December 31, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 31, 1959 |
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December 31, 1959
Here's to the New Year
and friends who gave
us their loyal support
1959. Happy
New Year to all.
Merritt Wingard
softball catcher
- Chmst,maslown,, U.S.A.," Sh¢lton. WaMfington
,+,+ New Year's Eve CK
t)usin,ss me,,ting highlighted tile
Jan. 9, in Tradewclt to i'aiso fllnds i .
for toys fo,' the playschool. . i : 00kum Bay
WLStt T() SELL Motor,,la T.V. (',ln-
ph,t with ;illt(Illl;[S. l.,ik,' ]l,'W, A"ill i
WAISTED-: in m> h,,m,;.
dtv (Jl" Ill. ilL, (:'h'ltzl II/lli'. f,!Jl(''(J
lillY i:;()[)Y \\;V()(!)I) f,,v .ah'. ('aLl ItA
6-68 I1. H 12, ',11-1/7
P40[. I{ENT l,'t£1'ilish<l, sl]l;tll 3 t)'([-
I'{J4iltl hi,US(' (+ll I'ILII" }&(:l'(. '4, $5(J.()lJ per
nlmth. Wtttol'l'r(mt [¢.+0.1ty. l+|l,,Jl,! ]tA
(;-N535. 12,';{I
Legal Publications
NO'I'I('F: Ol " ,',4IIEI{IFF"S AI, E
(,n Mt)nday th+ 4th dlty of Jtlltlttl'y,
1960 at th( h(ul' iJf 10:00 A.M. ,)f stitl
dlly ilL Dt,l'all She'll S,rvic(-, Shetton,
Wasllinl*n. I will s(ll th(' f,llowillg
do.u(rl'il)(d v('hi(:l+!s, to-wit :
(1) 1949 (]h!vroh't Sdan Mtr No.
(IAA67243b" Li( No. 7L8131, Oregon.
(2) 1940 l-]uick S(+dan Mtr NI).
53938570 Lic No. 5M4751, Oregon.
(3) 1951 Oldsmobile Sedan Mtr. No.
518M31511 Lic No. 2461-263, Illinois.
l.{II.,,on Cot 1 Iy. Wltsllingfon
12/31 It
Friday - Saturday, Jan. 1 and 2
Starring David Nlven and Shirley MacLaine
With an All Star Cast: Sal MineD, Christine Carere, Barry Cos,
Barbara Eden, Gary Crosby, Terry Moore, Jim
Backus, Jessie Royce Landis.
Next Week. Jan. 8 & 9:
"The Last Train From Gun Hill"
and "The Enchanted Island"
Here's to the NEW
SUBURBAN., , , , , , , $2495
4-DOOR . • . . . . • • $2595
Radio - Heater - Automatic Transmission - Power Steering
FORD, New Factory Motor ............ $595
1954 CHRYSLER 6 4-DOOR .................. $795
FORD 6 .............................................. $495
1956 HILLMAN HUSKY ........................ $795
1949 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN ................ $245
Radio, H(;ater, ex. cond.
2 Extra Spares .................................. $395
DODGE s/-TON ................................ $345
SEE THE 1960
Pauley Motors
1ST & RAILROAD HA 6-8183
(h)uble celebration foF r it was not
only Christmas Eve, but was also
their first wedding anniversary.
Congratulations to both of you.
They traveled to Port Orehard to:
spend the day with Ernie's broth-
The Andy Stamborskeys had a
double reason to celebrate. Their
son Robert came home from school
in Seattle, and Billy (Mrs. Stam-
borskey) was released from the
Sleiton hospital on Christmas eve
so it was a perfect day for them.
The Tom Tierneys had com-
pany at their lovely new home at
the north end. Mr. and Mrs. Gra-
ham from Bolinas, California ar-
rived a couple of days before
Christmas, and on Christmas day
they drove to the Seattle-Tacoma
airport and met their son "who is
working in Television m Mill Val-
ley, Californ, so it really was a
big day.
The Rev. Father O'Brien and his
mother and sister arrived from
Kentfield, California, Wednesday
evening for an overnight stay at
their summer home, before going
to Seattle to spend the holidays
with their sister Mildred and fam-
The Knauf Children really had a
wonderful Christmas. Their grand-
W L pf pa
Centralia ................ 3 0 117 54
Hoquiam ................ 3 0 129 92
SHELTON ............ 2 1 87 91
Jefferson .............. 2 1 82 81
Washington ..... 0- 1 3 89 125
Hopkins ................ 1 3 123 109
Miller ...................... 0 4 90 165
Last Week
Jefferson 30, Hopkins 28
Hoquiam 53, Miller 38
Contrails :,)7, Washington 29
Games Jan. 8
Shelton at Washington
Jefferson at Miller
I-toquiam at Centralia
Unbeaten Centralia and Hoqui-
am, along with once-defeated Jef-
ferson posted victories in the
northern division of the South-
west Washington junior high bas-
ketball league last week, while
Shelton was idle. Next play is
scheduhd for January 8 with Shel-
ton taking a short jaunt to meet
Washington in Olympia.
Moose No. 1 ................ 40 24
Kiwanis Club ................ 38,, 25
Fuller Construction .... 38 26
Shelton Hardwire .... 33 31
Active Club ................ 32, 31]/,
Lions Club .................... 28 36
Morken Logging Co ..... 27 37
Rotary Club ................ 20 44
High game++Gene Lindberg 233
High series--Gene Lindberg 574
Jan. 5 ..... Hedrick's vs Morgan
Transfer, Ritner's vs Joy Novelty
at 7; Shelton Hotel vs Cota Grill,
McConkey's Pharmacy vs Olsen
Ftu'niture at 9.
Jan. 6---Shelton Recreation vs
Mick's Tavern, Olympia Beer vs
Lemke's Service at 6:45; Rainier
Beer vs Log Cabin, Ritner's vs
Lucky Lager at 9 p.m.
+ful visit was enjoyed by all.
Mrs• Aina Anderson had her
house busting over with holiday
cheer with Peggy and Alvin An-
derson, Betty and Carl Matus and
girls, Helen and Gunner John-
son and Ronnie and Elizabeth
and Sundius Johnson all came
over for Christmas eve. On Fri-
day Mrs. Anderson spent the day
with the Walter Scotts on Hood
As we said, Ronnie Johnson
came home for the holidays from
far a,ay sunny Texas and will
leave on Jan. 4 for Lexington, Ky.,
where he has been transferred by
Proctor and Gamble• Ronnie is
field representative for the com-
was plum full for the holidays
when daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Carnes of Des Moines and their
three children, and their son, Lyle
and Marlene Hitchcock and chil-
dren of Olympia came out for the
joyous occasion. Mr. and Mrs.
Roscoe Page came out on Satur-
day and their daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Crockett enjoyed see-
ing old friends again. On Friday
Beulah's brother and family of
Shelton, the Roy Whaleys spent
some time at Bellow.
Mi and Bernie Moore spent
Christmas in Olympia with daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elman Christo-
pher. Mi reports that her grand-
son Bucky is clearing land and
either planning to build a house
on the point at the Cove or else
move a trailer house in.
The Jim Lohrers sure had plen-
ty of Christmases and also lots of
yummy things to eat. They spent
Christmas eve with Naomi's sis-
ter, Mrs. Sparling in Seattle. Then
on south to Olympia for Christmas
dinner with Jim's brother Walt at
South Bay. Then spent overnight
with Jim's sister, Mrs. Duby, also
of South Bay. On the way home
they visited with long time friends,
the Roy Berghs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Gross and
son Kenny came to the Island by
boat from Boston Harbor Christ-
mas Day to spend part of the day
with her sister and family, the
Robert Barnetts. Margaret and
family drove from Seattle to Bos-
ton Harbor and really enjoyed the
trip by boat to the Island. They
returned to Seattle on Saturday•
On Saturday afternoon Dorothy's
brother and his wife, the Bill
Waids of Portland surprised them
for an overnight visit during the
The Paul Chaffees had their .--"on
Dick and family from Reo Del,
California and their son, Ernie and
family of Vancouver, Washington
'home for the holidays. Odeyne
: says the big house is sure empty
now since the children have all
Celia and Hugo Glaser had their
daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Frnich and their five chil-
dren and their son Joe Glauer and
children of Bremerton home for
Christmas dinner. After the com-
pany had left the H. V. Glasers
went up and spent the evening
and had Christmas supper with
them. Grandma and Bud then
played Christmas carols for us.
Bud on the violin and Grandma
on the piano and it was certainly
a wonderful ending for a perfect
The H. Vincent Glasers spent
overnight Saturday with Donette's
folks, the Donald Eddys in Ho-
Mrs. Anna Glaser spent most of
Christmas week in Aberdn with
her son and family, the Bill Glas-
ers. ,
Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mrs. John
Goetsch and Mrs. Glaser took the
Misses Cheryl Meeks, Elaine Win-
gert, Ruth Wlngert and Suzie
Glaser out caroling on Wednesday
night. We all had a wonderful
time and we are sure glad the
people we caroled were under-
standing about colds and such, but
everyone enjoyed the night.
The George Waites $pert Christ.
mas eve with Marine's folks, the
Paul Smiths. Then on Christmas
the George T: Waites, St:, came
over and spent the day.
THE HAltSTINE Island Oyster
Plant will resume operation on
January 4, Th is an anual shut-
down to enable the cannery work-
ers some time off for the holi-
The Ballow Road is in pretty
bad condition on Buffington Hill,
so drive carefully.
School Bells ring out Monday,
Jan. 4 for Harstine Island kids.
We wis h each and everyone of
you a very Merry and Prosperous
New Year.
Ads Bring Results
ONCE AGAIN the eagerly an-[old-Clift over the Christmas holi-
ticipated Christmas festivities are l days.
behind us, but there lingers many i Mr+ an(l Mrs. Walter Shaw and
a pleasant memory of the happy son Jery spent Christmas eve
holiday t C.
• lwith the C. P;.lmer family ,)l
Such a holiday was experienee(tt Schafer State Park.
kane was also there so a wonder- by the Bill Marc'y family 'ho cele- Mr, and Mrs. Truman Meyers
brated Christmas eve and attend-tof Melbourne were Christmas din-
ed the wedding and reception of I net guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mrs. Marcy's brother, David Har- i Ever s and family.
dy and Pai: Collins, all in one day. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of El-
Following the wedding of David
and Pat at the Methodist church
and a reception in tieir honor at
the Southsidc grange hall, the
family gathered at the Phil HEr-
die home,for a typical Christmas
eve. Christmas day was also spent
at the Hardie home.
A "house full" at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Larry Oliver on
Christmas eX, e included the Oily-
era' daughter, Robin Greenwood,
Robin's in-laws, the, QrvAI Green-
woods of Bainbridge Island, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kullrich, Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Whitakei , Mr. and Mrs.
John Sells anl Pamela, Dianne
Sells and a friend.
THE CItRITMAS day guest
list at the Olivers included .the
Greenwoods, Kullrichs, Mr. Lyle
Burnett .of BFemerton, Wanda
Wyatt of Union anlt Larry's moth-
er, Mrs, Oliver.
The fancily group which congre-
gated at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Silva for Chriitmas eve in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Walter Al-
len, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Braz and
Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Davis Chap-
)ell and daughters, Joe Meister
and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore
and Cheri who arrived at the Sil-
vas after spending the early part
of the evening at the home of Le-
Roy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geor-
ge Smart of Skokomish valley.
The same group witi the ex-
ception of the Chappells spent
Christmas day at the Silvas.
TIle JOIIN SELLS family had
as dinner g'uests on Christmas
day, Mrs. Sells' parents, the How-
ard Robinsons.
Callers at the Sells home that
day were Mr. and Mrs. Art Ward
and family of Olympia and Jeanne
Sallee of Oakland, Calif. and her
mother stopped to visit Dianne
TIlE JIM SHRUM home was
the scene of a Cristmas dinner at
which the Rocky Hembroffs and
Mrs. Shrum's parents, the A. O,
Charlsons were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury
spent Christmas day at the home
of their son and family, the Wai-
ter Stansburys. Also on 'hand for
the day's activities were the
Stansburys' daughter, B a r b a ra
Crabill and Kim and Mrs. Stans-
bury's brother, Melvin Sparks of
San Francisco.
The Cliff Roundtrees had their
son, Davi(i and his friend Lee No-
ble home from Paine Air Force
base for the holidays.
Dolores Atwood and Janet Jack-
son were Sunday dinner guests at
the Roundtree home before the
boys retuuned to base that day.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Silva and
Sharon spent (hristmas ew,. at the
home of the Silva's daughter and
family, the Bruce Williams.
Mrs. Williams and children, Debby
and Tommy were dinner guests of
the Sllvas.
Mr. and Mrs: Art Lampman of
Seattle were holiday house guests
of Mrs. Lampman's sister and her
husband, Mr. amd Mrs. Dan Lynch.
The Leland Hudsons traveled to
Everett for Christmas at the home
of Mrs. Hudson's daughter and
family, the Donald Curries.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sells and
boys enjoyed having Mrs. Sells'
parents, the Hans Larsons and her
aunt, Miss Clara Opsahl of Se-
attle spend Christmas eve through
Saturday with them.
Since the Clyde Wells' daughter
and family , the E. G. Van Acker-
ens 0 Seattle were unable to
spend Christmas day with them,
the event was celebrated a day
House guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Al Wolf on Christmas eve were
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Abbott of Ta-
coma and Mr. an Mrs. Ray Bur-
res of Pacific BeaCh.
On Christmas day the Woifs at-
tended a large family dinner at
the Charles Teagle home on Ar-
cadia Point,
The S. L. McFies left home
Sunday for month long vacation
in Southern California where they
will be visiting relatives and are
looking forward to seeing the
Rose Parade in Pasadena.
MR. AND MRS. Clyde Wells
motored to Bremerton last Mon-
day where they visited their
daughter and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. John E. Bowen.
The Boh Wallins are just as
proud as they can be of their new
granddaughter, Mary Lee Ben-
nett who was born December 13 in
Tacoma. Mary Lee's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett (the
former Myrna Wallin) who also
have another daughter, Ann.
A MEETING of the Skookum
Bay Improvement Club will be
Mr. and Mrs. William Avery
had as their Christmas eve guests
M]'. and Mrs. J()tm Rebman and
family, Linda, Will and Roney
Rodgers of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Rebman and family and
Mother Rebman of Skokomish, the
I Iley 8... ?
123 South 2nd Street • Phone HA 6-4663 EaOaS AND FRIENDS REIFIESHMENTS
Uses His Right Arm to Make Certain Decisions
lP: 5
ma enjoyed Christmas dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert tlelin.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw and
son Jerry were dinner guests of
their cousins, Mr. and Mr.. C. L.
:Glidden of Grayland Saturday.
: Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing,
'Mrs. Maude Hayes and Mrs. gills
Tyra were dinner guests Christ-
mas evening of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Clift.
Mr. Charles Clinton and son
were Christmas dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Palmer of
Sehafer State Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Niisson of Se-
attle were weekend guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Helin.
Mrs. Angmta Portman and Carl
Portman were Christmas dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Port-
man of Shelton.
Mrs. Mary Albaugh of North
Dakota, Mrs, Walter Welander
and Mrs. Al Struz and two chil-
dren of Shelton called on Mrs.
Augusta Portman and Carl Port-
man Thursday.
Mrs. Wihna Rosenow and son
Dick of Tacoma spent Thursday
with her sister, Mrs. Roscoe Crow-
ell and Chester.
Mrs. Roscoe Crowell called on
Mrs. Clarence Barker Thursday
'Mrs. M. E. Crowell spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Perry D.
Crowelt and family of Montesano.
The Edward Valley family had
as their guests for dinner Satur-
James Avery family of California
and the Noelen Avery family of
Matlock. }1
Mr. and Mrs. James Avery 'ud
three children left Tuesday for{i
their home in Sunny Mead,' Cali-I!
fornia after spending two weeks I
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmey-
er, St. and family were Christmas
(iinner gxests of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Hopkins and family of II
SheMon and Gene Brehmeyer is i l
spending a few days this week t
there, t=
, i
I ....... ;
"'--2- II 9 6 0
It was a pleasure to
serue you during the
past.year. 7"o all our
friends we say happy
New Year.
Drilling Co.
Phone HA 6-4713
$1.00 Per Person • Dancing 9:30 to ? ?
day Mr. and Mrs. Claude Legacey Complete Beauty Service
and family of Tacoma, Bill Nye of
Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Sam "Dig-.
gle, Jr. and Theresa and Sam Dig-
gle, St. It was their Christmas
dinner as some of the guests
weren't able to come Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing';
spent Sundl.y evcning with Mr.
and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rossmaicr
were Christmas day guests of the
former's sister and family, Mr.
amt Mrs. Jalnes Lowell of Taco-
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boolh and
family of Hoquiam, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Brehmcyer, Jr. and fam-
ily, Mr'. and Mrs. John Singleton
and Mrs. Myrtle Meyers were
Christmas (]inner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Diane
Booths remained to spend this
week with her grandparents. I
Mr. and Mrs. Luvern Goodburn [
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lud
Rossmaier and Paul and Margar-
et, Betty Filyaw and Larry Chain-
berlin were Christmas eve guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp of
Olympia. ,
Tuesday evcning of last week
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaie V visit>
cd Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ross-
maier of Black Lake.
Mrs. Frances Dickens and chil-
dren, Gary and' Loretta, and De-
wayne Goodburn of Puyallup, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Goodburn and
family of Renton and Mr. and Mrs."
Merland Goadburn of Shelton
were Christmas dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lucern Goodburn.
The Earl Landis family had a
scare Saturday when they had a
chimney fire. No damage was
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and
sons Dan and Pat were Christmas
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Ellis of Tacoma.
Mrs. Eli Bradshaw and Dondae
Ellis are visiting the Earl Walker
family this week.
held Monday, January 4.
Mrs. India Sells is home fol-
lowing'a brief hospital'isati0n. The'
community certainly h'opes' she is
feeling better now.
The ChUck Batten family, for-
merly of the community, bit"ffo)
making their home in Medford,
Oregon, have been visiting in Shel-
ton for a few days and during
their stay called: at he Jim Shrum
and Joha Sells homes on Sunday.
OLYM'PIANS, Mrs. Bell Gimm
and daughter, Helen visited Wal-
ter S Allen last Wednesday.
Our Specialty
Expert Styling & Cutting
11+ so ,th HA 6-2431
New freed ;s designed to priced' a ?ow aS
pUlou through mud, slush or
snow .... yet g{ves greater __
, mileage and better
! Plus tax € r¢- +
podormance ondry roads "x cappable
without annoying hum carcass .r' ,',+
or vibration. The BEST year
orouml bad-weather tire
you can buy. 6:70 x I$
., limb i, ,,. rail qllml qll tram mi = ==, mare m m limb m
116 No. First
HA 6-4373
.. w , IIII] i
INinterize Your Home
from our stocks of
Install It Yourself
in ONE Afternoon!
December 31, 1959
Here's to the New Year
and friends who gave
us their loyal support
1959. Happy
New Year to all.
Merritt Wingard
softball catcher
- Chmst,maslown,, U.S.A.," Sh¢lton. WaMfington
,+,+ New Year's Eve CK
t)usin,ss me,,ting highlighted tile
Jan. 9, in Tradewclt to i'aiso fllnds i .
for toys fo,' the playschool. . i : 00kum Bay
WLStt T() SELL Motor,,la T.V. (',ln-
ph,t with ;illt(Illl;[S. l.,ik,' ]l,'W, A"ill i
WAISTED-: in m> h,,m,;.
dtv (Jl" Ill. ilL, (:'h'ltzl II/lli'. f,!Jl(''(J
lillY i:;()[)Y \\;V()(!)I) f,,v .ah'. ('aLl ItA
6-68 I1. H 12, ',11-1/7
P40[. I{ENT l,'t£1'ilish<l, sl]l;tll 3 t)'([-
I'{J4iltl hi,US(' (+ll I'ILII" }&(:l'(. '4, $5(J.()lJ per
nlmth. Wtttol'l'r(mt [¢.+0.1ty. l+|l,,Jl,! ]tA
(;-N535. 12,';{I
Legal Publications
NO'I'I('F: Ol " ,',4IIEI{IFF"S AI, E
(,n Mt)nday th+ 4th dlty of Jtlltlttl'y,
1960 at th( h(ul' iJf 10:00 A.M. ,)f stitl
dlly ilL Dt,l'all She'll S,rvic(-, Shetton,
Wasllinl*n. I will s(ll th(' f,llowillg
do.u(rl'il)(d v('hi(:l+!s, to-wit :
(1) 1949 (]h!vroh't Sdan Mtr No.
(IAA67243b" Li( No. 7L8131, Oregon.
(2) 1940 l-]uick S(+dan Mtr NI).
53938570 Lic No. 5M4751, Oregon.
(3) 1951 Oldsmobile Sedan Mtr. No.
518M31511 Lic No. 2461-263, Illinois.
l.{II.,,on Cot 1 Iy. Wltsllingfon
12/31 It
Friday - Saturday, Jan. 1 and 2
Starring David Nlven and Shirley MacLaine
With an All Star Cast: Sal MineD, Christine Carere, Barry Cos,
Barbara Eden, Gary Crosby, Terry Moore, Jim
Backus, Jessie Royce Landis.
Next Week. Jan. 8 & 9:
"The Last Train From Gun Hill"
and "The Enchanted Island"
Here's to the NEW
SUBURBAN., , , , , , , $2495
4-DOOR . • . . . . • • $2595
Radio - Heater - Automatic Transmission - Power Steering
FORD, New Factory Motor ............ $595
1954 CHRYSLER 6 4-DOOR .................. $795
FORD 6 .............................................. $495
1956 HILLMAN HUSKY ........................ $795
1949 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN ................ $245
Radio, H(;ater, ex. cond.
2 Extra Spares .................................. $395
DODGE s/-TON ................................ $345
SEE THE 1960
Pauley Motors
1ST & RAILROAD HA 6-8183
(h)uble celebration foF r it was not
only Christmas Eve, but was also
their first wedding anniversary.
Congratulations to both of you.
They traveled to Port Orehard to:
spend the day with Ernie's broth-
The Andy Stamborskeys had a
double reason to celebrate. Their
son Robert came home from school
in Seattle, and Billy (Mrs. Stam-
borskey) was released from the
Sleiton hospital on Christmas eve
so it was a perfect day for them.
The Tom Tierneys had com-
pany at their lovely new home at
the north end. Mr. and Mrs. Gra-
ham from Bolinas, California ar-
rived a couple of days before
Christmas, and on Christmas day
they drove to the Seattle-Tacoma
airport and met their son "who is
working in Television m Mill Val-
ley, Californ, so it really was a
big day.
The Rev. Father O'Brien and his
mother and sister arrived from
Kentfield, California, Wednesday
evening for an overnight stay at
their summer home, before going
to Seattle to spend the holidays
with their sister Mildred and fam-
The Knauf Children really had a
wonderful Christmas. Their grand-
W L pf pa
Centralia ................ 3 0 117 54
Hoquiam ................ 3 0 129 92
SHELTON ............ 2 1 87 91
Jefferson .............. 2 1 82 81
Washington ..... 0- 1 3 89 125
Hopkins ................ 1 3 123 109
Miller ...................... 0 4 90 165
Last Week
Jefferson 30, Hopkins 28
Hoquiam 53, Miller 38
Contrails :,)7, Washington 29
Games Jan. 8
Shelton at Washington
Jefferson at Miller
I-toquiam at Centralia
Unbeaten Centralia and Hoqui-
am, along with once-defeated Jef-
ferson posted victories in the
northern division of the South-
west Washington junior high bas-
ketball league last week, while
Shelton was idle. Next play is
scheduhd for January 8 with Shel-
ton taking a short jaunt to meet
Washington in Olympia.
Moose No. 1 ................ 40 24
Kiwanis Club ................ 38,, 25
Fuller Construction .... 38 26
Shelton Hardwire .... 33 31
Active Club ................ 32, 31]/,
Lions Club .................... 28 36
Morken Logging Co ..... 27 37
Rotary Club ................ 20 44
High game++Gene Lindberg 233
High series--Gene Lindberg 574
Jan. 5 ..... Hedrick's vs Morgan
Transfer, Ritner's vs Joy Novelty
at 7; Shelton Hotel vs Cota Grill,
McConkey's Pharmacy vs Olsen
Ftu'niture at 9.
Jan. 6---Shelton Recreation vs
Mick's Tavern, Olympia Beer vs
Lemke's Service at 6:45; Rainier
Beer vs Log Cabin, Ritner's vs
Lucky Lager at 9 p.m.
+ful visit was enjoyed by all.
Mrs• Aina Anderson had her
house busting over with holiday
cheer with Peggy and Alvin An-
derson, Betty and Carl Matus and
girls, Helen and Gunner John-
son and Ronnie and Elizabeth
and Sundius Johnson all came
over for Christmas eve. On Fri-
day Mrs. Anderson spent the day
with the Walter Scotts on Hood
As we said, Ronnie Johnson
came home for the holidays from
far a,ay sunny Texas and will
leave on Jan. 4 for Lexington, Ky.,
where he has been transferred by
Proctor and Gamble• Ronnie is
field representative for the com-
was plum full for the holidays
when daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Carnes of Des Moines and their
three children, and their son, Lyle
and Marlene Hitchcock and chil-
dren of Olympia came out for the
joyous occasion. Mr. and Mrs.
Roscoe Page came out on Satur-
day and their daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Crockett enjoyed see-
ing old friends again. On Friday
Beulah's brother and family of
Shelton, the Roy Whaleys spent
some time at Bellow.
Mi and Bernie Moore spent
Christmas in Olympia with daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Elman Christo-
pher. Mi reports that her grand-
son Bucky is clearing land and
either planning to build a house
on the point at the Cove or else
move a trailer house in.
The Jim Lohrers sure had plen-
ty of Christmases and also lots of
yummy things to eat. They spent
Christmas eve with Naomi's sis-
ter, Mrs. Sparling in Seattle. Then
on south to Olympia for Christmas
dinner with Jim's brother Walt at
South Bay. Then spent overnight
with Jim's sister, Mrs. Duby, also
of South Bay. On the way home
they visited with long time friends,
the Roy Berghs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Gross and
son Kenny came to the Island by
boat from Boston Harbor Christ-
mas Day to spend part of the day
with her sister and family, the
Robert Barnetts. Margaret and
family drove from Seattle to Bos-
ton Harbor and really enjoyed the
trip by boat to the Island. They
returned to Seattle on Saturday•
On Saturday afternoon Dorothy's
brother and his wife, the Bill
Waids of Portland surprised them
for an overnight visit during the
The Paul Chaffees had their .--"on
Dick and family from Reo Del,
California and their son, Ernie and
family of Vancouver, Washington
'home for the holidays. Odeyne
: says the big house is sure empty
now since the children have all
Celia and Hugo Glaser had their
daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Frnich and their five chil-
dren and their son Joe Glauer and
children of Bremerton home for
Christmas dinner. After the com-
pany had left the H. V. Glasers
went up and spent the evening
and had Christmas supper with
them. Grandma and Bud then
played Christmas carols for us.
Bud on the violin and Grandma
on the piano and it was certainly
a wonderful ending for a perfect
The H. Vincent Glasers spent
overnight Saturday with Donette's
folks, the Donald Eddys in Ho-
Mrs. Anna Glaser spent most of
Christmas week in Aberdn with
her son and family, the Bill Glas-
ers. ,
Mrs. Glenn Yates, Mrs. John
Goetsch and Mrs. Glaser took the
Misses Cheryl Meeks, Elaine Win-
gert, Ruth Wlngert and Suzie
Glaser out caroling on Wednesday
night. We all had a wonderful
time and we are sure glad the
people we caroled were under-
standing about colds and such, but
everyone enjoyed the night.
The George Waites $pert Christ.
mas eve with Marine's folks, the
Paul Smiths. Then on Christmas
the George T: Waites, St:, came
over and spent the day.
THE HAltSTINE Island Oyster
Plant will resume operation on
January 4, Th is an anual shut-
down to enable the cannery work-
ers some time off for the holi-
The Ballow Road is in pretty
bad condition on Buffington Hill,
so drive carefully.
School Bells ring out Monday,
Jan. 4 for Harstine Island kids.
We wis h each and everyone of
you a very Merry and Prosperous
New Year.
Ads Bring Results
ONCE AGAIN the eagerly an-[old-Clift over the Christmas holi-
ticipated Christmas festivities are l days.
behind us, but there lingers many i Mr+ an(l Mrs. Walter Shaw and
a pleasant memory of the happy son Jery spent Christmas eve
holiday t C.
• lwith the C. P;.lmer family ,)l
Such a holiday was experienee(tt Schafer State Park.
kane was also there so a wonder- by the Bill Marc'y family 'ho cele- Mr, and Mrs. Truman Meyers
brated Christmas eve and attend-tof Melbourne were Christmas din-
ed the wedding and reception of I net guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mrs. Marcy's brother, David Har- i Ever s and family.
dy and Pai: Collins, all in one day. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of El-
Following the wedding of David
and Pat at the Methodist church
and a reception in tieir honor at
the Southsidc grange hall, the
family gathered at the Phil HEr-
die home,for a typical Christmas
eve. Christmas day was also spent
at the Hardie home.
A "house full" at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Larry Oliver on
Christmas eX, e included the Oily-
era' daughter, Robin Greenwood,
Robin's in-laws, the, QrvAI Green-
woods of Bainbridge Island, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kullrich, Mr. and
Mrs. Alan Whitakei , Mr. and Mrs.
John Sells anl Pamela, Dianne
Sells and a friend.
THE CItRITMAS day guest
list at the Olivers included .the
Greenwoods, Kullrichs, Mr. Lyle
Burnett .of BFemerton, Wanda
Wyatt of Union anlt Larry's moth-
er, Mrs, Oliver.
The fancily group which congre-
gated at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Silva for Chriitmas eve in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Walter Al-
len, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Braz and
Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Davis Chap-
)ell and daughters, Joe Meister
and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore
and Cheri who arrived at the Sil-
vas after spending the early part
of the evening at the home of Le-
Roy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geor-
ge Smart of Skokomish valley.
The same group witi the ex-
ception of the Chappells spent
Christmas day at the Silvas.
TIle JOIIN SELLS family had
as dinner g'uests on Christmas
day, Mrs. Sells' parents, the How-
ard Robinsons.
Callers at the Sells home that
day were Mr. and Mrs. Art Ward
and family of Olympia and Jeanne
Sallee of Oakland, Calif. and her
mother stopped to visit Dianne
TIlE JIM SHRUM home was
the scene of a Cristmas dinner at
which the Rocky Hembroffs and
Mrs. Shrum's parents, the A. O,
Charlsons were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stansbury
spent Christmas day at the home
of their son and family, the Wai-
ter Stansburys. Also on 'hand for
the day's activities were the
Stansburys' daughter, B a r b a ra
Crabill and Kim and Mrs. Stans-
bury's brother, Melvin Sparks of
San Francisco.
The Cliff Roundtrees had their
son, Davi(i and his friend Lee No-
ble home from Paine Air Force
base for the holidays.
Dolores Atwood and Janet Jack-
son were Sunday dinner guests at
the Roundtree home before the
boys retuuned to base that day.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Silva and
Sharon spent (hristmas ew,. at the
home of the Silva's daughter and
family, the Bruce Williams.
Mrs. Williams and children, Debby
and Tommy were dinner guests of
the Sllvas.
Mr. and Mrs: Art Lampman of
Seattle were holiday house guests
of Mrs. Lampman's sister and her
husband, Mr. amd Mrs. Dan Lynch.
The Leland Hudsons traveled to
Everett for Christmas at the home
of Mrs. Hudson's daughter and
family, the Donald Curries.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sells and
boys enjoyed having Mrs. Sells'
parents, the Hans Larsons and her
aunt, Miss Clara Opsahl of Se-
attle spend Christmas eve through
Saturday with them.
Since the Clyde Wells' daughter
and family , the E. G. Van Acker-
ens 0 Seattle were unable to
spend Christmas day with them,
the event was celebrated a day
House guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Al Wolf on Christmas eve were
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Abbott of Ta-
coma and Mr. an Mrs. Ray Bur-
res of Pacific BeaCh.
On Christmas day the Woifs at-
tended a large family dinner at
the Charles Teagle home on Ar-
cadia Point,
The S. L. McFies left home
Sunday for month long vacation
in Southern California where they
will be visiting relatives and are
looking forward to seeing the
Rose Parade in Pasadena.
MR. AND MRS. Clyde Wells
motored to Bremerton last Mon-
day where they visited their
daughter and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. John E. Bowen.
The Boh Wallins are just as
proud as they can be of their new
granddaughter, Mary Lee Ben-
nett who was born December 13 in
Tacoma. Mary Lee's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett (the
former Myrna Wallin) who also
have another daughter, Ann.
A MEETING of the Skookum
Bay Improvement Club will be
Mr. and Mrs. William Avery
had as their Christmas eve guests
M]'. and Mrs. J()tm Rebman and
family, Linda, Will and Roney
Rodgers of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Rebman and family and
Mother Rebman of Skokomish, the
I Iley 8... ?
123 South 2nd Street • Phone HA 6-4663 EaOaS AND FRIENDS REIFIESHMENTS
Uses His Right Arm to Make Certain Decisions
lP: 5
ma enjoyed Christmas dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert tlelin.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw and
son Jerry were dinner guests of
their cousins, Mr. and Mr.. C. L.
:Glidden of Grayland Saturday.
: Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing,
'Mrs. Maude Hayes and Mrs. gills
Tyra were dinner guests Christ-
mas evening of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Clift.
Mr. Charles Clinton and son
were Christmas dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Palmer of
Sehafer State Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Niisson of Se-
attle were weekend guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Helin.
Mrs. Angmta Portman and Carl
Portman were Christmas dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Port-
man of Shelton.
Mrs. Mary Albaugh of North
Dakota, Mrs, Walter Welander
and Mrs. Al Struz and two chil-
dren of Shelton called on Mrs.
Augusta Portman and Carl Port-
man Thursday.
Mrs. Wihna Rosenow and son
Dick of Tacoma spent Thursday
with her sister, Mrs. Roscoe Crow-
ell and Chester.
Mrs. Roscoe Crowell called on
Mrs. Clarence Barker Thursday
'Mrs. M. E. Crowell spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Perry D.
Crowelt and family of Montesano.
The Edward Valley family had
as their guests for dinner Satur-
James Avery family of California
and the Noelen Avery family of
Matlock. }1
Mr. and Mrs. James Avery 'ud
three children left Tuesday for{i
their home in Sunny Mead,' Cali-I!
fornia after spending two weeks I
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmey-
er, St. and family were Christmas
(iinner gxests of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Hopkins and family of II
SheMon and Gene Brehmeyer is i l
spending a few days this week t
there, t=
, i
I ....... ;
"'--2- II 9 6 0
It was a pleasure to
serue you during the
past.year. 7"o all our
friends we say happy
New Year.
Drilling Co.
Phone HA 6-4713
$1.00 Per Person • Dancing 9:30 to ? ?
day Mr. and Mrs. Claude Legacey Complete Beauty Service
and family of Tacoma, Bill Nye of
Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Sam "Dig-.
gle, Jr. and Theresa and Sam Dig-
gle, St. It was their Christmas
dinner as some of the guests
weren't able to come Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing';
spent Sundl.y evcning with Mr.
and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rossmaicr
were Christmas day guests of the
former's sister and family, Mr.
amt Mrs. Jalnes Lowell of Taco-
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boolh and
family of Hoquiam, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Brehmcyer, Jr. and fam-
ily, Mr'. and Mrs. John Singleton
and Mrs. Myrtle Meyers were
Christmas (]inner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Diane
Booths remained to spend this
week with her grandparents. I
Mr. and Mrs. Luvern Goodburn [
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lud
Rossmaier and Paul and Margar-
et, Betty Filyaw and Larry Chain-
berlin were Christmas eve guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp of
Olympia. ,
Tuesday evcning of last week
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaie V visit>
cd Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ross-
maier of Black Lake.
Mrs. Frances Dickens and chil-
dren, Gary and' Loretta, and De-
wayne Goodburn of Puyallup, Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Goodburn and
family of Renton and Mr. and Mrs."
Merland Goadburn of Shelton
were Christmas dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lucern Goodburn.
The Earl Landis family had a
scare Saturday when they had a
chimney fire. No damage was
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and
sons Dan and Pat were Christmas
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Ellis of Tacoma.
Mrs. Eli Bradshaw and Dondae
Ellis are visiting the Earl Walker
family this week.
held Monday, January 4.
Mrs. India Sells is home fol-
lowing'a brief hospital'isati0n. The'
community certainly h'opes' she is
feeling better now.
The ChUck Batten family, for-
merly of the community, bit"ffo)
making their home in Medford,
Oregon, have been visiting in Shel-
ton for a few days and during
their stay called: at he Jim Shrum
and Joha Sells homes on Sunday.
OLYM'PIANS, Mrs. Bell Gimm
and daughter, Helen visited Wal-
ter S Allen last Wednesday.
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