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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 SELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publlwhei in 0Hsmastown " Shelton, ....... FOR SALE SPECIAL SALE ,-- Westinghouse 52 gal, water heater. $88,88. Sheiton Electric, 419 Railroad. 12/24-31 HIGH WK Llghtt--hT/T- ast cutting nt highest power Rem- ington Saws, Bar-Din&apos;s Marina, Mountain View. B 5/14 tfn lois. Will buy real estate contraets l and fence posts, Phone Olympia FL 7-9879. S 11/26 tin BRAND NEW Frigidaire stainless steel stove. 4 pull down units, one l'reach ovin. $925,00. 528 Cots. HA 6.6424. J II/25 tin r ton. Forrest Green Matlock. one HA 6.9605. 12/10 tin SACKIFICE! DISMANTLING apart- ments, Seilint( all furniture, appll- am'es, gas aria oil heaterl. Cash and carry. Phone HA 6-4002. R 12/17-81 FOR SALE -- "Ivo 40 inch electric stoves, $39.50 -- $49.50; one 90,000 B.T.U, Stegler oil stove, with blow- er, $125.00, llke new; one 5 piece sec- tional and chair, $59.50; one wring- er washer. $39.50; one 7-ft. Frlgid- airs $59.50; one Easy automat- ic washer, like new, $99.50; one sec- ond hand blonde bedroom suite, 4 piece, $95.00; one trailer oll stove with blower, $29,50; one nylon 2 piece overstuffed set, foam rubber, $59.50; one 40 gallon hot water tank, $39.50; one eecond hand dresser with mir- ror, $12.50; two twin beds and springs, $15.00 each; one wood cook steve, $30.00; one 44 Inch Thermador eleetrte range with 220 heater and  fan. $49.50; one 20 inch apt. range, $9.50. Kellys Furniture, 625 So. let. i2/ly__ua FOR SALE - New, used and rebuilt • nut°parts" Trade In your old parts, ,Save  percent or more. Slmlton AutO Parts Co., phone HA 6.4062, Olym- pic tItghway, south. S 12/17 tin TOP QUALITY weaner pigs for sale. Cxmtect Edward Fischer, Kamilehe Point, or phone HA 6.,4156. F J2/17 tin FOR SALE  RCA 17-inch 'IV, good condition. $35. Phone HA 6-3649, B 12124-I/7 DRY AND GREEN alder wood for sale. $6.00 and up per cord. Phone HA 6-3894 after 5 p.m. T 12/24-117 SHRUBBERY AND GIFT bulbs Heavily budded Camelias. Rhododen- drons, Christmas roses. Pernettia with red - white berries. Holly with barrios, February Daphne, misc. ov- e yroen shrubs, The Garden Shop, tel I OX 48. Phone HA 6-9710. 12124-1/7 old, female, AKC registered, has had order. $12.50 cord. Phone HA 6.3991. R 12/24 tin TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Ogden. HA 6.6156. 2/12 tfz ....... USED CARS 00I00WgM.E, _ ' FOR SALE I £_I _L_* f __ BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, SUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- Aaverusmg choice of 1822 colors. L. M, DECOR- pony cal. and .arvlee.  pre- Rates ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. sentatlve Wally Anderson. Phone 1/29 tin HA 6.6001, A4/80 tin ROOFING and all other bunding ma- BOATS, "TA--TL-- and outboard raG- 15 word or less (minimum teriale, nothizg down. 86 montlm to tore at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 harge) $1.00 single insertion. pay under FHA terms now available Olympic Highway. South, HA 6-8163. $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for at Lawtoa Lumber. 420 S. let St., 2/20 tfn three insertions. Additional In- phone HA 6-4903. 9/5 tin NG Profiold equip- sertion@ 25¢ each. Rates for ,OVERINGS -- for wall, wlnd0, ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. larger ads on request. floors. Paint, walllmper, drape, L,M, Decorating Center, 821 Railroad, rugs, tile yardgoods.-L. M. DECOR- B 719 tin Classified display $1 per col- ATING LNTER. tl Railroad, umn inch. 1/29 tt ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on  ]OLOR FILM procei, direct deal- beautiful Hood Canal Phone Hoods /Card of Ulanke $1.50 Read- er, faster, more efflc|enL  24- er notice 15 word minimum, F..---'--. ¥7iS now avaiiabl--JK il [/$1'50 Or $2.00 per column lnel building matertal allows you to 1 construction costs under one "Not Responsible" n o t I e • ' $/ tfa bill. For in/Grins]ton inquire it $1.50 per insertion. "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.KA." rubber Lawto Lumber. 420 S. let St. Phone stamps for male at the Joura, $Ll HA 6-4808. 9/5 tfa All classified advertisement@ each. 107 So. 4th. 12/1  EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales mtwt be paid in advance. Ads 14 FT an^ sexy lee at S h.elton Mar ineSupl: [ take/l over the telephone must I hand starting 1,:'  t)lympie algnweY, I$outn, /tAll be tmtd before the end of the • go. Complsts price $1100.00 6.81e& 2120 tta, 1 mon'th An ext-. -- ..... • *-- • ........... --.... ---- o ui A Shelton Marine Supply AUTO-LITE BATTERIES and acc- • ............ | Htllcrest Hardware). sorte Wholesale and retail. Shelto  wl De mane wP.e cuing m NOTHING DOWN,  months to Marine Supply (formerly Hillerest • Ilecaary. • undar F.H.A. terms on all Marawarej, on Hillerest. 9/8  I I • supplies, Lump it all under one .... HALaw00n6.00.L"m00r s. 1. FOB BENT COLOR PRINT PRICES IUDUCD: Made from your favorite color slide or colored negative. Post card size was 75/--now 89€, 5x7 was $1.F3-- now €. including deluxe folder. One day service on Ektachrome Anscochrome color 1 day service on color Studio, 124 N. FOR SALE: Large selection of re- RICH BLACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sami and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- darson, phone HA 9-. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshor. 7/ tin WO MANUAL organ. Like new. Save $100.50. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box. 8/6 tin RABBIT FRYERS for sale. also rab- bit fertilizer. Phone orders between conditioned r ea I p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone HA 6-8626. washers, dryera.aIs Mc 8/0 tin pliance Center,  OFF  ALL GOODS at Bar-Dins to GIVE A COFFEE TABLE for Christ- make roonk for Christmas Shop. 520 maR. Make your own from our fine ¥'ranklin. oppos/te Armory. Open stock of mater/als: top, Fl:ldays only. 10/29 tin etc. Cm'slon's Tile and ])-R'-- Da'--enp-' Shop. Mt. View. ,111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. S-PEAL--S,L'E-e-us-e-- Phone HA 6-8281. C 8/6 tin gel water heater. $88,88. Shelton WE BUY YOI.R EQUITY, 'or will sell Electric, 419 Railroad, 12/24-31 on consignment, your boats, motors, FOR SALE  Two Johnson outboard trailers, etc, 8helton Marine Supply. motors. Both 1956 80 HP $258.00, 10 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA HP $175.00, Phone HA 6-4802. 6-816. 2/20 tin S 3,2/9 tin FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, FOR SALE w 9,9 HP Evinrude out- pulleys and shafts. All types sol- board $45.00. 1956 25 IHP Johnson cage. Shelton Junk Co., First and $180,00. Phone HA 6.460. S 12/3 tin Mill, phone HA 6-889€I, ' 9/8 tin FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartment& Ranqes refrigerators supplied. Latmary fa- oiltties. Hot water heat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6698 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6868. B 7/9 tin FOR RENT  CLETRAC with blade, drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or small. Evergreen Texaco, 1at and Franklin, phone HA 6-8031, evenings HA 6.3503 or 6.6345. 10/8 tin FOR RENT--One-bearoom coated fur- nished apartment. Adults only. 811 No. lt. Phone HA 6-8025. P9/12 tin FOR RNT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un-' furnished, yard, large garage, Walter George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. 10/2-11/19 tin FOR RENT: Use our rental plan and have a piano or organ in your home. Johnny's Music Box. I0122 tin CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/8 tin FOR P.NTPar1Ay iurnished apt. 2 large bedrooms. -room bachelor npt, furnished. HA 6-4894. Call after 6:80 Birch, aaroes from hospital. We de- liver-- plants, gifts, floral arrange- menis for ali occasions. Phone HA Custom Tractor Work 6-8479 early a.m. to late p.m. ................................ 2Z_-.1 Rotovating or regular "WItAT l DAY, had thne to play aft- 41mg and harrowing, v: er cleaning my carpets with Blue blade eveling, road grading, ,, Lustro." Lumbermen's Mercantile gravel. Well-aged sawdust. ., #COmPany. 12181 by hour single-handed. Jerome' ............. Burke, HA. 6-8678. SINGER " < ....... ,. 3 Months Old ........ ................ Returned with balance due of I FOR RENT I WANTED I FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment with bath, downtown, Unfurnished except UTO PAINTING $40. Also spray for range. Relrigerator if desired. I paint houses, roofs, etc. For esti- Phone HA 6-383, Mrs. Beckwith. I mates phone HA 6-4322. Inquire R 3/12 tin ttn l 1202 cots st. 2e -- I FURNISHED APARTMENT available l BABY-CHILD care. Any hours. LI- at Goldsborough Apts. S 414 tin i eensed Home. 1911 Washington. FOR RENT  1 bedroom furnlshedl Phone HA 6-3465, D 10/8 tin apartment close In, ground floor. I ALTERATIONS, dress making ann tailoring by experienced seamstress. 706 Cots. P 1O/l tfn Phone HA 6-6164. A 9/24 tin OVERNIGHT or VEEKEND guests ............ you haven't room for? Send them i WANTED --Bark or peeled firpoles to Lawton Apr.-Motel. Apartments: and piling. Tacoma Pole and Piling now available by day, week or, Company. P. O. Box 3012, Tacoma month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6.8177 99, JUniper 8-9340. 4/16 tin 7/10 tfn FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton FOR RENT  One bedroom house, furnished or unfurnished, on West Railroad. Apply Mrs. Miller, 13252 Railroad, phone IIA 6-6331, i D 12/17 tin' TWO BEDROOMS, wired 220, two l blocks Bordeaux school, 1901 Stev-i ens, $50 monthly. Phone HA 6-6356 after 5 p.m. F 12/17 tin DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-t iij_ ii , , ,, I , ,,, FOR RENT -- Furnished one-bedroom apartment, second floor. One mile from city limits. Phone days, HA 6- 4662, nights HA 6-6976. D 12/17 tin tracttvely furnished, close to town. 601 Cedar. Phone HA 6-4676 eve- nings. M 12/17 tfnl nilit.d, large living rooln, picture windows, carport, utility room. close to towns. Phone HA 6.8166 after 6:80 p.m. B 12/17 t£n CAREER OPPORTUNITY AGE 21 to 36 We are looking for men age 21 to 36 who are sincere, hon- est, industrious and want to increase their earnings, have an automobile, are willing to work in this part of Washing- ton and know it take work to do it. We train those accepted for this position. Excellent salary and expense account begins immediately. Must work five full days a week, home on we, elven ds. Iu reply state your past and present employment, your age, address and telephono num- ber. Write to Manager, Box 32, Olympia, Wash. DESIRABLE FURNISHED one bed- room court apartment. Lots of closet space. Phone HA 6-68772. S 12/3 tin able. In business area. Inquire 234 South Second Street. B 12/17 tin FOI-RENI  -- Large hot-water heated apartment, close in. Inquire 419 Rail- road Ave. S 12/8 tin 8 BEDROOM APARTMENT. unfur- nished except stove and refrigerator. Newly redecorated. Phone HA 6-3772. S 12/8 tin FOR RENT -- ne bearoom duplex apartment, partly furnished. Inquire 1619 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tin 2 OR 3 ROOM modern cabins by day, week or month. Junction Auto Court, 10 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tin F()] RENT -- Comfortable sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges tf de- sired. Phone HA 6-8487. Inquire 720 No.' 4th. R 9/3 tin POLIO LOCER MEAT . I/26 n AND DREAD INSURANCE IS IM- Cut. double wrappea and trimmings ,r-rnEr  her, can-beeh PORTANT NOW! ENTIRE FAMILY round--5 cents per und. Don Wil- " ............... ......  --.---.- home, firenlace, oil furnace, auto- ONE IMLRGE 8-ROOM apartment at COVERED FOR ONLY $I0.00 A YEAR. .ares, .u roorn. z'none  O-U. ,.tt. i.,,.. h.. ,rii- v v  9/17 tin ............  ......... " ...... reuucea rent. Wlll take one small INDIVIDUAL COVERAGE $5.50 A Olympia FL 2-3760. C 9/3 tin child. 1208 Railroad. Phone HA YEAR. SEE HERB ANGLE TODAY! 6-2!8. La12/4 tin ---- 12/8 tfn CO.LDSPOT REFRIGERATOR In per-I-- leer condition, for sale. Completely] electric range and tank, Water free, FOR RENT -- 3 bedroon home, avail- HAND CRAF-T l--em reconditioned and refinlled. $50.00. 1 Reasonable Phone HA 6-8272. able soon. Phone HA 6-6164. consignment at the Christmas Shop Phone HA 6-2445. W 10/15 fin] " C 1/8 tin A 12/24-]/7 --opposite Armory, Open Fridays. . ---l-_-.--== ..... PL-,--:a fii 11/12 tfn  : 5- ttnl::j FOoRuEoneOhdi?,ni furnished rent. Inquh'e 1427 Cota street, across "FOTt-S-JL'l-UL'--iw'°--tme'-'-ll%--P'i: 1 the bridge. L 12/31-1/21 anos. Johnny's Music Box, N 9/17 tin .................................................. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. J 12/17 tfn FULLER BRUSH  Special on floor MODERN 2 bedroom duplex, electric 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after wax; vitamins for good health. Call heat, utility room and garage. Phone 5 p.m. D 10/11 tfn BABY JITTERS? Take a walk to EV- . Red TrUax, HA 6-8177. 12/10 tin ERGREEN FLORISTS at 4th and - HA 6.8150. N 9/10 tfn .................................................... FOR SALE -- 5 HP Wisconsin motor, FOR RENT -- Small 3 room, close to $50.00. Saeger Motor Shop. LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor town, electric heat and electric 12/10 tin units ideal for single men or worn- range. Phone HA 6-66,12. P ].2/10 tin en, Also attractively furnished one T E--N-CUBi-C()T--Coid-spofz;igel:a: bedroom apartments. All utilities GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. tor excellent condition, Call after 5 fmalshed except lights. Reasonable. Convenient to mills and downtown P,m. HA 6.3091. T 12/10-31 Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. sores. City sewer and water. At SPECiA'-L SALE -- Westinghouse 52 12/4 tfn highway bridge. S 4/4 tin gal. water heater. $83.88. Shdton )'R'-E-:--h---6Vdi:7/--tiri-l"iii /- 'FOR---RENT=Ful:n-i-s-he'd---ot-ae-s---a-n-d lectric, 419 Raih'oad. 12/t-31 nished house on nice beach, four trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 tfn PIANO F)R SALE -- Gulhranst,n Up- ndles from Simlton. Phone HA right. $150. Call after 6 pm. HA 6-4000. B 12/31 tin WANTED I)-NC-'-O ALASKA Jan. 9, must sell last minute items. New 1959 de- luxe Whirlpool washer, refrigerator, TV, power mower, car and miscel- laneous items. Mrs. Harry Bay, HA 6-4358, 12/31 one sliver, one blonde. 12 weeks old sired by a chalnpion, $25. Call Hoods. port TR 7-5343. D 12/31-1/7 Phone HA 6-8781. C 12/10-81 Business Oppor..tities EXCELLENT ONE-MAN BUSINESS• Establisled 27 years. Must be me- chanieaily inclined. Price of $8,250 Includes all equipment, 2 exclusive franchises, present hiventory and an xrellent reputation. Business will NET approxhnatcl-$&500 annually. Waterfront Realty, HA 8-8535 or HA 6-38 evenings. I2/31 ltSled 14 years, Will sell for eost of inventory and equipment only. Ap- proximately $11,000. Owner will also consider trade for property. Water- frent Realty, HA 6-8535 or HA 9-3238 even/ngs. 1/81 II SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewers Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Ph. HA. 6-308 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no anawer, Ph. HA 6-4691 JI . ,, , WANTED Barkie fir and cedar poles and piling or standing timber. Write J. H. BAXTER & CO. P.O. Box 362, Olympia, Wash., For price, information, Phone Olympia FL 2-8301 10/29tin t ,, ,, ,, • USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SF US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R, R. Ave HA 6-42 Sells Things to Build With l/7-tfn mile from city limits. Phone days IIA 6-4662, evvnins HA 6-5976. D 12/31 tin {2OTTXG E -F6 R--I ENT'Z-"--- Caii H A 6: 8423. W 12/17-31 iiiii I II FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 8-2271 or 8-6553 1 , ., , .!. ....... ,, , WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 , , r [ , , ,,, ,, ..... , ............... APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sandars Nickname sounds like a shriek Regina Nlectrlo Ioor Poliaher Hotme Jack| LAWTON LUMBER 420 8. 1st Phonn HA, 8-4303 !' , ,,,,, -- . , , , ,, [ | , , , , ,, ELECTROLUX Sales, Service, Supplies JOHN RICE Phone HA 6-6108 10/15 tfn "i"i '   tl' " '1 ' I I I I I WOOD FOR SALE Dale Jones Ph. HA 6-4660 10/]5 tin WANTED -- Middl!-agod couple to manage G.oldsborogil Apls. in ex- cliange for aparinemt. Apply Herbert Angle. Angle Bhtg. S 12/31 tfn V-XN ÷ Z i --L--M ;i, ';--t-o-- :l 7-- K i62;;7, Queen cookware. Write 1122 S(luth 23rd. Taeoma. or phono BR 2-1525. 12/31 tfn baby-sitting in your home or mine. Phone HA 6-3262. P 12/10 ttn l I ...... , , I ,, , BOOTH CONSTRUCWION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 8/27tta I N S.A-V-E ON FUEL BILLS $36.50-fui1 price. Want respons- ible party to take over payment of $5.00 per month. This machine is equipped to zig-Rag, buttonhole, blind hem, etc. For further infor- mation call Olympia FL 2-2014 anytime. A12/10 fin I ..... I I [' [1 I I [ [[ I .... I I I I I , ,,,, ,, , , ,,, ,, ,, Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-204 JOHN BUNKO 225 South 11th Street Res. TeL HA 6-8279 Shelton, Wadngton 7/9 tin ' ' I ' _ '1 N II ' It I BATTERIES -TIRES BIIII-DiN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHINERY PRAMS Unfinished Finishe 8-it .............. $40 $55 10-it ............. $60 $75 FISHING BOATS 12-ft, to 16-ft. $115 to $305 Duck Hunters Special All Prams 10% Off thru Nov. 20th. Popular plans and full size patterns avail- able. All prices subject to change without notice. 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY N REMINGTON SAWS Bantam 3%-h,p., 17 lbs. $159.90 St-5 Direct Drive 5 h.p. $199.50 GI7 Direct Dr. 7 h.p. $249.50 SL-5R Gear Dr. 5 h.p. $259.50 Gb-7R Gear Dr. 7 h.p. $320.00 ZEUS GENERATORS GB-125 Weight 79 lbs, $254.50 GC-125 Weight 89 Ibs. $269.50 Develops 1250 watts, 115 V., 60 cycle A.C. current continuously on one pint regular gas per hour. Brushes, slip rings, com- mutator eliminated. No main- tenance required. Demonstrator available. Call any time. )RTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 tin KRESKY WOOD HEATER MANUFACTURED IN THE WEST * TWo Way Thermostat Action for Positive Control of Tem- perature. Eniard Stock for framed/ate Delivery - Ix)west Coot per month for Nationally Allstate Silent Chion Tlrm Advertised Tyrex Cord .mE Tm MO Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Came Here from Port Angeles Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 . L il II r' t ]Jl Phone HA 6-4111 COMMERCIAr & RFIDENTIAL New and odeli.n. Tidewater Constructmn Your Looal Bulldem No Job too large or too ernalL Sliton, Washington 11-20 tin t_ See FRI61DAIRE First • REFRIGERATORS Q RANGES @ WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE end TV BERVIGE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 MIRCANTtLE * Automatic Forced Air Blower for All-Over Home Comfort Save up to 35% on Your Wood Bills. Gets into most of his argu- ments in spring and summer. Holds 24" Wood, Models from $79.95 to $149.95 No Freight Charge. LM Budget Shop 321 R.R, AVE HA 6-4332 Wife equals, maybe exceeds, his htercst in athletics. Furnace Co., 321 SO, Third. Dial HA 6-6121. 5/1 t/n DHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy. accurate preisiqn grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcret. Phone HA 6-4602. 1/15 tin WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tore, copper, salvage of all kind Shelto Junk CO., First and Mil Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 t.fl WANTED: 1000 recappable tires. O.K. Rubber Welders, ML View. 1/10 tin HANDY-MAN -- Odd Jobsi /f you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. HA 6-8098. 2/12 tfn WANTED  Dead stock, prompt, courteous service, Phone us collect. Elms 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, Inc. 2/27 tin 7ANTED  Highest cash paid or timber stumpage and lands. Call evenings. Bar-Din Enterprises, HA 6.6137. 9/8 tfn ONE FULL-TIME WATK.IS lo0ailt available on Hood Canal. Earnings are better than average for persos who s willing to work. No lay-off. Watktns nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La. dies Home Journal, Good /otm keeping, MeCaiis and other maga- mines. For details write Watktl Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem- erton, Washington, or phone Fsex 7-6661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8/12 tin WANTED  Cars to wreck  any condition. Shelton Auto Parts Co. phone HA 6-4662. Olympic Highway, south. S 12/17 tin IRONING DONE in my home. Charge by the basket or hour. Mrs. Mel Arnold, HA 6-2052. A 12/17 tin MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wat- kins locality In city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.50 per hour and up easily possible. Thl m & wonderful opportunity for re- tired person who needs extra income. Write Watkine Products, 2109 East 11th St., Bremerton, Washlngtsn, or call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8/12 tin WANTED  Housework by the hour. Phone HA 6-2474. M 12/3 tin WI LL-b- - ST-GT-Y 6U -h-n or mine, anytime. Phone HA 6-3801. R 12/3 tin WANTED: large or smedl tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber Co., P. O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20 tfn ATTENTION LADIES! Would you like to earn in your spare llours --- be your own boss -- sell a well known product with an un- conditional money-back guarantee -- have continual Advertising to intro- duce you? Complete training and beauty conferences enable you to earn $2 and up per hem'. For inter- view write -- AVON, 1051 Arnold Apt. I, Aberdeen, Wash. G 12/17-24-31 gle, for a pensioner. Cmiponsation, lllod(rn hollie, acreage and personal property. Write Box BX, c/o The Journal. E 12/17-31 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Beverage hand truck between Olympia and Shelton. Reward. FL 7-5579. S 12/31 LOST -- In vicinity of Masonic Tem- ple, B flat tuning bar. Phone Olym- pia FL 2-4140. H 12/31 REAL ESTATE 160 ACRE FARM for sale. Some tim- ber, Also sawniill, logging truck and trailer with scales -- ready for work. Write Crowell Bros., 23 Simpson st,, tloqulam. Phone GE 8-7741. 12/31-1/7 HI I ,1111 FOR SALE Mercantile Store for sale, which consists of dry goods, hardware and groceries, and also gas. 4- room living quarters, one rental brings in $30.00 per month. Post office brings in $200.00 per month. Gross about $28,000.00 per year. Good deep well. 1 acre of ground All equipment, $5,000 of stock Price $16,800.00. 34 acres, 10 acres cleared, 5 bed- room house, dining room, 1 baths, furnace, double garage, drilled well, 6 miles from town, $11,500.00. 5 acres, 3 bedroom house, large garage and workshop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, close to town, $8,750.00. WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - IRes. HA 6-3530 HOME FOR SALE New 3 bedroom modern plastered all electric home with built-in oven and range, situated on 80 x 100-ft. lot with attached plastered garage, i 2223 King St., close to Mt. View grade school. HA 6-2240 H. F. BOYSEN 12/17 tin FOUNTAIN - CAFE -GROCERIES You can enjoy a velT fine income froln this little business. ldeal for wonlan to opcrate. Price of $13,500 includes build- ing, all equipment and approximately $2,000 inventory. Rec- ords of vohlme available to seriously interested party. Terms (;an be arranged. Watcrfront Realty, HA 6-8535 or HA 6-3228 evenings. CLASSIFIED SERVICE MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my res- idence near the Lower Skokom|sn School. Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- pointment Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/16 tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone HA. 6-4412. Minger Sawing Machine Co., Olympia. ll/22tf &RTIFICIA.L BREEDING service fo both dairy and beef, $7.00 casll. Ev- srgreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Call William Turner, Olympia, col- lecL FL. 2-2113. tin tREES TOPPED, trlmmea, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4828. 3/18tfn ROOFING, blown rocl WO01 Insula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/2olin ACORDION private lessons In your home, Stancato National School of Accordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA 6-8229. 1/1 tn REAL ESTATE NO. 8161 NOTICE TO CREDITO]g ' TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of EL FLATNER, Deceased. Lillian E, Norvold is the and qualified Executrix of All persons having claims against deceased are required to serve same in duplicate, duly said Executrix or her ert L. Snyder at the addre stated, and file the same with Clerk of said Court, together proof of such service, within monflm after the date of first lion of this notice, or the sane barred. DATE of first publication: 10, 1959. LILLIAN E. NORVOID Executrix 904 Turner Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNY'DER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton, Washington 12/10-17--1 NO. 766 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR SALE,-- Duplex, 84x28 with 10[ REPORT AND PETITION lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or[ FOR DISTRIBUTION phone HA 6-8150, N 7/23 tfn ] IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ] STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home, wall-[ MASON COUNTY to-wall carpeting, living room. din-[ (In ]Probate) ing room, fireplace, large fenced I In the Matter of the Estal yard. Covered patio. Phone HA]LAURA E. PROVER, Deceased. 6-2466. T 12/17-31 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV]" H. G, ANGLE. as administrator TWO BEDROOM, oak floors, well in- :Estate of Laura E. Provoe, sulated home, outside city limits, NE Olympia. Also GI-GMC, six wheeler $450. Phone Olympia, WH 3-0839, evenings. S 12/17 FOR SALE by owner -- two bedroom house, also acreage. Inquire 1427 CoLa Street across the bridge. L 12/31-1/21 "BELFAIR GARDENS Open only Saturday & Sunday During January & February Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wash. Across from Belfair P.U.D. PREFERRED PROPERTIES 3 Bedroom Waterfront Home .... Fireplace, electric heat. 2 miles from town. Full price $13,500, terms. All New, A View and a Fireplace Too .... Almost 1400 sq. it. of living space. Baseboard electric heat. FHA appraised at $14,750. Only 10% down. Ready to occupy. Own- er will consider trade. 4 Bedrooms, Full Basement, 1 Mile From Town .... I Large rooms, economical wood i furnace, 1  acres. Full price $8,500, $1200 down. Owner will carry contract. In a sense he's a "diamond judge." 13 Bedrooms, Fireplace, Basement. New furnace, fully plastered, in- sulated. New hand-split shake roof and cvcrything in A-1 condition. FHA appraised at $11000. Re- quires only $350 down payment plus closing costs. 3 Bedrooms, $3,950 .... Partial basement. Includes range and refrigerator. Beautiful view. Only $50 per month after $500 down payment. This won't last. 2 Bedroom, Mt. View .... Full price is $6,500. $500 down, $50 per month. House is only 7 years old. Nice location. Carport. 4 Bedrooms, Near Downtown .... New roof, new paint job. Large living and dining rooms. 1  baths. FHA appraised at $9,000. $300 down plus closing costs, 2 Bedroom Home, Downtown ... Enjoy the many conveniences of I downtown living. Quiet and seo i cluded. Full price $5,500. Owner wtll consider trade. Not fully dressed without his cigar., WATERFRONT REALTY Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or HA 6-3228 Eves. 226 No. 1st I has filed in the office of the :said Court his Final tlon for Distribution, to settle said Report, property to the persons tledand to discharge said tor; and that said Report and will be heard on the 8th uary, 1960, at 10:50 A.M. Room of the Probate said Court, at which any person interested in may appear and file objections and contest the same. DATED this 4th day of 1959. HARRY DEYETT Clerk of said Gourt, GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington (SEAL) NO. 3160 NOTICE TO CREDITOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O] ¶ STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Combined fates of JOHN W. FENTIMAN MARCIA M. FENTIMAN, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the mtdt.,rsigned, Frank Fentiman been appointed and has Administrator of the W. Fentiman and Marcia M. man, deceased; and that all havin claims against the ceaseu or the said estates are required to serve the same, ficd with the necessary tached upon the undersigned ltsrator or his attorney of the law office of B. Franklin Angle Building. Shelton, Wash and file such claims proof of service with above entitled Court within six months after the date of the first iication of this notice, to-wit: cember 1959, or all claims not so sented and filed wil be forever FRANK FENTIMAN Administrator of the Combined Estates of W. Fentiman and M. Fentiman, decease& Address: P. O. Box 182, Shelt0n, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estates Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. NO. 3119 NOTICE OF HEARING REPORT AND PETITION DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate FRANCES F. GLADWIN, NOTICE IS HEREBY C. VANCE SHEPHARD, as l of the Will of Frances F. Gladwl coased has filed in the office of Clerk of said Court a final etition for distribution, curt to settle said report, persons as Executor; and petition will be heard on the of January. 1960, at 10200 the forenoon of said thereafter as the at the court room of the court, in the Courthotmo in Mason County, Washington, at time and place any person in said Estate may appear and file jection thereto and contest the Dated this 18th day of 1959. HARRY DEYETT Clerk of said Court By : TECKLA Deputy GLENN E. CORREA ' Attorney for Estate Bell Bldg., 121 South 41h St. Sbelton, Washington (SEAL) NOTICE TO Notic is hereby laims against Mason €ear I959. must be Auditor of Mason than January 15th. 1980, by the Board of County era. The law provides that claims be held until the 1961. Mason County Auditor C. NOLAN MASON HAPPY. NEW YEAR TO ALL If You Are Making This New Year Resolution "A HOME OF OUR OWN IN 1960" Then Let Us Help You Now to Achieve It! We have an excellent selection of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bed- room homes ..... All sizes, shapes, and features. Located in most areas of Shelton and Mason county. The prices and terms are mmh that satisfactory ar- rangements can be made to meet your budget. SO, WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN YOUR HOME! Call or Come |n Today A. ROY DUNN A. P. Huldcr Get, rude Wingard ; Waiter Marble Phone HA Title 6-6363 .nsurance Bldg. :. Realtor ..... : 16 SELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publlwhei in 0Hsmastown " Shelton, ....... FOR SALE SPECIAL SALE ,-- Westinghouse 52 gal, water heater. $88,88. Sheiton Electric, 419 Railroad. 12/24-31 HIGH WK Llghtt--hT/T- ast cutting nt highest power Rem- ington Saws, Bar-Din's Marina, Mountain View. B 5/14 tfn lois. Will buy real estate contraets l and fence posts, Phone Olympia FL 7-9879. S 11/26 tin BRAND NEW Frigidaire stainless steel stove. 4 pull down units, one l'reach ovin. $925,00. 528 Cots. HA 6.6424. J II/25 tin r ton. Forrest Green Matlock. one HA 6.9605. 12/10 tin SACKIFICE! DISMANTLING apart- ments, Seilint( all furniture, appll- am'es, gas aria oil heaterl. Cash and carry. Phone HA 6-4002. R 12/17-81 FOR SALE -- "Ivo 40 inch electric stoves, $39.50 -- $49.50; one 90,000 B.T.U, Stegler oil stove, with blow- er, $125.00, llke new; one 5 piece sec- tional and chair, $59.50; one wring- er washer. $39.50; one 7-ft. Frlgid- airs $59.50; one Easy automat- ic washer, like new, $99.50; one sec- ond hand blonde bedroom suite, 4 piece, $95.00; one trailer oll stove with blower, $29,50; one nylon 2 piece overstuffed set, foam rubber, $59.50; one 40 gallon hot water tank, $39.50; one eecond hand dresser with mir- ror, $12.50; two twin beds and springs, $15.00 each; one wood cook steve, $30.00; one 44 Inch Thermador eleetrte range with 220 heater and  fan. $49.50; one 20 inch apt. range, $9.50. Kellys Furniture, 625 So. let. i2/ly__ua FOR SALE - New, used and rebuilt • nut°parts" Trade In your old parts, ,Save  percent or more. Slmlton AutO Parts Co., phone HA 6.4062, Olym- pic tItghway, south. S 12/17 tin TOP QUALITY weaner pigs for sale. Cxmtect Edward Fischer, Kamilehe Point, or phone HA 6.,4156. F J2/17 tin FOR SALE  RCA 17-inch 'IV, good condition. $35. Phone HA 6-3649, B 12124-I/7 DRY AND GREEN alder wood for sale. $6.00 and up per cord. Phone HA 6-3894 after 5 p.m. T 12/24-117 SHRUBBERY AND GIFT bulbs Heavily budded Camelias. Rhododen- drons, Christmas roses. Pernettia with red - white berries. Holly with barrios, February Daphne, misc. ov- e yroen shrubs, The Garden Shop, tel I OX 48. Phone HA 6-9710. 12124-1/7 old, female, AKC registered, has had order. $12.50 cord. Phone HA 6.3991. R 12/24 tin TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Ogden. HA 6.6156. 2/12 tfz ....... USED CARS 00I00WgM.E, _ ' FOR SALE I £_I _L_* f __ BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, SUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- Aaverusmg choice of 1822 colors. L. M, DECOR- pony cal. and .arvlee.  pre- Rates ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. sentatlve Wally Anderson. Phone 1/29 tin HA 6.6001, A4/80 tin ROOFING and all other bunding ma- BOATS, "TA--TL-- and outboard raG- 15 word or less (minimum teriale, nothizg down. 86 montlm to tore at Shelton Marine Supply, 1209 harge) $1.00 single insertion. pay under FHA terms now available Olympic Highway, South, HA 6-8163. $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for at Lawtoa Lumber. 420 S. let St., 2/20 tfn three insertions. Additional In- phone HA 6-4903. 9/5 tin NG Profiold equip- sertion@ 25¢ each. Rates for ,OVERINGS -- for wall, wlnd0, ment for rent. Makes rugs like new. larger ads on request. floors. Paint, walllmper, drape, L,M, Decorating Center, 821 Railroad, rugs, tile yardgoods.-L. M. DECOR- B 719 tin Classified display $1 per col- ATING LNTER. tl Railroad, umn inch. 1/29 tt ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on  ]OLOR FILM procei, direct deal- beautiful Hood Canal Phone Hoods /Card of Ulanke $1.50 Read- er, faster, more efflc|enL  24- er notice 15 word minimum, F..---'--. ¥7iS now avaiiabl--JK il [/$1'50 Or $2.00 per column lnel building matertal allows you to 1 construction costs under one "Not Responsible" n o t I e • ' $/ tfa bill. For in/Grins]ton inquire it $1.50 per insertion. "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.KA." rubber Lawto Lumber, 420 S. let St. Phone stamps for male at the Joura, $Ll HA 6-4808. 9/5 tfa All classified advertisement@ each. 107 So. 4th. 12/1  EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales mtwt be paid in advance. Ads 14 FT an^ sexy lee at S h.elton Mar ineSupl: [ take/l over the telephone must I hand starting 1,:'  t)lympie algnweY, I$outn, /tAll be tmtd before the end of the • go. Complsts price $1100.00 6.81e& 2120 tta, 1 mon'th An ext-. -- ..... • *-- • ........... --.... ---- o ui A Shelton Marine Supply AUTO-LITE BATTERIES and acc- • ............ | Htllcrest Hardware). sorte Wholesale and retail. Shelto  wl De mane wP.e cuing m NOTHING DOWN,  months to Marine Supply (formerly Hillerest • Ilecaary. • undar F.H.A. terms on all Marawarej, on Hillerest. 9/8  I I • supplies, Lump it all under one .... HALaw00n6.00.L"m00r s. 1. FOB BENT COLOR PRINT PRICES IUDUCD: Made from your favorite color slide or colored negative. Post card size was 75/--now 89€, 5x7 was $1.F3-- now €. including deluxe folder. One day service on Ektachrome Anscochrome color 1 day service on color Studio, 124 N. FOR SALE: Large selection of re- RICH BLACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sami and gravel, drainage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- darson, phone HA 9-. John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshor. 7/ tin WO MANUAL organ. Like new. Save $100.50. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box. 8/6 tin RABBIT FRYERS for sale. also rab- bit fertilizer. Phone orders between conditioned r ea I p.m. and 4 p.m. Phone HA 6-8626. washers, dryera.aIs Mc 8/0 tin pliance Center,  OFF  ALL GOODS at Bar-Dins to GIVE A COFFEE TABLE for Christ- make roonk for Christmas Shop. 520 maR. Make your own from our fine ¥'ranklin. oppos/te Armory. Open stock of mater/als: top, Fl:ldays only. 10/29 tin etc. Cm'slon's Tile and ])-R'-- Da'--enp-' Shop. Mt. View. ,111 Bass, H-O gauge model train. S-PEAL--S,L'E-e-us-e-- Phone HA 6-8281. C 8/6 tin gel water heater. $88,88. Shelton WE BUY YOI.R EQUITY, 'or will sell Electric, 419 Railroad, 12/24-31 on consignment, your boats, motors, FOR SALE  Two Johnson outboard trailers, etc, 8helton Marine Supply. motors. Both 1956 80 HP $258.00, 10 1209 Olympic Highway, South, HA HP $175.00, Phone HA 6-4802. 6-816. 2/20 tin S 3,2/9 tin FOR SALE: Used steel, plates, pipe, FOR SALE w 9,9 HP Evinrude out- pulleys and shafts. All types sol- board $45.00. 1956 25 IHP Johnson cage. Shelton Junk Co., First and $180,00. Phone HA 6.460. S 12/3 tin Mill, phone HA 6-889€I, ' 9/8 tin FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom unfurnished apartment& Ranqes refrigerators supplied. Latmary fa- oiltties. Hot water heat. Holly Hill Apartments, phone HA 6-6698 or Roy Dunn Agency, HA 6-6868. B 7/9 tin FOR RENT  CLETRAC with blade, drum. We deliver. Power saws, large or small. Evergreen Texaco, 1at and Franklin, phone HA 6-8031, evenings HA 6.3503 or 6.6345. 10/8 tin FOR RENT--One-bearoom coated fur- nished apartment. Adults only. 811 No. lt. Phone HA 6-8025. P9/12 tin FOR RNT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un-' furnished, yard, large garage, Walter George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. 10/2-11/19 tin FOR RENT: Use our rental plan and have a piano or organ in your home. Johnny's Music Box. I0122 tin CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel. 2/8 tin FOR P.NTPar1Ay iurnished apt. 2 large bedrooms. -room bachelor npt, furnished. HA 6-4894. Call after 6:80 Birch, aaroes from hospital. We de- liver-- plants, gifts, floral arrange- menis for ali occasions. Phone HA Custom Tractor Work 6-8479 early a.m. to late p.m. ................................ 2Z_-.1 Rotovating or regular "WItAT l DAY, had thne to play aft- 41mg and harrowing, v: er cleaning my carpets with Blue blade eveling, road grading, ,, Lustro." Lumbermen's Mercantile gravel. Well-aged sawdust. ,, #COmPany. 12181 by hour single-handed. Jerome' ............. Burke, HA. 6-8678. SINGER " < ....... ,. 3 Months Old ........ ................ Returned with balance due of I FOR RENT I WANTED I FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment with bath, downtown, Unfurnished except UTO PAINTING $40. Also spray for range. Relrigerator if desired. I paint houses, roofs, etc. For esti- Phone HA 6-383, Mrs. Beckwith. I mates phone HA 6-4322. Inquire R 3/12 tin ttn l 1202 cots st. 2e -- I FURNISHED APARTMENT available l BABY-CHILD care. Any hours. LI- at Goldsborough Apts. S 414 tin i eensed Home. 1911 Washington. FOR RENT  1 bedroom furnlshedl Phone HA 6-3465, D 10/8 tin apartment close In, ground floor. I ALTERATIONS, dress making ann tailoring by experienced seamstress. 706 Cots. P 1O/l tfn Phone HA 6-6164. A 9/24 tin OVERNIGHT or VEEKEND guests ............ you haven't room for? Send them i WANTED --Bark or peeled firpoles to Lawton Apr.-Motel. Apartments: and piling. Tacoma Pole and Piling now available by day, week or, Company. P. O. Box 3012, Tacoma month. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6.8177 99, JUniper 8-9340. 4/16 tin 7/10 tfn FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton FOR RENT  One bedroom house, furnished or unfurnished, on West Railroad. Apply Mrs. Miller, 13252 Railroad, phone IIA 6-6331, i D 12/17 tin' TWO BEDROOMS, wired 220, two l blocks Bordeaux school, 1901 Stev-i ens, $50 monthly. Phone HA 6-6356 after 5 p.m. F 12/17 tin DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery PHONE HA 6-6364 Day or Night Service AGENT - LYON VAN LINES 5/14-t iij_ ii , , ,, I , ,,, FOR RENT -- Furnished one-bedroom apartment, second floor. One mile from city limits. Phone days, HA 6- 4662, nights HA 6-6976. D 12/17 tin tracttvely furnished, close to town. 601 Cedar. Phone HA 6-4676 eve- nings. M 12/17 tfnl nilit.d, large living rooln, picture windows, carport, utility room. close to towns. Phone HA 6.8166 after 6:80 p.m. B 12/17 t£n CAREER OPPORTUNITY AGE 21 to 36 We are looking for men age 21 to 36 who are sincere, hon- est, industrious and want to increase their earnings, have an automobile, are willing to work in this part of Washing- ton and know it take work to do it. We train those accepted for this position. Excellent salary and expense account begins immediately. Must work five full days a week, home on we, elven ds. Iu reply state your past and present employment, your age, address and telephono num- ber. Write to Manager, Box 32, Olympia, Wash. DESIRABLE FURNISHED one bed- room court apartment. Lots of closet space. Phone HA 6-68772. S 12/3 tin able. In business area. Inquire 234 South Second Street. B 12/17 tin FOI-RENI  -- Large hot-water heated apartment, close in. Inquire 419 Rail- road Ave. S 12/8 tin 8 BEDROOM APARTMENT. unfur- nished except stove and refrigerator. Newly redecorated. Phone HA 6-3772. S 12/8 tin FOR RENT -- ne bearoom duplex apartment, partly furnished. Inquire 1619 Adams, Mt. View. S 10/8 tin 2 OR 3 ROOM modern cabins by day, week or month. Junction Auto Court, 10 miles north of Shelton. E 10/1 tin F()] RENT -- Comfortable sleeping rooms with kitchen privileges tf de- sired. Phone HA 6-8487. Inquire 720 No.' 4th. R 9/3 tin POLIO LOCER MEAT . I/26 n AND DREAD INSURANCE IS IM- Cut. double wrappea and trimmings ,r-rnEr  her, can-beeh PORTANT NOW! ENTIRE FAMILY round--5 cents per und. Don Wil- " ............... ......  --.---.- home, firenlace, oil furnace, auto- ONE IMLRGE 8-ROOM apartment at COVERED FOR ONLY $I0.00 A YEAR. .ares, .u roorn. z'none  O-U. ,.tt. i.,,.. h.. ,rii- v v  9/17 tin ............  ......... " ...... reuucea rent. Wlll take one small INDIVIDUAL COVERAGE $5.50 A Olympia FL 2-3760. C 9/3 tin child. 1208 Railroad. Phone HA YEAR. SEE HERB ANGLE TODAY! 6-2!8. La12/4 tin ---- 12/8 tfn CO.LDSPOT REFRIGERATOR In per-I-- leer condition, for sale. Completely] electric range and tank, Water free, FOR RENT -- 3 bedroon home, avail- HAND CRAF-T l--em reconditioned and refinlled. $50.00. 1 Reasonable Phone HA 6-8272. able soon. Phone HA 6-6164. consignment at the Christmas Shop Phone HA 6-2445. W 10/15 fin] " C 1/8 tin A 12/24-]/7 --opposite Armory, Open Fridays. . ---l-_-.--== ..... PL-,--:a fii 11/12 tfn  : 5- ttnl::j FOoRuEoneOhdi?,ni furnished rent. Inquh'e 1427 Cota street, across "FOTt-S-JL'l-UL'--iw'°--tme'-'-ll%--P'i: 1 the bridge. L 12/31-1/21 anos. Johnny's Music Box, N 9/17 tin .................................................. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. J 12/17 tfn FULLER BRUSH  Special on floor MODERN 2 bedroom duplex, electric 718 No. 6th, phone MA 6-4348 after wax; vitamins for good health. Call heat, utility room and garage. Phone 5 p.m. D 10/11 tfn BABY JITTERS? Take a walk to EV- . Red TrUax, HA 6-8177. 12/10 tin ERGREEN FLORISTS at 4th and - HA 6.8150. N 9/10 tfn .................................................... FOR SALE -- 5 HP Wisconsin motor, FOR RENT -- Small 3 room, close to $50.00. Saeger Motor Shop. LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor town, electric heat and electric 12/10 tin units ideal for single men or worn- range. Phone HA 6-66,12. P ].2/10 tin en, Also attractively furnished one T E--N-CUBi-C()T--Coid-spofz;igel:a: bedroom apartments. All utilities GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. tor excellent condition, Call after 5 fmalshed except lights. Reasonable. Convenient to mills and downtown P,m. HA 6.3091. T 12/10-31 Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. sores. City sewer and water. At SPECiA'-L SALE -- Westinghouse 52 12/4 tfn highway bridge. S 4/4 tin gal. water heater. $83.88. Shdton )'R'-E-:--h---6Vdi:7/--tiri-l"iii /- 'FOR---RENT=Ful:n-i-s-he'd---ot-ae-s---a-n-d lectric, 419 Raih'oad. 12/t-31 nished house on nice beach, four trailer spaces. The Pines. L 10/9 tfn PIANO F)R SALE -- Gulhranst,n Up- ndles from Simlton. Phone HA right. $150. Call after 6 pm. HA 6-4000. B 12/31 tin WANTED I)-NC-'-O ALASKA Jan. 9, must sell last minute items. New 1959 de- luxe Whirlpool washer, refrigerator, TV, power mower, car and miscel- laneous items. Mrs. Harry Bay, HA 6-4358, 12/31 one sliver, one blonde, 12 weeks old sired by a chalnpion, $25. Call Hoods. port TR 7-5343. D 12/31-1/7 Phone HA 6-8781. C 12/10-81 Business Oppor..tities EXCELLENT ONE-MAN BUSINESS• Establisled 27 years. Must be me- chanieaily inclined. Price of $8,250 Includes all equipment, 2 exclusive franchises, present hiventory and an xrellent reputation. Business will NET approxhnatcl-$&500 annually. Waterfront Realty, HA 8-8535 or HA 6-38 evenings. I2/31 ltSled 14 years, Will sell for eost of inventory and equipment only. Ap- proximately $11,000. Owner will also consider trade for property. Water- frent Realty, HA 6-8535 or HA 9-3238 even/ngs. 1/81 II SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewers Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Mart Ph. HA. 6-308 Rt. 1, Box 476 If no anawer, Ph. HA 6-4691 JI . ,, , WANTED Barkie fir and cedar poles and piling or standing timber. Write J. H. BAXTER & CO. P.O. Box 362, Olympia, Wash., For price, information, Phone Olympia FL 2-8301 10/29tin t ,, ,, ,, • USED FURNITURE We Buy and Sell SF US FIRST BUDGET SHOP 321 R, R. Ave HA 6-42 Sells Things to Build With l/7-tfn mile from city limits. Phone days IIA 6-4662, evvnins HA 6-5976. D 12/31 tin {2OTTXG E -F6 R--I ENT'Z-"--- Caii H A 6: 8423. W 12/17-31 iiiii I II FOR SALE Bayshore Fuel Co. and Equipment Phone HA 8-2271 or 8-6553 1 , ., , .!. ....... ,, , WANTED Used Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE HA 6-2411 , , r [ , , ,,, ,, ..... , ............... APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sandars Nickname sounds like a shriek Regina Nlectrlo Ioor Poliaher Hotme Jack| LAWTON LUMBER 420 8. 1st Phonn HA, 8-4303 !' , ,,,,, -- . , , , ,, [ | , , , , ,, ELECTROLUX Sales, Service, Supplies JOHN RICE Phone HA 6-6108 10/15 tfn "i"i '   tl' " '1 ' I I I I I WOOD FOR SALE Dale Jones Ph. HA 6-4660 10/]5 tin WANTED -- Middl!-agod couple to manage G.oldsborogil Apls. in ex- cliange for aparinemt. Apply Herbert Angle. Angle Bhtg. S 12/31 tfn V-XN ÷ Z i --L--M ;i, ';--t-o-- :l 7-- K i62;;7, Queen cookware. Write 1122 S(luth 23rd. Taeoma. or phono BR 2-1525. 12/31 tfn baby-sitting in your home or mine. Phone HA 6-3262. P 12/10 ttn l I ...... , , I ,, , BOOTH CONSTRUCWION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 8/27tta I N S.A-V-E ON FUEL BILLS $36.50-fui1 price. Want respons- ible party to take over payment of $5.00 per month. This machine is equipped to zig-Rag, buttonhole, blind hem, etc. For further infor- mation call Olympia FL 2-2014 anytime. A12/10 fin I ..... I I [' [1 I I [ [[ I .... I I I I I , ,,,, ,, , , ,,, ,, ,, Mountain-View CABINET SHOP East K Street Tel. HA 6-204 JOHN BUNKO 225 South 11th Street Res. TeL HA 6-8279 Shelton, Wadngton 7/9 tin ' ' I ' _ '1 N II ' It I BATTERIES -TIRES BIIII-DiN'S MARINA & POWER MAOHINERY PRAMS Unfinished Finishe 8-it .............. $40 $55 10-it ............. $60 $75 FISHING BOATS 12-ft, to 16-ft. $115 to $305 Duck Hunters Special All Prams 10% Off thru Nov. 20th. Popular plans and full size patterns avail- able. All prices subject to change without notice. 1916 OLYMPIC HIWAY N REMINGTON SAWS Bantam 3%-h,p., 17 lbs. $159.90 St-5 Direct Drive 5 h.p. $199.50 GI7 Direct Dr. 7 h.p. $249.50 SL-5R Gear Dr. 5 h.p. $259.50 Gb-7R Gear Dr. 7 h.p. $320.00 ZEUS GENERATORS GB-125 Weight 79 lbs, $254.50 GC-125 Weight 89 Ibs. $269.50 Develops 1250 watts, 115 V., 60 cycle A.C. current continuously on one pint regular gas per hour. Brushes, slip rings, com- mutator eliminated. No main- tenance required. Demonstrator available. Call any time. )RTH • PHONE HA 6-6837 tin KRESKY WOOD HEATER MANUFACTURED IN THE WEST * TWo Way Thermostat Action for Positive Control of Tem- perature. Eniard Stock for framed/ate Delivery - Ix)west Coot per month for Nationally Allstate Silent Chion Tlrm Advertised Tyrex Cord .mE Tm MO Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Came Here from Port Angeles Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 , L il II r' t ]Jl Phone HA 6-4111 COMMERCIAr & RFIDENTIAL New and odeli.n. Tidewater Constructmn Your Looal Bulldem No Job too large or too ernalL Sliton, Washington 11-20 tin t_ See FRI61DAIRE First • REFRIGERATORS Q RANGES @ WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE end TV BERVIGE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 MIRCANTtLE * Automatic Forced Air Blower for All-Over Home Comfort Save up to 35% on Your Wood Bills. Gets into most of his argu- ments in spring and summer. Holds 24" Wood, Models from $79.95 to $149.95 No Freight Charge. LM Budget Shop 321 R.R, AVE HA 6-4332 Wife equals, maybe exceeds, his htercst in athletics. Furnace Co., 321 SO, Third. Dial HA 6-6121. 5/1 t/n DHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy. accurate preisiqn grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcret. Phone HA 6-4602. 1/15 tin WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tore, copper, salvage of all kind Shelto Junk CO., First and Mil Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 t.fl WANTED: 1000 recappable tires. O.K. Rubber Welders, ML View. 1/10 tin HANDY-MAN -- Odd Jobsi /f you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. HA 6-8098. 2/12 tfn WANTED  Dead stock, prompt, courteous service, Phone us collect. Elms 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, Inc. 2/27 tin 7ANTED  Highest cash paid or timber stumpage and lands. Call evenings. Bar-Din Enterprises, HA 6.6137. 9/8 tfn ONE FULL-TIME WATK.IS lo0ailt available on Hood Canal. Earnings are better than average for persos who s willing to work. No lay-off. Watktns nationally known spices and extracts are advertised in Life, La. dies Home Journal, Good /otm keeping, MeCaiis and other maga- mines. For details write Watktl Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem- erton, Washington, or phone Fsex 7-6661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8/12 tin WANTED  Cars to wreck  any condition. Shelton Auto Parts Co. phone HA 6-4662. Olympic Highway, south. S 12/17 tin IRONING DONE in my home. Charge by the basket or hour. Mrs. Mel Arnold, HA 6-2052. A 12/17 tin MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for Wat- kins locality In city of Shelton. Work hours of your own choosing. $3.50 per hour and up easily possible. Thl m & wonderful opportunity for re- tired person who needs extra income. Write Watkine Products, 2109 East 11th St., Bremerton, Washlngtsn, or call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8/12 tin WANTED  Housework by the hour. Phone HA 6-2474. M 12/3 tin WI LL-b- - ST-GT-Y 6U -h-n or mine, anytime. Phone HA 6-3801. R 12/3 tin WANTED: large or smedl tracts of timber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber Co., P. O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20 tfn ATTENTION LADIES! Would you like to earn in your spare llours --- be your own boss -- sell a well known product with an un- conditional money-back guarantee -- have continual Advertising to intro- duce you? Complete training and beauty conferences enable you to earn $2 and up per hem'. For inter- view write -- AVON, 1051 Arnold Apt. I, Aberdeen, Wash. G 12/17-24-31 gle, for a pensioner. Cmiponsation, lllod(rn hollie, acreage and personal property. Write Box BX, c/o The Journal. E 12/17-31 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Beverage hand truck between Olympia and Shelton. Reward. FL 7-5579. S 12/31 LOST -- In vicinity of Masonic Tem- ple, B flat tuning bar. Phone Olym- pia FL 2-4140. H 12/31 REAL ESTATE 160 ACRE FARM for sale. Some tim- ber, Also sawniill, logging truck and trailer with scales -- ready for work. Write Crowell Bros.. 23 Simpson st.. tloqulam. Phone GE 8-7741. 12/31-1/7 HI I ,1111 FOR SALE Mercantile Store for sale, which consists of dry goods, hardware and groceries, and also gas. 4- room living quarters, one rental brings in $30.00 per month. Post office brings in $200.00 per month. Gross about $28,000.00 per year. Good deep well. 1 acre of ground All equipment, $5,000 of stock Price $16,800.00. 34 acres, 10 acres cleared, 5 bed- room house, dining room, 1 baths, furnace, double garage, drilled well, 6 miles from town, $11,500.00. 5 acres, 3 bedroom house, large garage and workshop, 2 wells and pumps, fireplace, furnace, close to town, $8,750.00. WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - IRes. HA 6-3530 HOME FOR SALE New 3 bedroom modern plastered all electric home with built-in oven and range, situated on 80 x 100-ft. lot with attached plastered garage, i 2223 King St., close to Mt. View grade school. HA 6-2240 H. F. BOYSEN 12/17 tin FOUNTAIN - CAFE -GROCERIES You can enjoy a velT fine income froln this little business. ldeal for wonlan to opcrate. Price of $13,500 includes build- ing, all equipment and approximately $2,000 inventory. Rec- ords of vohlme available to seriously interested party. Terms (;an be arranged. Watcrfront Realty, HA 6-8535 or HA 6-3228 evenings. CLASSIFIED SERVICE MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my res- idence near the Lower Skokom|sn School. Call Trojan 7-5438 for ap- pointment Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday. A. F. Oppelt. O4/16 tfn SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Expert work. Bonded employee. Leave calls at Journal office, phone HA. 6-4412. Minger Sawing Machine Co., Olympia. ll/22tf &RTIFICIA.L BREEDING service fo both dairy and beef, $7.00 casll. Ev- srgreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. Call William Turner, Olympia, col- lecL FL. 2-2113. tin tREES TOPPED, trlmmea, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service, HA. 6-4828. 3/18tfn ROOFING, blown rocl WO01 Insula- tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA. 6-6417. 6/2olin ACORDION private lessons In your home, Stancato National School of Accordion. Mrs. Casada, phone HA 6-8229. 1/1 tn REAL ESTATE NO. 8161 NOTICE TO CREDITO]g ' TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of EL FLATNER, Deceased. Lillian E, Norvold is the and qualified Executrix of All persons having claims against deceased are required to serve same in duplicate, duly said Executrix or her ert L. Snyder at the addre stated, and file the same with Clerk of said Court, together proof of such service, within monflm after the date of first lion of this notice, or the sane barred. DATE of first publication: 10, 1959. LILLIAN E. NORVOID Executrix 904 Turner Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNY'DER Attorney at Law Govey Building Shelton, Washington 12/10-17--1 NO. 766 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR SALE,-- Duplex, 84x28 with 10[ REPORT AND PETITION lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or[ FOR DISTRIBUTION phone HA 6-8150, N 7/23 tfn ] IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ] STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home, wall-[ MASON COUNTY to-wall carpeting, living room. din-[ (In ]Probate) ing room, fireplace, large fenced I In the Matter of the Estal yard. Covered patio. Phone HA]LAURA E. PROVER, Deceased. 6-2466. T 12/17-31 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV]" H. G, ANGLE. as administrator TWO BEDROOM, oak floors, well in- :Estate of Laura E. Provoe, sulated home, outside city limits, NE Olympia. Also GI-GMC, six wheeler $450. Phone Olympia, WH 3-0839, evenings. S 12/17 FOR SALE by owner -- two bedroom house, also acreage. Inquire 1427 CoLa Street across the bridge. L 12/31-1/21 "BELFAIR GARDENS Open only Saturday & Sunday During January & February Star Rte. 1, Box 55, Belfair, Wash. Across from Belfair P.U.D. PREFERRED PROPERTIES 3 Bedroom Waterfront Home .... Fireplace, electric heat. 2 miles from town. Full price $13,500, terms. All New, A View and a Fireplace Too .... Almost 1400 sq. it. of living space. Baseboard electric heat. FHA appraised at $14,750. Only 10% down. Ready to occupy. Own- er will consider trade. 4 Bedrooms, Full Basement, 1 Mile From Town .... I Large rooms, economical wood i furnace, 1  acres. Full price $8,500, $1200 down. Owner will carry contract. In a sense he's a "diamond judge." 13 Bedrooms, Fireplace, Basement. New furnace, fully plastered, in- sulated. New hand-split shake roof and cvcrything in A-1 condition. FHA appraised at $11000. Re- quires only $350 down payment plus closing costs. 3 Bedrooms, $3,950 .... Partial basement. Includes range and refrigerator. Beautiful view. Only $50 per month after $500 down payment. This won't last. 2 Bedroom, Mt. View .... Full price is $6,500. $500 down, $50 per month. House is only 7 years old. Nice location. Carport. 4 Bedrooms, Near Downtown .... New roof, new paint job. Large living and dining rooms. 1  baths. FHA appraised at $9,000. $300 down plus closing costs, 2 Bedroom Home, Downtown ... Enjoy the many conveniences of I downtown living. Quiet and seo i cluded. Full price $5,500. Owner wtll consider trade. Not fully dressed without his cigar., WATERFRONT REALTY Call HA 6-8535 Anytime or HA 6-3228 Eves. 226 No. 1st I has filed in the office of the :said Court his Final tlon for Distribution, to settle said Report, property to the persons tledand to discharge said tor; and that said Report and will be heard on the 8th uary, 1960, at 10:50 A.M. Room of the Probate said Court, at which any person interested in may appear and file objections and contest the same. DATED this 4th day of 1959. HARRY DEYETT Clerk of said Gourt, GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington (SEAL) NO. 3160 NOTICE TO CREDITOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O] ¶ STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Combined fates of JOHN W. FENTIMAN MARCIA M. FENTIMAN, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the mtdt.,rsigned, Frank Fentiman been appointed and has Administrator of the W. Fentiman and Marcia M. man, deceased; and that all havin claims against the ceaseu or the said estates are required to serve the same, ficd with the necessary tached upon the undersigned ltsrator or his attorney of the law office of B. Franklin Angle Building. Shelton, Wash and file such claims proof of service with above entitled Court within six months after the date of the first iication of this notice, to-wit: cember 1959, or all claims not so sented and filed wil be forever FRANK FENTIMAN Administrator of the Combined Estates of W. Fentiman and M. Fentiman, decease& Address: P. O. Box 182, Shelt0n, Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estates Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. NO. 3119 NOTICE OF HEARING REPORT AND PETITION DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate FRANCES F. GLADWIN, NOTICE IS HEREBY C. VANCE SHEPHARD, as l of the Will of Frances F. Gladwl coased has filed in the office of Clerk of said Court a final etition for distribution, curt to settle said report, persons as Executor; and petition will be heard on the of January. 1960, at 10200 the forenoon of said thereafter as the at the court room of the court, in the Courthotmo in Mason County, Washington, at time and place any person in said Estate may appear and file jection thereto and contest the Dated this 18th day of 1959. HARRY DEYETT Clerk of said Court By : TECKLA Deputy GLENN E. CORREA ' Attorney for Estate Bell Bldg., 121 South 41h St. Sbelton, Washington (SEAL) NOTICE TO Notic is hereby laims against Mason €ear I959. must be Auditor of Mason than January 15th. 1980, by the Board of County era. The law provides that claims be held until the 1961. Mason County Auditor C. NOLAN MASON HAPPY. NEW YEAR TO ALL If You Are Making This New Year Resolution "A HOME OF OUR OWN IN 1960" Then Let Us Help You Now to Achieve It! We have an excellent selection of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bed- room homes ..... All sizes, shapes, and features. Located in most areas of Shelton and Mason county. The prices and terms are mmh that satisfactory ar- rangements can be made to meet your budget. SO, WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN YOUR HOME! Call or Come |n Today A. ROY DUNN A. P. Huldcr Get, rude Wingard ; Waiter Marble Phone HA Title 6-6363 .nsurance Bldg. :. Realtor ..... :