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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ 1960 J Thanks for BEOKWITH'S JEWELRY D .& K SERVICE SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chistrnastrn, U,S.A.," Shelton, Washtn our readers for not giving you a column last week. We goofed! But we'll try to get you caught up on two weeks of activities this tim(;. Strains of Christmas mnsic floated across our still dark wa- ters on the Saturday eve before Christmas, hririging a bit of the holiday spirit to many of our rt C, rapeview families. A gaily light- ed craft carrying a group of car- elm's cruised from ,Allyn south- ward along the shores of Fair Harbor, Treasure Island and Stretch Island. Delighted residents stepped outside into the light rain to hear the xauslc and exchange greetings vffh the music makers II and Lea and Margaret Rice even I] had a cheery bonfire blazing on their beach am a welcome. Carolers I trying to keep warm and dry un- der a huge, colorfully decorated II beach umbrella were Doris Stock, :ll'Ruth Wellm, Mal'@ Hell, Howard II Somsrs and ,ld Lutz while, ac- tS cmnpanying them wlth accordion [] and saxophone, were 'Esther Lund- gren and Rollie Martin. Transpor- I I tation was' furnished Shis spirited II group by Reggie Engman of Allyn, who piloted a Coast Oyster Corn- [ pany dredge for the adventure. Marge Hell asked your reporter to convey the carolers' re, Tats to: II [[ all those who Waited In ain for them, but the rain and lack eli I time foIced their return to Allyn] before completion of their sched-I sled tour. Anyway, we think it; was a generous and thoughtful! undertaking, appreciated by all Within hearing dtstanQe. TIlE CAROLERS were well-re- warded for their efforts with a wonder, ill treat in tile form of a sorumptious tauevkraut and spare- rib feast, prepared by Russ and • .Ruth Wells and'served at their ]l home immediateay after thecruise. ]l JvJning in were :Julia Stock, Clem [I Hell, Phyllis Lutz and Muriel I[ Somers. A delightful pre-Christmas par- ty was held Friday afternoon, De- cember 18, for the Sarah Eckert Orthopedic GUild ladies at the home of member Mrs. Russell IWells, witl co-hostesses Dorothy [1 pelan, Ruby Lewis and Kay San- ford, Twenty-five ladies, includ- ing new members, Mrs. AI Rich- erda, Mrs. Bill Staudt, Mrs. Walt McCready and guest Mrs. Edwin [I Grigg, were on hand and in gay holiday spirits for the fun which was hazelly dampened ac all by Gr00pedew News " CRAPEVIEW ,I Apologies to the shot't buslness meeting. After a Christmas game (with prizes, HA 6,2441 110 Cota St. going to Mrs. Bill Spooner and Mrs. Walt Clayton, Sr.), the ladies sang carols and enjoyed Ruth's d e I i c i o u s refreshments. Peggy Hillman's lovely candles were both won by Faye Richey. A grateful acknowledgement for the donation of $100,00 to the Mary Bridge Or- thopedic Hospital (from the pro- ceeds of the Country Store sale) from Mrs. Margaret Fisk, presi- dent of the Tacoma Orthopedic, was read to the members. Young Jack Wells left Grape- view early. Sunday (before Christ- maS) flying south to Lompoe, CaN ifornis with plans te spend ,the holidays with his brother Clem at the hoe of uncle and unt, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hinson. He iv ex- pected homo after New Year's. Another pre-Christmas celebra- tion was enjoyed by the Wal( Clayton, Jr. family on Sunday, Deceniber 20, when Company D (Armor). 418th Infantry BataUon (of which Walt Is C,O.) entertain- ed nembers and their families at a banquet at McChord Field. Aft- er all the turkey was consumed, the seventy men, women and chil- dren present watched movles-tak-: en at last summer's ,reserVe en- campment. JOHN .ME*HIIN arrlvet home before Christmas with a real surprise for his Grapeview friends. She is the brand new Mrs. Mc- Glothlin, the former Mrs. Emma Townes of Slloam Springs, Ar- kansas. She and John were mar- tied recently in Dallas, Texas and drove to rapevlew, stopp, ing to visit John's daughter, A2yce s fam- ily in Coon Bay, ' Oregon. Whis is the first time Mrs. McGlothlin has been to the ltlfic' Nohwest but she seems to be fvrably :im- pressed. Congratulations to you both ! Nineteen 4-H Club iboys an girls celebrated ChristYnas a little early with a pai-ty at t,, of members Pamela and Chief Clayton. After a short meeting, the group was entertained wlth a magic routine by Linda and Rob- ert Spooner, followed ,by +ffmve$ and the traditional gift exchanle, which 'Wemoff by'the sel.v- ing o e, ,moo]de ,ad. ice cream. An added cause for cele'2 'bration was the birthday of the Hostess, Mrs. Walt Clayton. Grownups in attendance besides Mrs. Clayton were Mesdames Jim Tobey and Bill Spooner. . 4-11 'flPEENS' held a successful bake,ss2e a week ago Saturday, DeeembeP 19, which substantially increased lir tveamey. -It .w l)eld from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at the Grapevlew store with ambitious young ladies Edana and Diana Strickland, Sandra Tobey, Pm Clayton, Elaine Zehe, Billie Jean Cook, Linda Spooner, Cheryl Hansen, Jerri Le, Hill and Lit Seiners responsible for Its success.  St. Charles Winery employees and their families took time off last Wednesday noon to partake of a sumptuous ham ,luncheon served in the labeling ro0m at the Tem.m ..' INSURANOE EXONAN6E Fast, Dependable Service 'on TV and Appliances. All Makes and Models FIRE • AUTO e GAUALTY Robed Sloane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 • winery. A gay holiday spirit, pre- vailed affd, when the last of the yummy homemade pies was con- sumed, a gerry gift exchange sent everyone: home satisfied and hap- py. This hlncheon, put on by the emph)yees, has become an annllal affair, looked forward to by ev- eryone. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Seiners left Seattle Sunday morning by bus, entente to Los Angeles, Call- forniu, with tickets for the big game at the Rose Bowl in their pockets. Oh, to have been small enough to stow away in Papa;s suitcase ! It was a gala family Christmas for the Charles Schwinn family with all their children celebrating with them. Their son, Airman Ra.vmond Sehwinn, on leave from McChord Field, arived home Sat- urday before Christmas with his sister and her family, Mr, and 'Mrs. Cal Matthews of Water, oral, Wisconsin. (Ray had met their train'in Tacoma). Cal and Margie and their two adorahle children Billie and Marilyn were able to attend the Christmas pzgram at the chool and visit with former friends. They will ,be here tmtfl I after New Year's, Older son, Fred, i with his wife and two children, Julia and Bobble, drew: up fl'om Portland to spend Friday through Sunday with the folks and were thus able to be on hand to get the Matthews. Ray returned for Christmas with the folks wRh a buclty from McChord, Terry Cohn, who hails from Texas. The Mat- thews and Schwirms drove to Portland after Christmas for an. other visit wtth Fred's family. A happy, happy holiday for the whole family, we'd say! TIlE IRISTMAS season is truly a time for the congregating of families and friends. A "full- house" gathered at the Grapeview school the evening of the 22nd for 'our gztdeschool children's annual Christmas program. The children of the first three grades presented t .playlet entitled the "Naughty christmas Cloven '' while the chil- dren of the upper four grades pre- tssnted a very clever puppet show entitled "A Gift in Bethlehem. Choral readings were also given and Christmas songs sung, the en- tire program being punctuated Wit 'the group sging of Christ- mas carols. At the .coelusl Of ,thepregram, JollyOld Saint :Nick I)pear0d v, qth "hs familiar. aek "ill of goodies for our teachers, "Chef" Peggy Hillman, Orin Buck- Irlgham and all good chilluns, fol- lowing which coffee, punch and luscious fancy cookies were serv- ed. The gifts and goodies with which Santa wan provided were donated by the Fair Harbor Grange and the Mothers' Club (Clrl;qtmas party chairman being Pat Hillman). Congratulations to our inspired teachers, Mr. Zehe and Mrs. Olson for an excellent program and special thanks to Mrs. Merrill McKinstry for help- ing to defray expenses. • GPpeview residents were much concerned to learn the reason for choolboard clerk, Mike Zelenak's absence from the school Christ- mas program. Mike suffered a Cmon'y occhmion that afternoon and was immediately rushed into the Shelton General Hospital for '.emergency treatment. We are :'much relieved to learn that Mike "is now on the mend but, at this writirg, is permitted visits from immediate family only. Christmas Eve has a personal significance to George and Ruby Iwis, this past one marking their 27th Wedding anniversary. The eVening:was filled with the good wllh of dzp-in guests enjoying their .warm hospitality. dinner for the Lewlscs was en- joyed aboatl 'the U.S.S. UralS, George having "pulled duty" for the day. CLEM AND MARGE Holl left Kitsap-gas. Oairymen's Association "YOUR FARMER NEIGHBORS" Bourpult Hem Hosts Visitm By Mary Valley MIDDLE SKOKOMISH.-- With the arrival of ne:w gr'mdehitdl'en and the activities of Christmas there has been much excitement at the William Bourgault home. Their daughter, Rose, and her hus- band, now Mr. and Mrs. John Dnn- kel of Renton, have a new baby girl. Their daughter, Clara, ana her husband, now Mr. aud Mrs. Gary Markland of Seattle, also have a new baby girl. Their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bourganlt, have a new boy baby• Others who joined tie Bourgaults for the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Robbins of Saskat- chewan, Canada, and Mr. and Mrs. Water Bourgault of Mccleary. THOSE HOME at the Arthur Johnson home for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Porter of Escondido, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson and daughter, Jennifer, of Port Angeles, and At- lea Jolmon from Seattle Pacific College. A family gathering on Christmas day included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burnett, Larry, Bob and Barbara, of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Avene Richert of Island Lake, Mr. Mrs. Cliff Oendereau of Ten- laG and Mrs. John Laramie and son, Johnny, of Hoodsport. Miss Joan Sjoholln and Mr. -Iugh'Shivers of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sjoholm of Evezett, and Miss Betty Sjoholm of Washing- ton State University at Pullman spent several days with their par- SilK% Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunt- er for Christmas dinner. Guests of Ray. and Mrs. R01 Berg on Christmas were Mr. Burg's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Trembly and family of Issaquah. Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson; Esther, Haldane and a friend from Fort Lewis spent Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Va|ley were guest # of the Alvin Hulbert family on Christmas Eve. GUESTS AT the Arvid Johnson town just before Christmas plan- ning to spend that day with Mrs. F:velyn Hysom in San Diego, Cali- fornia. They then planned to trav- el further mouth to visit other ex- residents of Grapeview, the Wil- bur Reeves, before their return home. The Grin Buckinghalns joined son Dean and family at their Se- attle home for Christmas dinner. Billie's folks, the Cecil Lambs of }some for the holiday were their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, and daughter of Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson and daughter, Kerry. On Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs Justin Taylor and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor, Bob Hunter and son, Stanley, gathered at the I-tarold Hunter home fox" a buffet supper. On Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor entertained the group at their home at Ka- milche. Mrs. Fritz Priszner arrived last Sunday from Alaska for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Edna Hunt- er. Mr. and Mrs. James Lake and family also spent Christmas with Mrs. Hunter. Spending the holidays with their i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin i Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Calkins and Mrs. Bonnie Rose of Seattle. MR. AND MRS. Joe Bourgault had as their guests Mrs. Bourg- ault's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Mer- rill Pierce from Toledo, Ore., and thelr daughter, Miss Dixie Pierce, who was recently discharged from the Wave at Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Hayes Davis, of Seattle, a former resident 'of'the Valley, has been visiting friends during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester alley,. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Valley and Susan and Jan of Island Lake, spent Christmas day in Seattle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chat Valley, Jr. IAnda Valley returned home with her grandparents to visit for a few days. The Skokomlsh Community Church "iv 'holding a "watch night ervice on New Year's Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Van- Cleave. Christmas day gsts of the Claude Duggers were Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Homan and daughters of Shelton, Mr, and Mrs. Don Drake and on, "Benny, and Mrs. Ann Pavil and children. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter spent Christm. Eve with their daugh- ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hurst. On Christmas day Mrs. Retta Jacobs0n entertained at a dinner, ifr. and Mrs. Frank Waskey of Oakvllle, Mr. Harry Ball of West- port and Mrs. Myrtle Brown of Shelton and Miss Esther Jacob- son of Vaughn, Herbert Jacob- son, Mrs. Walter Keck, Harvey and Shirley of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stagel of Port- land. MR. AND MRS. Paul Jackson Edmonds, were also present. Mrs. Winifred Beard enjoyed delicious Christmas dinner with daughter Edana and family, the Bert Stricklands, at timir home. Edana's sister and family, the John Gateses of Tacoma, joined them to complete this family cir- cle. Joe and Shirley Engen were de- lighted to have Slirley's folks, M'r. and Mrs. Jack Garland of San Di- ego, California, come to spend ten days of the holidays with them and granddaughter Jody. The Gar- lands left this past Monday to vis- it their son in Salt Lake City be- fore their return trip south. Lloyd and Faye Richey spent Christmas in Seattle with Lloyd's brother Melvin and family and grandmother Richey..They return- ed Friday evening bringing along niece Pam and nephew Rickey[ with their grandmother to spend a few days here with them. TIlE JULIE STOCKS departed for Seattle Christmas Eve to spend an overnight holiday With daughter Jackle (Mrs. Glen Nut- ter) in her new apartment. The Russ Stocks and children also "took off" (literally!) Christmas Eve via plane for Califm'nia and a rendezvous with the Major Lee Whites, with a holiday tour of the fabulots Disneyland in mind, Miss Bonnie Dinsmore-is enjo T- Ing a vacation from teaching her seventh and eighth graders at Mountlake Terrace in Seattle. here in Grapeview with the folks. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ellison, The Web Ethertons had all the family gathered about them for Christmas weekend, Dal, Barbak'a and little Geoffrey Smith from Marysville, arriving the 25th, Web's mother, Mrs: E. J. Ether- ton of Seattle arriving the £6th and all staying until this past Monday. Son Larry is also home on Christmas vacation from West- ern Washington College. Delicious food and the good company of the Albert Richarde made a delightful Christmas din- ner for Al's °sister and family, the ,W. G. Claytons, Sr., the W. G. Claytons Jr., and brother Art. !Mrs. Rlchards' mother, Mrs. Am- elia Davis, was also present. We are sorry to learn that AI  is af- feting from a severe attack Of pleurisy as an afternmth of , .severe winter cold. Speedy recov- ery. SATURDAY EVENING was one' 1to be remembered by friends and neighbors of the Howard Som- rses. The excellence of their hos- pitality and cuisine was more :than proved when they held an open house for nearly fifty guests. A wonderful congenial evening was enjoyed by all. Notice: Grapeview School Moth- era' Club will hold its first meet- ing of 1960 -- Jan. 6, 1:30 p.m, in the school cafeteria. Your correspondents wish all their readers and friends a moat of Renton visited at the home of a Mr. ad Mrs. Stan 3ohnson on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Palmer of Bur- Sen spent the holiday at the home of their daughter and her hus- band, Mr, and Mrs. Gary Stevens. Other guests in the Stevens home were Mr. and Mrs. J. Taucher of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aaron of Shelton. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richert were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Richert, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Richert of Seattle and George Riche't. L President Eisenhower recently said he knew nothing in the whole economic structure of the United States that is more important for the ultimate benefit of the coun- try than the U. S. Kavings Bonds program Without it, said the Pridt, .the,b ()f managing the public debt would be '%vell-lgh impossible." 20 Years Ago Thursdny, December 3: lLilliwaup Homes J Decorated white Christlnas, but what a beau- 1 tiful day with the sun shinging all day. t There were many beautiful out- t door Christmas trees decorated ou I Hood Canal. [ Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Bill i lorton and daughter, of Seattle, I visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKas- son. SUNDAY, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gores and children, of Tacoma, spent the day visiting the McKas- sons. Mr. Earl McKesson and his bride-to-be, of Eatonville, spent ,unday with Bill and Jean. Earl is a cousin of Bills. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Pierce, of Shelton vis- ited the McKassons. Mrs. Stella Morken spent Christ- mas with hez' son and daughter-in- law, of Shelton. Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Brock, of Eldon, was .their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Harlene, of Edmonds and Mrs. Brock's uncle, Dr. Harry M. Brock, of Port Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. William McKas- son and children Julia and Billy, spent the Christmas weekend with Mrs. McKasson's mother, Mrs. Ma- cielene Beavers and daughter Ele- anor, of Port Angeles. A WINNING HAND FOF HOMEOWNERS When fire, wind, perso liability suits, theft, wa damage and other threaten your security a homeowner, you'll out" against financial h if you have one of modern, convenient H, owners policies. Call today. ANGLE AGENG ! Herb Angle * Dick An 401 RAILROAD STAli|SiI| FIRE INSURANCE iwl f flUlio. €0allllcf(u ! Greetings to the infant we call 1960. May your days be kind to us MI. Happy and Prosperous New Year[ nine member eouncil were Hazy Hurst, "Miss E101se Flagg, Clinton Okerstrom, Frank Blnns,'Warren Lincoln, Pete Eitriem, Harry Young, F. H. Dtehl and Dennis Z. Drlskel. For Over 24 Years It Has Been of the Roslyn-Cle Elum district McCONKEYS IFOR DRUGS was given an impetus in a report by the chief engineer and publish- ed in the Ellensburg Dawn on De- Cember 27, 1902: "This tremen- dous supply of coal places the Ros- lyn coalfield, and therefore Kitti- tas county, easily in the front rank of rtch and permanent coal pro- ducers . . . A county that has a coal supply which will last a thousand years and which ships Lts coal to alnost every cry ]la the coast.., will of necessity take a leading place in the stats." MoConkey's Pharmacy, ssrvlng Mason County residents for more than 24 years, brings you this column taken from the flies O f W_e ,h=pe It J..of, hlmt-te . (mmmlmmillnilmlumlmmimmlllDnemm$1mllmmmlmllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaml m m TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1939.--Regular rules of pro- cedure were suspended by the city council Thursday to facilitate the passage of Ordinance 314 hich transfers $1700 from the city general fund to the street labor fund to be used in repairing damage done by the heavy rains December 14 to 16. G, ,4.. Swateon expected to eat fresh blackberry pie as dessert for'his Christmas dinner add he would have, ,too, if-aid Jack Frost )hadd't stepped in to ruin a nice crop of Evergreen blackberr|es which had been ripening on his property right up to Frl4ay night. Mr. Swanson said this is the first time in hie ll-years al a Arcadia resident that the berries have'ripened at such a late date in the year. .. .Them_ca R. Rowe was named Worshipful Master of Mt. vormn. tasonic Longs at the annual election Maurice H. Need- ham Will becordv'senior warden; !Horace H. Crary, Junior ward- an; C. E. RUnacr, :reelected to his 14th term aS treasurer; and J. to his ninth term as secretary. A band new house is dtie t¢ arrive in Shelton tonight, one " Of the ready-built and complete ,omes turned out by the Reed company in Sattle: Gus Graf has purchased this 3 section home to be placed on new foundiatlon$ made ready on Bayview Avenue. In his athletic hey-day layed a lot of shortstop. . : Jeanne Saeger's. esay in the Mason County Tuberculosis Lague.'s annua contest won first prize. Second prize went to Jean °'relSon. ' " " • Still unable' to"screw their sights dawn .to a fine cn0ugh post the "Sllton Highcllmbers dropped their 4th straight hoop ,game. to Bellarmine, 23 to 14. Gene Anders0n anl'Ddnny Cor- mter tied for high scoring with 6 apiece. .TH'SDA T, DECEMItJ$, '$99.--When Roy Rogers, movie cowooy star, was unable: to: fulfil his personal appearance tour scheduled for the aroulit Theater in November, he • . , . . Winners in the outdoor Christlas. decorations contest were announced by the Shelton Garden tb Judges today. The Ikt of winners includes Parry Jou(m, M. Catherine Cropper, Mrs. eorge Shorter, Mrs. S. W, Cross ]ben Wastes, "Mrs. William LeDrew, Mrs. Ole Gonter, Mrs. . A, Hatcher, Mrs. George Whittingham, Jay Needham at Mrs. Alfl, ed Killmer. Formation of a county planning council was achieved yes- terday by the county board of Commissioners: Named to the TWO LOCATIONS TO IERVE YOU 806 RAILROAD * Phe HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phn HA 6-446 Cheeiest New Ya greetings to you all. Good luok in 18601 ) / 1960 J Thanks for BEOKWITH'S JEWELRY D .& K SERVICE SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chistrnastrn, U,S.A.," Shelton, Washtn our readers for not giving you a column last week. We goofed! But we'll try to get you caught up on two weeks of activities this tim(;. Strains of Christmas mnsic floated across our still dark wa- ters on the Saturday eve before Christmas, hririging a bit of the holiday spirit to many of our rt C, rapeview families. A gaily light- ed craft carrying a group of car- elm's cruised from ,Allyn south- ward along the shores of Fair Harbor, Treasure Island and Stretch Island. Delighted residents stepped outside into the light rain to hear the xauslc and exchange greetings vffh the music makers II and Lea and Margaret Rice even I] had a cheery bonfire blazing on their beach am a welcome. Carolers I trying to keep warm and dry un- der a huge, colorfully decorated II beach umbrella were Doris Stock, :ll'Ruth Wellm, Mal'@ Hell, Howard II Somsrs and ,ld Lutz while, ac- tS cmnpanying them wlth accordion [] and saxophone, were 'Esther Lund- gren and Rollie Martin. Transpor- I I tation was' furnished Shis spirited II group by Reggie Engman of Allyn, who piloted a Coast Oyster Corn- [ pany dredge for the adventure. Marge Hell asked your reporter to convey the carolers' re, Tats to: II [[ all those who Waited In ain for them, but the rain and lack eli I time foIced their return to Allyn] before completion of their sched-I sled tour. Anyway, we think it; was a generous and thoughtful! undertaking, appreciated by all Within hearing dtstanQe. TIlE CAROLERS were well-re- warded for their efforts with a wonder, ill treat in tile form of a sorumptious tauevkraut and spare- rib feast, prepared by Russ and • .Ruth Wells and'served at their ]l home immediateay after thecruise. ]l JvJning in were :Julia Stock, Clem [I Hell, Phyllis Lutz and Muriel I[ Somers. A delightful pre-Christmas par- ty was held Friday afternoon, De- cember 18, for the Sarah Eckert Orthopedic GUild ladies at the home of member Mrs. Russell IWells, witl co-hostesses Dorothy [1 pelan, Ruby Lewis and Kay San- ford, Twenty-five ladies, includ- ing new members, Mrs. AI Rich- erda, Mrs. Bill Staudt, Mrs. Walt McCready and guest Mrs. Edwin [I Grigg, were on hand and in gay holiday spirits for the fun which was hazelly dampened ac all by Gr00pedew News " CRAPEVIEW ,I Apologies to the shot't buslness meeting. After a Christmas game (with prizes, HA 6,2441 110 Cota St. going to Mrs. Bill Spooner and Mrs. Walt Clayton, Sr.), the ladies sang carols and enjoyed Ruth's d e I i c i o u s refreshments. Peggy Hillman's lovely candles were both won by Faye Richey. A grateful acknowledgement for the donation of $100,00 to the Mary Bridge Or- thopedic Hospital (from the pro- ceeds of the Country Store sale) from Mrs. Margaret Fisk, presi- dent of the Tacoma Orthopedic, was read to the members. Young Jack Wells left Grape- view early. Sunday (before Christ- maS) flying south to Lompoe, CaN ifornis with plans te spend ,the holidays with his brother Clem at the hoe of uncle and unt, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hinson. He iv ex- pected homo after New Year's. Another pre-Christmas celebra- tion was enjoyed by the Wal( Clayton, Jr. family on Sunday, Deceniber 20, when Company D (Armor). 418th Infantry BataUon (of which Walt Is C,O.) entertain- ed nembers and their families at a banquet at McChord Field. Aft- er all the turkey was consumed, the seventy men, women and chil- dren present watched movles-tak-: en at last summer's ,reserVe en- campment. JOHN .ME*HIIN arrlvet home before Christmas with a real surprise for his Grapeview friends. She is the brand new Mrs. Mc- Glothlin, the former Mrs. Emma Townes of Slloam Springs, Ar- kansas. She and John were mar- tied recently in Dallas, Texas and drove to rapevlew, stopp, ing to visit John's daughter, A2yce s fam- ily in Coon Bay, ' Oregon. Whis is the first time Mrs. McGlothlin has been to the ltlfic' Nohwest but she seems to be fvrably :im- pressed. Congratulations to you both ! Nineteen 4-H Club iboys an girls celebrated ChristYnas a little early with a pai-ty at t,, of members Pamela and Chief Clayton. After a short meeting, the group was entertained wlth a magic routine by Linda and Rob- ert Spooner, followed ,by +ffmve$ and the traditional gift exchanle, which 'Wemoff by'the sel.v- ing o e, ,moo]de ,ad. ice cream. An added cause for cele'2 'bration was the birthday of the Hostess, Mrs. Walt Clayton. Grownups in attendance besides Mrs. Clayton were Mesdames Jim Tobey and Bill Spooner. . 4-11 'flPEENS' held a successful bake,ss2e a week ago Saturday, DeeembeP 19, which substantially increased lir tveamey. -It .w l)eld from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at the Grapevlew store with ambitious young ladies Edana and Diana Strickland, Sandra Tobey, Pm Clayton, Elaine Zehe, Billie Jean Cook, Linda Spooner, Cheryl Hansen, Jerri Le, Hill and Lit Seiners responsible for Its success.  St. Charles Winery employees and their families took time off last Wednesday noon to partake of a sumptuous ham ,luncheon served in the labeling ro0m at the Tem.m ..' INSURANOE EXONAN6E Fast, Dependable Service 'on TV and Appliances. All Makes and Models FIRE • AUTO e GAUALTY Robed Sloane 200 East Pine HA 6-4147 • winery. A gay holiday spirit, pre- vailed affd, when the last of the yummy homemade pies was con- sumed, a gerry gift exchange sent everyone: home satisfied and hap- py. This hlncheon, put on by the emph)yees, has become an annllal affair, looked forward to by ev- eryone. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Seiners left Seattle Sunday morning by bus, entente to Los Angeles, Call- forniu, with tickets for the big game at the Rose Bowl in their pockets. Oh, to have been small enough to stow away in Papa;s suitcase ! It was a gala family Christmas for the Charles Schwinn family with all their children celebrating with them. Their son, Airman Ra.vmond Sehwinn, on leave from McChord Field, arived home Sat- urday before Christmas with his sister and her family, Mr, and 'Mrs. Cal Matthews of Water, oral, Wisconsin. (Ray had met their train'in Tacoma). Cal and Margie and their two adorahle children Billie and Marilyn were able to attend the Christmas pzgram at the chool and visit with former friends. They will ,be here tmtfl I after New Year's, Older son, Fred, i with his wife and two children, Julia and Bobble, drew: up fl'om Portland to spend Friday through Sunday with the folks and were thus able to be on hand to get the Matthews. Ray returned for Christmas with the folks wRh a buclty from McChord, Terry Cohn, who hails from Texas. The Mat- thews and Schwirms drove to Portland after Christmas for an. other visit wtth Fred's family. A happy, happy holiday for the whole family, we'd say! TIlE IRISTMAS season is truly a time for the congregating of families and friends. A "full- house" gathered at the Grapeview school the evening of the 22nd for 'our gztdeschool children's annual Christmas program. The children of the first three grades presented t .playlet entitled the "Naughty christmas Cloven '' while the chil- dren of the upper four grades pre- tssnted a very clever puppet show entitled "A Gift in Bethlehem. Choral readings were also given and Christmas songs sung, the en- tire program being punctuated Wit 'the group sging of Christ- mas carols. At the .coelusl Of ,thepregram, JollyOld Saint :Nick I)pear0d v, qth "hs familiar. aek "ill of goodies for our teachers, "Chef" Peggy Hillman, Orin Buck- Irlgham and all good chilluns, fol- lowing which coffee, punch and luscious fancy cookies were serv- ed. The gifts and goodies with which Santa wan provided were donated by the Fair Harbor Grange and the Mothers' Club (Clrl;qtmas party chairman being Pat Hillman). Congratulations to our inspired teachers, Mr. Zehe and Mrs. Olson for an excellent program and special thanks to Mrs. Merrill McKinstry for help- ing to defray expenses. • GPpeview residents were much concerned to learn the reason for choolboard clerk, Mike Zelenak's absence from the school Christ- mas program. Mike suffered a Cmon'y occhmion that afternoon and was immediately rushed into the Shelton General Hospital for '.emergency treatment. We are :'much relieved to learn that Mike "is now on the mend but, at this writirg, is permitted visits from immediate family only. Christmas Eve has a personal significance to George and Ruby Iwis, this past one marking their 27th Wedding anniversary. The eVening:was filled with the good wllh of dzp-in guests enjoying their .warm hospitality. dinner for the Lewlscs was en- joyed aboatl 'the U.S.S. UralS, George having "pulled duty" for the day. CLEM AND MARGE Holl left Kitsap-gas. Oairymen's Association "YOUR FARMER NEIGHBORS" Bourpult Hem Hosts Visitm By Mary Valley MIDDLE SKOKOMISH.-- With the arrival of ne:w gr'mdehitdl'en and the activities of Christmas there has been much excitement at the William Bourgault home. Their daughter, Rose, and her hus- band, now Mr. and Mrs. John Dnn- kel of Renton, have a new baby girl. Their daughter, Clara, ana her husband, now Mr. aud Mrs. Gary Markland of Seattle, also have a new baby girl. Their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bourganlt, have a new boy baby• Others who joined tie Bourgaults for the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Robbins of Saskat- chewan, Canada, and Mr. and Mrs. Water Bourgault of Mccleary. THOSE HOME at the Arthur Johnson home for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Porter of Escondido, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson and daughter, Jennifer, of Port Angeles, and At- lea Jolmon from Seattle Pacific College. A family gathering on Christmas day included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burnett, Larry, Bob and Barbara, of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Avene Richert of Island Lake, Mr. Mrs. Cliff Oendereau of Ten- laG and Mrs. John Laramie and son, Johnny, of Hoodsport. Miss Joan Sjoholln and Mr. -Iugh'Shivers of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sjoholm of Evezett, and Miss Betty Sjoholm of Washing- ton State University at Pullman spent several days with their par- SilK% Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunt- er for Christmas dinner. Guests of Ray. and Mrs. R01 Berg on Christmas were Mr. Burg's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Trembly and family of Issaquah. Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Johnson; Esther, Haldane and a friend from Fort Lewis spent Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Va|ley were guest # of the Alvin Hulbert family on Christmas Eve. GUESTS AT the Arvid Johnson town just before Christmas plan- ning to spend that day with Mrs. F:velyn Hysom in San Diego, Cali- fornia. They then planned to trav- el further mouth to visit other ex- residents of Grapeview, the Wil- bur Reeves, before their return home. The Grin Buckinghalns joined son Dean and family at their Se- attle home for Christmas dinner. Billie's folks, the Cecil Lambs of }some for the holiday were their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, and daughter of Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Johnson and daughter, Kerry. On Christmas Eve, Mr. and Mrs Justin Taylor and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor, Bob Hunter and son, Stanley, gathered at the I-tarold Hunter home fox" a buffet supper. On Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor entertained the group at their home at Ka- milche. Mrs. Fritz Priszner arrived last Sunday from Alaska for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Edna Hunt- er. Mr. and Mrs. James Lake and family also spent Christmas with Mrs. Hunter. Spending the holidays with their i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin i Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Calkins and Mrs. Bonnie Rose of Seattle. MR. AND MRS. Joe Bourgault had as their guests Mrs. Bourg- ault's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Mer- rill Pierce from Toledo, Ore., and thelr daughter, Miss Dixie Pierce, who was recently discharged from the Wave at Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Hayes Davis, of Seattle, a former resident 'of'the Valley, has been visiting friends during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chester alley,. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Valley and Susan and Jan of Island Lake, spent Christmas day in Seattle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chat Valley, Jr. IAnda Valley returned home with her grandparents to visit for a few days. The Skokomlsh Community Church "iv 'holding a "watch night ervice on New Year's Eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Van- Cleave. Christmas day gsts of the Claude Duggers were Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Homan and daughters of Shelton, Mr, and Mrs. Don Drake and on, "Benny, and Mrs. Ann Pavil and children. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter spent Christm. Eve with their daugh- ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hurst. On Christmas day Mrs. Retta Jacobs0n entertained at a dinner, ifr. and Mrs. Frank Waskey of Oakvllle, Mr. Harry Ball of West- port and Mrs. Myrtle Brown of Shelton and Miss Esther Jacob- son of Vaughn, Herbert Jacob- son, Mrs. Walter Keck, Harvey and Shirley of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stagel of Port- land. MR. AND MRS. Paul Jackson Edmonds, were also present. Mrs. Winifred Beard enjoyed delicious Christmas dinner with daughter Edana and family, the Bert Stricklands, at timir home. Edana's sister and family, the John Gateses of Tacoma, joined them to complete this family cir- cle. Joe and Shirley Engen were de- lighted to have Slirley's folks, M'r. and Mrs. Jack Garland of San Di- ego, California, come to spend ten days of the holidays with them and granddaughter Jody. The Gar- lands left this past Monday to vis- it their son in Salt Lake City be- fore their return trip south. Lloyd and Faye Richey spent Christmas in Seattle with Lloyd's brother Melvin and family and grandmother Richey..They return- ed Friday evening bringing along niece Pam and nephew Rickey[ with their grandmother to spend a few days here with them. TIlE JULIE STOCKS departed for Seattle Christmas Eve to spend an overnight holiday With daughter Jackle (Mrs. Glen Nut- ter) in her new apartment. The Russ Stocks and children also "took off" (literally!) Christmas Eve via plane for Califm'nia and a rendezvous with the Major Lee Whites, with a holiday tour of the fabulots Disneyland in mind, Miss Bonnie Dinsmore-is enjo T- Ing a vacation from teaching her seventh and eighth graders at Mountlake Terrace in Seattle. here in Grapeview with the folks. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ellison, The Web Ethertons had all the family gathered about them for Christmas weekend, Dal, Barbak'a and little Geoffrey Smith from Marysville, arriving the 25th, Web's mother, Mrs: E. J. Ether- ton of Seattle arriving the £6th and all staying until this past Monday. Son Larry is also home on Christmas vacation from West- ern Washington College. Delicious food and the good company of the Albert Richarde made a delightful Christmas din- ner for Al's °sister and family, the ,W. G. Claytons, Sr., the W. G. Claytons Jr., and brother Art. !Mrs. Rlchards' mother, Mrs. Am- elia Davis, was also present. We are sorry to learn that AI  is af- feting from a severe attack Of pleurisy as an afternmth of , .severe winter cold. Speedy recov- ery. SATURDAY EVENING was one' 1to be remembered by friends and neighbors of the Howard Som- rses. The excellence of their hos- pitality and cuisine was more :than proved when they held an open house for nearly fifty guests. A wonderful congenial evening was enjoyed by all. Notice: Grapeview School Moth- era' Club will hold its first meet- ing of 1960 -- Jan. 6, 1:30 p.m, in the school cafeteria. Your correspondents wish all their readers and friends a moat of Renton visited at the home of a Mr. ad Mrs. Stan 3ohnson on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Palmer of Bur- Sen spent the holiday at the home of their daughter and her hus- band, Mr, and Mrs. Gary Stevens. Other guests in the Stevens home were Mr. and Mrs. J. Taucher of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aaron of Shelton. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richert were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Richert, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Richert of Seattle and George Riche't. L President Eisenhower recently said he knew nothing in the whole economic structure of the United States that is more important for the ultimate benefit of the coun- try than the U. S. Kavings Bonds program Without it, said the Pridt, .the,b ()f managing the public debt would be '%vell-lgh impossible." 20 Years Ago Thursdny, December 3: lLilliwaup Homes J Decorated white Christlnas, but what a beau- 1 tiful day with the sun shinging all day. t There were many beautiful out- t door Christmas trees decorated ou I Hood Canal. [ Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Bill i lorton and daughter, of Seattle, I visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKas- son. SUNDAY, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gores and children, of Tacoma, spent the day visiting the McKas- sons. Mr. Earl McKesson and his bride-to-be, of Eatonville, spent ,unday with Bill and Jean. Earl is a cousin of Bills. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Pierce, of Shelton vis- ited the McKassons. Mrs. Stella Morken spent Christ- mas with hez' son and daughter-in- law, of Shelton. Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Brock, of Eldon, was .their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Harlene, of Edmonds and Mrs. Brock's uncle, Dr. Harry M. Brock, of Port Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. William McKas- son and children Julia and Billy, spent the Christmas weekend with Mrs. McKasson's mother, Mrs. Ma- cielene Beavers and daughter Ele- anor, of Port Angeles. A WINNING HAND FOF HOMEOWNERS When fire, wind, perso liability suits, theft, wa damage and other threaten your security a homeowner, you'll out" against financial h if you have one of modern, convenient H, owners policies. Call today. ANGLE AGENG ! Herb Angle * Dick An 401 RAILROAD STAli|SiI| FIRE INSURANCE iwl f flUlio. €0allllcf(u ! Greetings to the infant we call 1960. May your days be kind to us MI. Happy and Prosperous New Year[ nine member eouncil were Hazy Hurst, "Miss E101se Flagg, Clinton Okerstrom, Frank Blnns,'Warren Lincoln, Pete Eitriem, Harry Young, F. H. Dtehl and Dennis Z. Drlskel. For Over 24 Years It Has Been of the Roslyn-Cle Elum district McCONKEYS IFOR DRUGS was given an impetus in a report by the chief engineer and publish- ed in the Ellensburg Dawn on De- Cember 27, 1902: "This tremen- dous supply of coal places the Ros- lyn coalfield, and therefore Kitti- tas county, easily in the front rank of rtch and permanent coal pro- ducers . . . A county that has a coal supply which will last a thousand years and which ships Lts coal to alnost every cry ]la the coast.., will of necessity take a leading place in the stats." MoConkey's Pharmacy, ssrvlng Mason County residents for more than 24 years, brings you this column taken from the flies O f W_e ,h=pe It J..of, hlmt-te . (mmmlmmillnilmlumlmmimmlllDnemm$1mllmmmlmllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaml m m TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1939.--Regular rules of pro- cedure were suspended by the city council Thursday to facilitate the passage of Ordinance 314 hich transfers $1700 from the city general fund to the street labor fund to be used in repairing damage done by the heavy rains December 14 to 16. G, ,4.. Swateon expected to eat fresh blackberry pie as dessert for'his Christmas dinner add he would have, ,too, if-aid Jack Frost )hadd't stepped in to ruin a nice crop of Evergreen blackberr|es which had been ripening on his property right up to Frl4ay night. Mr. Swanson said this is the first time in hie ll-years al a Arcadia resident that the berries have'ripened at such a late date in the year. .. .Them_ca R. Rowe was named Worshipful Master of Mt. vormn. tasonic Longs at the annual election Maurice H. Need- ham Will becordv'senior warden; !Horace H. Crary, Junior ward- an; C. E. RUnacr, :reelected to his 14th term aS treasurer; and J. to his ninth term as secretary. A band new house is dtie t¢ arrive in Shelton tonight, one " Of the ready-built and complete ,omes turned out by the Reed company in Sattle: Gus Graf has purchased this 3 section home to be placed on new foundiatlon$ made ready on Bayview Avenue. In his athletic hey-day layed a lot of shortstop. . : Jeanne Saeger's. esay in the Mason County Tuberculosis Lague.'s annua contest won first prize. Second prize went to Jean °'relSon. ' " " • Still unable' to"screw their sights dawn .to a fine cn0ugh post the "Sllton Highcllmbers dropped their 4th straight hoop ,game. to Bellarmine, 23 to 14. Gene Anders0n anl'Ddnny Cor- mter tied for high scoring with 6 apiece. .TH'SDA T, DECEMItJ$, '$99.--When Roy Rogers, movie cowooy star, was unable: to: fulfil his personal appearance tour scheduled for the aroulit Theater in November, he • . , . . Winners in the outdoor Christlas. decorations contest were announced by the Shelton Garden tb Judges today. The Ikt of winners includes Parry Jou(m, M. Catherine Cropper, Mrs. eorge Shorter, Mrs. S. W, Cross ]ben Wastes, "Mrs. William LeDrew, Mrs. Ole Gonter, Mrs. . A, Hatcher, Mrs. George Whittingham, Jay Needham at Mrs. Alfl, ed Killmer. Formation of a county planning council was achieved yes- terday by the county board of Commissioners: Named to the TWO LOCATIONS TO IERVE YOU 806 RAILROAD * Phe HA 6-3456 329 RAILROAD Phn HA 6-446 Cheeiest New Ya greetings to you all. Good luok in 18601 )