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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 31, 1959 ONFIDENCE fOur business depends on your in us. That&apos;s why it comes to TV picture we recommend RCA the all-new picture Local TV Headquarters for ,Ior Radio Electric 4th &Cota HA 6-6602 Cloquallum News By l)on Eveh,th #Tel) I,ale for Imst \\;V(mk CI.A)QUAILUM The (,¢mmm- nity. Cin'isLmas party at lhe Grange hall Friday night was at- tended hy a large crowd of chil- dren and adults. A fine l)r)gram was l)resented t)y Mary \\;Valko, lectm'er of Cloquallum (il';tngc. Mrs. ,Ice \\;,Vhiting's ac(-ordion lmnd I)layed a ltttrnber of selections. Six boys and four girls, inelu(ting two \\;Vhitillgs, I,'rank and 5al't:i;i. Sev- (!l'l|l I)(\\;rN and gil'ls ga\\;e )'oadillgs Sally" Sue and Nancy Anensen, Steve An(lerson and lwo \\;Vright boys. Margie Lou tIliboki I)layed some clarinet selections, Mrs. ,lini S:ttler sang two Christmas songs, a /nusical quartet of Jay Ammsen. [)on Iqveleth, SLI'I(II':t :in(t Sh(!I'I'V McAlfrey played a nunlber lit Christnlas Cal'ols, Of course SalltK Chuls :lppeare(t, h) find a gifl on the tl'ee for each (if tile Vollllgcr ones, and to hand ()tit can(i'v to all. After lhe progranl all enjow,d Doffed and (tollghnuts ii'l the (]in'trig hall. (leorge and Ehner Leboki visit- ed in Forks over tim w(ekend where Mr. Leboki catlg'ht his lim- it in steelhead. Mrs. Joe Whiting and b'.rank, Marcia and Diana attended a Christmas party Sunday evening at the Elma Baptist church. HEARING AID CLINIC • Have your Aid cleaned FREE i; • 10% Discount on Batteries  • 10% Discount on Earmolds • 10% Discount on Cords • See complete display of Acousticon & Monarch aids For further information call or write JACK CONNER Olympic Peninsula Rep. 918 Weslon Place Bremerton, Wash. FREE HEARING TESTS IN SHELTON FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH NEXT DATE: MONDAY, JAN. 4 In the office of DR. H. M. ToKes 417 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Wash. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 00ruelc Turn00 nv00r Do-it.Yourself CenSus " Forms Would Speed Up ear Mill I;reeg. 1960 Popu!ation Count - . 1 \\;V:lshingtoN. t .C.. I)ec. ,S0. A By (-l'a('e I'elly ["d,)-il-voursolf l)lan" will be in- KAMIL(?IIIg \\;Vayne Clary augur;[feet this ,/ear by the Fed- l!,st a se! ,ff d}ml x,,!l(,els g,)ing, leral ,;,,vermnen|" to hel'p speed tip t()wn lvJill Creel< nitt ;me l'OJl(,(.z tilt? {akhl,," of tilt' U.S. Federal his 1tuck (,vet one evening lira p)tml;d.ioIF census in April, Con- first of lhe week. grt,ssm:m I.tlSS(dl V. Mack has The, Reverend and Mrs. T)on t),,,u mt[,rmed hv the Post Office o • " ' .l'l;till,V;:ll'ill ,lll(i I)()l'lS, of (]l':tllts l)ci);tI'tlll(!llt. l'ass, Ore., and Miis; J:ivlice Maill- \\;val'ill', I'I'OPA tht ttll;lIltlel Tl:aln- ins Hospit:d, in I'o, lland, are spending the holiday!a with the Dan ,V(m(ts family. MIL ANI) Mll.,. ,lames Barr [ • " r [ and son, ot Boring, Ore.,. and Ar- i thllr I.]Ienbtq'gel ' :lll(l tiIlio ttellgt, (,f Stulltle, s[)!nt (?hl'istnlas with Mrs. (hu'trude tllenberger. / Mrs. J. (). Bovee, of Shelton,[ had Sunday (limwr with the Dan J Wood family. l;'ourteen members of their fam- ily, l)hls Mr. and Mrs. I.. J. Bl'own ] ttn(t nephew, of ()lympia, spent [ Christmas I)ay with the Art Nel-[ sons. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylorl spent Christmas eve with the Har- I old I{untcrs in the Skokomish wd- I Icy. The Hunters and the Justin I Ttvlors and two .ns of Rignalll 'Paylors.ha(t Christmas dinner with the Mr. and Mrs+ Harry Simmons spent Christmas eve with their daughter, the Ed Johnsons, in Olympia, and had Christmas din- ner with the Harry Simmons Jr. also in Olympia. The Bob Wiles family of Pan- quilch, Utah, are home for the holidays visiting their mother, the Edwin Taylors, and other relatives and friends. The Robert Petty family, of the St¢okomish Valley, stopped by at the Edwin Pettys for pre-Christ- mas gifts and hmch. on their way to spend tile Christmas holidays S U i SHELTON-MA, ON COUNTY JOURNAL--Publishes in "Chritmastown, .8.A.," Shelto m Wash!ngton Page 11 ii ................................................................ I .... i ! i ..... I )i. .... ! ............. !! ............ i ....... i .......................................... ................. i ................................................... 00rist l Bu yWithM yP ms eeps ents s an r0grams ? room parties filling tile last scnool duty with the Navy. MeDonahl, il the Skvline Chris- hours Caroling parties last min- ' ' ,,,,t tim Churl h ' s ': ' ' . ..... Mr, and Mrs Mike (]umn f ..... ' ' " ute shopping sprees aim naenmy . "' ".*:....F' =- " :,:;:::ly traveled to to vi.::F:'n :t:::e,: C:;,,,: ,:l;Tv::::ilal::: N :: neignoornooo get-togtners were s ' , ' o  o ' , ' . _ . • ." .." ,'pe, nd the hohdals with their ptl'- M scow [l:t., t' r the hohdals to elinlaxe(, oy Kirge [amiiv reun- ,,,,.. ' -'s'" " "" t,m ," ", " " £ ... ions on Christmas I)av. TIe ....... (  f-rail- -'. -'l,..I) o, i) ..... * " .1 4" .' • t. I . l%l)lg S Ieel/S, y )ling poD- a y, OIV la OU • /kIl[],-['|l¢1 anti alLLn(.l,, pie's groLIp of the Hood Canal Chl'istlnas dinner guests ill the Ildl lIiIi FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 IClOOtI lOlll lltllltt II llllllIl Greetings to our many friends in every nook of this community. Happy, Happy New Year. RELY ON SIMPSON L06611it €O. SHELTON • McCLEARY • OLYMPIA Uiider this plan mail ,carriers in late March f(ll' the first time will h!uv( clqlSllS rel)ort forms with e;l('h ill the nation's 55,000,000 hlill.,hot(ts. Fit rllil ies will bc asked to fill ont these census I'(ll'l/1S ill advilllC(! slid have them r,l:tdv for the census taker when he a'rrives. The plan"is expected l.o SUV0 time in etnsus taking. When forms are filled out in ad- vallce a cellsUS taker, it is estim- ated, can coml)lcte taking of the fanlily's census In ,even minutes whereas this has required 15 to 30 minutes heretofore. All questions that the census taker will ask will be on the ad- vanced forms. A total of 160 census takers will be required in the nation to gather the informa- tion on the country's estimated 180,000,000 inhabitants, Rep Mack said. For the first time in history an electric brain machine known as UNIVAC will be employed to tab- ulate the information on the cen- sus sheets. One of these machines will tabulate 600 lines a minute. This process will enable the cen- sus bureau to tabulate the census totals within a year after the cen- sus taking ends where heretofore, with a smaller population up to two years have been required, Congressman Mack said he had been informed. with Wtlma's parents, the Mike Stolens, in Forest Grove, Ore. MRS. MAYBELLE Bishop en- tertained for her daughter, Mre.  Bert Wood, of Ventura, Calif., with a potluck luncheon for WOo men of the neighborhood l&at Wed- nesday, d Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty an granddaughter, Florence, drove to Port Angeles Saturday to visit the Jack Pearces and the J. Pettys. Jess Petty returned home with them for the holidays. Mae Julian, of Seattle, spent the weekend with the Edwin Pet- tys. Sunday they all drove down to South Beach. GARY MOON, 'of Tumwater spent the weekend with Marvin Nagel. Our 64th Year attended the kindergarten pro- grani and party held Tuesday morning in the Hoodsport school. The program was a demonstration of the ctfildren's interest in the growth of the Christmas tree. Fol- lowing the program, refreshments of coffee and cookies were served to the mothers by the Pre-School group. The children enjoyed a gift exchange. Each child presented ceramic hand and foot prints tak- en in the class by teacher, Mrs. Emery Winters, to their mothers. The fh'st and second grade par- S ty, in Mrs. E. ther Christensen's room, was a Christmas party as I well as honoring the December i birthday of Susan Morris. Mrs. I Morris and Mrs. Oliver Gray were in charge of the refreshments 0fl cookies and ice cream selved to the children, and coffee and cake were served to the mothers by Mrs. Christnsen. The children each recited a poem, and the group sang a number of Chriatmasl songs. The party ended with a gift exchange. Marion Robbins, custodian at the Lower Skokomish sehool, de- lighted the students in his new roll as Santa Claus at their party: on Tuesday afternoon, in the school gymnasium. Kelly Calahan, of Hoodsport entertained the chil- dren with a few of his assorted mystifying magic tricks. The stu- dents provkled cookies for refremh- ments, and the teachers served punch for the party. The group enjoyed a gift exchange. The sev- enth grade home room students of Mr. Bill Bryant decorated the Christmas tree and stage for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray and family, and Mrs. Virginia Wallin spent Christmas Eve in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and family in Centralia. On Christmas Day the Harry Pozorski family joined them there for dinner. Dennis Phillips, of Bothell spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Yocom and Mark Phillips in their Potlatch home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Spaulding and Larry traveled to Seattle on Christmas Day to have dinner with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Don Henry also spent Christmas in Seattle in the home of her mother, Mrs. James Miller. They traveled to Belling- ham to have dinner in the home of Den's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickin- son held an open house on Sunday afternoon before Christmas for many of their friends. They also had a large family gathering for Christmas dinner. Guests were Mrs. Rule Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCann and daughters, of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. John ShortMeeves. Saturday visitm's :i the Dickinson home were Mr. ad Mrs. Blair Barkley, and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Soule, of Seattle. Mrs. Carrie Gifford spent Christ- mas Day .visiting in the heme of 'Mr. and Mrs. :Ernest Worl. . Mrs. • Anna Johnson traveled trolls OrielS, Calif., to spend the holidays in the home 'of her son 'and far[fily, .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. They had Christmas din- ner in the 'Py Peterson home, who had as guests, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.'.Peterson, of Foreat Grove, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson traveled to Olympia on Christmas Day to have dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Todd. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, of Stanwood, spent the holiday weekend visitiag in the A. L. CaN ahan home'. On Christmas the two couples were 'dinner guests o" Mr. and rs. Ben Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wingard Jr. spent C'nristmas in, the Shel- ton home of.ltis parents, Mr. and rs. Mervln W itgard On Tues- day the young couple will move to,Seattle where he will enter the IUniversity of Washington to com- plete studies on a masters degree in English. ED WAI, of Vancouver, was a holiday guest in the home of a Iongtime friend, Kelly Calahan. Dean Gilbert was here from Ilike to visit in the home of his lrent, ¢Ir. and Mrs. William Gilbert. They,lnt Chiatmas Day in the Maple rlTl1ey home Of .Mr, and Mrs. Sam '?ttieli amd family. A large4:amily get tother was hId in the home of Mr. 'ad ldPrs. Dick Addleman on Chritma Day. Quete .were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd "Diekinon, ad Diane, and Mr. and "Mrs. Dvid Dickinson, of Port- ,gelu Mr. ,and Mrs. Lester :Diekim, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addlemaa, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rauscher, of Shelton, and Mrs. Kate Abbey, 0f the Botts Nursing Home. On Saturday, the Dick Ad- dlemana left for 'Pasadena where they will attend the Rose Bowl game. On their return trip they will meet Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bur- ger, of Bend, Ore., in San Fran- €lnco. '/'he Emery Winters family gath- ered in their home on Christmas mollqg to open present under a beautiful alpine fir Christmas tree, Mr. ad Mrs. Bill Johnson, of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Win- ters and Carla, Mr. and Mrs. Em- ery Winters Jr., of Skokomish valley, and Dick Ferris, of Ta- coma, joined the Emery Winters Sr., Donna and Jim for the day. A special treat for the group was a long distance telephone call from ,Mrs. Mabel Ferris in Green- field, Mass., Who is spending her first holiday season on the East! coast. Mr. and Mrs. Starr VVhite spent Chriatas Eve in the Emit, Camphll.lore in Shelton. On the next day the two familie wre dinner guests n the home of Mr. &td Mrs. Stephen Drake in Finch Creek Valley. Airman Mike Kirk was home on leave from Moffett Field, Commnnity Church, went caroling on Monday evening. The group toured the Hoodsport area spread- ins Christmas joy with their songs to.many shutins. They ended their tour at the Church where they en- joyed a chili feed prepared by Mrs. A, K. Scott, and Mrs. Erling East- gard. The Harrison I)eVoe family tra- veled to Portland to attend a wed- ding of his niece on Dec. 26. Fol- lowing the wedding they traveled to the Klickitat State Salmon Hatchery where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hyden, for the remainder of the weekend. Mark Phillips and Carolyn Schwab won trips to Camp Casey on Whidbey Island in a contest held in the King's Teen group. Carolyn was unable to attend the cmtp but Mark left on Sunday for the three-day stay. MR. AND MRS. Ralph Hilligos Jr., and family, of Tacoma, spent Christmas in the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligos. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster entertained their Christmas Day guests in their new home. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Marley Parker' and family, of Ta- ! coma, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab and Carolyn. Mrs. Dorothy Swanson traveled to Medicine Hat, in Alberta, Can- ada, to visit her mother for a week. Christmas Day gamsts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Evans were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Harring- ton, of Elma, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harrington and family, of Aberdeen. Saturday visitors in the Max Schmidt home were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Puhn, of Shelton. The Puhn's eft Sunday to attend the Rose Bowl football game in Pasadena. Mrs. Andy Hansen, of Schnei- der's Prairie spent Christmas Day visittng in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen. ClntISTMA, DINNER guests in the Maurice Kaare home were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kaare, Mr. and Mrs. George Kaare and family, of Bremerton, and Bob Peterson, of Port Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addleman, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Winters attended a Christmas night: party in the Kelly home in Shelton. Jim Shumate has moved fron'l Olympia to his home here on the canal, tie is now affiliated with the Hood Canal Real Estate and Insnrance Company. His family will remain in Olympia where his daughters are art;ending school. This weekend, however, the fam- ily spent here in their canal home. Salmon are being caught in the canal these days, with one fisher- man reporting a 15 and 8-pound catch to A. L. Calahan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rains and family, of Seattle, spent Christ- mas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott. The Kenneth Lin- scotts, of Seattle. were to join them for the holidays but an un- timely case of nmmps for one of the boys postponed the trip. The Linscotts and Rains enjoyed a call to the Bob Andrews, in San Diego, 1960 home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mohrnlann were Mr. and Mrs, YVesley Mohrniann an(1 faulily, of Seattle, arid Mrs. Ruth Mohrmann ()f Olympia. OTllER TRAVELI]ItS on lhe Christmas holidays were Mr. aad Mrs. M. F. Vanhook, who went to South Bend to visit in the home of her son and family, :Mr. and Mrs. George Esveldt. ! Guests in the Harry Pozorski home on Christmas Eve were Mr., and Mrs. W. G. Mohrmann, Mrs. Ruth Mohrmann, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Reeder and Pete Kosmonek. The Robert Bearden family was happy to have both of their sons home from the service this month. Gary Bearden returned to Cali- fornia December 24 following his leave from the Navy. Bob Bearden arrived home from Fort Leonard- wood, Miouri, where he served in the Army. He will return there January 1st. ChriStmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dean were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor- tensen, and Mr. and Mrs. F, k. Harrell, of Seattle. Dinner guest in the 5ohn Lara- mie home on Christmas' Day was Pete Kosmonek. THE TINY TIM Orthepedic Guild will meet Wednesday eve- ning, January .6, in the home of Mrs. Rudy Sahwb, .Mrs. Gaff Howard will be co-hostess for the meeting. The annual Christmas party of D.S.C. club was hekl on Sunday evening, Dec. 27, in the, Alderbrook Inn. A coektatl h0urowah'hq'd ' e: ginning at 5:30. The group en- joyed singing around the piano. A buffet supper was served fol- lowed by a time of dancing. Se- c,'et pals ,,,ere revealed at the Les Fields Auto Paris gift exchange, and new Pollyanna names were drawn fro" the coming 229 $o. First year. Over 20 couples were pres- ent at the evening gathering. LITTLE LOANS $25 to $000oo CAPITAL FINANCE COMPANY ...... 124 Railroad Ave. -- Phone: ltA. 6-4447, Shelton i i i i i i II i HAVE a happy New Yearl And during the coming year we would like for you to remember hat we wish all of our many friends the best of everything. May the New Year bring you havttiness and conl£1ilillerlt. INDUSTRIAL BUlLOERS tPPLY 1ST & PIN[ ST. PHONE HA .dY..411,3 December 31, 1959 ONFIDENCE fOur business depends on your in us. That's why it comes to TV picture we recommend RCA the all-new picture Local TV Headquarters for ,Ior Radio Electric 4th &Cota HA 6-6602 Cloquallum News By l)on Eveh,th #Tel) I,ale for Imst \\;V(mk CI.A)QUAILUM The (,¢mmm- nity. Cin'isLmas party at lhe Grange hall Friday night was at- tended hy a large crowd of chil- dren and adults. A fine l)r)gram was l)resented t)y Mary \\;Valko, lectm'er of Cloquallum (il';tngc. Mrs. ,Ice \\;,Vhiting's ac(-ordion lmnd I)layed a ltttrnber of selections. Six boys and four girls, inelu(ting two \\;Vhitillgs, I,'rank and 5al't:i;i. Sev- (!l'l|l I)(\\;rN and gil'ls ga\\;e )'oadillgs Sally" Sue and Nancy Anensen, Steve An(lerson and lwo \\;Vright boys. Margie Lou tIliboki I)layed some clarinet selections, Mrs. ,lini S:ttler sang two Christmas songs, a /nusical quartet of Jay Ammsen. [)on Iqveleth, SLI'I(II':t :in(t Sh(!I'I'V McAlfrey played a nunlber lit Christnlas Cal'ols, Of course SalltK Chuls :lppeare(t, h) find a gifl on the tl'ee for each (if tile Vollllgcr ones, and to hand ()tit can(i'v to all. After lhe progranl all enjow,d Doffed and (tollghnuts ii'l the (]in'trig hall. (leorge and Ehner Leboki visit- ed in Forks over tim w(ekend where Mr. Leboki catlg'ht his lim- it in steelhead. Mrs. Joe Whiting and b'.rank, Marcia and Diana attended a Christmas party Sunday evening at the Elma Baptist church. HEARING AID CLINIC • Have your Aid cleaned FREE i; • 10% Discount on Batteries  • 10% Discount on Earmolds • 10% Discount on Cords • See complete display of Acousticon & Monarch aids For further information call or write JACK CONNER Olympic Peninsula Rep. 918 Weslon Place Bremerton, Wash. FREE HEARING TESTS IN SHELTON FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH NEXT DATE: MONDAY, JAN. 4 In the office of DR. H. M. ToKes 417 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Wash. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 00ruelc Turn00 nv00r Do-it.Yourself CenSus " Forms Would Speed Up ear Mill I;reeg. 1960 Popu!ation Count - . 1 \\;V:lshingtoN. t .C.. I)ec. ,S0. A By (-l'a('e I'elly ["d,)-il-voursolf l)lan" will be in- KAMIL(?IIIg \\;Vayne Clary augur;[feet this ,/ear by the Fed- l!,st a se! ,ff d}ml x,,!l(,els g,)ing, leral ,;,,vermnen|" to hel'p speed tip t()wn lvJill Creel< nitt ;me l'OJl(,(.z tilt? {akhl,," of tilt' U.S. Federal his 1tuck (,vet one evening lira p)tml;d.ioIF census in April, Con- first of lhe week. grt,ssm:m I.tlSS(dl V. Mack has The, Reverend and Mrs. T)on t),,,u mt[,rmed hv the Post Office o • " ' .l'l;till,V;:ll'ill ,lll(i I)()l'lS, of (]l':tllts l)ci);tI'tlll(!llt. l'ass, Ore., and Miis; J:ivlice Maill- \\;val'ill', I'I'OPA tht ttll;lIltlel Tl:aln- ins Hospit:d, in I'o, lland, are spending the holiday!a with the Dan ,V(m(ts family. MIL ANI) Mll.,. ,lames Barr [ • " r [ and son, ot Boring, Ore.,. and Ar- i thllr I.]Ienbtq'gel ' :lll(l tiIlio ttellgt, (,f Stulltle, s[)!nt (?hl'istnlas with Mrs. (hu'trude tllenberger. / Mrs. J. (). Bovee, of Shelton,[ had Sunday (limwr with the Dan J Wood family. l;'ourteen members of their fam- ily, l)hls Mr. and Mrs. I.. J. Bl'own ] ttn(t nephew, of ()lympia, spent [ Christmas I)ay with the Art Nel-[ sons. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylorl spent Christmas eve with the Har- I old I{untcrs in the Skokomish wd- I Icy. The Hunters and the Justin I Ttvlors and two .ns of Rignalll 'Paylors.ha(t Christmas dinner with the Mr. and Mrs+ Harry Simmons spent Christmas eve with their daughter, the Ed Johnsons, in Olympia, and had Christmas din- ner with the Harry Simmons Jr. also in Olympia. The Bob Wiles family of Pan- quilch, Utah, are home for the holidays visiting their mother, the Edwin Taylors, and other relatives and friends. The Robert Petty family, of the St¢okomish Valley, stopped by at the Edwin Pettys for pre-Christ- mas gifts and hmch. on their way to spend tile Christmas holidays S U i SHELTON-MA, ON COUNTY JOURNAL--Publishes in "Chritmastown, .8.A.," Shelto m Wash!ngton Page 11 ii ................................................................ I .... i ! i ..... I )i. .... ! ............. !! ............ i ....... i .......................................... ................. i ................................................... 00rist l Bu yWithM yP ms eeps ents s an r0grams ? room parties filling tile last scnool duty with the Navy. MeDonahl, il the Skvline Chris- hours Caroling parties last min- ' ' ,,,,t tim Churl h ' s ': ' ' . ..... Mr, and Mrs Mike (]umn f ..... ' ' " ute shopping sprees aim naenmy . "' ".*:....F' =- " :,:;:::ly traveled to to vi.::F:'n :t:::e,: C:;,,,: ,:l;Tv::::ilal::: N :: neignoornooo get-togtners were s ' , ' o  o ' , ' . _ . • ." .." ,'pe, nd the hohdals with their ptl'- M scow [l:t., t' r the hohdals to elinlaxe(, oy Kirge [amiiv reun- ,,,,.. ' -'s'" " "" t,m ," ", " " £ ... ions on Christmas I)av. TIe ....... (  f-rail- -'. -'l,..I) o, i) ..... * " .1 4" .' • t. I . l%l)lg S Ieel/S, y )ling poD- a y, OIV la OU • /kIl[],-['|l¢1 anti alLLn(.l,, pie's groLIp of the Hood Canal Chl'istlnas dinner guests ill the Ildl lIiIi FIRE- AUTO ROBT. A. SLOANE 200 E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 IClOOtI lOlll lltllltt II llllllIl Greetings to our many friends in every nook of this community. Happy, Happy New Year. RELY ON SIMPSON L06611it €O. SHELTON • McCLEARY • OLYMPIA Uiider this plan mail ,carriers in late March f(ll' the first time will h!uv( clqlSllS rel)ort forms with e;l('h ill the nation's 55,000,000 hlill.,hot(ts. Fit rllil ies will bc asked to fill ont these census I'(ll'l/1S ill advilllC(! slid have them r,l:tdv for the census taker when he a'rrives. The plan"is expected l.o SUV0 time in etnsus taking. When forms are filled out in ad- vallce a cellsUS taker, it is estim- ated, can coml)lcte taking of the fanlily's census In ,even minutes whereas this has required 15 to 30 minutes heretofore. All questions that the census taker will ask will be on the ad- vanced forms. A total of 160 census takers will be required in the nation to gather the informa- tion on the country's estimated 180,000,000 inhabitants, Rep Mack said. For the first time in history an electric brain machine known as UNIVAC will be employed to tab- ulate the information on the cen- sus sheets. One of these machines will tabulate 600 lines a minute. This process will enable the cen- sus bureau to tabulate the census totals within a year after the cen- sus taking ends where heretofore, with a smaller population up to two years have been required, Congressman Mack said he had been informed. with Wtlma's parents, the Mike Stolens, in Forest Grove, Ore. MRS. MAYBELLE Bishop en- tertained for her daughter, Mre.  Bert Wood, of Ventura, Calif., with a potluck luncheon for WOo men of the neighborhood l&at Wed- nesday, d Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty an granddaughter, Florence, drove to Port Angeles Saturday to visit the Jack Pearces and the J. Pettys. Jess Petty returned home with them for the holidays. Mae Julian, of Seattle, spent the weekend with the Edwin Pet- tys. Sunday they all drove down to South Beach. GARY MOON, 'of Tumwater spent the weekend with Marvin Nagel. Our 64th Year attended the kindergarten pro- grani and party held Tuesday morning in the Hoodsport school. The program was a demonstration of the ctfildren's interest in the growth of the Christmas tree. Fol- lowing the program, refreshments of coffee and cookies were served to the mothers by the Pre-School group. The children enjoyed a gift exchange. Each child presented ceramic hand and foot prints tak- en in the class by teacher, Mrs. Emery Winters, to their mothers. The fh'st and second grade par- S ty, in Mrs. E. ther Christensen's room, was a Christmas party as I well as honoring the December i birthday of Susan Morris. Mrs. I Morris and Mrs. Oliver Gray were in charge of the refreshments 0fl cookies and ice cream selved to the children, and coffee and cake were served to the mothers by Mrs. Christnsen. The children each recited a poem, and the group sang a number of Chriatmasl songs. The party ended with a gift exchange. Marion Robbins, custodian at the Lower Skokomish sehool, de- lighted the students in his new roll as Santa Claus at their party: on Tuesday afternoon, in the school gymnasium. Kelly Calahan, of Hoodsport entertained the chil- dren with a few of his assorted mystifying magic tricks. The stu- dents provkled cookies for refremh- ments, and the teachers served punch for the party. The group enjoyed a gift exchange. The sev- enth grade home room students of Mr. Bill Bryant decorated the Christmas tree and stage for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray and family, and Mrs. Virginia Wallin spent Christmas Eve in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and family in Centralia. On Christmas Day the Harry Pozorski family joined them there for dinner. Dennis Phillips, of Bothell spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Yocom and Mark Phillips in their Potlatch home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Spaulding and Larry traveled to Seattle on Christmas Day to have dinner with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Don Henry also spent Christmas in Seattle in the home of her mother, Mrs. James Miller. They traveled to Belling- ham to have dinner in the home of Den's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickin- son held an open house on Sunday afternoon before Christmas for many of their friends. They also had a large family gathering for Christmas dinner. Guests were Mrs. Rule Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCann and daughters, of Shelton, and Mr. and Mrs. John ShortMeeves. Saturday visitm's :i the Dickinson home were Mr. ad Mrs. Blair Barkley, and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Soule, of Seattle. Mrs. Carrie Gifford spent Christ- mas Day .visiting in the heme of 'Mr. and Mrs. :Ernest Worl. . Mrs. • Anna Johnson traveled trolls OrielS, Calif., to spend the holidays in the home 'of her son 'and far[fily, .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. They had Christmas din- ner in the 'Py Peterson home, who had as guests, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.'.Peterson, of Foreat Grove, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson traveled to Olympia on Christmas Day to have dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Todd. Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, of Stanwood, spent the holiday weekend visitiag in the A. L. CaN ahan home'. On Christmas the two couples were 'dinner guests o" Mr. and rs. Ben Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wingard Jr. spent C'nristmas in, the Shel- ton home of.ltis parents, Mr. and rs. Mervln W itgard On Tues- day the young couple will move to,Seattle where he will enter the IUniversity of Washington to com- plete studies on a masters degree in English. ED WAI, of Vancouver, was a holiday guest in the home of a Iongtime friend, Kelly Calahan. Dean Gilbert was here from Ilike to visit in the home of his lrent, ¢Ir. and Mrs. William Gilbert. They,lnt Chiatmas Day in the Maple rlTl1ey home Of .Mr, and Mrs. Sam '?ttieli amd family. A large4:amily get tother was hId in the home of Mr. 'ad ldPrs. Dick Addleman on Chritma Day. Quete .were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd "Diekinon, ad Diane, and Mr. and "Mrs. Dvid Dickinson, of Port- ,gelu Mr. ,and Mrs. Lester :Diekim, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addlemaa, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rauscher, of Shelton, and Mrs. Kate Abbey, 0f the Botts Nursing Home. On Saturday, the Dick Ad- dlemana left for 'Pasadena where they will attend the Rose Bowl game. On their return trip they will meet Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bur- ger, of Bend, Ore., in San Fran- €lnco. '/'he Emery Winters family gath- ered in their home on Christmas mollqg to open present under a beautiful alpine fir Christmas tree, Mr. ad Mrs. Bill Johnson, of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Win- ters and Carla, Mr. and Mrs. Em- ery Winters Jr., of Skokomish valley, and Dick Ferris, of Ta- coma, joined the Emery Winters Sr., Donna and Jim for the day. A special treat for the group was a long distance telephone call from ,Mrs. Mabel Ferris in Green- field, Mass., Who is spending her first holiday season on the East! coast. Mr. and Mrs. Starr VVhite spent Chriatas Eve in the Emit, Camphll.lore in Shelton. On the next day the two familie wre dinner guests n the home of Mr. &td Mrs. Stephen Drake in Finch Creek Valley. Airman Mike Kirk was home on leave from Moffett Field, Commnnity Church, went caroling on Monday evening. The group toured the Hoodsport area spread- ins Christmas joy with their songs to.many shutins. They ended their tour at the Church where they en- joyed a chili feed prepared by Mrs. A, K. Scott, and Mrs. Erling East- gard. The Harrison I)eVoe family tra- veled to Portland to attend a wed- ding of his niece on Dec. 26. Fol- lowing the wedding they traveled to the Klickitat State Salmon Hatchery where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hyden, for the remainder of the weekend. Mark Phillips and Carolyn Schwab won trips to Camp Casey on Whidbey Island in a contest held in the King's Teen group. Carolyn was unable to attend the cmtp but Mark left on Sunday for the three-day stay. MR. AND MRS. Ralph Hilligos Jr., and family, of Tacoma, spent Christmas in the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligos. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster entertained their Christmas Day guests in their new home. Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Marley Parker' and family, of Ta- ! coma, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab and Carolyn. Mrs. Dorothy Swanson traveled to Medicine Hat, in Alberta, Can- ada, to visit her mother for a week. Christmas Day gamsts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Evans were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Harring- ton, of Elma, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harrington and family, of Aberdeen. Saturday visitors in the Max Schmidt home were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Puhn, of Shelton. The Puhn's eft Sunday to attend the Rose Bowl football game in Pasadena. Mrs. Andy Hansen, of Schnei- der's Prairie spent Christmas Day visittng in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen. ClntISTMA, DINNER guests in the Maurice Kaare home were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kaare, Mr. and Mrs. George Kaare and family, of Bremerton, and Bob Peterson, of Port Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addleman, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Winters attended a Christmas night: party in the Kelly home in Shelton. Jim Shumate has moved fron'l Olympia to his home here on the canal, tie is now affiliated with the Hood Canal Real Estate and Insnrance Company. His family will remain in Olympia where his daughters are art;ending school. This weekend, however, the fam- ily spent here in their canal home. Salmon are being caught in the canal these days, with one fisher- man reporting a 15 and 8-pound catch to A. L. Calahan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rains and family, of Seattle, spent Christ- mas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott. The Kenneth Lin- scotts, of Seattle. were to join them for the holidays but an un- timely case of nmmps for one of the boys postponed the trip. The Linscotts and Rains enjoyed a call to the Bob Andrews, in San Diego, 1960 home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mohrnlann were Mr. and Mrs, YVesley Mohrniann an(1 faulily, of Seattle, arid Mrs. Ruth Mohrmann ()f Olympia. OTllER TRAVELI]ItS on lhe Christmas holidays were Mr. aad Mrs. M. F. Vanhook, who went to South Bend to visit in the home of her son and family, :Mr. and Mrs. George Esveldt. ! Guests in the Harry Pozorski home on Christmas Eve were Mr., and Mrs. W. G. Mohrmann, Mrs. Ruth Mohrmann, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Reeder and Pete Kosmonek. The Robert Bearden family was happy to have both of their sons home from the service this month. Gary Bearden returned to Cali- fornia December 24 following his leave from the Navy. Bob Bearden arrived home from Fort Leonard- wood, Miouri, where he served in the Army. He will return there January 1st. ChriStmas dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dean were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor- tensen, and Mr. and Mrs. F, k. Harrell, of Seattle. Dinner guest in the 5ohn Lara- mie home on Christmas' Day was Pete Kosmonek. THE TINY TIM Orthepedic Guild will meet Wednesday eve- ning, January .6, in the home of Mrs. Rudy Sahwb, .Mrs. Gaff Howard will be co-hostess for the meeting. The annual Christmas party of D.S.C. club was hekl on Sunday evening, Dec. 27, in the, Alderbrook Inn. A coektatl h0urowah'hq'd ' e: ginning at 5:30. The group en- joyed singing around the piano. A buffet supper was served fol- lowed by a time of dancing. Se- c,'et pals ,,,ere revealed at the Les Fields Auto Paris gift exchange, and new Pollyanna names were drawn fro" the coming 229 $o. First year. Over 20 couples were pres- ent at the evening gathering. LITTLE LOANS $25 to $000oo CAPITAL FINANCE COMPANY ...... 124 Railroad Ave. -- Phone: ltA. 6-4447, Shelton i i i i i i II i HAVE a happy New Yearl And during the coming year we would like for you to remember hat we wish all of our many friends the best of everything. May the New Year bring you havttiness and conl£1ilillerlt. INDUSTRIAL BUlLOERS tPPLY 1ST & PIN[ ST. PHONE HA .dY..411,3