christ- mas Eve, On Christmas day all gathered at the family home at Cloquallum. Saturday, being Nan- cy Eveleth's fourth birthday, birthday party was given at the Oliver Ashford home in Shclton. Guests of the Tom Kearneys during the Christmas holidays in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Jan Holt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fisher and family and Pat Brecker, all of Everett. Mr. and Mrs. George Beckett of Mt. Vernon, and Ar- lotta Kearney of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Larson of Elma, John Messinger and Gary Joplin of Elma. Wayne Kearney was' home from Brown's Field, Calif. He returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob MePherson and three children arrived home Raymond Bordeaux Rites Held Monday Funeral services were held at 1 p.m., Monday, in the First Baptist church, Olympia, for C Raymond Bordeaux, 69, Olympia, under the direction of Mills & Mills Funeral ,00ev o, A New Year ficiated. Burial followed in the family pl'ot at Lakeview, Seattlc, 1 960 - "'" underic Lodgethe No.directi°nl. . of the Mason- 1 Mr. Bordeaux was born Nov. 3, 1890 in Shelton and died in St. Peter's Hospital, Olympia, last Friday. He was a graduate of YOU Yale University and attended Phillips Andover Academy. He was a' veteran of World War I and at one time held logging interests throughout Thurston and Mason counties. Surviving are his wife, Esther, Olympia; two daughters, Miss Re- nee Bordeaux, Seattle; Mrs. David Kellogg, San Marine, Calif.; a bro- ther, Russell, San Francisco and two grandchildren. " Services Pending Funeral services are pending for Ray V. Moore, 71, Route 2 Box 314, who died Tuesday in Shelton General Hospital. Mr. Moore was born May 16, 1888 in Nebraska. Marriages Applying for mariage licenses in the Mason county auditor's office this past week were Tom Vicen- cio, 40, Tacoma and Betty Holt, 30, Tacoma. Lots of people have great aims in life, but never pull the trigger. Let Us Show You: How To Look Forward To A New Vibrant You in 1960 We Invite You To S.ed Two Houri o,..o ,o..o -r--- SnELT0n At Our Studio n0LLEn .e. Sharing Our ActMties 8:30 'til After Midnight Phone HA 6-3494  THE r IqEW Ready to Wear Markdowns, Priced ,o Sell!  :i i ! Washable, Warm, Full Skirts, 12 to 00 wo sooc. ,oo ._. r?i00 HOUSE COATS ............................................ Now Just  • Close sewn cotton chenille robes at bargain price! Drastically Reduced. Rayon, Cottons ,Rayon Jersey WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES 3 OO 1 Rack Full Choice  a Misses and half sizes. Odds and ends, all reduced! I I: Just 10 Left! Washable Arnel, Check and Solid from Hawaii in time for Christ- ' SMART 4-PIECE SUITS $8 O0 mas The Mehorsons and Mr (2 Skirts, Weskit and Blouse) ...................................... • and Mrs. George Johnson were Your patronage durmg , Sizeh 10 to 18. Brown, blue, tan combinations, Christmas dinner guests of Mr. the past year was ap- Just 22 Left! Close Sewn, Washable and Mrs. Don Schefler of Monte- RICH RAYON CHENILLE DUSTER $3 O0 sane. preclated greatly. In LENGTH ROBES ............................................................ • FAMILY CHIUTMAS the new year we hope Tremendous Values! Sanforized Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter yO will remember us. WOMEN'S WOVEN PLA,D OR BEDFORD CORD $2 88 and family of ,eGrande, wash.,, B00TERY ANKLE SLACKS ............................................................ I attended Christmas festivities at l Th Sizes 8 to 18. Machine washable. Zip side. the home of his parents, Mr. and e Mrs. Jesse Baxter. 11 Only Left! Quilted and Taffeta Fabrics Carl Downing HOLIDAY SKIRTS TO CLEAR Want Ads Bring Results ....... I Full Circle Styles $61I ....... ............................................................   := i--.- • i 44)CIRcLEOnly, STITCHEDImp°rted SanforiZedcOTTON Broadcloth. A ReaIBRAS FOR'"0"°' [00EI%NEL.Y00 Go,ng on Sale i 81zeI 32B, 34B, 36B, 38B, 38C Only. 2 osT 77* i • i ; 100 of These! Sanforized Checks, Pastel and WHite -- m,,,a  i= p. ,= ! WOMIEN'8 BETTER COTTON BLOUSES =1.00 Roll-up Imported Sizes Sleevee Long 32 1;o and" ....................................... .o,,u, wov. ,,_ Sal:urc . a!/ at I . WOMEN'S BLOUSE8 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ................................ Choice 88 ¢ i i ! ii  i  i ii'.!:i::!iiii:)i:  i: .......... .,i,::::! !ii!!!!iii"::::'!"ii i!i::::!i::.::, i !:i:i,;i!iii './:iiii:: ;s!:;;t ii dii!i:  !iiiii::!; i[;ii:ii!ii F : iiii:!:i?i!iiii:iiii'liiiK ::': $ii[iii[ij'$ !i!!;illi;iii ri i;i!!;!iii;ii]i::ii!iiii:iii]il !::i :::ii/:i:: iiii:ilr:::-::,i!i :i .....  ........ ::i!!i:' ::!::i i :%::+i:,: ......... ., ::::::2/ii)!!ii;i{::iii}i?iiiii!i!!iiiiii!iiiii!!!i:iiil}i!i!ii!!!!i !!i iiiil;00iii:i: !iiili PRICES LISTED BY PENNEY'S IN SEATTLE PAPERS APPLY il Just 32 to 36 Sizes in White Broadcloth. Hurry! Black, Blue, Red. Odds and Ends of Better Styles WOMEN'S PLAST,C PURSES $1 77 AT BARGAIN PRICE ......... . ............................ Just a 60 Gauge, Individually Packed. Gaymode Label SHEER 15 DENIER FULL FA6HION NYLON HOSE 49* Smart, wanted shades. In all sizes 8 to 11. Save Rayons, Cotton, Magio Fabrics, Printi and PlaldJ [ REMNANTS REMNANTS EVERY PIECE MARKED AT A SAVlNGSl Bargains Galorel I Ill , I WOMEN'S ORLON P,LE L,NEO $18 88 ALL WEATHER COATS ............................ Now • 4 Only! Reduced to Clear! Charcoal in 8, 12, 18; Red in 16. Full length. Warm. Just 101 White and Pastels. 38 to 42. WOMEN'S WASHABLE SANFoRLAN $3 00 ' WOOL CARDIGANS ............................................ Now I CHARGE Your Sheets Shoe Depadmenl Bargains! 1 Group Broken Lines and Sizes 8V to 3 .Range ox00o.o00 $4 00 Odds and Ends Just I 20 Pairs, Sizes 32 to 6. Black and Brown BOYS STUROY DRESS OXFOROS $5 00 To Clear Choice s Long wearing soles. Discontinued styles. Save! Just 3 Pairs, Sizes 82, 10, 101/'2 . Marked Down MEN'S 10-INCH CREPE SOLE 10 00 ENGINEER BOOTS ...................................... Now $ • Brown, oil tanned uppers. Comfortable soles. Just 5 Pairs. Comfortable Wedge Soles. Reduced! M EN'S.6-1NCH CREPE SOLE 10 00 HI-TOP BOOTS ................................... Now Just $ • Sizes 10, 10W and 11. D and EE Widths. Remember to 'Charge It' at Pennefs Just clip the coupon below. (Bring or wear slacks and soft soled shoes or slippers.) SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW OUR STUDIO OPERATESI FREE! FREE! , FREE! 1 I su, ,' l Adults Only HA .82S3 l FREE! FREE1 FREE! You Will Enjoy the Relaxed Friendly Atmosphere Of Course, Come with Your Friends! SlIM N'TRIM (Closed January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Open Again Jan. 4th) Irsday, December 31, 1959 I-IELTON- MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Publlshed in "Chri.fmasfown, U.g.A.," Shelton, Wahin SOHOOL MENU Week of Jan. 4 - 8 ItMian spaghetti, hot :red french bread, snap beans, applesauce and r. Navy hean st)Ill), hot corn bread, carrot and sticks, chocolate pudding milk. thinning thatch dog on a but- bun, cabbage and pineap- salad, white cake with or- lge icing and milk. ..... Hamburger gravy hot biscuits, peas and car- fresh fruit and milk. ..... Grilled cheese sand- whole kernel corn, fruit Ilo with whipped cream and Supplement your child's diet Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 133 Railroad HA 6-4642 ::!iii': ...... iY i!i; i! ......... !:i.i:iK ::) Grange Movement ,rs 93rd Year o[ Rural 5ervke ly Clive Troy fnmily. It is the nation's oldest, ands of women in the rural areas, has moved progressively forward. As we are about to enter into largest and most effective commu- The annual dues are less than ANYONE INTERETEI) in a the 93rd year of the grangc as a llational organization we wonder if we are really putting every- thing into l, he fraternity that we could. We have the only rural fra- ternity in the worht, it is tim only l'raternity that accepts the whole New Year's Eve DANCE AT SKOOKUM HALL Music by BUZZARD'S ORCHESTRA Admission $1.50 Per Person ":' ?i:: i i! : ": ::::::::::::::".¢: :::::::::::." !  i i: iiiiit YEAR END ii ":! :::i: SUPER VALUE. = I  = ii!!iiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiiii!;iiiiili!iii!iiiiiil;i!!ill 250 Pieces 00i0000iiii00iiiiiii00i iiiiii00il;iiiiiiii; :i/ii0000ii;ii :!ii!::!i::!i "":::i / / !s:: i.,:::: ......  i;iiii!::!ii! i! ;iii .... i! I iiii:.!!i!il! . " 'ii:!:.!/.:.i::!!;::!i::g!:: i / .::/:;)!i:.!g!::g . ", iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiijiii!ii iii!i;i)!iiii!i!iii!!i:. !::.,. .,.!.::::iiii:i/;)ii}! , Sae 0n Girls' Snpe[ Values 150 Prs. Sizes 2 to 8 Years. Fabulous Values! GIRLS' SANFORIZED COTTON SATEEN STRIPES ql OR STURDY TWILL JEANS, Elastic back ........................ Jl_ Sizes 4 to 14 Years. Machine Washable. Fleecy GIRLS' PRIIITED OUTING 4 PAJAMAS, at only ............................................... ",-.dr Just 30 Pairs, Sizes 7 to 14 Years. Warm, Washable GIRLS' CORDUROY SHORT SLACKS, Sl 44 Red, Blue, Black ................................................................. = 34 Left of these! Reduced to Clear! GIRLS' WASHABLE WOOL qlll PLAID SKIRTS, 7 to 14 years .............................................. Just 6 Left! Warm, Smart Styled. Blue Color' ORLON PILE LINED qlP POPLIN COATS, Sizes 7 to 12 Years ................................ 3 Only! Tan Color, Waterproof, Rayon Lining GIRLS' LEATHER-LIKE PLASTIC I LONG COATS ................................................................ Now O Sizes 8, 10 years. A much wanted style at a bargain, 1 Only! Princess Style, Matching Cap GIRLS' ALL WOOL GREY 12 FLEECE COAT, Size 7 Now  1 Only!.. Lon or Shnrt Zil%off Skirt... Warm, Size 7. GIRLS' ORLON LINED CONVERTIBLE s12 TWEED COAT ................................................................ NOW 7 Only! Finest "Bor" Fleece. Sizes 5, 6, 10 Years. GIRLS' BETTER ORLON LINED $10 ALL WEATHER COATS Now Just 5 of These! Suburban Length. Sizes 6 to 10 Years GIRLS' ORLON LINED LEATIrlER.LIKE q¢l PLASTIC COATS .................................................................... Just 25 Left! Sizes 7 to 14. Give-away Priced! GIRLS' COTTON BLOUSES 88 ¢ White and Checks Just Men's Denadmenl Markdowns Knit Collar and Cuffs, Snala Front BOYS' ALL WOOL MELTON JACKETS S , To clear Just--m Warm melton at a "ive:away"pce: Sizes 4 to 18 yearsj Shop early. This jacket will sell out quickly! Just 19 Pairs Left. Some Men's All Wool Worsted MEN'S DISCONTINUED SLACKS s4 88 Washable Rayon Gabardine .......................................... s Fabulous price and clacks to sell quickly! Hurry! tlightly Soiled, One of a Kind, Unpinned, etc. MEN'S ODDS AND ENDS OF LONG "8 SLEEVE SPORTSHIRTS .............................................. "_L B Sizes small, medium, large. All excellent bargains. Just Unpacked! A Repeat of a Check Out! MEN'S ,MPORTED RAYON FLANNEL $4 98 SPORT SHIRTS ................................................. = Rich. warm, washable plaid flannel shirts in sizes small to extra large. If you missed out before, don't wait this time. Santa took a lot of these! Just 5 Pairs! Machine Washable, Holds the Press MEN'S WASH 'N WEAR HEAVY 6 O0 0RLON/RAYON WHIPCORDS s Sizes 1-30x32, 31x32, 32x32, 42x30, 42x32. Hurry! Only 4 Pairs of These. Washable Rayon, Heavy MEN'S STURDY WASHABLE RAYON =4 00 WHIPCORD PANTS ........................................ Now a Sizes 29x30, 32x31, 36x34, 44x32. Shop early! Save! Warm, Washable. Fleecy Lining BOYS' CHARACTER SWEAT SHIRTS 1 OO 4 to 12 Years s White and colors with Western screen prints. Don't Forget! You Can 'Charge It' at Penney's I nity organization in terms of membership participation. It works in the state and national capitols for its members, seeking to improve the economic status of rural people giving them increased opportunities for social and cul- tural progress. It also provides a forllnl for self-expression and dis- cussion of issues local, state, na- tional and international. THE GRANGE has helped to secllre for rural America such benefits as a fairer taxation, low- er freight rates, rural delivery of nmil and parcel post, rural credit, better roads, schools and market- ing facilities. It has saved the farmers and other rural people thousands of dollars by maintain- ing fire, hail. tovnado, casualty and automobile insurance. It has created a more neighbor- ly atmosphere in the community and has been a godsend to thous- any similar fraternity yet the benefits are greater by far. If we carry any insm'ance at all tim dollar savings far outmmber the dollar outgo for dues. When we read the history of the grange we find the seven founders experienced many set-backs and disappointments 'yet they never faltered, it seemed only 'to giw them more incentive to strive harder. Especially Oliver Hudson" Kelly who spent his-last penny and returned home after two years travel without success. DJu'ing his absence his wife had rdceived a legacy of $500.00 which was a lot of money in 1866. This she gave him and bade him try again. This time he was successful and in a period of a little over one year granges had bee n organized , throughout the length and breadth of the land. What a feeling of ela-i tion this must have given him. From this beginning the grange / ,, I , iig,00 Priced to Clear Quickly! ' 200 Yards WASHABLE RAYON FLANNEL PLAID SUITING $'50 NOW ..... YD. Plaids and plain colors. A smooth, easy care fabric ideal for skirts, jumpers, sport shirts. Hand washable. Shop early! 100 YARDS ONLYI WASHABLE WOOL PLAIDS 60" Width $I To Clear... -- r.yd A fabulous savings. Very pret- ty plaids. Bargains ! history of the grange should read "The Grange, Friend of the Farm- er" by Charles M. Gardner. A copy presented by Mason Connty Pomona No. 20 is in the Shelton public library. After' attending an exceptionally nice Christmas program at our Pioneer school we felt the patrons should be proud of our rural schools and the faculties and as such should attend at least some of the board meetings to show. our interest and appreciation. We are sorry to report that Mike Zelenak suffered a heart seizure last Tuesday. He is in tim Shelton General Hospital but is not permitted to have visitors al- though his condition is satisfac- tory. Mike was a charter member and first master of the Cloqual- lum grange, is a past master of the Fair Harbor grange and a past deputy of Mason county. Mike is a very affable person and is well liked by everyone, We hope he will make a speedy recovery. We are sure he would appreciate a card or any token of remembrance from his many friends. Sheiton Valley and Cloquallum Granges are both having New Year's Eve dances so put on your dancing slippers and hop out to either grange hall for a real good time. Matlock, South Side and Twan- oh will all meet this Friday eve- ning even though it is New Year's: night, i Now as 1959 is about to gel down in history we would like tel take this opportunity to thank all who have been so cooperative and considerate-as to nlake this col- voices, sang a number of Christ- mas songs. The Choir of the West, comprised of 60 voices, also sang. Mrs. McLaughlin's grand- daughter attends P.L.C. and sings with the chorus. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Badgely and daughters of Montesano, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rau of Elma spent Christmas day with the Joe Whitings. Maria Badgcly stayed over the weekend as the guest el Marcia Whiting. The Norman Eveleths of Cor- vallis, Ore., were home for the Christmas holidays. They an( the Marion Eveleths were guests of the Murrel Blunks on Christ- mas Eve, On Christmas day all gathered at the family home at Cloquallum. Saturday, being Nan- cy Eveleth's fourth birthday, birthday party was given at the Oliver Ashford home in Shclton. Guests of the Tom Kearneys during the Christmas holidays in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Jan Holt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fisher and family and Pat Brecker, all of Everett. Mr. and Mrs. George Beckett of Mt. Vernon, and Ar- lotta Kearney of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Larson of Elma, John Messinger and Gary Joplin of Elma. Wayne Kearney was' home from Brown's Field, Calif. He returned Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob MePherson and three children arrived home Raymond Bordeaux Rites Held Monday Funeral services were held at 1 p.m., Monday, in the First Baptist church, Olympia, for C Raymond Bordeaux, 69, Olympia, under the direction of Mills & Mills Funeral ,00ev o, A New Year ficiated. Burial followed in the family pl'ot at Lakeview, Seattlc, 1 960 - "'" underic Lodgethe No.directi°nl. . of the Mason- 1 Mr. Bordeaux was born Nov. 3, 1890 in Shelton and died in St. Peter's Hospital, Olympia, last Friday. He was a graduate of YOU Yale University and attended Phillips Andover Academy. He was a' veteran of World War I and at one time held logging interests throughout Thurston and Mason counties. Surviving are his wife, Esther, Olympia; two daughters, Miss Re- nee Bordeaux, Seattle; Mrs. David Kellogg, San Marine, Calif.; a bro- ther, Russell, San Francisco and two grandchildren. " Services Pending Funeral services are pending for Ray V. Moore, 71, Route 2 Box 314, who died Tuesday in Shelton General Hospital. Mr. Moore was born May 16, 1888 in Nebraska. Marriages Applying for mariage licenses in the Mason county auditor's office this past week were Tom Vicen- cio, 40, Tacoma and Betty Holt, 30, Tacoma. Lots of people have great aims in life, but never pull the trigger. Let Us Show You: How To Look Forward To A New Vibrant You in 1960 We Invite You To S.ed Two Houri o,..o ,o..o -r--- SnELT0n At Our Studio n0LLEn .e. Sharing Our ActMties 8:30 'til After Midnight Phone HA 6-3494  THE r IqEW Ready to Wear Markdowns, Priced ,o Sell!  :i i ! Washable, Warm, Full Skirts, 12 to 00 wo sooc. ,oo ._. r?i00 HOUSE COATS ............................................ Now Just  • Close sewn cotton chenille robes at bargain price! Drastically Reduced. Rayon, Cottons ,Rayon Jersey WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES 3 OO 1 Rack Full Choice  a Misses and half sizes. Odds and ends, all reduced! I I: Just 10 Left! Washable Arnel, Check and Solid from Hawaii in time for Christ- ' SMART 4-PIECE SUITS $8 O0 mas The Mehorsons and Mr (2 Skirts, Weskit and Blouse) ...................................... • and Mrs. George Johnson were Your patronage durmg , Sizeh 10 to 18. Brown, blue, tan combinations, Christmas dinner guests of Mr. the past year was ap- Just 22 Left! Close Sewn, Washable and Mrs. Don Schefler of Monte- RICH RAYON CHENILLE DUSTER $3 O0 sane. preclated greatly. In LENGTH ROBES ............................................................ • FAMILY CHIUTMAS the new year we hope Tremendous Values! Sanforized Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter yO will remember us. WOMEN'S WOVEN PLA,D OR BEDFORD CORD $2 88 and family of ,eGrande, wash.,, B00TERY ANKLE SLACKS ............................................................ I attended Christmas festivities at l Th Sizes 8 to 18. Machine washable. Zip side. the home of his parents, Mr. and e Mrs. Jesse Baxter. 11 Only Left! Quilted and Taffeta Fabrics Carl Downing HOLIDAY SKIRTS TO CLEAR Want Ads Bring Results ....... I Full Circle Styles $61I ....... ............................................................   := i--.- • i 44)CIRcLEOnly, STITCHEDImp°rted SanforiZedcOTTON Broadcloth. A ReaIBRAS FOR'"0"°' [00EI%NEL.Y00 Go,ng on Sale i 81zeI 32B, 34B, 36B, 38B, 38C Only. 2 osT 77* i • i ; 100 of These! Sanforized Checks, Pastel and WHite -- m,,,a  i= p. ,= ! WOMIEN'8 BETTER COTTON BLOUSES =1.00 Roll-up Imported Sizes Sleevee Long 32 1;o and" ....................................... .o,,u, wov. ,,_ Sal:urc . a!/ at I . WOMEN'S BLOUSE8 DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ................................ Choice 88 ¢ i i ! ii  i  i ii'.!:i::!iiii:)i:  i: .......... .,i,::::! !ii!!!!iii"::::'!"ii i!i::::!i::.::, i !:i:i,;i!iii './:iiii:: ;s!:;;t ii dii!i:  !iiiii::!; i[;ii:ii!ii F : iiii:!:i?i!iiii:iiii'liiiK ::': $ii[iii[ij'$ !i!!;illi;iii ri i;i!!;!iii;ii]i::ii!iiii:iii]il !::i :::ii/:i:: iiii:ilr:::-::,i!i :i .....  ........ ::i!!i:' ::!::i i :%::+i:,: ......... ., ::::::2/ii)!!ii;i{::iii}i?iiiii!i!!iiiiii!iiiii!!!i:iiil}i!i!ii!!!!i !!i iiiil;00iii:i: !iiili PRICES LISTED BY PENNEY'S IN SEATTLE PAPERS APPLY il Just 32 to 36 Sizes in White Broadcloth. Hurry! Black, Blue, Red. Odds and Ends of Better Styles WOMEN'S PLAST,C PURSES $1 77 AT BARGAIN PRICE ......... . ............................ Just a 60 Gauge, Individually Packed. Gaymode Label SHEER 15 DENIER FULL FA6HION NYLON HOSE 49* Smart, wanted shades. In all sizes 8 to 11. Save Rayons, Cotton, Magio Fabrics, Printi and PlaldJ [ REMNANTS REMNANTS EVERY PIECE MARKED AT A SAVlNGSl Bargains Galorel I Ill , I WOMEN'S ORLON P,LE L,NEO $18 88 ALL WEATHER COATS ............................ Now • 4 Only! Reduced to Clear! Charcoal in 8, 12, 18; Red in 16. Full length. Warm. Just 101 White and Pastels. 38 to 42. WOMEN'S WASHABLE SANFoRLAN $3 00 ' WOOL CARDIGANS ............................................ Now I CHARGE Your Sheets Shoe Depadmenl Bargains! 1 Group Broken Lines and Sizes 8V to 3 .Range ox00o.o00 $4 00 Odds and Ends Just I 20 Pairs, Sizes 32 to 6. Black and Brown BOYS STUROY DRESS OXFOROS $5 00 To Clear Choice s Long wearing soles. Discontinued styles. Save! Just 3 Pairs, Sizes 82, 10, 101/'2 . Marked Down MEN'S 10-INCH CREPE SOLE 10 00 ENGINEER BOOTS ...................................... Now $ • Brown, oil tanned uppers. Comfortable soles. Just 5 Pairs. Comfortable Wedge Soles. Reduced! M EN'S.6-1NCH CREPE SOLE 10 00 HI-TOP BOOTS ................................... Now Just $ • Sizes 10, 10W and 11. D and EE Widths. Remember to 'Charge It' at Pennefs Just clip the coupon below. (Bring or wear slacks and soft soled shoes or slippers.) SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW OUR STUDIO OPERATESI FREE! FREE! , FREE! 1 I su, ,' l Adults Only HA .82S3 l FREE! FREE1 FREE! You Will Enjoy the Relaxed Friendly Atmosphere Of Course, Come with Your Friends! SlIM N'TRIM (Closed January 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Open Again Jan. 4th)