December 31, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 31, 1959 |
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t , ii "
I A Most Appropriate Mystery Character A U 00assk U,,IJ. Public Invited
!i i sm, i
........... .......... w,vttc ucdmmemu n,n,n'tr'a even blUU nutu00 u.u rm L I o-a]]-:ran- =----t..:,.,
..... , , . . , ,. . . . .. /
d& [f .HW I' .... Rookie" Morrison, of course. The 4-H'ers also brought goods r ud Mrs Davis Chappell anci cnarge, travel nmmrva ,
wF ilk II tW IlliNIll MAR(NE OFFiCER--Graduated Those names could easily be for a basket for the noodv. The fancily " " a- te h- n
December 5 from the 25th Of- news to you for he is seldom next regular meeting witl be held
Bike & FMt Shop
223 Cots HA 6-8118
floer Candidate Course at th(
Marine Corps School, Quantico
Va., was Roy C. Skagen, son of
Mrs. Gudrun E. Skagen of 228
Laurel St., Shelton, Wash. He
Is a graduate of Olympic Col-
lege, Bremerton, Wash., and the
University of Washington, Se-
aisle, Wash. The 12-week course
is designed to screen candidates
from the nation's colleges and
the enlisted anks of the Marine
Corps Reserve. He will attend
an additional eight-month course
for newly Pmm&esloned officers.
( Navy photo.)
i iiiii ,11 i ii i ii, i i i L i i ii i i i ,lllqlll i
With father time
we wish you good
luck and good
health in 1960. ""
Played in state high school basketball tournanent.
known by his real name (Kimbel
Motors 2) as very few people
know him by anything other than
that mighty hard nlck-name (20th
Century, 20). If you called him
Charlle he probably wouldn't an-
swer even though It's his real
name (MeConkey Pharmacy 13)
because he isn't used to his real
name either.
We came right out and told you
hL middle name is Denton (Saeger
Motor Shop 6) and that the phone
book lists his Initials as C.D. (An-
ate Agency 4). We oven gave you
his phone, HA 6-8107, in the Ls
Fields Auto Parts ad on page 6.
That ho is Shelton's Santa
Claus was tipped off in several
clues---he'a a hero to kids now
(Shelton 'Union Service 16), loves
to hide behind a hair-faced cam-
ouflage (Eells & Valley 16), plays
K.K. role (L.M. 18), delights chil-
dren during the Yule season (Seam
2), and you could rightfully cdll
him a Saint (Modo O' Day 13).
Knowing Rookie at all you'd rec-
ognize that pillows unnecessary
for his seasonal avocation (L.M.
9), since he is a raight sizeable
fellow, 6-foot-1 (L.M. 9 in height,
although he's not as big as he used
to be for a recent diet has brought
on shrinking avordupols (Western
Auto Supply 16) and has made it
possible that he now wears size
17 collar where size 20 once re-
quired (Waterfront Realty 19).
Rockie, as everyone knows,
works "for the people (Saeger Mo-
tor Shop 9) as a lawman lL.M.
13) in the sheriff's office, where
he proteot the public (Lea Fields
Auto Parts 6) and wears a uni-
form at work (Evergreen Texaco
Service 16), although prior to that
he spent ten years in the assess-
or's office (I(Atsap-Mason Dairy
He has attended FBI schools
(M & S Food Store 16) on several
occasions to make Identification
his forte (Mode O' Day 16), from
which he is able to make finger-
prints tell him a =tory (Coast-to-
Coast Stares 7) So you sinners
beware (Lawton Lumher 4).
Rookie, has other talents. He's
no stranger to accounting (Shelton
Hotel 16), for instance, music
comes naturally to him (Johnny's
Music Box 19), being especially
adept on the drums (Saeger Motor
Shop 5), although he can play
almost any instrument and any
tune after hearing it once. Many
used to enjoy his dance band some
years ago (Manley's Fountain 12)
when it played at dances around
here. Listening to hts tape-re-
corder is one of his favorite forms
He's Hero To Kids Now
cording a lnusidal number from
radio or TV. One of his hobbies
is photography (Prepp's Rexall
Stove i0) and he alsO loves to
work with tools, build cabinets,
etc. tBeckwith% Jeweh'y 19), al-
though his wife complains he's al-
ways doing it for friends instead
of in his own home.
By the way, his wife works fop
the state as switchboard operator
and his wife has dropped the Jean
from her given name (both in
Budget Shop 18). She is tile for-
mer Helen Jean Glenn. Rockie's
sister Vl (Hicks) lives here (Bud-
get Shop 18), although he him-
self has only been a Sheltonian
since 1945 (Johnny's Music Box
3). He is formerly a Bend-er
(20th Century 20) having lived in
Bend, Oregon, at one time, al-
though he was born in a potato
state (Lawton Lumber 18), neigh-
boring :Idaho, and lived five years
in Canada (Sears 18). -
He now lives on LaKe Boulevard
(Decorating Center 18) making
him a Beverly Heights resident
(Lawton Lumber 15), where he
finds his parents next door neigh-
bors (C. C. Cole & Sons 16).
Rookie owns a female Elk hound
(Timber Appliance 16) and his
pet has a glamorous name (John-
ny's Music Box 19), for a dog at
least, for pet is called Tana (John-
ny's Music Box 15).
It has no connection with his
dog's breed bnt Rookie himself is
an ex-EIk (L.M. 9).
So there you have 45 clues to
the identity of Rockie Morrison as
mystery character No. 27 in our
Who's Who in Mason County con-
The 46th clue is his license num-
ber. If you see a car with license
plate XAD 308 (20th Century)
you'll know the law is near at
hand, or around Christmas that's
Santa's sleigh.
on Jan. 21.
Southside Grange officers meet-
ing will be held at Mrs. Walter
Chappell's at Mill Cz'eok (:)n De-
cember 30.
Arcadia club met at Mrs. Paul-
ine Emsleys for their Christmas
party, had exchange of gifts and
a turkey dimmer with l)otluck
lunch. 'riaey report, t very nice
ttu'nout at the club.
Auxiliary meets at Mrs. Opal
Ascle's home on Jan. 7.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Camp Grisdale
Woman Wins
INat,onal Award
Mrs. Fred W. Epker put Camp
Grisdale on the map this week by
"winning first prize in an interna-
tional contest sponsored by Inter-
national Housewares Ki t c hen
From the thousands of entres
submitted by hopefuls around the
world, Mrs. Epker's was chosen
and won a Nash Metropolitan au-
The winner, who along with her
husband, teaches school at the
logging camp, could hardly be-
lieve her good fortune.
"The fact that I do like the
cooking ware so much, must of
had something to do with it."
The fact that she actually had
a set of the cooking ware already
had something to do with winning
the car, too. Otherwise, the prize
would have been a set of the ware,
valued at around $175.
Her husband, whose reaction to
the news was, "It didn't seem
real," had planned t.o buy her a
small car next spring. They al-
ready own a 1959 Buick, but need-
ed a second car.
Although a new Kitchen Queen
contest starts every three months
this was the first that Mrs. Epker
had entered, in fact, she said she
seldom enters contests.
Mr. and Mrq. Epker and their,
9-year-old son Vincent, have been
at Grisdale since August, 1957.
She teaches grades one through
three, while he teaches the fourth
through eighth grades. They came
here from St. Louis, Missouri.
Busy Bell 4-H club met at Mrs.
Dora Jacksons last Thursday and
the club worked on presents for
the mothers. They had their
Clristmas party last Saturday at
the Southside Grange hall and
went caroling at the hospital,
Botts Nursing Home, and the Clin-
ic, and also had exchange of gifts.
MR, AND MRS. Earl Leggett
were called to Yacolt Saturday as
their aunt, Josephine Beecraft, was
quite ill.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. ne
Roe and family for Christmas din-
ner were Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Wolden, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wold-
en and family and Mr. and Mrs.
S. N. Babcock of Tacoma.
Guests qf Mr. and Mrs. William'
Lester" and family" for Christmas
day were Mr. and 'Mrs. klfred
Kadoun, Steve and Kim, Emma
Kadoun, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Russ-
eli axl Ronda, and Ms'. and Mrs.
.Melvin FOwler and family of
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Holtorf and family for Christmas
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck
Staley of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boysen and
Steve, June Kratcha and Bob Farr
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha
and Janice la Monday evening.
and Mrs. William Letter and fam-
ily were Mr. and Mrs. IRon Russ°
!ll and Ronda, Mr. and Mrs. MeN
:-Tin Fowler and family of Long-
view, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow
Moore and Norman of Hoquiam,
Opal Lester and Ass, and Gerald
and Roy Lester.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Cormier, Don and Richard, for
Christmas dinner were Mr. and
Mrs. Art Palmer of Mtlock, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett vie-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Miles McQuil-
kin Christmas day.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Kadoun Steve and Kim, Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ks-
dotal Linda and Terry, Emma
Kadoun, Mr. and Mrs. George
Saupe of Agate, Patty Cramner
of Anaconda, Mont., Butch Lnl
of Anaconda, Mont., Mrs. Roy
Kimball and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
ard and Joan of Seattle visited
Mr. mad Mrs. Ray Krsteha and
Janice and Sunday visitors of the
Kratchas were Patty Cramner of
Anaconda, Mont., Butch Lanis ot
Anaconda, Mont., and Mrs. Roy
The Friendship Club will meet
January 6. Hostesses will be Mrs.
E. Bracey and Mrs. Brumbaugh
at a sack dinner hmch. Everyone
is asked to bring table service.,
Mrs. Jane Windsor, county home l
economist, will be a guest at the m
Oonlor "
Air - Rail - Ship -
HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4
401 Railroad Avenu : i
During a recent sLx-month pe-
riod the American Foundation for
the Blind received more than 16, I I
000 letters about aids and appli-I]
ances for the blind and the one-I|
fare travel concession for blind ]|
persons. This WaS an increase of ll
more than 10 percent over the I I
number of letters received a year ll
We have looked forward to this
opportunity to wish you all a happy
New Year.
OK Rubber
226 N. Qlymplc Hwy.
HA 6-4832
, J
Leroy's Television
Motorola Television , Radios
"You Get Guaranteed Quality
In Sales and Service"
2218 N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-3172
Rex Floor Coverings
Floor, Wall
& Counter
HA 6-2292
1723 D|ymplo HwT. N,
Evergreen Texaco
Motor Tuneup, Generator=,
Starters, Lubrication,
,Brake Relining
lot 4, Franklin HA 6-031
Sea Ctslog
"Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Your Money Back"
Evergresn Square HA 6-8201
Timber Appliance
Authorized Dealer
, Sales & 8srvlce
W IF Eleotrlcal Contracting
I Heating -- Wiring
l HA 6-4653 114 S. 2nd
I has a partner
Kimbel Motors
707 8, First HA 6-3433
"Shelton's Favorite"
For Breakfast - Lunch . Dinner
or Just a Snack
125 Cots HA 6-3953
Shelton Union Service
First In tlre--U. S. Royal
Economy Car Wash
Vacation Trailer Rentals
U Drive Trucks
332 S. First HA 6-8002
Shelton Hotel
"if YOU Can Find A Better
Place To Eat -- Try Itl"
Banquet Facilities
Blue Ox Corral
Ph. HA 6-3541
often behind bars
Eells & Valley
123 8. 2nd HA 8-466
Forrest's Flowers
Cut Flower= - Plants
Floral Designs
Flowers and Gifts fop
All Occasions
Flowers by Wire
Kitsap-Mason Dairy
"Good Milk iS Good Food n
313 Railroad HA 6-6513
Milk & Cream
ice Cream
Les Fields Auto Parts
Complete llne of parts fer all
caPs & trucks
Automotive Machine Shop
Tools Batterlen
Third at Grove. HA 6-4473 229 S. F|ret * HA 6-3351
Waterfront Realty t Depart- I
featuring ment
Developers of Highland Terrace "Friendly
Marden M. Stroud, Broker ervloe
226 NO. First HA 6-8535 SlUice 1895"
Bill $ohnson's
Shell Service
"Service First -- 8atiMactlon
Goodyear Tira-
NIo-L411v Batteries
Flt & ta HA 8-$g08
wife's name is Ann
Quality at Budget Prices
Evergreen Squar= HA 6-q293
Whlgsrd% aport Shop
Comptete Fishing and
Huqtlng 8uppllea
,q'atut Alon 9 A Buddy"
All Resident & Non-RRidant
2210 Olymplo wy, N.
HA 8-S671
Ineuranoe Coverage & Service
Angle Agency
Insurance - Real Emte - Travel
4th & R.R, HA 6-8272
20th Century
"Where Every Customer
Is Important '
Evergreen Fuel Co.
Olel OIl & Stove Oil
Automatio Refill Service
$19 8, First HA 6.8103
Plumbing, Heating & Sheet
Metal Contracting -- Plumbing
Supplies -- OII Burners
623 S. First HA 6-34S3
"You Can't Better TPe Best"
Premium Ice Cream
At Less than Popular Prices
422 N. First HA 6-6575
C. C. Cole & Sons
Standard OII Pro(mOt
"Trouble,Free Fuel OII Service
for the Home"
118 S. Third HA (5-4411
one son t a coach
Wheatley & Keary Co.
"Service and Quality First"
Plumbing -- Heating
Paper -- Paint
317 S. First HA 6.4853
M. and S. Food Store
Quality Food Low Prices
Free Delivery
120 Cot= HA 6-4892
has two sons
For over 24 );ars It has been
Me0onkey's for Drugs
"Two Locations tO Serve You"
306 Railroad 329 Railroad
HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456
Exclusive Dealers for
129 Railroad HA 6-3283
Sseger's Motor Shop
Johnson Outboards
Homellte Power Saws
8kaglt Boat=
Sates & Servlca
Hlliorsst HA S-480
t w
"with that
Country Fresh Flavor"
llt & Ge(Sar
Prepp's Rexall Store
'In Suslness for
Your Health"
419 Railroad
H A 6-6283
Wertlnghoue Appllancem
The no more
Open Bowling for the Whole
Family Friday, Saturday,
Shelton Recreation
t28 N. First HA 6-6252
Budget Shop
Decorating Center
Across from Evergreen Square
2nd & Cota HA6-6311
Lwton Lumber Co.
C & C Paints
Building Materials
Tools Rentals
420 S. First HA 6-4303
Johnny's Music Box
429 Railroad HA 6.4302
Pianos Organs
Aooordion Lessons
Band ImRruments
8heel Music
Thackeray Electric
"Electrical Contractors"
Lighting Fixtures
Eleotrlc Heat
WIPing Supplies
and Repairs
217 Cots HA 6-6477"
Western Auto Supply
The Name tur Quality
315 S. First HA $41S3
Ritner's Broiler
"For Fine Foods
Reasonable Prices"
102 S. First HA 6-4223
W00em to Look for 0lure...
Copyright 1959 bY B. Reinhaxdt. All rights reserved.
Clues may be hidden in ANY ad In thls group ad. When a St
appears in any of these ads, it means that additional advertia/ng
that mrchant appears elsewhere in thie issue of the paper, and
tlonad clues ma" 'be hidden in any of those ads also!
CI will be scattered.., there may be from one to five oluea
any ad or aone. Tl ,i S a onteat of skill and we intend to
our best to outwit yot We invite you to do your beat to outwit us!
1. 5aJs Is a famll tun contest. -
tiU wcleame from ever), member of
the fallly old eioMtl to out h
or her own. You MAY subIt one qm-
tr per t ur aU f tbe
So who ., are
l the row that I$ heavll ImNlem
week -- but oat)' one eatrr r
ion at any Store (m0i-e than
dtt wlll dis4mdlly Ill entries ot that
for that mk). Ano .maw.
u a.=,,el 0); uiu
,- = ,t zommaz.
(Sad that epc trod families) are
mot mlwnm to eat4w xc duCJ
the wslm tlmt the ommrt er-
umt'a store, -teaturedL
lqOtfll JJO Uy, "Use aay slip of ;
paper 'tOT entry blank. DO NOT put
your entry in an eovelOl. Not neces-
sary to be ptteat at tlm drewlng to
win. lot nse to be a subscriber
to the IJOUUqAL to ImtteUmte,
8. WHO'S .WHO m be eae ts
the 0oum a 01es to h
(or her) idatlW will be hidden ONIY
iu adl df IIIIHiW Mmmts (this
mea a ad h= tl =metl(m or any
a(l of tile same inethant elsewhere in
the pkP), When ,star(s) appear in
any ad in thts seotion, it is your warn-
ing that Other 1(I) of the same mer-
chant (i Whirl there mF be clues)
appeal" etewhe All the ,paper. Clues
wUl be ttredmany ads will have
no clues, While others may have as
many ms five. l Js a coatest of skill,
and we intend te o our best to outwit
you. We'll be delighted ff you succeed
in outguessing tin, in spite of our best
efforts I
4. If by coincidence, the mne ot
WHO'S WHO (or other facts about
him) happen to appear in news items,
edltorlal matter, or other places in this
newspaper, these will not count as
5, To enter, write down the name
you think the -I0'S WHO Is. List
all the clues you can find In all the
ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in
this issue. Don't forget your own name
and addreesl! Then, drop your entry
t ay . omt a
hi between the heavy borders In
issue. You may enter at all six if
wlshl There are no other places
entries will be accepted and mall
tries will not be accptad. Aay
bet of the family ma bring in all
tries for that family. Children
12 must be accompanied by an
8. This week's contest starts
you receive this iesue. md closes at
p.m. Monday of the followlng wek.
that time (8 p.m. next
drawing will be held, The first
drawn that eorreetly Identifies
JBO'B WHO will win $10,00. 17
entry also lists every clue qnldden in
ads ,of Sponsoring Merchants, a
NUS of $86.00 will be added.
ever this BONUS is not w'o, it will
added to next week's ONUS --
Will continue to grow until It hi wonl
Winning the BONUS requires
FECT Itst Of clues -- the exeot
beT, and all copied correctly.
?. At unammunced times
the contest, a special drawing will
held to determine the winner of
will take place A.WIR the
drawing is completed. Winner In
rgular drawing will not be
for the drawing of the
JAC'POT. Winner of the
JACKPOT will be the first
drawn (after completion of the
drawing) which has BOTH the
rect identificatlon of WHO'S
and a perfect list of clues
will not he held for MYSTERY
POT every week.
8. Every possible preeaution will
taken to prevent typographical
that might he mistaken for clues,
errorless typography CANNOT
GUARANTEED (by anyone), The
lisher of the JOURNAL will be
judge in all questions, and his
Is final.
Family participation gives you
ter chance to win the Jackpot.
wife, husband, or some
youngster MAY spot a clue that
miss !
. Remember, you can't wtn if
don't enter!
Got any Perry Mason In you?
Nllalt YOU can outwit the
t , ii "
I A Most Appropriate Mystery Character A U 00assk U,,IJ. Public Invited
!i i sm, i
........... .......... w,vttc ucdmmemu n,n,n'tr'a even blUU nutu00 u.u rm L I o-a]]-:ran- =----t..:,.,
..... , , . . , ,. . . . .. /
d& [f .HW I' .... Rookie" Morrison, of course. The 4-H'ers also brought goods r ud Mrs Davis Chappell anci cnarge, travel nmmrva ,
wF ilk II tW IlliNIll MAR(NE OFFiCER--Graduated Those names could easily be for a basket for the noodv. The fancily " " a- te h- n
December 5 from the 25th Of- news to you for he is seldom next regular meeting witl be held
Bike & FMt Shop
223 Cots HA 6-8118
floer Candidate Course at th(
Marine Corps School, Quantico
Va., was Roy C. Skagen, son of
Mrs. Gudrun E. Skagen of 228
Laurel St., Shelton, Wash. He
Is a graduate of Olympic Col-
lege, Bremerton, Wash., and the
University of Washington, Se-
aisle, Wash. The 12-week course
is designed to screen candidates
from the nation's colleges and
the enlisted anks of the Marine
Corps Reserve. He will attend
an additional eight-month course
for newly Pmm&esloned officers.
( Navy photo.)
i iiiii ,11 i ii i ii, i i i L i i ii i i i ,lllqlll i
With father time
we wish you good
luck and good
health in 1960. ""
Played in state high school basketball tournanent.
known by his real name (Kimbel
Motors 2) as very few people
know him by anything other than
that mighty hard nlck-name (20th
Century, 20). If you called him
Charlle he probably wouldn't an-
swer even though It's his real
name (MeConkey Pharmacy 13)
because he isn't used to his real
name either.
We came right out and told you
hL middle name is Denton (Saeger
Motor Shop 6) and that the phone
book lists his Initials as C.D. (An-
ate Agency 4). We oven gave you
his phone, HA 6-8107, in the Ls
Fields Auto Parts ad on page 6.
That ho is Shelton's Santa
Claus was tipped off in several
clues---he'a a hero to kids now
(Shelton 'Union Service 16), loves
to hide behind a hair-faced cam-
ouflage (Eells & Valley 16), plays
K.K. role (L.M. 18), delights chil-
dren during the Yule season (Seam
2), and you could rightfully cdll
him a Saint (Modo O' Day 13).
Knowing Rookie at all you'd rec-
ognize that pillows unnecessary
for his seasonal avocation (L.M.
9), since he is a raight sizeable
fellow, 6-foot-1 (L.M. 9 in height,
although he's not as big as he used
to be for a recent diet has brought
on shrinking avordupols (Western
Auto Supply 16) and has made it
possible that he now wears size
17 collar where size 20 once re-
quired (Waterfront Realty 19).
Rockie, as everyone knows,
works "for the people (Saeger Mo-
tor Shop 9) as a lawman lL.M.
13) in the sheriff's office, where
he proteot the public (Lea Fields
Auto Parts 6) and wears a uni-
form at work (Evergreen Texaco
Service 16), although prior to that
he spent ten years in the assess-
or's office (I(Atsap-Mason Dairy
He has attended FBI schools
(M & S Food Store 16) on several
occasions to make Identification
his forte (Mode O' Day 16), from
which he is able to make finger-
prints tell him a =tory (Coast-to-
Coast Stares 7) So you sinners
beware (Lawton Lumher 4).
Rookie, has other talents. He's
no stranger to accounting (Shelton
Hotel 16), for instance, music
comes naturally to him (Johnny's
Music Box 19), being especially
adept on the drums (Saeger Motor
Shop 5), although he can play
almost any instrument and any
tune after hearing it once. Many
used to enjoy his dance band some
years ago (Manley's Fountain 12)
when it played at dances around
here. Listening to hts tape-re-
corder is one of his favorite forms
He's Hero To Kids Now
cording a lnusidal number from
radio or TV. One of his hobbies
is photography (Prepp's Rexall
Stove i0) and he alsO loves to
work with tools, build cabinets,
etc. tBeckwith% Jeweh'y 19), al-
though his wife complains he's al-
ways doing it for friends instead
of in his own home.
By the way, his wife works fop
the state as switchboard operator
and his wife has dropped the Jean
from her given name (both in
Budget Shop 18). She is tile for-
mer Helen Jean Glenn. Rockie's
sister Vl (Hicks) lives here (Bud-
get Shop 18), although he him-
self has only been a Sheltonian
since 1945 (Johnny's Music Box
3). He is formerly a Bend-er
(20th Century 20) having lived in
Bend, Oregon, at one time, al-
though he was born in a potato
state (Lawton Lumber 18), neigh-
boring :Idaho, and lived five years
in Canada (Sears 18). -
He now lives on LaKe Boulevard
(Decorating Center 18) making
him a Beverly Heights resident
(Lawton Lumber 15), where he
finds his parents next door neigh-
bors (C. C. Cole & Sons 16).
Rookie owns a female Elk hound
(Timber Appliance 16) and his
pet has a glamorous name (John-
ny's Music Box 19), for a dog at
least, for pet is called Tana (John-
ny's Music Box 15).
It has no connection with his
dog's breed bnt Rookie himself is
an ex-EIk (L.M. 9).
So there you have 45 clues to
the identity of Rockie Morrison as
mystery character No. 27 in our
Who's Who in Mason County con-
The 46th clue is his license num-
ber. If you see a car with license
plate XAD 308 (20th Century)
you'll know the law is near at
hand, or around Christmas that's
Santa's sleigh.
on Jan. 21.
Southside Grange officers meet-
ing will be held at Mrs. Walter
Chappell's at Mill Cz'eok (:)n De-
cember 30.
Arcadia club met at Mrs. Paul-
ine Emsleys for their Christmas
party, had exchange of gifts and
a turkey dimmer with l)otluck
lunch. 'riaey report, t very nice
ttu'nout at the club.
Auxiliary meets at Mrs. Opal
Ascle's home on Jan. 7.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. William
Camp Grisdale
Woman Wins
INat,onal Award
Mrs. Fred W. Epker put Camp
Grisdale on the map this week by
"winning first prize in an interna-
tional contest sponsored by Inter-
national Housewares Kit c h en
From the thousands of entres
submitted by hopefuls around the
world, Mrs. Epker's was chosen
and won a Nash Metropolitan au-
The winner, who along with her
husband, teaches school at the
logging camp, could hardly be-
lieve her good fortune.
"The fact that I do like the
cooking ware so much, must of
had something to do with it."
The fact that she actually had
a set of the cooking ware already
had something to do with winning
the car, too. Otherwise, the prize
would have been a set of the ware,
valued at around $175.
Her husband, whose reaction to
the news was, "It didn't seem
real," had planned t.o buy her a
small car next spring. They al-
ready own a 1959 Buick, but need-
ed a second car.
Although a new Kitchen Queen
contest starts every three months
this was the first that Mrs. Epker
had entered, in fact, she said she
seldom enters contests.
Mr. and Mrq. Epker and their,
9-year-old son Vincent, have been
at Grisdale since August, 1957.
She teaches grades one through
three, while he teaches the fourth
through eighth grades. They came
here from St. Louis, Missouri.
Busy Bell 4-H club met at Mrs.
Dora Jacksons last Thursday and
the club worked on presents for
the mothers. They had their
Clristmas party last Saturday at
the Southside Grange hall and
went caroling at the hospital,
Botts Nursing Home, and the Clin-
ic, and also had exchange of gifts.
MR, AND MRS. Earl Leggett
were called to Yacolt Saturday as
their aunt, Josephine Beecraft, was
quite ill.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. ne
Roe and family for Christmas din-
ner were Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Wolden, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wold-
en and family and Mr. and Mrs.
S. N. Babcock of Tacoma.
Guests qf Mr. and Mrs. William'
Lester" and family" for Christmas
day were Mr. and 'Mrs. klfred
Kadoun, Steve and Kim, Emma
Kadoun, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Russ-
eli axl Ronda, and Ms'. and Mrs.
.Melvin FOwler and family of
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Holtorf and family for Christmas
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck
Staley of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boysen and
Steve, June Kratcha and Bob Farr
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha
and Janice la Monday evening.
and Mrs. William Letter and fam-
ily were Mr. and Mrs. IRon Russ°
!ll and Ronda, Mr. and Mrs. MeN
:-Tin Fowler and family of Long-
view, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow
Moore and Norman of Hoquiam,
Opal Lester and Ass, and Gerald
and Roy Lester.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Cormier, Don and Richard, for
Christmas dinner were Mr. and
Mrs. Art Palmer of Mtlock, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett vie-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Miles McQuil-
kin Christmas day.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Kadoun Steve and Kim, Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ks-
dotal Linda and Terry, Emma
Kadoun, Mr. and Mrs. George
Saupe of Agate, Patty Cramner
of Anaconda, Mont., Butch Lnl
of Anaconda, Mont., Mrs. Roy
Kimball and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
ard and Joan of Seattle visited
Mr. mad Mrs. Ray Krsteha and
Janice and Sunday visitors of the
Kratchas were Patty Cramner of
Anaconda, Mont., Butch Lanis ot
Anaconda, Mont., and Mrs. Roy
The Friendship Club will meet
January 6. Hostesses will be Mrs.
E. Bracey and Mrs. Brumbaugh
at a sack dinner hmch. Everyone
is asked to bring table service.,
Mrs. Jane Windsor, county home l
economist, will be a guest at the m
Oonlor "
Air - Rail - Ship -
HA 6-8272 or HA 6-4
401 Railroad Avenu : i
During a recent sLx-month pe-
riod the American Foundation for
the Blind received more than 16, I I
000 letters about aids and appli-I]
ances for the blind and the one-I|
fare travel concession for blind ]|
persons. This WaS an increase of ll
more than 10 percent over the I I
number of letters received a year ll
We have looked forward to this
opportunity to wish you all a happy
New Year.
OK Rubber
226 N. Qlymplc Hwy.
HA 6-4832
, J
Leroy's Television
Motorola Television , Radios
"You Get Guaranteed Quality
In Sales and Service"
2218 N. Olympic Hwy.
HA 6-3172
Rex Floor Coverings
Floor, Wall
& Counter
HA 6-2292
1723 D|ymplo HwT. N,
Evergreen Texaco
Motor Tuneup, Generator=,
Starters, Lubrication,
,Brake Relining
lot 4, Franklin HA 6-031
Sea Ctslog
"Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Your Money Back"
Evergresn Square HA 6-8201
Timber Appliance
Authorized Dealer
, Sales & 8srvlce
W IF Eleotrlcal Contracting
I Heating -- Wiring
l HA 6-4653 114 S. 2nd
I has a partner
Kimbel Motors
707 8, First HA 6-3433
"Shelton's Favorite"
For Breakfast - Lunch . Dinner
or Just a Snack
125 Cots HA 6-3953
Shelton Union Service
First In tlre--U. S. Royal
Economy Car Wash
Vacation Trailer Rentals
U Drive Trucks
332 S. First HA 6-8002
Shelton Hotel
"if YOU Can Find A Better
Place To Eat -- Try Itl"
Banquet Facilities
Blue Ox Corral
Ph. HA 6-3541
often behind bars
Eells & Valley
123 8. 2nd HA 8-466
Forrest's Flowers
Cut Flower= - Plants
Floral Designs
Flowers and Gifts fop
All Occasions
Flowers by Wire
Kitsap-Mason Dairy
"Good Milk iS Good Food n
313 Railroad HA 6-6513
Milk & Cream
ice Cream
Les Fields Auto Parts
Complete llne of parts fer all
caPs & trucks
Automotive Machine Shop
Tools Batterlen
Third at Grove. HA 6-4473 229 S. F|ret * HA 6-3351
Waterfront Realty t Depart- I
featuring ment
Developers of Highland Terrace "Friendly
Marden M. Stroud, Broker ervloe
226 NO. First HA 6-8535 SlUice 1895"
Bill $ohnson's
Shell Service
"Service First -- 8atiMactlon
Goodyear Tira-
NIo-L411v Batteries
Flt & ta HA 8-$g08
wife's name is Ann
Quality at Budget Prices
Evergreen Squar= HA 6-q293
Whlgsrd% aport Shop
Comptete Fishing and
Huqtlng 8uppllea
,q'atut Alon 9 A Buddy"
All Resident & Non-RRidant
2210 Olymplo wy, N.
HA 8-S671
Ineuranoe Coverage & Service
Angle Agency
Insurance - Real Emte - Travel
4th & R.R, HA 6-8272
20th Century
"Where Every Customer
Is Important '
Evergreen Fuel Co.
Olel OIl & Stove Oil
Automatio Refill Service
$19 8, First HA 6.8103
Plumbing, Heating & Sheet
Metal Contracting -- Plumbing
Supplies -- OII Burners
623 S. First HA 6-34S3
"You Can't Better TPe Best"
Premium Ice Cream
At Less than Popular Prices
422 N. First HA 6-6575
C. C. Cole & Sons
Standard OII Pro(mOt
"Trouble,Free Fuel OII Service
for the Home"
118 S. Third HA (5-4411
one son t a coach
Wheatley & Keary Co.
"Service and Quality First"
Plumbing -- Heating
Paper -- Paint
317 S. First HA 6.4853
M. and S. Food Store
Quality Food Low Prices
Free Delivery
120 Cot= HA 6-4892
has two sons
For over 24 );ars It has been
Me0onkey's for Drugs
"Two Locations tO Serve You"
306 Railroad 329 Railroad
HA 6-3456 HA 6-4456
Exclusive Dealers for
129 Railroad HA 6-3283
Sseger's Motor Shop
Johnson Outboards
Homellte Power Saws
8kaglt Boat=
Sates & Servlca
Hlliorsst HA S-480
t w
"with that
Country Fresh Flavor"
llt & Ge(Sar
Prepp's Rexall Store
'In Suslness for
Your Health"
419 Railroad
H A 6-6283
Wertlnghoue Appllancem
The no more
Open Bowling for the Whole
Family Friday, Saturday,
Shelton Recreation
t28 N. First HA 6-6252
Budget Shop
Decorating Center
Across from Evergreen Square
2nd & Cota HA6-6311
Lwton Lumber Co.
C & C Paints
Building Materials
Tools Rentals
420 S. First HA 6-4303
Johnny's Music Box
429 Railroad HA 6.4302
Pianos Organs
Aooordion Lessons
Band ImRruments
8heel Music
Thackeray Electric
"Electrical Contractors"
Lighting Fixtures
Eleotrlc Heat
WIPing Supplies
and Repairs
217 Cots HA 6-6477"
Western Auto Supply
The Name tur Quality
315 S. First HA $41S3
Ritner's Broiler
"For Fine Foods
Reasonable Prices"
102 S. First HA 6-4223
W00em to Look for 0lure...
Copyright 1959 bY B. Reinhaxdt. All rights reserved.
Clues may be hidden in ANY ad In thls group ad. When a St
appears in any of these ads, it means that additional advertia/ng
that mrchant appears elsewhere in thie issue of the paper, and
tlonad clues ma" 'be hidden in any of those ads also!
CI will be scattered.., there may be from one to five oluea
any ad or aone. Tl ,i S a onteat of skill and we intend to
our best to outwit yot We invite you to do your beat to outwit us!
1. 5aJs Is a famll tun contest. -
tiU wcleame from ever), member of
the fallly old eioMtl to out h
or her own. You MAY subIt one qm-
tr per t ur aU f tbe
So who ., are
l the row that I$ heavll ImNlem
week -- but oat)' one eatrr r
ion at any Store (m0i-e than
dtt wlll dis4mdlly Ill entries ot that
for that mk). Ano .maw.
u a.=,,el 0); uiu
,- = ,t zommaz.
(Sad that epc trod families) are
mot mlwnm to eat4w xc duCJ
the wslm tlmt the ommrt er-
umt'a store, -teaturedL
lqOtfll JJO Uy, "Use aay slip of ;
paper 'tOT entry blank. DO NOT put
your entry in an eovelOl. Not neces-
sary to be ptteat at tlm drewlng to
win. lot nse to be a subscriber
to the IJOUUqAL to ImtteUmte,
8. WHO'S .WHO m be eae ts
the 0oum a 01es to h
(or her) idatlW will be hidden ONIY
iu adl df IIIIHiW Mmmts (this
mea a ad h= tl =metl(m or any
a(l of tile same inethant elsewhere in
the pkP), When ,star(s) appear in
any ad in thts seotion, it is your warn-
ing that Other 1(I) of the same mer-
chant (i Whirl there mF be clues)
appeal" etewhe All the ,paper. Clues
wUl be ttredmany ads will have
no clues, While others may have as
many ms five. l Js a coatest of skill,
and we intend te o our best to outwit
you. We'll be delighted ff you succeed
in outguessing tin, in spite of our best
efforts I
4. If by coincidence, the mne ot
WHO'S WHO (or other facts about
him) happen to appear in news items,
edltorlal matter, or other places in this
newspaper, these will not count as
5, To enter, write down the name
you think the -I0'S WHO Is. List
all the clues you can find In all the
ads of the Sponsoring Merchants in
this issue. Don't forget your own name
and addreesl! Then, drop your entry
t ay . omt a
hi between the heavy borders In
issue. You may enter at all six if
wlshl There are no other places
entries will be accepted and mall
tries will not be accptad. Aay
bet of the family ma bring in all
tries for that family. Children
12 must be accompanied by an
8. This week's contest starts
you receive this iesue. md closes at
p.m. Monday of the followlng wek.
that time (8 p.m. next
drawing will be held, The first
drawn that eorreetly Identifies
JBO'B WHO will win $10,00. 17
entry also lists every clue qnldden in
ads ,of Sponsoring Merchants, a
NUS of $86.00 will be added.
ever this BONUS is not w'o, it will
added to next week's ONUS --
Will continue to grow until It hi wonl
Winning the BONUS requires
FECT Itst Of clues -- the exeot
beT, and all copied correctly.
?. At unammunced times
the contest, a special drawing will
held to determine the winner of
will take place A.WIR the
drawing is completed. Winner In
rgular drawing will not be
for the drawing of the
JAC'POT. Winner of the
JACKPOT will be the first
drawn (after completion of the
drawing) which has BOTH the
rect identificatlon of WHO'S
and a perfect list of clues
will not he held for MYSTERY
POT every week.
8. Every possible preeaution will
taken to prevent typographical
that might he mistaken for clues,
errorless typography CANNOT
GUARANTEED (by anyone), The
lisher of the JOURNAL will be
judge in all questions, and his
Is final.
Family participation gives you
ter chance to win the Jackpot.
wife, husband, or some
youngster MAY spot a clue that
miss !
. Remember, you can't wtn if
don't enter!
Got any Perry Mason In you?
Nllalt YOU can outwit the