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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 31, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "0hLmfow,, U.S.A., Hurricane Ridge Exhibit Features LocalTalent DAYTON CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS DAY I53' Mrs. Nell Vance Studio and with Rosle Roy. In LILLIWAUP ....... Ltlliwaup-Hood Port Washington she studied with Ski mu."----' Area featured Paul Wood anti in San Francisco By Mabel Kldd and arrow enthusiast found that Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and " among pairt.ings on exhibit during with Tom Elliott. Recently she has I):( ner at the Port Washington been ELuding sumi painting with DAYTON -- There will be a patience and that old try, try family visited on Saturday eve- New Year's Eve dunce held at again spirit will pay off when he ning with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ev- Now U tt'pera"ng ""( library, Long island, New Otoi Oi. Y¢)rk. They are the work of Grace Mrs. McGrady is a member of Dayton Hall with music provided bagged his deer in the Black Hills ass of Olympia. by the Holloway Orchestra. The on Sunday. Congratulations for Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson • your perseverance, Carroll. and children spent Christmas day Robinson McGrady, daughter of the Manhasset Art Association public is invited. Mrs. Frank Robinson, and include and has been editor of its art Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bunnell were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. FORMER DAYTON residents, pleased to have with them over R. Middleton of Shelton. The road to Hurricane Ridge ski one of Lilliwaup Falls, Lilliwaup briefs for the past five years. Her Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinning and area in Olympic National Park Bay anti a beach scene at the Lil- paintings have been exhibited in children of Klamath, Calif., called Saturday and Sunday, her sister  AND MRS. HaroldLeGarde and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Archer had as Christmas dinner guests, ON Will °pen f°r the seas°n °n De" liwauph°me°fhersister'Mrs'J' Paris at the Raym°nd Duncan °n Mr" and Mrs" A" E" Lemke°n Garnett °f Eureka' Calif" LAWT comber 26, according to Assistant L. Carte. gallery and in LongIsland shows. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lundqutst of Superintendent Oscar Sedergren. The artist, former Irene S. Reed She is the wife of Patrick Me- The Pmfl Challender family me- Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Mrs. George Purees and daugh- tored to Tacoma on Saturday and LcGarde and children of Shelton The area will operate the same as high school student and U. of W. Grady, science editor for the ters of Santa Clara, Calif., spent enjoyed luncheon with his sister, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aldrich. LUMBER in the past two winters and the graduate, has lived in Port Wash- American Cancer Society, and is the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Mabel Torgelson. road will be open on weekends and ington for the past 15 years, but the mother of three sons. Gertrude Scott. The Purees family Christmas dinner guests of Mr. ; Mr. and Mrs. Rayson and Dave holidays only until March 20. spends most of her summers on Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Sceva left will be making their home in So- and Mrs. Scab Combs were Mrs. had holiday dinner in the home of Hurricane Ridge is located 18 Hood Canal. She studied in Paris Thursday to spend Christmas with attic. Mozelle Pearson and boys of So- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bailey of COMPANY miles from Port Angeles and is at L'Academie de la Grande Chau- their son, Jack Sceva, and family Carroll McHenry who is a bow attle, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shelton. Also present were Mr. reached by a high standard paved micro, at Conrad Kickert's Little in Salem, Oregon. They made a road within the Park. All facilities pro-Christmas trip Tuesday to see Catto. The Cattos are anticipating Combs and sons and LeE Bozarth. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma. will be in operation on the opening Center contains a hmch service Tacoma relatives and friends, a visit with his granddaughter, Mrs. Pearson returned home en Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford day with the three rope tows warming lounge rest rooms, ski Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Catto are Robin, formerly of Costa Rica, and Sunday but the boys are spending had as Thursday dinner guests, which serve the ski slopes oper- lockers, equipment sales, ski rent- spending the Christmas weekend now attending school in Bonners the rest of their vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Lowell Rutherford of ating from 10:00 a.m. until 4:30 ale and other incidentals for ski- in Seattle with Mrs. Catto's son Ferry, Idaho. The 12-year-old miss: their grandparents. Shelton. p.m. erE. A 300 car parking area pro- Robert V. Hill, and his family, arrives Saturday to spend her va- Mrs. A. E. Lemke spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tibbits and The Hurricane Ridge Visitor rides ample parking, and Mr. Catto's son and daugh- cation with her father and step- through Christmas in Renton in children motored to Tacoma and ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. mother in Seattle. the home of her daughter, Mrs. spent Christmas with her parents, Cecil McLain. Mr. Lemke joined Mr. and Mra R. E. Swearingen. them on Christmas Day for a faro- Saturday dinner guests of Mr. lly dinner. A/so present was Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts were Mr. • SERVE u " STORES Robert Lemke, a son, who flew and Mrs. Bill Lament and son of " ' i,! / HEALTHY IND PROSPEROUS down from Sitka, Alaska and Renton, Mrs. Roy Lament, Fred ' " I " "" " WISH YOU A HAPPY spent a couple of days. and David of Shelton. • , • .e • * ' *  Mr, and Mrs. Fr*tz Buechel and MRS. MARIAN VALLEY and f t . • a' ; "  Peter motored to Longview and son Jack spent Christmas in the ( " " 1960 enjoyed the holiday with another home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Puhn son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom of Shelton. • Buechel. Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf ,. " : .,"  Recent callers in the home of had as holiday company, Mr. and • . . %. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown Mrs. Howard Duffey and son of b  were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Luhm Shelton. " • " These Ad Prices and Alison of Shelton. Mr., and Mrs. William L. Mat- ," • Effective December 29-30-31 SPENDING CHRISTMAS day thews and children motored to .. ' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner and spent Christmas eve . :, .;:. Tues., Wed., Thurs. E.s. Evers of Matlock were Mr. and day with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. • and Mrs. Robert Leman and sons. Matthews. • "O " Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Marcia Kirk of Tacoma is :' FR H GeneEversandfa'mfly°fShelton" spendingthisweekwithMr'and • . " Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maynard Mrs. T. A. Tibbits. ., " ,. " and children of Shelton spent Kathy Hickson of Lake Nah- ""  KAMILCHE POINT Christmas eve in the home of Mr. watzel was Friday overnight and i c and Mrs. William Rietdorf. Saturday guest in the JamesHick- Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. son home. • .  AA LARGE dz Harold Kidd on the holiday were Mr. and Mrs, Walter Chappell , Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson and son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell of Shelton and Mr. C. A. Kidd and visited on Christmas eve with Mrs. " ..... 3S daughter. Mary Chappell at Botts Nursing " : CREAM CH Mr. andMrs. Joe Buechel host- Home. On Christmas day, Mr. and •  ed a Christmas dinner and had as Mrs. W. M. Brown and children • Mr. and Mrs. E. Tratnick' and Mr. and Mrs. AI Chappell viE- • ' and Bill, Miss Pat Linn of Shel- ited her. .__ PHILADELPHIA 8-OUNCE C guests, ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mx'. and Mrs. Harry Kidd, Du- Rishel and daughters, ane and Verna were Christmas BULK CHEESE Sunday dinner guests °f Mr" and eve dinner guests °f Mr" and Mrs" Mrs. Ray Dillenberg were Mr. and Alvia Chapman of Shelton. Other Mrs. Eldon Dillenberg and boys of g,msts were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Belfalr. l-lolloway of Shelton. AJC The Gary Coles had as holiday Christmas eve guests of Mr. and KR, AFT WONDER • . . 1-LB. PKGS. lilly dinner gueets his grandmother Mrs. J. C. Tibbits were Mr, and Mrs. Emma King of Seattle and Mrs. Dell Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. E, Col& and Kar- • to en of Kamilche. (. " . .. Christmas eve guests in the (/  Carroll McHenry home were Mr. • and Mrs. Jeff Hayes of Shelton. Mrs. Alta Lamb and Mrs. Eliza- beth Comer spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chambcrlin . of Shelton. • The William M. Brown family  i enjoyedtheholidayinthehomeof "' . • ... , ., . "" her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles . • egg of Shelton. THE ALLEN TIBBITS hosted RANGE JUICli SWIFT S PREM 39 aChristmasdlnnerwitlMr, and • 12" E € Mrs. Lee Ttbbits of Olympia, :Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tibbits and chin dren of Lost Lake and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children as 6/$1 GRAPEFRUIT..*" 6/I guests. Mrs. Gladys Zoyer of LiUiwaup Shur-Fresh Frozen 6-Tins Sectmns 303 was a Friday caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy and Mr. FOR NEW YEAR"S ...... and Mrs. Robert Goldy. COFFEE 65 On Wednet:iay, December 23, " C Mrs. Walter Chappell, Sherl and STICKS :::: 33 held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. €   •  . David attended a Christmas party Alvin Nagel of Kamilche. n ........ 8-Ounce VELVEETA 79 Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman of CHEESE c Shelton spent Christmas Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry CRACKERS ::::: 31 ' iTkg" € @ • @ @ 2-LB. LOAF Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and CHUNK TUNA 25 sons had Christmas dinner in the WHITE STAR € home of Mrs. Nena Roberts of TANG ::: 5S*  IN Shelton. Other guests were Mrs. Ted Mlmson and Ted Jr. of Ren- lag_ Qts. ton ahd Mrs. Nona Sommers of PING, PONG, PI LI 4/'1 A!derw°°dMan°r'Dr°l>'inguests PAPER w..x '' 8tokely's later in the day were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts of Island Lake. ........... 100-Foot BB 29-Ou,oe Saturday callers in the home of Mrs. Pearl err were Mr. and Mm. John Dinning. ASSTD JELL 0 12/'1 10 Flavors joyed having their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Jr. of i Reg. Pkgs. Bremerton for the holiday. CHRISTMAS DINNER guests SHORTENING 35 c °* CRISCO and Mrs. Leon Scott and children 1-LB. TINS of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Car- Rath's Rindless roll McHenry. Mrs. J. W. Stoner and her fath- SLICED BACON 2 Ibs 99' POTATO er, Mr. George King spent from Thursday to Sunday in Seattle 0° with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hull. • Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams $ * had as holiday dinner guests, Mrs. Large, Chunk Sty/e, No. 1 Grade ' Esther Kidd of Shelton and" Mr. BOLOGNA 'lb 390 CHIPS William Kidd and Joyce. Later in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Evans and son of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. II • • • Nalley's J.O. Evans of Shelton and Mr. PORK ROAST Ib aa ; " £k,I visit.and Mrs. Gary Coled,pped in to Guests on Christmas eve of Mr. C _ocSta... and Mrs. Perry Rose, St'. were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Anderson and faro- • • ily of Arcadia ar/d Mrs. Jessie Rose and son, Ken of Shelton. By the Side, Cut and WrapPed for your freezer Mrs. Jessie Rose and son were L0{K] BEEF Ib 49 c PEANUTS alSOtheMr.PerryChristmaSandRoseMrs.home.dinnerwaltergUests inChappell U.S. Good 7V2-oz. with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson RIB STEAK Ib 790 The James Hickson family had Cnrist.mas dinner in the home of • • • his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hickson of Lake Nah- watzel. The Dick Leonards had a fam- ily gathering on Christmas day with Sandra home from Seattle PRODUCE and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole and daughters of Shelton also present. turday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits were GRAPEFRUIT TEXAS 35.LB. $2 29 M,s Francis Troup and children. (56 to box) ........................ (EACH 5¢) BOX • Jeri Hatch of Seattle is spend- I ing a few days in the home of Mr. • , ' Ralph s ) I guests are Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cuz- CALIFORNIA FUERTE$ ........................... ............................................................. EACH ! ick and son of Winston, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg LEMONS 6 25 ) and children spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. eLL LARGE SIZE) .............. • .................................................................... FOR ) DiJlenberg of Belfair. ' HILLCREST JamesOn HicksonSaturdaY'andMr'girlsandmotoredMrS' TS (CALIFORNIA 1-LB, 9¢ , CELLO PACK) CELLO EA.  on to Tacoma and visited with Mrs. ........................................................................................  Sarah Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Madaen. SOUTH FIRST STREE'r 'til Noon Saturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson Listens Whlle He Looks LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Ledge No. 1684 Charles Savage, Governor Phone HA 6-4815 WalLer Tyyniumaa, Scy. Phone HA 6-3292 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport PICTURE TUBE ACT Jnem w1at getffn- replace it n RCA BILVERAMA Picture Tuba. SILVERAMA is . . . the finest picture tube you can buy. And remember, there's one to fit virtually every IV. Phone or stop in. Local W Headquarters for Silveranta. ALL- NEW PICTURE B Eells & Valley Appliance Center 123 So. Second HA 6-4663 find out how you benefit from our great new heating insurance tester Adams and children of Ta- coma. MR. AND MR Darl Goidy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and children spent the holiday in Ag- ate with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pu- derbaugh. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma, Mrs. J. W. Rayson and Dave motored to Mu- kUteo to visit Mr. Raymond Ray- N 0 ,on. Call todayl o bligatlonl Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and - Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Grimm and Don- _-..'4_ €_ ald Grimm of Seattle. u-' 'ar)l"='''vr''r'--'--- Mrs. Gertrude Scott had Satur- day dinner with Mr, and Mrs. Bill 9'1//Z v=-- 1_ .n,a,. , Homan of Shelton. Christmas eve guests of Mr. and .. Mrs. Warren Williams were Mrs. -lmmmmm lsther Kidd and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and children. 59-33E 75L" SUNDAY DINNER guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts were .0TT 01L Mrs. Ted Munson of Renton, Jim  Roberts of Island Lake, Mrs. Nona Sommers of Alde,ood Manor and The Darl Goldys were Christmas eve dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy. On Saturday evening the Walter I BAYSHORE ROAD Chappell family visited in Matlock I with the Henry. Chappell,. I ,, , HA 613322 HAPPY NEW YEAR Hearty New Year's greeting to our friends and many patrons. We thank you sincerely, and hope the year will bring you good luck and much happiness. "We are always at your service. 1960 Northwest Evergreen Co. I I I I L ILJL I I I 13 December 31, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "0hLmfow,, U.S.A., Hurricane Ridge Exhibit Features LocalTalent DAYTON CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS DAY I53' Mrs. Nell Vance Studio and with Rosle Roy. In LILLIWAUP ....... Ltlliwaup-Hood Port Washington she studied with Ski mu."----' Area featured Paul Wood anti in San Francisco By Mabel Kldd and arrow enthusiast found that Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and " among pairt.ings on exhibit during with Tom Elliott. Recently she has I):( ner at the Port Washington been ELuding sumi painting with DAYTON -- There will be a patience and that old try, try family visited on Saturday eve- New Year's Eve dunce held at again spirit will pay off when he ning with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ev- Now U tt'pera"ng ""( library, Long island, New Otoi Oi. Y¢)rk. They are the work of Grace Mrs. McGrady is a member of Dayton Hall with music provided bagged his deer in the Black Hills ass of Olympia. by the Holloway Orchestra. The on Sunday. Congratulations for Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson • your perseverance, Carroll. and children spent Christmas day Robinson McGrady, daughter of the Manhasset Art Association public is invited. Mrs. Frank Robinson, and include and has been editor of its art Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bunnell were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. FORMER DAYTON residents, pleased to have with them over R. Middleton of Shelton. The road to Hurricane Ridge ski one of Lilliwaup Falls, Lilliwaup briefs for the past five years. Her Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinning and area in Olympic National Park Bay anti a beach scene at the Lil- paintings have been exhibited in children of Klamath, Calif., called Saturday and Sunday, her sister  AND MRS. HaroldLeGarde and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Archer had as Christmas dinner guests, ON Will °pen f°r the seas°n °n De" liwauph°me°fhersister'Mrs'J' Paris at the Raym°nd Duncan °n Mr" and Mrs" A" E" Lemke°n Garnett °f Eureka' Calif" LAWT comber 26, according to Assistant L. Carte. gallery and in LongIsland shows. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lundqutst of Superintendent Oscar Sedergren. The artist, former Irene S. Reed She is the wife of Patrick Me- The Pmfl Challender family me- Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Mrs. George Purees and daugh- tored to Tacoma on Saturday and LcGarde and children of Shelton The area will operate the same as high school student and U. of W. Grady, science editor for the ters of Santa Clara, Calif., spent enjoyed luncheon with his sister, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aldrich. LUMBER in the past two winters and the graduate, has lived in Port Wash- American Cancer Society, and is the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Mabel Torgelson. road will be open on weekends and ington for the past 15 years, but the mother of three sons. Gertrude Scott. The Purees family Christmas dinner guests of Mr. ; Mr. and Mrs. Rayson and Dave holidays only until March 20. spends most of her summers on Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Sceva left will be making their home in So- and Mrs. Scab Combs were Mrs. had holiday dinner in the home of Hurricane Ridge is located 18 Hood Canal. She studied in Paris Thursday to spend Christmas with attic. Mozelle Pearson and boys of So- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bailey of COMPANY miles from Port Angeles and is at L'Academie de la Grande Chau- their son, Jack Sceva, and family Carroll McHenry who is a bow attle, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shelton. Also present were Mr. reached by a high standard paved micro, at Conrad Kickert's Little in Salem, Oregon. They made a road within the Park. All facilities pro-Christmas trip Tuesday to see Catto. The Cattos are anticipating Combs and sons and LeE Bozarth. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma. will be in operation on the opening Center contains a hmch service Tacoma relatives and friends, a visit with his granddaughter, Mrs. Pearson returned home en Mr. and Mrs. Don Rutherford day with the three rope tows warming lounge rest rooms, ski Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Catto are Robin, formerly of Costa Rica, and Sunday but the boys are spending had as Thursday dinner guests, which serve the ski slopes oper- lockers, equipment sales, ski rent- spending the Christmas weekend now attending school in Bonners the rest of their vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Lowell Rutherford of ating from 10:00 a.m. until 4:30 ale and other incidentals for ski- in Seattle with Mrs. Catto's son Ferry, Idaho. The 12-year-old miss: their grandparents. Shelton. p.m. erE. A 300 car parking area pro- Robert V. Hill, and his family, arrives Saturday to spend her va- Mrs. A. E. Lemke spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tibbits and The Hurricane Ridge Visitor rides ample parking, and Mr. Catto's son and daugh- cation with her father and step- through Christmas in Renton in children motored to Tacoma and ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. mother in Seattle. the home of her daughter, Mrs. spent Christmas with her parents, Cecil McLain. Mr. Lemke joined Mr. and Mra R. E. Swearingen. them on Christmas Day for a faro- Saturday dinner guests of Mr. lly dinner. A/so present was Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts were Mr. • SERVE u " STORES Robert Lemke, a son, who flew and Mrs. Bill Lament and son of " ' i,! / HEALTHY IND PROSPEROUS down from Sitka, Alaska and Renton, Mrs. Roy Lament, Fred ' " I " "" " WISH YOU A HAPPY spent a couple of days. and David of Shelton. • , • .e • * ' *  Mr, and Mrs. Fr*tz Buechel and MRS. MARIAN VALLEY and f t . • a' ; "  Peter motored to Longview and son Jack spent Christmas in the ( " " 1960 enjoyed the holiday with another home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Puhn son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom of Shelton. • Buechel. Mr. and Mrs. William Rietdorf ,. " : .,"  Recent callers in the home of had as holiday company, Mr. and • . . %. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown Mrs. Howard Duffey and son of b  were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Luhm Shelton. " • " These Ad Prices and Alison of Shelton. Mr., and Mrs. William L. Mat- ," • Effective December 29-30-31 SPENDING CHRISTMAS day thews and children motored to .. ' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner and spent Christmas eve . :, .;:. Tues., Wed., Thurs. E.s. Evers of Matlock were Mr. and day with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. • and Mrs. Robert Leman and sons. Matthews. • "O " Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Marcia Kirk of Tacoma is :' FR H GeneEversandfa'mfly°fShelton" spendingthisweekwithMr'and • . " Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maynard Mrs. T. A. Tibbits. ., " ,. " and children of Shelton spent Kathy Hickson of Lake Nah- ""  KAMILCHE POINT Christmas eve in the home of Mr. watzel was Friday overnight and i c and Mrs. William Rietdorf. Saturday guest in the JamesHick- Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. son home. • .  AA LARGE dz Harold Kidd on the holiday were Mr. and Mrs, Walter Chappell , Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dyson and son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell of Shelton and Mr. C. A. Kidd and visited on Christmas eve with Mrs. " ..... 3S daughter. Mary Chappell at Botts Nursing " : CREAM CH Mr. andMrs. Joe Buechel host- Home. On Christmas day, Mr. and •  ed a Christmas dinner and had as Mrs. W. M. Brown and children • Mr. and Mrs. E. Tratnick' and Mr. and Mrs. AI Chappell viE- • ' and Bill, Miss Pat Linn of Shel- ited her. .__ PHILADELPHIA 8-OUNCE C guests, ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mx'. and Mrs. Harry Kidd, Du- Rishel and daughters, ane and Verna were Christmas BULK CHEESE Sunday dinner guests °f Mr" and eve dinner guests °f Mr" and Mrs" Mrs. Ray Dillenberg were Mr. and Alvia Chapman of Shelton. Other Mrs. Eldon Dillenberg and boys of g,msts were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Belfalr. l-lolloway of Shelton. AJC The Gary Coles had as holiday Christmas eve guests of Mr. and KR, AFT WONDER • . . 1-LB. PKGS. lilly dinner gueets his grandmother Mrs. J. C. Tibbits were Mr, and Mrs. Emma King of Seattle and Mrs. Dell Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L. E, Col& and Kar- • to en of Kamilche. (. " . .. Christmas eve guests in the (/  Carroll McHenry home were Mr. • and Mrs. Jeff Hayes of Shelton. Mrs. Alta Lamb and Mrs. Eliza- beth Comer spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chambcrlin . of Shelton. • The William M. Brown family  i enjoyedtheholidayinthehomeof "' . • ... , ., . "" her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles . • egg of Shelton. THE ALLEN TIBBITS hosted RANGE JUICli SWIFT S PREM 39 aChristmasdlnnerwitlMr, and • 12" E € Mrs. Lee Ttbbits of Olympia, :Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tibbits and chin dren of Lost Lake and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits and children as 6/$1 GRAPEFRUIT..*" 6/I guests. Mrs. Gladys Zoyer of LiUiwaup Shur-Fresh Frozen 6-Tins Sectmns 303 was a Friday caller in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy and Mr. FOR NEW YEAR"S ...... and Mrs. Robert Goldy. COFFEE 65 On Wednet:iay, December 23, " C Mrs. Walter Chappell, Sherl and STICKS :::: 33 held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. €   •  . David attended a Christmas party Alvin Nagel of Kamilche. n ........ 8-Ounce VELVEETA 79 Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Chapman of CHEESE c Shelton spent Christmas Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry CRACKERS ::::: 31 ' iTkg" € @ • @ @ 2-LB. LOAF Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts and CHUNK TUNA 25 sons had Christmas dinner in the WHITE STAR € home of Mrs. Nena Roberts of TANG ::: 5S*  IN Shelton. Other guests were Mrs. Ted Mlmson and Ted Jr. of Ren- lag_ Qts. ton ahd Mrs. Nona Sommers of PING, PONG, PI LI 4/'1 A!derw°°dMan°r'Dr°l>'inguests PAPER w..x '' 8tokely's later in the day were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts of Island Lake. ........... 100-Foot BB 29-Ou,oe Saturday callers in the home of Mrs. Pearl err were Mr. and Mm. John Dinning. ASSTD JELL 0 12/'1 10 Flavors joyed having their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phillips, Jr. of i Reg. Pkgs. Bremerton for the holiday. CHRISTMAS DINNER guests SHORTENING 35 c °* CRISCO and Mrs. Leon Scott and children 1-LB. TINS of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Car- Rath's Rindless roll McHenry. Mrs. J. W. Stoner and her fath- SLICED BACON 2 Ibs 99' POTATO er, Mr. George King spent from Thursday to Sunday in Seattle 0° with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hull. • Mr. and Mrs. Warren Williams $ * had as holiday dinner guests, Mrs. Large, Chunk Sty/e, No. 1 Grade ' Esther Kidd of Shelton and" Mr. BOLOGNA 'lb 390 CHIPS William Kidd and Joyce. Later in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Evans and son of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. II • • • Nalley's J.O. Evans of Shelton and Mr. PORK ROAST Ib aa ; " £k,I visit.and Mrs. Gary Coled,pped in to Guests on Christmas eve of Mr. C _ocSta... and Mrs. Perry Rose, St'. were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Anderson and faro- • • ily of Arcadia ar/d Mrs. Jessie Rose and son, Ken of Shelton. By the Side, Cut and WrapPed for your freezer Mrs. Jessie Rose and son were L0{K] BEEF Ib 49 c PEANUTS alSOtheMr.PerryChristmaSandRoseMrs.home.dinnerwaltergUests inChappell U.S. Good 7V2-oz. with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson RIB STEAK Ib 790 The James Hickson family had Cnrist.mas dinner in the home of • • • his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hickson of Lake Nah- watzel. The Dick Leonards had a fam- ily gathering on Christmas day with Sandra home from Seattle PRODUCE and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole and daughters of Shelton also present. turday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tibbits were GRAPEFRUIT TEXAS 35.LB. $2 29 M,s Francis Troup and children. (56 to box) ........................ (EACH 5¢) BOX • Jeri Hatch of Seattle is spend- I ing a few days in the home of Mr. • , ' Ralph s ) I guests are Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cuz- CALIFORNIA FUERTE$ ........................... ............................................................. EACH ! ick and son of Winston, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillenberg LEMONS 6 25 ) and children spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. eLL LARGE SIZE) .............. • .................................................................... FOR ) DiJlenberg of Belfair. ' HILLCREST JamesOn HicksonSaturdaY'andMr'girlsandmotoredMrS' TS (CALIFORNIA 1-LB, 9¢ , CELLO PACK) CELLO EA.  on to Tacoma and visited with Mrs. ........................................................................................  Sarah Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Madaen. SOUTH FIRST STREE'r 'til Noon Saturdays J. V. "Joe" Simpson Listens Whlle He Looks LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Ledge No. 1684 Charles Savage, Governor Phone HA 6-4815 WalLer Tyyniumaa, Scy. Phone HA 6-3292 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport PICTURE TUBE ACT Jnem w1at getffn- replace it n RCA BILVERAMA Picture Tuba. SILVERAMA is . . . the finest picture tube you can buy. And remember, there's one to fit virtually every IV. Phone or stop in. Local W Headquarters for Silveranta. ALL- NEW PICTURE B Eells & Valley Appliance Center 123 So. Second HA 6-4663 find out how you benefit from our great new heating insurance tester Adams and children of Ta- coma. MR. AND MR Darl Goidy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy and children spent the holiday in Ag- ate with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pu- derbaugh. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma, Mrs. J. W. Rayson and Dave motored to Mu- kUteo to visit Mr. Raymond Ray- N 0 ,on. Call todayl o bligatlonl Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and - Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Grimm and Don- _-..'4_ €_ ald Grimm of Seattle. u-' 'ar)l"='''vr''r'--'--- Mrs. Gertrude Scott had Satur- day dinner with Mr, and Mrs. Bill 9'1//Z v=-- 1_ .n,a,. , Homan of Shelton. Christmas eve guests of Mr. and .. Mrs. Warren Williams were Mrs. -lmmmmm lsther Kidd and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and children. 59-33E 75L" SUNDAY DINNER guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roberts were .0TT 01L Mrs. Ted Munson of Renton, Jim  Roberts of Island Lake, Mrs. Nona Sommers of Alde,ood Manor and The Darl Goldys were Christmas eve dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldy. On Saturday evening the Walter I BAYSHORE ROAD Chappell family visited in Matlock I with the Henry. Chappell,. I ,, , HA 613322 HAPPY NEW YEAR Hearty New Year's greeting to our friends and many patrons. We thank you sincerely, and hope the year will bring you good luck and much happiness. "We are always at your service. 1960 Northwest Evergreen Co. I I I I L ILJL I I I 13