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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:il :: :! :::::IT:::::: take a Swift's Premium Fully Cooked Shank Portion Cut from 14- 1S-lb. avg. ii i iii i iii C Ib Lower prices - Better buys - Better qual- ity! That's what you'll see when you s]lop at Tradewell. Start the '60's right •.. Shop today -- this week  all next year at your friendly Tradewell Stores. Thoughtful people choo Tradewell. at SWIFT'S PREMIUM "rRA DE WE L L ! Whole Hams, )€ Swans0n's Beef, Chic,ken, Turkey Frozen Meat Pies ............ 2 =0:: 49' Ida-Pak French Fried Hypade FIESTA, Swift HOSTESS, kr-S HOLIDAY HAgS Frozen Potatm ............................. 9;::: 10' Boneless, fully cooked-8 to 10 lb. avg.-Whole or half. , STANDING RIB ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCKS € Johnston Pumpkin or Mince Frozen Pies .......................................... oo.,,. )€ 49th Star  Tiny (4 - 5'lb. Av., or young GEESE (o-.-,b. Ib € ACME - frh Washingto n grown - Ide! for frying or mastmng - Whole body... Ib Cheese MARTIN'S NEW YORK .................................... Lb. ACME - Grade A, Washington grown 10-17 lb. avg.., lb. 49’ - 18-22-1b. avg. BAR-S by the piece Mmh ( Liver Sausage, IIII Luncheon Meat Assorted Bath Luncheon Meat 6-Oz. Vacuum Packages  Each ....... Pickle- Pimiento, Olive Tasty Loaf Bologna Oven Loaf € II I Alaska Shrimp Standby Blended Juice -- 3€ Off Pi neap pie-Grapefruit ........ TRADEWELL Reg. or Drip " " "° i SWISS  ........................ . W eners . . ,b Monterey Jack  HYGRADE ',b43 Bar .,,o . Sliced Bacon. € Coffee '" ,,o Sl.lS Del Monte Fruit Cocktail Nalley's 3 ":::: Sl S o Sl ............................ Tins Potato Chips .............................. 3 .t': 59' Zee - White Napkins " ......................................................... Count Gold Mountain Mayonnaise .................................. oo,, Bye Thins Vegetetble Thins Chippers Cut Crystal Glasses Anchorglala In "CUBIBT" Pattern 8 ounce Old Fash- ioned or 12 ounce 'Hi Ball glasses in beau- tiful pattern and gen- uine American cut glass. Your Choice 59 c Prices are effective only December 28, 29, 30, 31 We reserve the right to limit. County Fair Eggs .. ,rge ........................................................................ Oo,e. 47  Five Colors Oamay Soap ,.,.,,r 3  i Z' .................... ............................................... ''" 32' Regular Zest Soap si.e .................................................................. ,a. 31* 2 Ivory Personal Small  ..... L * ' ' ' ...................... :: .................................... 4 ,,. 29  Ivory Soap .edlu .... 2 .a. 21  Size ...................................................................... Nalley's (7 Flavors) Dips for Ohips s:o,. .............................................. ,,.0 59' Lucky Lager & Burgle Beer m 6 .o o..,t, Bolt,., 99 ’ Hi O Orange Drink ..oz. .............................. Tic 29" Mrs, Paul's Frozen Deviled Ors5 .................................. ,.o. 49  Arden Liquid Egg NoB ........................................................ Qua, 69 ' Ocean Jumbo Grab ............ : ...................................................... Pound 33 € Pa©Hio Oysiers 12-oz. ............................................................................... J ' * 49' i i iiiiiiiii ii iii iiiiii i liEU |11 I IIIIII IIIII III IIII I J IIIII III Nailey's 4)ooklail Sauce 12.ounce ......................................................................... size 29  'Circus (Vacuum Pack) Salted Mixed Nuts ,-oun 79 ’ ................................................................ Tin Cold Brau ,Easlern Seer 6 ,.o,. .................................................................. • ,n, 85  Spam ..ounce .............................................................................. s,. 43 q Brussel Sprouts 2 ,o.o. ................................................................ Pkg. 53 € i.ppian Way -- 5€ Off Label l Pizza Mix ' ' 3 12a-oz. p,.. Sl.00 I Mission Long Spaghetti .......................................................................... 24cOS.Pkg. 29 € | Underwood Illeviled Ham ................................................................... 2 ,.OZ.T,n, 39  | (All Brands) /Mandarin Oranges ........................................................ 2 ,l.oz. T,., 45  lO.oz. ........................................................................ Pko 33  .o., 29' .......................................................................... Tall Tin IINOBOY Frozen iLoaf Spinach ]-ibby's Halves ISweet Pickles i ibby's King 'Size 1 Ripe Olives ltNOBOY Frozen 12-oz. .................................................... Jars 49' Whett Thins Nabisco Party Crackers SNOBOY Celery Hearts - mresh and flavo.ul P,C. 25€ iN UTE MAID FROZ N jum00 Orange Jum.-,::'.Z  $1 Blended Jui  o.o,. >WHITE ROCK MaXmRS' rlTanrHle Jut0e 0 i.s --, Grapefruit Juice v " I ,,) Sparkling. 0.. Water 2:,28"OZ'BTLS'folzs ". $1.4925' B,Ginger!he 0aseAle v:,::, 2,=28"OZ. BTLS-f(z: $1.9935'} t,krden ):Tom and Jerry Baiter P,n, 69  T..owL. olo,ed .................................................... Oube Marprino .................................................................... 2 ,,,b. ,'k,,. 37  Photo Bulbs '1" Arizona Grapefruit 8 Ib' 59' 'i. PHS flashbulbs for indoor- PKG. OF 12 Sunkist outdoor use. • IS " LETTUC kele s, omato J y to ulce Tans S:i)d, .r,sp ea cean )pray Cranberry Sauce ''*.= ,o,,,15 c 10' ..oO.Appmes "*'*'"°°' 9€ Ice Cream c a-"em o n , ,w=,=o.o :il :: :! :::::IT:::::: take a Swift's Premium Fully Cooked Shank Portion Cut from 14- 1S-lb. avg. ii i iii i iii C Ib Lower prices - Better buys - Better qual- ity! That's what you'll see when you s]lop at Tradewell. Start the '60's right •.. Shop today -- this week  all next year at your friendly Tradewell Stores. Thoughtful people choo Tradewell. at SWIFT'S PREMIUM "rRA DE WE L L ! Whole Hams, )€ Swans0n's Beef, Chic,ken, Turkey Frozen Meat Pies ............ 2 =0:: 49' Ida-Pak French Fried Hypade FIESTA, Swift HOSTESS, kr-S HOLIDAY HAgS Frozen Potatm ............................. 9;::: 10' Boneless, fully cooked-8 to 10 lb. avg.-Whole or half. , STANDING RIB ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCKS € Johnston Pumpkin or Mince Frozen Pies .......................................... oo.,,. )€ 49th Star  Tiny (4 - 5'lb. Av., or young GEESE (o-.-,b. Ib € ACME - frh Washingto n grown - Ide! for frying or mastmng - Whole body... Ib Cheese MARTIN'S NEW YORK .................................... Lb. ACME - Grade A, Washington grown 10-17 lb. avg.., lb. 49’ - 18-22-1b. avg. BAR-S by the piece Mmh ( Liver Sausage, IIII Luncheon Meat Assorted Bath Luncheon Meat 6-Oz. Vacuum Packages  Each ....... Pickle- Pimiento, Olive Tasty Loaf Bologna Oven Loaf € II I Alaska Shrimp Standby Blended Juice -- 3€ Off Pi neap pie-Grapefruit ........ TRADEWELL Reg. or Drip " " "° i SWISS  ........................ . W eners . . ,b Monterey Jack  HYGRADE ',b43 Bar .,,o . Sliced Bacon. € Coffee '" ,,o Sl.lS Del Monte Fruit Cocktail Nalley's 3 ":::: Sl S o Sl ............................ Tins Potato Chips .............................. 3 .t': 59' Zee - White Napkins " ......................................................... Count Gold Mountain Mayonnaise .................................. oo,, Bye Thins Vegetetble Thins Chippers Cut Crystal Glasses Anchorglala In "CUBIBT" Pattern 8 ounce Old Fash- ioned or 12 ounce 'Hi Ball glasses in beau- tiful pattern and gen- uine American cut glass. Your Choice 59 c Prices are effective only December 28, 29, 30, 31 We reserve the right to limit. County Fair Eggs .. ,rge ........................................................................ Oo,e. 47  Five Colors Oamay Soap ,.,.,,r 3  i Z' .................... ............................................... ''" 32' Regular Zest Soap si.e .................................................................. ,a. 31* 2 Ivory Personal Small  ..... L * ' ' ' ...................... :: .................................... 4 ,,. 29  Ivory Soap .edlu .... 2 .a. 21  Size ...................................................................... Nalley's (7 Flavors) Dips for Ohips s:o,. .............................................. ,,.0 59' Lucky Lager & Burgle Beer m 6 .o o..,t, Bolt,., 99 ’ Hi O Orange Drink ..oz. .............................. Tic 29" Mrs, Paul's Frozen Deviled Ors5 .................................. ,.o. 49  Arden Liquid Egg NoB ........................................................ Qua, 69 ' Ocean Jumbo Grab ............ : ...................................................... Pound 33 € Pa©Hio Oysiers 12-oz. ............................................................................... J ' * 49' i i iiiiiiiii ii iii iiiiii i liEU |11 I IIIIII IIIII III IIII I J IIIII III Nailey's 4)ooklail Sauce 12.ounce ......................................................................... size 29  'Circus (Vacuum Pack) Salted Mixed Nuts ,-oun 79 ’ ................................................................ Tin Cold Brau ,Easlern Seer 6 ,.o,. .................................................................. • ,n, 85  Spam ..ounce .............................................................................. s,. 43 q Brussel Sprouts 2 ,o.o. ................................................................ Pkg. 53 € i.ppian Way -- 5€ Off Label l Pizza Mix ' ' 3 12a-oz. p,.. Sl.00 I Mission Long Spaghetti .......................................................................... 24cOS.Pkg. 29 € | Underwood Illeviled Ham ................................................................... 2 ,.OZ.T,n, 39  | (All Brands) /Mandarin Oranges ........................................................ 2 ,l.oz. T,., 45  lO.oz. ........................................................................ Pko 33  .o., 29' .......................................................................... Tall Tin IINOBOY Frozen iLoaf Spinach ]-ibby's Halves ISweet Pickles i ibby's King 'Size 1 Ripe Olives ltNOBOY Frozen 12-oz. .................................................... Jars 49' Whett Thins Nabisco Party Crackers SNOBOY Celery Hearts - mresh and flavo.ul P,C. 25€ iN UTE MAID FROZ N jum00 Orange Jum.-,::'.Z  $1 Blended Jui  o.o,. >WHITE ROCK MaXmRS' rlTanrHle Jut0e 0 i.s --, Grapefruit Juice v " I ,,) Sparkling. 0.. Water 2:,28"OZ'BTLS'folzs ". $1.4925' B,Ginger!he 0aseAle v:,::, 2,=28"OZ. BTLS-f(z: $1.9935'} t,krden ):Tom and Jerry Baiter P,n, 69  T..owL. olo,ed .................................................... Oube Marprino .................................................................... 2 ,,,b. ,'k,,. 37  Photo Bulbs '1" Arizona Grapefruit 8 Ib' 59' 'i. PHS flashbulbs for indoor- PKG. OF 12 Sunkist outdoor use. • IS " LETTUC kele s, omato J y to ulce Tans S:i)d, .r,sp ea cean )pray Cranberry Sauce ''*.= ,o,,,15 c 10' ..oO.Appmes "*'*'"°°' 9€ Ice Cream c a-"em o n , ,w=,=o.o