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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 31, ].959 ORDINANCE NO. 661 ORDINANCE relating to vsca- anti sick h,av4 for clliplovees of of S|u!ltoll: BE IT Olt.lJAINEI) THE MAYOR AND COMMISS- ERS OF THF] CITY (iF' SIlli]L- fdh)ws : 1. Ench sulmrdinnte officer fulllilno vlnphq','t,e o|' lilt' City Of shall I w enlith,d Io n(d less five-sixlh of a wa'king day €f leave with full pay for each O[ elllph)ylllonl , if sllid ('111- /1(IOI11 iS CC)IIIillO(b/lS l'qlI' SlX l:lonlllS, days of cacll month will be after 10 years Of conlinuolls nlent, Wil(q'c elltllloylll(•Ot COlll- on or I)el'ol'! the 15th day of ' lnonth vacation leave stlall at!cru(t of the first dny of such lnonth; such olnplt)ylllent conll|lencl%q the 15th day of any ]noutll, vs- h!ave shall a('cru(! tl of Ill(' fh'sl of the following lllOnth. Ill,ave accrue in uoits Of whoh' or half Accl'ued leave credit for pel'lll- subordinate officers and ellt- ees on the ffffective date of lids shall be retroactive, to Jan- 1, 1959, less varation leavp takvn im 2. Each such subordinate or enlployi,c shall 1. • entitled I accIu(' unused vat!alien leav( not 15 working days. Officers h'ansferring from one to another shall be on- to transfer such accrued vats- leave to each succeeding depart- Leave shall not accrue during terminal leave, or leave without 3. All vacation leaves shall taken at a lime convenient to tile department. 4. When the employment of is terminated by death, re- in force, retirement, dismissal resignathm, accrued ve- to the extent authorized shall be paid to such person, or If PROVIDED, resignation, ads- notice of ion to resign given to the employing de- Where the last working of such employment falls after day of any month, full credit accraed leave shall be given for Inonth. 5. Ally person who shall be after termination as set above shall be dccmed a new cee under the tez'nm of this or- 6. No pay- in lieu of vaca- be paid for an:,. reason. • Each permanent, fulltime officer or employee shall to accrue sick leave with pay amounting to one working for each month of employment, a maximum accial of forty days, to be calculated, so far of employnlent, in the same as vacation leave. Any sick claimed In excess of three suc- working days shall be sub- by. a written report of a when requested by the to tile effect that the per- claiming such is incapable, due or injury, of perfornllng his duties. Failure to fm'nish report shall result 'In a disallow- of sick leave pay after tile third The City may request subse- )orts of physician If sick continues, failure it) furnish shall result in disallowance of pay for each working day ing date of such request. 8. Permanent salaried enl- on the effective date of this !thence shall be entitled to accrued leave credit retroactive to Jan- 1, 1959, less sick leave already tn 1959. No accrued sick leave paid upon ternfination of era- for ally reason. 9, Pernlanent part lime em- will be calculated on the same as regular employees using an- wm'ked as basis for aceru- leave• 10, It is further provided, It Is the intent of this ordinam!e, that no accrued vacation as of tile date of lhis ordinance be lost by any employee. 11. This ordinance shall take January 1, 1960. December 15, 1959. this 22nd day of December, /S/ EARL tI. MOORE Mayor ALMA K. CATTO /s/ Clerk as to fornl ,.C. T, HATTEN, Attorney. 12/31-1t NO. 3159 NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE OF WASHINGTON FOR COUNTY the Matter of the Estate of JOHN Deceased. B. Liegel is the appointed Executor of said estate. having claims against said are required to serve the duplicate, duly vei'ifled, on or hls attorney, Robert at the address below stated, the same with the Clerk of with proof of such six months after the publication of this notice, will be barred. of first publication: December JOSEPH B, LIEGEL ExeCutor Star Route 2, Box 118 8helton, Washington L. SNTDER at / • 12/10-17-24-31 4t OF .WARRANT CALL is hereby given that the fol- Mason County Warrants are at the office of the of said County, and that lin- will cease Decemlr 31, 1959: DISTRICT No. 404 BUILDING FUND Nos. 30 to 34 inclusive. JOHN B. COLE Treasurer of Mason County State of Washington By MARY I. DOBSON. Deput.v at Shelton, Washington, De- 31, 1959. 12/31 It CAUSE NO. ?873 OF SHERIFF'S SALI OF REAL ESTATE llde Exeeutlon I-RIOR COURT OF THE OF WASHINGTON FOR COUNTY F. LEWIS, a widow, Plain- Margaret Woods, a widow, and by virtue of an execution out of and under the seal of Oourt o2 the State of in mad for said County, day of November, 19159, upon rendered in said Court, on & 28 day of October, 1959, trt of HELEN F. LEWIS, plaintiff against MARGARET WOODS. de- for the sum of Eighteen hun- thirty-one dollar8 & fifty-sins ($1881,59) together with attor- "fees. interest, costs and lncreas- and to me directed and de- g me to sell the fol- described property to satisfy to-wit: In the County and State of.Washington, to- 19, 70 and 71 in the plat of Oak- Beach, Mason County, Wash- as filed for record in the of- of the County Auditor of Ms- County, Washington, Septem- 9, 1925. Tracts 266, 267 and 268, supplemental Maps of Shel- Lands, as shown on the of- of said tidelands on file of the Commissioner of Lands at Olympia, Washing- IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the 8th day of January, o'clock in the forenoon of day, I will sell the above desclrb- e't,,, or so much thereof as hecessary to satisfy said Judg- ther with attorney's tees, and increased costs, in to the sum of ($1841.67) forty-one dollars sixty-seven cnts, plus Sheriff's sale will take place at the East the Court House at 4th & A1- and State, and will for each in hand but bidm'. this nd Sheriff of Hid .¢tmmty 12/10.17.4M-31.1/7 .[it Legal Publications NIITICI,; O1" AI,E OF ,,4'rATE TIDE I.ANI) N()TI(?E IS ITEREI.Y /lIVEN, That on Ttf(!s(lay, il/q' l!}th d ly o[ .l:illllal'.v. l.()ti0,'{'()lllllll,lll!ill ill |Oil t)'c]otk ill tht fl,l'Oll(Jlll Of stid day, ill l'r*nt €)1' lilt, Iil;lill ('llll'0n('' doqJl' tq, |ID' ('.tD.Ilily C(blll'l lI,KIS,' ill 111i? oily ,l' SIiclIt)n, CoUllty t)l' llas()ll, S|ale* id' Wa.llillglOll. h v lilt! (*Klnty .\\;tll|ill,r (d" saitt ('lll]l ly. tlut followilJg tl,,'cribt¢(I slat,! tide hHldta, logvtlh'r wilh the illll)l'OVtqllolll.q silu- atL!d lh•l'l!on, will bt' sldd al I)tll,Jil • ttllC|i,ll lo till! tlighcsl Iliddpr lhol'of,l', h)-wit : NO'I'E--No one excellt citizens of lit," I!nited Ntates, or Ilq'riollS who have declared their intention to be-. ('OIIle sueil, eso pllrcllaNe s|ate laads. Applicathm No. 13352 Tile tidt'llulds of thv sec,nid cla.s, owned by the Slate of Washiogton, situate in front of. adja(',HlI to 1' tl)llt- ling neon the ,qouth 6.1)0 challis, as lllCal.lFod along [h( gf)vol'nlll(!llt liD!an- der lille, of (lo/t'lnlllont Lot 3, S,'('li*n 27. Township 21 North, Range '2 W,st, W•M., with' a frontag'c i,I' 6.!10 lineal chains, lnore (*r lessi, al)l)r}lisod at $100.00 per lineal chain or $60{).00. Located Oil Pickering })ttssagq' Oll the westerly side of liarstille l:.;laod ill eastlq'll 'SSIIII C.ounty• To 1)' sold :it Sh,!lltm, CoIIlliy Seat on Ttl,sda,,', January 19, 1960 at ]0 o'clock a.ol. Appliealiou No. 13369 Tll' tid,,hmds 1; the second class owned by tlw State of Washington, situate ill front of, adjacent to, or abutting upon those, portions of (;ov- ernnlcnt Lots 7 and 8, Sp(!|ion 34, Townsllip 21 North, I.ange 2 West, W.M,, lying soulh of |hi! solllh liue or" the north 1280 i'ect of slli(t (o:rnnte.nt Lot 8 produced east, and norlh of the south line of the N of said (overn- nlent Lot 7, as IlleasurQd along the west line thereoI, produced east, witll a frontage of 11.82 lineal chains, more or lcss. " EXCEPTING, however, any of the above described tidelands of the sec- ond class included in a tract conveyed for the cultivation of oysters in ac- cordance with the provisions )f Chap- ter 24, Laws of,1895 to Henry McDer- mid through deed issued Scptelnbcr 24, 1900 under Application No, 2961, ap- praised at $25.00 per linc'al chain or $295.50. Located on the westerly side of Pick- ering Passage about 9 allies northeast of Shelton In southc, astcrn Mason County, To be sold at Shelton, Count on Tuesday, January 19, o'clock a.m. Application No. 13192 The tidelands of the second cla owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- ting upon the E½ of the West 50 feet of the Etmt 870 feet of Govermncnt L,,t 2, Section 17, Townshtp 22 North Range 2 West, W.M.. with a frontage of 0.38 lineal chain, more or less ap- praised at, $200.00 per l seal chain or $76.00, Located on the northe, rly side of ttood Canal about 7 miles southwest of Belfair in eastern Mason County. To be sold at Shelton, on Tuesday, January 19, o'clock a.m. Application No. 13288 The tidelands of the second class owned by the State of Washingt(m, situate, in front of, adjacent to or abut- ting Ul)On that portion of Governnlenl Lot 1, Section 21, Towlmhip 22 North, Range /1 West, W.M., lying between the south line of tile north 300 feet thereof, and the following described lint: : Beginning at a point on the Govern- ment meander line which is S 4 ° 21' W 68.81 feet fronl all angb l)oint in said nleander line which is S 11" 30' W 333.3 feet from the meander corner on tile north line of said S,!ction 21, and running thence. East to the east lille of said Governolent Lot 1, with a frontlge of 1.45 lineal cllains, lmn'e or Icss. Excepting. thercfronl, any tidelands of tile. second class conveyed to Tholn- as O'Neill and A. L. McDonald through deed issued December 1, 1900 for the cullivation of oysters in ac- cor(l/tn('e with the provisions of Chap- te.r 24, Laws .f 1895 un(tcr Application No. 3001 and to W. H. Kneeland thlzgh deed issued September 15, 1906 for the, cultivation of oysters in ac- cordance with the. provisb)ns of Chap- ter 24, Laws of 1895 under Application No. 3200, appraised at $60.00 per lineal chain or $87.00. Located on the easterly side of Case Inlet,. neat" Victor, in eastern Mason County. To be sold at Shelton, County Seat on Tuesday, January 19, 1960 at J0 o'chlck a.m, All sales shall be conducted between the hours of ten o'chlck in tim fore- noon and four o'clock in tile after- noon. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified tinle on the ad- vertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day betwepn t e hours of ten o'ch)ck in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon. Any sale which has been offered and for which there are no bids received, shall not be re-offered until it has been re- advertised. Said lands shall be sold for not less than the. appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing : Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full anmunt of the ap- praised value of the Improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price mu be paid annually : thereafter with Interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum p?r annum: Provided, That any pur- aser may make full Payment Of prin- cipal, interest and statutory foes at any thne and obtain deed, The pur- chaser of land containing tLmber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without firat obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued, All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and descrlptlon, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907, Said land will be sold subject to the terms conditions and rese.i .... •, chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927. relating to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over the same, BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 12/2d-81-1/7-14 4t NO. 7686 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a corporation, Plain- tiff, vs. CHARLES R. NELSON and NORENE M, NELSON, husband and wife, Defendants, THE STATE OF gN'ASHINGTON to: CHARLES R. NELSON and NORENE M. NELSON, You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 17 day of Decem- ber, 1959, and defend the above-enti- tled action in the above-entitled court and answer the complaints of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your an- swer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff, at their office below • stated; and In case of your failure so to do. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the Clerk of said court, The object of this actton is to fore- close a mortgage on the following de- scribed real estate sltuate In Mason County, State of Washington, more particularly described as follows: Lot Five (5), Block Twenty (20), Hillcrest Addition to Shelton, Wash- lngton, according to the plat there- of recorded in Volume " of Plats at page 39, records of the office of the Auditor of Mason County, State of Weshlngton. BROD1E & FRISTOE Attorneys for Plaintiff @ffloe nd l,t Offe d0as: I ¢PlI ltrlt BulMing OIympla, Washi ton ln 7-24.81I/7.14-21..t SHELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published tn "Ohrtstmastown U.S.A. " Shelton Legal Publications NO. 3162 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIlE S[.II)EI.I()[{ COUIr{T OF TITE ST,ATE OF WAS111N(TON F()R MAS()N C()UNTY In th,' Math'r (.d the Est:llo of F,I.IZ- Al;l,]Tft L. ALLEN, l')cc,!ased. .ls'ph it. l,ieffel is lhc appoinlod filial qualifid Ex,vut,a' of said t!sldie. All ].,rsms having (,lailns ItgltillSi said (h,(','a:od tll't ? i.(!quirod tO serve thc santo ill dllpli(:alo, duly verified, on ,aid Exocu'or or his attorney, .lhbert S ','( ,'r :tl liw Itddrl,ss be](W state(l, itltd fih' tlu' fillllle with lhc Clerk of said C)ul't, together with proof of Sllch Sel'CiCO, within six lllonibs aftt!i illl, dui,! of first ])ub]ication of lhis n()t[('(', or tile same will b(" har'ol I)ATE of first publi(';ltion : D't'Clll- ])cv 2t, 1959, LAKE NAHWATZEL NO. 3103 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL I'ROPER'rY IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WAStfINGTON IN AND FOR TItE COUNTY OF MASON Ill the Matter el tile Estate of DON- ALP Macl)ONALD, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Order of the Superior Court for Mason County, made and en- tered on the 18th day of December, 1959, in the malter of the estate of D,,nald MacDonald, the undersigned Adminislr'ator With Will Annexed is aulhortzed to sell the real estate here- inafter described on Saturday, the 2nd day of January. 1960, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the office of Parr & Baker 32l Security Building, Olympia Washington, and in obedience to said order sell at private sale all the right, title and interest of said estatc in and to the following dr,scribed prol)erty situated, lying and being in Mason C.unty, State of Washington, to-wit: Beginning at a point 20,78 chains East of the cornel' to Sections 7, 12. 13 and 18; running thence East 21,37 :tlains to quarter section corner; thence South one rod; thence West 10 chains; thence South 9.% chains; thcnce West 10 chains; thence South 15 chaitm; thence West about 24 rods down center of a gulch to inten- der line of Plekering Passage; thence ill a northerly dlrectlon along said nleander line and up center ot creek or branch (3 links wide) to a point of beginning, containing 24.25 acres, more or less, located in Section 18, Townstttp 21 North, Range 1 Wet, WM., also including all tide land of the second class that have been pur- clmsed front the State of Washing- tom excepting that portion hersto- /'ure conveyed, situated in Mason County, Wash, All tide lands of the second class, as defined by section 1 of Chapter 36 of the session laws of 1911, owned by tlw State of Washingtz, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that part of Lot 4, Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, measured ahmg the meander linc as follows: Beginning at the point of intersec- tiou of the meander line with the north line of lot 3 of said section 18, produced west and runniug thence South 14,/ ° West 3.20 chains, more or less, to all angle point in said nleander line; thence Souti 13 ° East 3.54 chains and South 0*45' East 3.26 chains to the terminal point of this description, with a frontage of 10.00 lineal chains, nlore or less, Int!asul(¢d along the ineander line. Exeepting from above description "the South 12(1 feet thereof. TERMS Oie SALE: The property above descritled will be sold to the. illghest and best I)idder for cash, pro- vhh:d, however, that the Administrator' With Will Annexed reservea the right t. reject any and all bids submitted herein, such bids to be subject to ap- proval and confirmation of the above (mtitled court; and that all bids be submitted in writing at the time and place above stated. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this lath day of December, 1959. WILLIAM LEE PARR Administrator With Will Annex(d of the Estate of l.),nald MacDonald, Deceased. PARR AND BAKER 321 Security Building Olyml)ia, Washington Attorneys for Estate 12/24-31 2t CALL FOR BIDS Fire Insurance'w/ extended coverage on Fire Hall concrete block, two story, composlti,m roof building• $16,000.00. A single comprehensive, blanket, Public Liability polioy on three fire trucks, 1 Diamond "T" cost $20,954.00; 1 Ddge cost $9600.00; 1 International about $3,000.00; in above policy non- ownership coverage, Fire District Of- ricers and appointed officials, business premises nledical $250/$10,000.00 Public Liability & Property Damage of $100, 000/$00,000/$10,000; Comprehensive @ $10,00. The above policits to run for one year from January 29, 1960. Policies now in effect expire from January 29 to July 25, 1960.. Bids to be opened January 26, 1960 at the Belfair Fire ttall, 7:00 P,M. HOWARD I. TRAMMELL Secretary Mason County Fire District No. 2 Star Route 2, Box 684 Belfair, Washington 12/31-1/7 21 NO. $I2 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REI'OtlT AND PETITION FOR 1)ISTBll|UTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY tn the Matter of the Estate of THOMAS HUNTER O'NEILL, De- ceased. Bernice Kathryn O'Neill, Executrix of said Estate, has filed with said Court ier final report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to set- tie said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and t discharge said Executrix. Said eport and petition will be heard on the 29th day of January, 1960, at 10 A.M. in the Courtroom of said Court, In the Coun- ty Courthouse at Shelton Washington: DATED THIS 28th day'of December 1959. " HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Gooey Building Sh(!lton, Washington (SEAL) 12/31-1/7-14.21 4t NO. 3148 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAI PROPERTY AT PRIVATE ,JE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O1  THE STATE OF WASHINGT:N FOR MASON COUNty (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of BERTHA V. MUNSON. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, will on or after the llth day of January 1960, offer for sale, and sell, the following described real property situated in Shelton, Me- son County, Washington, to-wit: The East five (5) feet of the North one hundred (100) feet of Lot eleven (11), and Lot twelve (12), except the South fifty eight (58) feet thereof; all In Block twenty three (28). Hill- crest Addition to Shelton, Washing- ton, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Mason County, Washington, Vol- ume 2 of Plats, page 89, be By Mar." Davson LAKE NAHWATZEL -- We would like to congratulate Gene Brown and Clayton McCrumb of the Willow Creek ranch west of Matlock on their beautifui yard and window display of bright lights and gay Christmas decora- tions. Many other homes in our vicinity had a lighted tree in the yard or lighted decorations on their doors to really add to the spirit of Christmas• MR. AND MRS. Lawrence Han- son had as their Christmas eve JOSEPII B. LIEGE[. dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Don li]x,,('utor . I Slar Route 2, l.ox 118 Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Sll,qWn, Wasllingt,,n neth Gribble and son, all of Mat- ROIH.:PJI' L. SNYI)EI, lock. • Att,,rn,y at Llw Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. (],, ey 1;uilding ' Lawrence Hanson and Mrs. Sh,ql.n, Washington 12/2.1-31-1/7-14 41 Edythe B. Proffit drove to Seattle .............................................. and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Papworth. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson returned to their Some here Saturday and Mrs. Profitt stayed in Seattle to visit Ilatives for a week. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boothe and son of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Ford. Tony Clinton of Bellingham was a guest he of his father, Charles Clinton during Christmas vacates. Christmas day they were dinner guegts of Mr. ad Mrs. "Dec" Plmer at the Schafer state Park. Sunday they drove to Seattle to spend a few days. MR. AND MRS. Sammy Diggle, Jr. and Teresa were Christmas day dinner guests of :Mr. Sam Dig- gle, Sr. Saturday they attended a family, delayed Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Diggle's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Val- ley. Other guests were Mr. and NOTICE OF HFtRING Franchlae Application No. 925 In the Matter of the Application of the. WAKETICKEH WATER ASSOCI- ATION, a corporation, for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a 4", 2" and i" wate pipe line upon a portion of Primary State Highway No. 9 in Mason CoUnty, Washington. WHEREAS, the Waketickeh Water Association, a corporation° has filed with the Washington State Highway Commlsaion, under the previsions of Chapter 53, Laws of 1937, as amended, an application for a Franchise to con- struct, operate and nmintain a four (4) inch. two (2) inch and one (I) inch water pipe-tine upon a portion of Pri- nlary State Highway NO, 9 in Mason County, WaslIngton, for a period o[ twenty-five (25) years, at tim follow- ing locatioz ; Beginning at a point on tile east side of Prlmaxy State Highway No. 9, opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 470+75 and con- tinulng in a southerly direction along the east side of aakl highway through Lot 2, Section 23, Block 2 in tile SE,/.r of the SW, of Section 23, to a point opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 408+00 in Lot 1, Section 27, all In Townsllip 24 North, Range 3 West:, W.M., cross- ings as folows: (I) opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 470+75 with a 6- inch stcel cashag (2) opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 465+00 with a 2- inch steel casing (3) opaosite approximate Highway Engineer s Station 463+00 with a 2- Inch steel casing (4) opposite approximate Highway Engim.r's StaLfoh ff6-00"with a 2- inch stecl casing (5) opposite approxinmtc Highway Engineer's Station 458+00 with a 2- inch steel casing (6) opposite approximate IIighway Engine.r's Station 40-F00 with a 3- inch steel casing NOW TMEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN • . That a hearing will be held on said appliration by the Washington State Highway Conunisalon at its office in the Transllortatlon Building, Olynlpia, Washington, on the 19th day of Jan- uary, 1960, at 1:30 o'clock P.M,, or as oon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this 1st day of December, 1959. • 7a/ W. A: BUGGE" " ' Director of Highways 12/31-1/7-14 3t CALL FOR BID Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., January 4, 1960, at the of- fica of the County ComnHssloners for furnishing Mason County .With one four-door sedan. i Specifications may be obtained at the office of the county Engineer. The County contemplates trading in a 1956 Ford, Cotmty Equipment No. 2. License No, C08718 fn its existing condition except for certain special equipment to be removed by the Coun- ty as enumerated n the pecitlcations. This unit of equipment may ne in- spacted at the Mason County Court- house. The County ,reserves the right reject any or all bids or to accept bid deemed most ,advantageous to C°untYOAHD OF @ASON COUNTT, WASHINGTON JOHN BARI]/fMAN hairman of-the oard Dated this 21 day of December, 1959. C. NOLAN 'MASON Clerk of the Board .12/24-31 2t CALL FOR BIDS Notice-is-h-,,glvn that saied bids will be received the Board of Directors of S h e 1 t ,onlldat School District Vashtngton, for deliverY At 180, 'of m.-.ixt-ohe lweger con- ventional-type school btm, equipped with all traclo tires on re" where, heavy duty gasoline motor, one sl|'e wheel, sanders on rear wheIs, froht and rear hesters, powered eellll vents, windshield washers, Rub Rub floor covering, body tradercoat, air brake system, aluminum or non-cor- roding steel window sash. The bus Ust coliform to Washing- ton State School Bus Regulations and Specifications, Sealed bids will be received at the Clerk's Office, Evergreen School, up to 8:00 p.m,. Janu.ry 9. 1960. at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Board reserves the right to re- Jeet any or all bids received. By order 0f the Board of Directors of Shelton coolid/*ted School Dis- trict No. 809, Shelton, Wshington, the 8th day of December, 1959. LAURA T. MURPHY Clerk 1.2/17-24-31 3t NO. $ NOTICE OF HEAINO FINAL REPORT AND FETITI@N FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of GER- Mrs. Claude Legacy of Tacoma, Sam Diggle, Sr. and Bill" Nye o: Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell and family of Matlock were Christmas dinner guests of the latter's father, Mr. Albert Kuhnle. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Case and son and Mr. and Mrs. Sam egg and daughters of Shelton were otiler guests enjoying the tmliday. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Chappel and family of Dayton and Fred and George Pauley of Shelton were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappel at Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Dorcy Goff of Un- ion enjoyed their Christmas din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. James Bieeker Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed of Matlock store had as their Christmas day dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Dawson and son, Eddie and Mr. E. J. Eidemiller. Miss Di- anna Booths of Hoquiam was also a guest. Later in tim evening Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boothe of Seattle dropped in. Mrs. Lee Dawson drove to Se- attle last Thursday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pigg and son Maury and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumphrey and her grandson, Ralphie. MR. AND lifflRS. Leo Bishop and son, Douglas of Shelton were Christmas eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCowan of Torrance, Calif. spent last week at the home of the latter's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer drove to Brinnon Christmas morn- ing and were dinner guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer. Mrs, Myrtle Cameron and Mrs. Edri Bateman enjoyed their Christmas dinner as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. MR. AND MRS. James Hick- son and family of Dayton spent Christmas day here with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hickson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette and Mike drove to Westport Christmas eve and attended a par- ty at the home o£ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterman. Christmas day they were dinner guests in Monte- sane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zillyette. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelly, Da- vid and Betty of Matlock were Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pauley in Shelton. Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelly were Miss Gloria Pauley of Shelton and Ronnie Kjellman of Matlock. Mr. Lee Dawson and son Lee Eddie an Steve Crape spent Sat- urday and Sunday at Grayland surf fishing and duck hunting. No ducks, some nice perch though, Sunday Mrs. Lee Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed and Roberta You Can•Own this Mae 140 Fairmont & Olymplo Hiway (Formei'ly Hilleret Hardware) - - IIII I II BYLINE & BATSTONE latmerl Directors 703 Rgllroad Avenue PHONE HA 6-4803 Lumber Outlook Good For '60 Despile Two Home Building Slows Douglas fit' millm(m are taking an optimistic view of business for 1960, reports H. V. Simpson, cxe- cutiv, vice president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Tight moncy and increascd in- terest charges for home mort- ga,}s pose some real problems, the veteran lumberman ohserved, and may cut new home starts from the high 1,350,000 figure of 1959 by as much a five per cent. Demand for west coast lumber, Simpson forecast, will be high in 1960, despite the tight money sit- uation. He listed a pent-up de- mand for housing, increaaing pop- ulation, stepped-up indnstrial plant drove down for the day. A very enjoyable Christmas day was had at the home of Mr and Mrs. F. E, Hewson when all their children and families were home for Christmas dinner. Those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hw- son and son of Buena, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hewson and ehll- dren of Granger, Wash,, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Parker and chil- dren of Olympia. Mr. Parker' parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Park- er of Ephrata, Wash. were also guests. .UNDAY, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson drove to Seattle and at- tended an open house reception for Mr. and Mrs. George Crabb who were married recently, They also took Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hew- son to the bus depot where they departed for their eastern Wash- ington home, Thank you, friends and nelEh- bets for all your contributions the pkst year that have made my column "Lake Nahwatzel" pos- sible. Without your kindness and help and time each Monday mo- ing I would not have any news to publish. Thank you again and a very happy and prosperous New Year to you all HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates , NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title insurance Bldg. NEW EVINRUD| Shellon Marbe Supply H I LLCR EST r BROWN-EYED THOHAS O00AN DEALER Ask About Our Rental Plan 429 Railroad HA 6.430g expansion, and tile continuing construction of schools, churches and commercial structures as good prospects for west coast ]tlnber. Production, orders and ship- nlents of hlnlber fl'oln western Oregon 'and western Washington was up in 1959, Simpson said, nmrking the end of a two-year re- cession. Prodnction for the Douglas fir region of western Oregon and western Washington in 1959 wmu 8,400,000,000 board feet compared to $8,042,982,000 in 1958 and 7,791,485,000 in 1957. Orders in 1959 totaled 8,400,000,000 feet compared to 8,193,469,000 in 19,58 and $7,741,408,000 feet in 1957 Shipments maintained the same relative ratio, amounting to $8,320,000,000 in 1959, 8,069,087,- 000 in 1958 and 7,873,549,000 in 1957. New homes are needed, Simpson said, for new families being cre- ated as the ar baby crop comes of age, an d where there is demand, the ingenuity of American people will find a way to meet such ob- stacles as financing, Most economists admit that 1960 will start a decade of boom times in the U.S. and when economic candition are bright, west coast sawmills will share in this pros- pertly. T a Journal Want d blew TeStament : Lwts . lam¥, t Odd lilows ll SECOND STREET ,lllble oheol 01 aa. Chueeh Meeviou 11 a.m, aml 7.0 p;m, to B:00 p,m. (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streeht SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27TH 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Jack Jeffery Andrew Beeiik f TUNE IN Channel ll 7:00 p,m. 7th and Franklin Street 'Worship Services .............................................................. 11 a,m. Sunday School and Bible Class .................................... 9:30 a.nt. Mid-week Bible Study ................................... Vx,rtdnesd;t,v, 7 p.m. --- CARI, ,J. CARLEN, Pastor i i I THE NETHOmST OllURGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R, RINGS, Mr "Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. FIRST OIIMION OF OHRIST, SCIENTIST Alder St., 8heltn. Wash. B undy hhool 0:30 a.m. Cureh 11 a.m. "Way evening testimony meeting 8 p.m. Readlng.)om looate4 in etmrch. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m. on. &  Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. THE 00EST TC,, .... , , t ,u .... - i III " If[ill II II I II I Ill I [111 I II ]" I [ IIII II I SIIELTON 60D 130 East Plrte St. Mason oung und, Paster WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Thursday, December 31, 8:00 p.m. REV. AND MR6. DANIEL MASER GUEST SPEAKERS Missionaries on Furlough From Cuba Sunday School ....................................................................... 0:45 a.m. Morning Woluip ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ'- kmbasaalors ............................................................... 6:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service ..................................................................... 7:00 p,m. NL ALUANOIE 0MUHOM Wmdinlton & J s. Eugene Breid, PaYor Sun samol .................................................................... 9:45 a.. Mora WorsMp ................................................................ 11:00 A. Y. F. ................................................................................ 6:30 p,m. Evening ,Service ............................... md-  W;¢in';:::::::Z .............................. 7:307:30 pro.Pro All bids must in writing, may delivered to the undersigned Execu- tor personally, may he delivered to the office of his attorney, R. Franklin Heuston, Angle Building, Shton, Washington, and may be flied in the office of the Clerk of the above en- titled Court, The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Said prop- erty will be sold for cash, or caBh mad credit and shall be subject o the rati- fication, confirmation and approval of the above entitled court. Dated this 18 day of Decemb. 1959. WILLIAM S. VAI, Executor of above entitled Eta FiLAltma, uhinn Attoru, Angle BId., elton, W . -$1-1f/ 3t TRUDE MORGAN HAYES. Deceased. Elizabeth A. Oyer. Executrix of said Estate, has flied with said Court her patronalesMsul00ortdur. flnai report and tltion for distrlbu- tion, asking the Court to settle said b I the past year, and to report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- [/ charge .id ,00ee.trtx ,d report mad New Year. petition will be heard on the $th day of JanuarY, 1960. at 10 A.M. in the Courtroom of,utd Court. in the Coun; MASON ...iM/inn'uTv ty ourthou at Shelton, Wllgton. DATED TH. th dy of December, STATIH00S ! %-' 118 North 2rid Street ] gleeS, 'ahnse te €oming .year. EVERGREEN TEXAO0 SERVI00 9:30 p.m. Refreshments and Fellowship 10:30 p.m. Film: "THE WAY OUT" 11:30 p,m. Candle Lighted Communion Service Sunday, Jmuaw 3 P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, JANUARY 3-- 9:30 a.m. Guest speaker, Phil Paulsrud MALE CHORUS 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "Something Worth While" , rl i i i ............... 0w0. Frail Ulrli-tRAN • • Fa00s • Family Features The Christian Scienca Monito¢ One Norway St., Boston 15, Mal. Send your mewspoper for ths time checked. Enclosed find my check 0€ money order. ] yeor $20 ['] 6 months $10 I-I 3 months $$ ff flSHEIINEN'S 00CLUB Good Readxng for the Whole Family December 31, ].959 ORDINANCE NO. 661 ORDINANCE relating to vsca- anti sick h,av4 for clliplovees of of S|u!ltoll: BE IT Olt.lJAINEI) THE MAYOR AND COMMISS- ERS OF THF] CITY (iF' SIlli]L- fdh)ws : 1. Ench sulmrdinnte officer fulllilno vlnphq','t,e o|' lilt' City Of shall I w enlith,d Io n(d less five-sixlh of a wa'king day €f leave with full pay for each O[ elllph)ylllonl , if sllid ('111- /1(IOI11 iS CC)IIIillO(b/lS l'qlI' SlX l:lonlllS, days of cacll month will be after 10 years Of conlinuolls nlent, Wil(q'c elltllloylll(•Ot COlll- on or I)el'ol'! the 15th day of ' lnonth vacation leave stlall at!cru(t of the first dny of such lnonth; such olnplt)ylllent conll|lencl%q the 15th day of any ]noutll, vs- h!ave shall a('cru(! tl of Ill(' fh'sl of the following lllOnth. Ill,ave accrue in uoits Of whoh' or half Accl'ued leave credit for pel'lll- subordinate officers and ellt- ees on the ffffective date of lids shall be retroactive, to Jan- 1, 1959, less varation leavp takvn im 2. Each such subordinate or enlployi,c shall 1. • entitled I accIu(' unused vat!alien leav( not 15 working days. Officers h'ansferring from one to another shall be on- to transfer such accrued vats- leave to each succeeding depart- Leave shall not accrue during terminal leave, or leave without 3. All vacation leaves shall taken at a lime convenient to tile department. 4. When the employment of is terminated by death, re- in force, retirement, dismissal resignathm, accrued ve- to the extent authorized shall be paid to such person, or If PROVIDED, resignation, ads- notice of ion to resign given to the employing de- Where the last working of such employment falls after day of any month, full credit accraed leave shall be given for Inonth. 5. Ally person who shall be after termination as set above shall be dccmed a new cee under the tez'nm of this or- 6. No pay- in lieu of vaca- be paid for an:,. reason. • Each permanent, fulltime officer or employee shall to accrue sick leave with pay amounting to one working for each month of employment, a maximum accial of forty days, to be calculated, so far of employnlent, in the same as vacation leave. Any sick claimed In excess of three suc- working days shall be sub- by. a written report of a when requested by the to tile effect that the per- claiming such is incapable, due or injury, of perfornllng his duties. Failure to fm'nish report shall result 'In a disallow- of sick leave pay after tile third The City may request subse- )orts of physician If sick continues, failure it) furnish shall result in disallowance of pay for each working day ing date of such request. 8. Permanent salaried enl- on the effective date of this !thence shall be entitled to accrued leave credit retroactive to Jan- 1, 1959, less sick leave already tn 1959. No accrued sick leave paid upon ternfination of era- for ally reason. 9, Pernlanent part lime em- will be calculated on the same as regular employees using an- wm'ked as basis for aceru- leave• 10, It is further provided, It Is the intent of this ordinam!e, that no accrued vacation as of tile date of lhis ordinance be lost by any employee. 11. This ordinance shall take January 1, 1960. December 15, 1959. this 22nd day of December, /S/ EARL tI. MOORE Mayor ALMA K. CATTO /s/ Clerk as to fornl ,.C. T, HATTEN, Attorney. 12/31-1t NO. 3159 NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE OF WASHINGTON FOR COUNTY the Matter of the Estate of JOHN Deceased. B. Liegel is the appointed Executor of said estate. having claims against said are required to serve the duplicate, duly vei'ifled, on or hls attorney, Robert at the address below stated, the same with the Clerk of with proof of such six months after the publication of this notice, will be barred. of first publication: December JOSEPH B, LIEGEL ExeCutor Star Route 2, Box 118 8helton, Washington L. SNTDER at / • 12/10-17-24-31 4t OF .WARRANT CALL is hereby given that the fol- Mason County Warrants are at the office of the of said County, and that lin- will cease Decemlr 31, 1959: DISTRICT No. 404 BUILDING FUND Nos. 30 to 34 inclusive. JOHN B. COLE Treasurer of Mason County State of Washington By MARY I. DOBSON. Deput.v at Shelton, Washington, De- 31, 1959. 12/31 It CAUSE NO. ?873 OF SHERIFF'S SALI OF REAL ESTATE llde Exeeutlon I-RIOR COURT OF THE OF WASHINGTON FOR COUNTY F. LEWIS, a widow, Plain- Margaret Woods, a widow, and by virtue of an execution out of and under the seal of Oourt o2 the State of in mad for said County, day of November, 19159, upon rendered in said Court, on & 28 day of October, 1959, trt of HELEN F. LEWIS, plaintiff against MARGARET WOODS. de- for the sum of Eighteen hun- thirty-one dollar8 & fifty-sins ($1881,59) together with attor- "fees. interest, costs and lncreas- and to me directed and de- g me to sell the fol- described property to satisfy to-wit: In the County and State of.Washington, to- 19, 70 and 71 in the plat of Oak- Beach, Mason County, Wash- as filed for record in the of- of the County Auditor of Ms- County, Washington, Septem- 9, 1925. Tracts 266, 267 and 268, supplemental Maps of Shel- Lands, as shown on the of- of said tidelands on file of the Commissioner of Lands at Olympia, Washing- IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the 8th day of January, o'clock in the forenoon of day, I will sell the above desclrb- e't,,, or so much thereof as hecessary to satisfy said Judg- ther with attorney's tees, and increased costs, in to the sum of ($1841.67) forty-one dollars sixty-seven cnts, plus Sheriff's sale will take place at the East the Court House at 4th & A1- and State, and will for each in hand but bidm'. this nd Sheriff of Hid .¢tmmty 12/10.17.4M-31.1/7 .[it Legal Publications NIITICI,; O1" AI,E OF ,,4'rATE TIDE I.ANI) N()TI(?E IS ITEREI.Y /lIVEN, That on Ttf(!s(lay, il/q' l!}th d ly o[ .l:illllal'.v. l.()ti0,'{'()lllllll,lll!ill ill |Oil t)'c]otk ill tht fl,l'Oll(Jlll Of stid day, ill l'r*nt €)1' lilt, Iil;lill ('llll'0n('' doqJl' tq, |ID' ('.tD.Ilily C(blll'l lI,KIS,' ill 111i? oily ,l' SIiclIt)n, CoUllty t)l' llas()ll, S|ale* id' Wa.llillglOll. h v lilt! (*Klnty .\\;tll|ill,r (d" saitt ('lll]l ly. tlut followilJg tl,,'cribt¢(I slat,! tide hHldta, logvtlh'r wilh the illll)l'OVtqllolll.q silu- atL!d lh•l'l!on, will bt' sldd al I)tll,Jil • ttllC|i,ll lo till! tlighcsl Iliddpr lhol'of,l', h)-wit : NO'I'E--No one excellt citizens of lit," I!nited Ntates, or Ilq'riollS who have declared their intention to be-. ('OIIle sueil, eso pllrcllaNe s|ate laads. Applicathm No. 13352 Tile tidt'llulds of thv sec,nid cla.s, owned by the Slate of Washiogton, situate in front of. adja(',HlI to 1' tl)llt- ling neon the ,qouth 6.1)0 challis, as lllCal.lFod along [h( gf)vol'nlll(!llt liD!an- der lille, of (lo/t'lnlllont Lot 3, S,'('li*n 27. Township 21 North, Range '2 W,st, W•M., with' a frontag'c i,I' 6.!10 lineal chains, lnore (*r lessi, al)l)r}lisod at $100.00 per lineal chain or $60{).00. Located Oil Pickering })ttssagq' Oll the westerly side of liarstille l:.;laod ill eastlq'll 'SSIIII C.ounty• To 1)' sold :it Sh,!lltm, CoIIlliy Seat on Ttl,sda,,', January 19, 1960 at ]0 o'clock a.ol. Appliealiou No. 13369 Tll' tid,,hmds 1; the second class owned by tlw State of Washington, situate ill front of, adjacent to, or abutting upon those, portions of (;ov- ernnlcnt Lots 7 and 8, Sp(!|ion 34, Townsllip 21 North, I.ange 2 West, W.M,, lying soulh of |hi! solllh liue or" the north 1280 i'ect of slli(t (o:rnnte.nt Lot 8 produced east, and norlh of the south line of the N of said (overn- nlent Lot 7, as IlleasurQd along the west line thereoI, produced east, witll a frontage of 11.82 lineal chains, more or lcss. " EXCEPTING, however, any of the above described tidelands of the sec- ond class included in a tract conveyed for the cultivation of oysters in ac- cordance with the provisions )f Chap- ter 24, Laws of,1895 to Henry McDer- mid through deed issued Scptelnbcr 24, 1900 under Application No, 2961, ap- praised at $25.00 per linc'al chain or $295.50. Located on the westerly side of Pick- ering Passage about 9 allies northeast of Shelton In southc, astcrn Mason County, To be sold at Shelton, Count on Tuesday, January 19, o'clock a.m. Application No. 13192 The tidelands of the second cla owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- ting upon the E½ of the West 50 feet of the Etmt 870 feet of Govermncnt L,,t 2, Section 17, Townshtp 22 North Range 2 West, W.M.. with a frontage of 0.38 lineal chain, more or less ap- praised at, $200.00 per l seal chain or $76.00, Located on the northe, rly side of ttood Canal about 7 miles southwest of Belfair in eastern Mason County. To be sold at Shelton, on Tuesday, January 19, o'clock a.m. Application No. 13288 The tidelands of the second class owned by the State of Washingt(m, situate, in front of, adjacent to or abut- ting Ul)On that portion of Governnlenl Lot 1, Section 21, Towlmhip 22 North, Range /1 West, W.M., lying between the south line of tile north 300 feet thereof, and the following described lint: : Beginning at a point on the Govern- ment meander line which is S 4 ° 21' W 68.81 feet fronl all angb l)oint in said nleander line which is S 11" 30' W 333.3 feet from the meander corner on tile north line of said S,!ction 21, and running thence. East to the east lille of said Governolent Lot 1, with a frontlge of 1.45 lineal cllains, lmn'e or Icss. Excepting. thercfronl, any tidelands of tile. second class conveyed to Tholn- as O'Neill and A. L. McDonald through deed issued December 1, 1900 for the cullivation of oysters in ac- cor(l/tn('e with the provisions of Chap- te.r 24, Laws .f 1895 un(tcr Application No. 3001 and to W. H. Kneeland thlzgh deed issued September 15, 1906 for the, cultivation of oysters in ac- cordance with the. provisb)ns of Chap- ter 24, Laws of 1895 under Application No. 3200, appraised at $60.00 per lineal chain or $87.00. Located on the easterly side of Case Inlet,. neat" Victor, in eastern Mason County. To be sold at Shelton, County Seat on Tuesday, January 19, 1960 at J0 o'chlck a.m, All sales shall be conducted between the hours of ten o'chlck in tim fore- noon and four o'clock in tile after- noon. If all sales cannot be offered within the specified tinle on the ad- vertised date, the sale shall continue on the following day betwepn t e hours of ten o'ch)ck in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon. Any sale which has been offered and for which there are no bids received, shall not be re-offered until it has been re- advertised. Said lands shall be sold for not less than the. appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing : Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full anmunt of the ap- praised value of the Improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price mu be paid annually : thereafter with Interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum p?r annum: Provided, That any pur- aser may make full Payment Of prin- cipal, interest and statutory foes at any thne and obtain deed, The pur- chaser of land containing tLmber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without firat obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued, All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and descrlptlon, and to the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907, Said land will be sold subject to the terms conditions and rese.i .... •, chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927. relating to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over the same, BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 12/2d-81-1/7-14 4t NO. 7686 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a corporation, Plain- tiff, vs. CHARLES R. NELSON and NORENE M, NELSON, husband and wife, Defendants, THE STATE OF gN'ASHINGTON to: CHARLES R. NELSON and NORENE M. NELSON, You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 17 day of Decem- ber, 1959, and defend the above-enti- tled action in the above-entitled court and answer the complaints of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your an- swer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff, at their office below • stated; and In case of your failure so to do. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the Clerk of said court, The object of this actton is to fore- close a mortgage on the following de- scribed real estate sltuate In Mason County, State of Washington, more particularly described as follows: Lot Five (5), Block Twenty (20), Hillcrest Addition to Shelton, Wash- lngton, according to the plat there- of recorded in Volume " of Plats at page 39, records of the office of the Auditor of Mason County, State of Weshlngton. BROD1E & FRISTOE Attorneys for Plaintiff @ffloe nd l,t Offe d0as: I ¢PlI ltrlt BulMing OIympla, Washi ton ln 7-24.81I/7.14-21..t SHELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published tn "Ohrtstmastown U.S.A. " Shelton Legal Publications NO. 3162 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIlE S[.II)EI.I()[{ COUIr{T OF TITE ST,ATE OF WAS111N(TON F()R MAS()N C()UNTY In th,' Math'r (.d the Est:llo of F,I.IZ- Al;l,]Tft L. ALLEN, l')cc,!ased. .ls'ph it. l,ieffel is lhc appoinlod filial qualifid Ex,vut,a' of said t!sldie. All ].,rsms having (,lailns ItgltillSi said (h,(','a:od tll't ? i.(!quirod tO serve thc santo ill dllpli(:alo, duly verified, on ,aid Exocu'or or his attorney, .lhbert S ','( ,'r :tl liw Itddrl,ss be](W state(l, itltd fih' tlu' fillllle with lhc Clerk of said C)ul't, together with proof of Sllch Sel'CiCO, within six lllonibs aftt!i illl, dui,! of first ])ub]ication of lhis n()t[('(', or tile same will b(" har'ol I)ATE of first publi(';ltion : D't'Clll- ])cv 2t, 1959, LAKE NAHWATZEL NO. 3103 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL I'ROPER'rY IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WAStfINGTON IN AND FOR TItE COUNTY OF MASON Ill the Matter el tile Estate of DON- ALP Macl)ONALD, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Order of the Superior Court for Mason County, made and en- tered on the 18th day of December, 1959, in the malter of the estate of D,,nald MacDonald, the undersigned Adminislr'ator With Will Annexed is aulhortzed to sell the real estate here- inafter described on Saturday, the 2nd day of January. 1960, at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the office of Parr & Baker 32l Security Building, Olympia Washington, and in obedience to said order sell at private sale all the right, title and interest of said estatc in and to the following dr,scribed prol)erty situated, lying and being in Mason C.unty, State of Washington, to-wit: Beginning at a point 20,78 chains East of the cornel' to Sections 7, 12. 13 and 18; running thence East 21,37 :tlains to quarter section corner; thence South one rod; thence West 10 chains; thence South 9.% chains; thcnce West 10 chains; thence South 15 chaitm; thence West about 24 rods down center of a gulch to inten- der line of Plekering Passage; thence ill a northerly dlrectlon along said nleander line and up center ot creek or branch (3 links wide) to a point of beginning, containing 24.25 acres, more or less, located in Section 18, Townstttp 21 North, Range 1 Wet, WM., also including all tide land of the second class that have been pur- clmsed front the State of Washing- tom excepting that portion hersto- /'ure conveyed, situated in Mason County, Wash, All tide lands of the second class, as defined by section 1 of Chapter 36 of the session laws of 1911, owned by tlw State of Washingtz, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon that part of Lot 4, Section 18, Township 21 North, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, measured ahmg the meander linc as follows: Beginning at the point of intersec- tiou of the meander line with the north line of lot 3 of said section 18, produced west and runniug thence South 14,/ ° West 3.20 chains, more or less, to all angle point in said nleander line; thence Souti 13 ° East 3.54 chains and South 0*45' East 3.26 chains to the terminal point of this description, with a frontage of 10.00 lineal chains, nlore or less, Int!asul(¢d along the ineander line. Exeepting from above description "the South 12(1 feet thereof. TERMS Oie SALE: The property above descritled will be sold to the. illghest and best I)idder for cash, pro- vhh:d, however, that the Administrator' With Will Annexed reservea the right t. reject any and all bids submitted herein, such bids to be subject to ap- proval and confirmation of the above (mtitled court; and that all bids be submitted in writing at the time and place above stated. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this lath day of December, 1959. WILLIAM LEE PARR Administrator With Will Annex(d of the Estate of l.),nald MacDonald, Deceased. PARR AND BAKER 321 Security Building Olyml)ia, Washington Attorneys for Estate 12/24-31 2t CALL FOR BIDS Fire Insurance'w/ extended coverage on Fire Hall concrete block, two story, composlti,m roof building• $16,000.00. A single comprehensive, blanket, Public Liability polioy on three fire trucks, 1 Diamond "T" cost $20,954.00; 1 Ddge cost $9600.00; 1 International about $3,000.00; in above policy non- ownership coverage, Fire District Of- ricers and appointed officials, business premises nledical $250/$10,000.00 Public Liability & Property Damage of $100, 000/$00,000/$10,000; Comprehensive @ $10,00. The above policits to run for one year from January 29, 1960. Policies now in effect expire from January 29 to July 25, 1960.. Bids to be opened January 26, 1960 at the Belfair Fire ttall, 7:00 P,M. HOWARD I. TRAMMELL Secretary Mason County Fire District No. 2 Star Route 2, Box 684 Belfair, Washington 12/31-1/7 21 NO. $I2 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REI'OtlT AND PETITION FOR 1)ISTBll|UTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY tn the Matter of the Estate of THOMAS HUNTER O'NEILL, De- ceased. Bernice Kathryn O'Neill, Executrix of said Estate, has filed with said Court ier final report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to set- tie said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and t discharge said Executrix. Said eport and petition will be heard on the 29th day of January, 1960, at 10 A.M. in the Courtroom of said Court, In the Coun- ty Courthouse at Shelton Washington: DATED THIS 28th day'of December 1959. " HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law Gooey Building Sh(!lton, Washington (SEAL) 12/31-1/7-14.21 4t NO. 3148 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAI PROPERTY AT PRIVATE ,JE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O1  THE STATE OF WASHINGT:N FOR MASON COUNty (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of BERTHA V. MUNSON. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, will on or after the llth day of January 1960, offer for sale, and sell, the following described real property situated in Shelton, Me- son County, Washington, to-wit: The East five (5) feet of the North one hundred (100) feet of Lot eleven (11), and Lot twelve (12), except the South fifty eight (58) feet thereof; all In Block twenty three (28). Hill- crest Addition to Shelton, Washing- ton, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Mason County, Washington, Vol- ume 2 of Plats, page 89, be By Mar." Davson LAKE NAHWATZEL -- We would like to congratulate Gene Brown and Clayton McCrumb of the Willow Creek ranch west of Matlock on their beautifui yard and window display of bright lights and gay Christmas decora- tions. Many other homes in our vicinity had a lighted tree in the yard or lighted decorations on their doors to really add to the spirit of Christmas• MR. AND MRS. Lawrence Han- son had as their Christmas eve JOSEPII B. LIEGE[. dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Don li]x,,('utor . I Slar Route 2, l.ox 118 Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Sll,qWn, Wasllingt,,n neth Gribble and son, all of Mat- ROIH.:PJI' L. SNYI)EI, lock. • Att,,rn,y at Llw Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. (],, ey 1;uilding ' Lawrence Hanson and Mrs. Sh,ql.n, Washington 12/2.1-31-1/7-14 41 Edythe B. Proffit drove to Seattle .............................................. and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Papworth. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson returned to their Some here Saturday and Mrs. Profitt stayed in Seattle to visit Ilatives for a week. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boothe and son of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Ford. Tony Clinton of Bellingham was a guest he of his father, Charles Clinton during Christmas vacates. Christmas day they were dinner guegts of Mr. ad Mrs. "Dec" Plmer at the Schafer state Park. Sunday they drove to Seattle to spend a few days. MR. AND MRS. Sammy Diggle, Jr. and Teresa were Christmas day dinner guests of :Mr. Sam Dig- gle, Sr. Saturday they attended a family, delayed Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Diggle's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Val- ley. Other guests were Mr. and NOTICE OF HFtRING Franchlae Application No. 925 In the Matter of the Application of the. WAKETICKEH WATER ASSOCI- ATION, a corporation, for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a 4", 2" and i" wate pipe line upon a portion of Primary State Highway No. 9 in Mason CoUnty, Washington. WHEREAS, the Waketickeh Water Association, a corporation° has filed with the Washington State Highway Commlsaion, under the previsions of Chapter 53, Laws of 1937, as amended, an application for a Franchise to con- struct, operate and nmintain a four (4) inch. two (2) inch and one (I) inch water pipe-tine upon a portion of Pri- nlary State Highway NO, 9 in Mason County, WaslIngton, for a period o[ twenty-five (25) years, at tim follow- ing locatioz ; Beginning at a point on tile east side of Prlmaxy State Highway No. 9, opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 470+75 and con- tinulng in a southerly direction along the east side of aakl highway through Lot 2, Section 23, Block 2 in tile SE,/.r of the SW, of Section 23, to a point opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 408+00 in Lot 1, Section 27, all In Townsllip 24 North, Range 3 West:, W.M., cross- ings as folows: (I) opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 470+75 with a 6- inch stcel cashag (2) opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 465+00 with a 2- inch steel casing (3) opaosite approximate Highway Engineer s Station 463+00 with a 2- Inch steel casing (4) opposite approximate Highway Engim.r's StaLfoh ff6-00"with a 2- inch stecl casing (5) opposite approxinmtc Highway Engineer's Station 458+00 with a 2- inch steel casing (6) opposite approximate IIighway Engine.r's Station 40-F00 with a 3- inch steel casing NOW TMEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN • . That a hearing will be held on said appliration by the Washington State Highway Conunisalon at its office in the Transllortatlon Building, Olynlpia, Washington, on the 19th day of Jan- uary, 1960, at 1:30 o'clock P.M,, or as oon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this 1st day of December, 1959. • 7a/ W. A: BUGGE" " ' Director of Highways 12/31-1/7-14 3t CALL FOR BID Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., January 4, 1960, at the of- fica of the County ComnHssloners for furnishing Mason County .With one four-door sedan. i Specifications may be obtained at the office of the county Engineer. The County contemplates trading in a 1956 Ford, Cotmty Equipment No. 2. License No, C08718 fn its existing condition except for certain special equipment to be removed by the Coun- ty as enumerated n the pecitlcations. This unit of equipment may ne in- spacted at the Mason County Court- house. The County ,reserves the right reject any or all bids or to accept bid deemed most ,advantageous to C°untYOAHD OF @ASON COUNTT, WASHINGTON JOHN BARI]/fMAN hairman of-the oard Dated this 21 day of December, 1959. C. NOLAN 'MASON Clerk of the Board .12/24-31 2t CALL FOR BIDS Notice-is-h-,,glvn that saied bids will be received the Board of Directors of S h e 1 t ,onlldat School District Vashtngton, for deliverY At 180, 'of m.-.ixt-ohe lweger con- ventional-type school btm, equipped with all traclo tires on re" where, heavy duty gasoline motor, one sl|'e wheel, sanders on rear wheIs, froht and rear hesters, powered eellll vents, windshield washers, Rub Rub floor covering, body tradercoat, air brake system, aluminum or non-cor- roding steel window sash. The bus Ust coliform to Washing- ton State School Bus Regulations and Specifications, Sealed bids will be received at the Clerk's Office, Evergreen School, up to 8:00 p.m,. Janu.ry 9. 1960. at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Board reserves the right to re- Jeet any or all bids received. By order 0f the Board of Directors of Shelton coolid/*ted School Dis- trict No. 809, Shelton, Wshington, the 8th day of December, 1959. LAURA T. MURPHY Clerk 1.2/17-24-31 3t NO. $ NOTICE OF HEAINO FINAL REPORT AND FETITI@N FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of GER- Mrs. Claude Legacy of Tacoma, Sam Diggle, Sr. and Bill" Nye o: Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell and family of Matlock were Christmas dinner guests of the latter's father, Mr. Albert Kuhnle. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Case and son and Mr. and Mrs. Sam egg and daughters of Shelton were otiler guests enjoying the tmliday. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Chappel and family of Dayton and Fred and George Pauley of Shelton were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappel at Matlock. Mr. and Mrs. Dorcy Goff of Un- ion enjoyed their Christmas din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. James Bieeker Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed of Matlock store had as their Christmas day dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Dawson and son, Eddie and Mr. E. J. Eidemiller. Miss Di- anna Booths of Hoquiam was also a guest. Later in tim evening Mr. and Mrs. Dick Boothe of Seattle dropped in. Mrs. Lee Dawson drove to Se- attle last Thursday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pigg and son Maury and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumphrey and her grandson, Ralphie. MR. AND lifflRS. Leo Bishop and son, Douglas of Shelton were Christmas eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCowan of Torrance, Calif. spent last week at the home of the latter's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer drove to Brinnon Christmas morn- ing and were dinner guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer. Mrs, Myrtle Cameron and Mrs. Edri Bateman enjoyed their Christmas dinner as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper. MR. AND MRS. James Hick- son and family of Dayton spent Christmas day here with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hickson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zillyette and Mike drove to Westport Christmas eve and attended a par- ty at the home o£ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterman. Christmas day they were dinner guests in Monte- sane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zillyette. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelly, Da- vid and Betty of Matlock were Christmas day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pauley in Shelton. Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelly were Miss Gloria Pauley of Shelton and Ronnie Kjellman of Matlock. Mr. Lee Dawson and son Lee Eddie an Steve Crape spent Sat- urday and Sunday at Grayland surf fishing and duck hunting. No ducks, some nice perch though, Sunday Mrs. Lee Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed and Roberta You Can•Own this Mae 140 Fairmont & Olymplo Hiway (Formei'ly Hilleret Hardware) - - IIII I II BYLINE & BATSTONE latmerl Directors 703 Rgllroad Avenue PHONE HA 6-4803 Lumber Outlook Good For '60 Despile Two Home Building Slows Douglas fit' millm(m are taking an optimistic view of business for 1960, reports H. V. Simpson, cxe- cutiv, vice president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. Tight moncy and increascd in- terest charges for home mort- ga,}s pose some real problems, the veteran lumberman ohserved, and may cut new home starts from the high 1,350,000 figure of 1959 by as much a five per cent. Demand for west coast lumber, Simpson forecast, will be high in 1960, despite the tight money sit- uation. He listed a pent-up de- mand for housing, increaaing pop- ulation, stepped-up indnstrial plant drove down for the day. A very enjoyable Christmas day was had at the home of Mr and Mrs. F. E, Hewson when all their children and families were home for Christmas dinner. Those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hw- son and son of Buena, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hewson and ehll- dren of Granger, Wash,, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Parker and chil- dren of Olympia. Mr. Parker' parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Park- er of Ephrata, Wash. were also guests. .UNDAY, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson drove to Seattle and at- tended an open house reception for Mr. and Mrs. George Crabb who were married recently, They also took Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hew- son to the bus depot where they departed for their eastern Wash- ington home, Thank you, friends and nelEh- bets for all your contributions the pkst year that have made my column "Lake Nahwatzel" pos- sible. Without your kindness and help and time each Monday mo- ing I would not have any news to publish. Thank you again and a very happy and prosperous New Year to you all HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates , NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title insurance Bldg. NEW EVINRUD| Shellon Marbe Supply H I LLCR EST r BROWN-EYED THOHAS O00AN DEALER Ask About Our Rental Plan 429 Railroad HA 6.430g expansion, and tile continuing construction of schools, churches and commercial structures as good prospects for west coast ]tlnber. Production, orders and ship- nlents of hlnlber fl'oln western Oregon 'and western Washington was up in 1959, Simpson said, nmrking the end of a two-year re- cession. Prodnction for the Douglas fir region of western Oregon and western Washington in 1959 wmu 8,400,000,000 board feet compared to $8,042,982,000 in 1958 and 7,791,485,000 in 1957. Orders in 1959 totaled 8,400,000,000 feet compared to 8,193,469,000 in 19,58 and $7,741,408,000 feet in 1957 Shipments maintained the same relative ratio, amounting to $8,320,000,000 in 1959, 8,069,087,- 000 in 1958 and 7,873,549,000 in 1957. New homes are needed, Simpson said, for new families being cre- ated as the ar baby crop comes of age, an d where there is demand, the ingenuity of American people will find a way to meet such ob- stacles as financing, Most economists admit that 1960 will start a decade of boom times in the U.S. and when economic candition are bright, west coast sawmills will share in this pros- pertly. T a Journal Want d blew TeStament : Lwts . lam¥, t Odd lilows ll SECOND STREET ,lllble oheol 01 aa. Chueeh Meeviou 11 a.m, aml 7.0 p;m, to B:00 p,m. (Episcopal) 4th & Cedar Streeht SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27TH 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Jack Jeffery Andrew Beeiik f TUNE IN Channel ll 7:00 p,m. 7th and Franklin Street 'Worship Services .............................................................. 11 a,m. Sunday School and Bible Class .................................... 9:30 a.nt. Mid-week Bible Study ................................... Vx,rtdnesd;t,v, 7 p.m. --- CARI, ,J. CARLEN, Pastor i i I THE NETHOmST OllURGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R, RINGS, Mr "Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. FIRST OIIMION OF OHRIST, SCIENTIST Alder St., 8heltn. Wash. B undy hhool 0:30 a.m. Cureh 11 a.m. "Way evening testimony meeting 8 p.m. Readlng.)om looate4 in etmrch. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p,m. on. &  Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. THE 00EST TC,, .... , , t ,u .... - i III " If[ill II II I II I Ill I [111 I II ]" I [ IIII II I SIIELTON 60D 130 East Plrte St. Mason oung und, Paster WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Thursday, December 31, 8:00 p.m. REV. AND MR6. DANIEL MASER GUEST SPEAKERS Missionaries on Furlough From Cuba Sunday School ....................................................................... 0:45 a.m. Morning Woluip ................................................................ 11:00 a.m. Christ'- kmbasaalors ............................................................... 6:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service ..................................................................... 7:00 p,m. NL ALUANOIE 0MUHOM Wmdinlton & J s. Eugene Breid, PaYor Sun samol .................................................................... 9:45 a.. Mora WorsMp ................................................................ 11:00 A. Y. F. ................................................................................ 6:30 p,m. Evening ,Service ............................... md-  W;¢in';:::::::Z .............................. 7:307:30 pro.Pro All bids must in writing, may delivered to the undersigned Execu- tor personally, may he delivered to the office of his attorney, R. Franklin Heuston, Angle Building, Shton, Washington, and may be flied in the office of the Clerk of the above en- titled Court, The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Said prop- erty will be sold for cash, or caBh mad credit and shall be subject o the rati- fication, confirmation and approval of the above entitled court. Dated this 18 day of Decemb. 1959. WILLIAM S. VAI, Executor of above entitled Eta FiLAltma, uhinn Attoru, Angle BId., elton, W . -$1-1f/ 3t TRUDE MORGAN HAYES. Deceased. Elizabeth A. Oyer. Executrix of said Estate, has flied with said Court her patronalesMsul00ortdur. flnai report and tltion for distrlbu- tion, asking the Court to settle said b I the past year, and to report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- [/ charge .id ,00ee.trtx ,d report mad New Year. petition will be heard on the $th day of JanuarY, 1960. at 10 A.M. in the Courtroom of,utd Court. in the Coun; MASON ...iM/inn'uTv ty ourthou at Shelton, Wllgton. DATED TH. th dy of December, STATIH00S ! %-' 118 North 2rid Street ] gleeS, 'ahnse te €oming .year. EVERGREEN TEXAO0 SERVI00 9:30 p.m. Refreshments and Fellowship 10:30 p.m. Film: "THE WAY OUT" 11:30 p,m. Candle Lighted Communion Service Sunday, Jmuaw 3 P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, JANUARY 3-- 9:30 a.m. Guest speaker, Phil Paulsrud MALE CHORUS 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "Something Worth While" , rl i i i ............... 0w0. Frail Ulrli-tRAN • • Fa00s • Family Features The Christian Scienca Monito¢ One Norway St., Boston 15, Mal. Send your mewspoper for ths time checked. Enclosed find my check 0€ money order. ] yeor $20 ['] 6 months $10 I-I 3 months $$ ff flSHEIINEN'S 00CLUB Good Readxng for the Whole Family