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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL mpublished in "Ghristmastown U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin Rebekahs Plan Potluck Supper : A. 6:30 potluck supper will pre- cede the next: regular meeting of theRuby Rebekah Lodge No. 75, Jan. 8, in the Odd Fellows Hall. All committees will complete their year's work with reports. The No- ble Grand-elect and Vice Grand- elect will be examined by the Dis- trict Deputy before the installa- tion Jan. 13. Members of the Odd Fellows and Ruby Rebekah Lodges held their annual joint Christmas party ]Dec. 18. Buford Rose was master of ceremonies for the program and introduced musical selections by Mr. Haven's class from the high school. Accordion numbers by five students of Johnny Halvor- sen also played during the pro- gram. Mrs. Leonard Cole accompanied a trio singing Christmas songs and Mis Dorothy Schwietering read a Christmas story. Santa Claus distributed gifts to tile children and adults present and refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Golfers' Dance New Year's Eve Only a very few tickets remain for the annual Shelton Bayshore Golf Club New Year,s Eve dance, reported Mrs. Don Dantels, chair- man of the affair. Theme for the dance has been chosen as "New Year's Eve in New York and Cen- tral Park." Committee for the dance include Mr. and Mrs. Don (Beanie) Dan- iels, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fredson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ashford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Travis, Mr. and Mrs. Ferald Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Weatherby and Dr. and Mrs. Ter- ry Orme. Any of the committee may be contacted for dance tick- ets. Jobies to Install S o c i a I E v e n t s New.222 oooo Society Editor • Beve Wells * Phone HA 6-4412 Repeat Vows In Episcopal Rites by Honored Queen-elect Clareda Bearden to the installation of of- ficers of Bethel No. 37, Order of Job's Daughters at 8 p.m., Satur- day, in the Mr. Moriah Masonic Temple. Elective officers to serve with her during the ensuing term are Marilyn Jones, senior princess; Babe Donaldson, junior princess; Robbi Getty, dde and Judy Ebby, marshal. Appointive officers are Gerri Lou Wilson, inner guard; Irene Emsley, outer guard; Cindy Jack- son, alternate; Lyta Andrews, li- brarian; Shirley Carlson, senior custodian; Sandy Struthers, jun- ior custodian; Judy Nicholson, re- corder; Kathy Mills, assistant re- corder, Jana Runnion, treasurer; Paula Harmon, chaplain; Cathy Archer, Patti Chase, Cindy Waite, Jeri Haskins, Sandy Jones, mes- sengers and Janet EMtwold, mu- sician. Senior officers will be Arlene Cheney, Gall Downing, Patty Sire. mons, Jantce Pierce, Wendy Brick- ert; curtesy officers, Karen Stern- quiet, Sherry Mitchell, Linda Watt, Robbie Getty, Linda Jackson, Judy Hedrick, Colleen McGuire and Learme Armstrong. Family Reunited For liolidays Christmas was especially joy- t'ul at the W. S. Valley home this year because it marked the first Lime in several years tJe entire family had been togetY, er. Mr. Valley's two sons, both first lieutenants in the U. S. Air Force, were able to take time off from their duties for visits home and his daughter and her fanmy, iVlr. and Mrs. Reinold Anderson, came up from Corvallis for the holiday weekend. Lt. Bill Valley and his wife, Barbara, arriving back in the U.S. after 3/ years divided between Tripoli and Zarazosa, Spain, drove from New York in their new foreign car without encountering snow at any time. They will be in Billings, Mont., for his next AlP assignment. Mrs. Valley, mother, Mrs. Marion Morrison, a teacher at Coupeville, also joined the Christmas gathering in Shelton. Lt. Jack Valley came home from his present assignment at Scott AFB, Illinois, across the Mississ- ippi from St. Louis. NAVY MOTHERS Mason County Navy Mothers Club will hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 7, in the Memorial Hall. Elliot! JOG Project Heart Consultant Bone|Sis Orthopedic BPW Club Guest At the recent meeting of the Miss Marjrie Morrill, consult- Carrie Eiliott Junior Orthopedic ant of the Washington State Heart Guild, Dee Arm Davidson was an- nounced as the winner of the Association was guest speaker at stuffed animal activity. She was the Dec. 16 dinner meeting of the awarded a large teddy bear. The Shelton-Mason County Business JOG will send $28.75 proceeds from and Professional Women's Club, the liroJect to the Seattle Chin in the home of Miss Mary Dobson. dren's Orthopedic Hospital. Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burtner of Tacoma, announced Christmas Day the engagement of their daughter, Carol, to Mr. Richard R. York, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard York of Phillips Lake. No date has been set for the ceremony. Meeting Postponed The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary will postpone their reg- ular meeting Friday until Friday, Jan. 15. The meeting will be held at 8 p.m., in the Memorial hall. AT HOME CHRISTMAS Mr. and Mrs. Bill McComb and their family arrived here from Arcata, Calif., to spend the Christmas holidays with his mo- ther, Mrs. Homer McComb, and brother, Jim McComb. He is with the Simpson Redwood Company. The next business meeting of the BPW will be held at 8 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 6, in the home of Mrs. Susie Pauley. MISS GAlL LOUISE SEIBEL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Selbel, became Mrs. Thomas Gordon Ellestad Dec. 20, In St. David's Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Ellestad will make their SUPER DUPER PARTY FOODS AT DOWN TO EARTH PRICES -- SHOP THRIFTWAY Prices Effective Dec. 29 - 30 - 31 Right to Limit Reserved | December 31 FLOYD GIB: Call Hoodsport TR. Our Hood Canai Representative Has done a spot of KIMREL MOTq Chrysler-Plymouth Ca International Trucks ' W e!l D ril!!,00 WELLS -- TEST I Bedell Drilling €o. LAWRENCE BEDELI- Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, 8helton MEATS FRESH FRYERS Cut-up Pan-ready Washington Grown and iProoessed FIESTA HAMS Carstan's Hygrade, Boneless - Fully Cooked, Whole or Half ALL NEW, HOMELITE 1-- DIRECT DRIVE C HAl N SAW • only 23 balanced ppundl (less bar and chain) • fells trees up to 7 feet in diameter • new -- all new -- design • guaranteed for 7 months Have a free demonstration todayl SAEGER home In Palo Alto, Calif. (Ziegler photo.) MOTOR SHOP Phone HA 6-4602 521 BeBIlevue The newly married Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Ellestad will be at home in Pale Alto, Calif., fol- lowing their honeymoon which in- cluded a ski trip, returning home for Christmas, the. maid of hon- or's wedding and a trip to the Rose Bowl game. The bride, the former Gail Louise Selbel, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les A. Seibel and Mr. Ellestad, son  of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ellestad Algona. The couple wore married Dec. 20 in St. David's Episcopal church. The single ring nuptial ceremony was read by Bishop Frank A. Rhea, in a chapel decorated with white polnsettas, white chrysan- themums, white stock and silvered greenery. Miss Evelyn Parke sang "Oh, Perfect Love" and "Ave Ma- ria" accompanied by Mrs. Charles R. Lewis at the organ. The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father. She chose a full length off-white gown of peas' de acute' fashioned with a ball skirt and trimmed with bead- ed p,earl Alencon lace circling the s c o o p neckline, elbow-length sleeves and skirt inset. Her waist- length off-white veil was caught by a pearl crown. A pearl bracelet a gift from the bridegroom, com- pleted her ensemble. Red roses With you we welcome 1960 and hope , we continue to merit your good will and valued patronage. All accounts Insured up to $10,000 by F. 8. & L. and I. C, THURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS& LOAN ASSOOIATION 5th and Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. OFFICERS-- Carlton I, Sears. President J. C. Minshull, Vice President V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Prem. Hazel Walmer, SecPetary-Treu. Eugene Dolan, ABeL Secy.-Tress, and white spider chrysanthemums were used in the cascading bridal bouquet carried on a prayer book borrowed from the bridegroom's sister. Miss Sharene Randell, Mercer Island, was maid of honor and Misses Jean Graham, Redwood City, Calif., Judith Graham, Aber- deen, Mrs. Theodore Stanfield, 19 c GROUND BEEF 3i'I POTATO CHIPS 59 cTRIPLEPACK FRESH LEAN SURPRISE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Archie Underwood were pleasantly surprised Christ- mas by the unexpected visit of their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Underwood, of Le- Grande, Ore. People traveling in England, near York, can tlll find the re- mains of a famous stone road planned and built by a blind man, Blind Jack of Knarresboro, almost 200 years ago. His story is one of many in a series of dramatic radio resentattons titled "Torchbear- ers" and released by the American Foundation for the Blihd in New York, CAKE MIX .-.°.* CHOCOLATE FUDGE, WHITE, YELLOW ......... MEAT SOUP CAMPBELL'S, 10-OUNCE TINS / .............. 29 c SPAM MEAT 3 HORMEL'S 12-OUNCE TINS NOW ........ 7,'Sl TINY SHRIMP 3/s PACIFIC PEARL, 4/-OUNCE TINS .............. COFFEE ,...,.,. .......... ,, 65' Fresh lqbql t- POTATOOHIPS '°* ""* Triple pa k 4111W qllF COFFEE '°""' 59' 2-Lb. $1.17 1-Lb. CRACKERS .,..0_,,.oo_ 33' ¢HEE SLICES":':: 19' Lawry,s - Garlic. Olive, Onion, Blue Cheese CHiPDIP MiX 2 .0. 39' DAIRY FOODS LAR6E AA EGGS :"::??-" .o,. DARIGOLD EGG NOG. .............. oo,., COTTAGE ¢HEBE .,:..'_:.'_.:..:_....ooc SWISS CHEESE :.=::::::' ................ .o, 39' Radishes, Gr. Onions COTTAGE CHEESE "?:?" "F 27' POTATOES -. S9 MED. SHARP , w,.o. CHEESE 6;::z$ Large size, Juicy WISCONSIN "''' ORANGE JUICE 5/95 c 6-OUNCE TINS FROZ .... Or J ice """'"' 37' ange u ,,oo_ Picnic Brand Lemonade ,.,.or,,o "0" 3/25'"" Lobster Tails ..%..oz. 89' o .ooo, racial Tissue SOFLIN SINGLE PLY 4 ROLL 1 Toilet Tissue ,,., SOFLIN 2-PLY 4 RoLLA Toilet Tissue ,,,-€ SOFLIN ASSORTED, 80 COUNT I Paper Napkins 47* 63' 53' PRODUCE AVOCADOES California, Medium Fuertes ea ,,59 c ---NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 4% PER ANNUM-.. DIRECTORS ARNOLD KOUToNEN HAZEL WALMER JOH-N S. LYNCH, JR. V. R. LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEAR VISIT SEATTLE Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper Journeyed to Seattle to spend Christmas with Mrs. Cropper's aunts, Mrs. Garrett Lauman and Mrs. William Chat2ield. They were Joined Christmas Eve by Mrs. Chatfleld's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flarity and C}ristmas Day by their son, Mr. "and Mrs. Fred Cropper. Candlelightcrs were Miss Sua- zane Hansel, Edmonds, and Mr. Norman Van Arsdate, Shelton. Mr. William M. Burnett, Berk- ely, Calif,, was best man and Messers. Morton Leicester, Seat- tle, Theodore Stanfietd, John Bag- inley, Hoquia:m, ushers. Mrs. Seibel chose a cocoa col- Ored silk-satin softly tailored shirt dress with matching accessories and corsage of red roses, white carnations and hyacinths, for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Ellestad, mother of the bridegroom, chose a blue lace dress and corsage of red roses, white carnations and hyacinths. Red roses, white poinsettas and h olly decorated the Colonial House for the reception following the wedding ceremony. A miniature bridal couple top- ped the white and silver four- tiered clover leaf wedding cake. Serving the appointments at the reception were Mrs. August Les- sard, Mrs. Leonard Pace, Mrs. Ed- ward Webber, of Seattle, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Jay Cole. For the wedding trip the new; Mrs. Ellestad changed to a Dior blue wool sheath with matching veil hat of blue velvet flowers and black coat. The bride was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school and the University of Washington where she is a member of Chi Omega sorority and past president of Pan- hellenic sorority. She is a mem- ber of the Panhellenic executive board, and ts teaching in the Jun- ior high school in Santa Clara, Calif. Mr. Ellestad was graduated from Auburn high school, the Uni- versity of Washington and Start- fetal University graduate school, He is affiliated with Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity and Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, Zeta Mu Tau, Pi Ormicron Sigma. He is em- ployed as an electronics engineer for General Electric Computer la- boratmT, Pale Alto. and gowned were sister of the bridegroom, Algona, style scoop sheaths bridesmaids, ill necklines. "red with velveteen short They They empire- carried sleeves were APPL JUlC 4/89 c HI. C DRINK 4/001 bouquets of white spider chrysan- TREE TOP - 32-OUNCE BOTTLE 4G-OUNCE TINS OF ORANGE DRINK themums. " ........ • ..... 18 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL mpublished in "Ghristmastown U.S.A. " Shelton, Washin Rebekahs Plan Potluck Supper : A. 6:30 potluck supper will pre- cede the next: regular meeting of theRuby Rebekah Lodge No. 75, Jan. 8, in the Odd Fellows Hall. All committees will complete their year's work with reports. The No- ble Grand-elect and Vice Grand- elect will be examined by the Dis- trict Deputy before the installa- tion Jan. 13. Members of the Odd Fellows and Ruby Rebekah Lodges held their annual joint Christmas party ]Dec. 18. Buford Rose was master of ceremonies for the program and introduced musical selections by Mr. Haven's class from the high school. Accordion numbers by five students of Johnny Halvor- sen also played during the pro- gram. Mrs. Leonard Cole accompanied a trio singing Christmas songs and Mis Dorothy Schwietering read a Christmas story. Santa Claus distributed gifts to tile children and adults present and refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Golfers' Dance New Year's Eve Only a very few tickets remain for the annual Shelton Bayshore Golf Club New Year,s Eve dance, reported Mrs. Don Dantels, chair- man of the affair. Theme for the dance has been chosen as "New Year's Eve in New York and Cen- tral Park." Committee for the dance include Mr. and Mrs. Don (Beanie) Dan- iels, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fredson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ashford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Travis, Mr. and Mrs. Ferald Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Weatherby and Dr. and Mrs. Ter- ry Orme. Any of the committee may be contacted for dance tick- ets. Jobies to Install S o c i a I E v e n t s New.222 oooo Society Editor • Beve Wells * Phone HA 6-4412 Repeat Vows In Episcopal Rites by Honored Queen-elect Clareda Bearden to the installation of of- ficers of Bethel No. 37, Order of Job's Daughters at 8 p.m., Satur- day, in the Mr. Moriah Masonic Temple. Elective officers to serve with her during the ensuing term are Marilyn Jones, senior princess; Babe Donaldson, junior princess; Robbi Getty, dde and Judy Ebby, marshal. Appointive officers are Gerri Lou Wilson, inner guard; Irene Emsley, outer guard; Cindy Jack- son, alternate; Lyta Andrews, li- brarian; Shirley Carlson, senior custodian; Sandy Struthers, jun- ior custodian; Judy Nicholson, re- corder; Kathy Mills, assistant re- corder, Jana Runnion, treasurer; Paula Harmon, chaplain; Cathy Archer, Patti Chase, Cindy Waite, Jeri Haskins, Sandy Jones, mes- sengers and Janet EMtwold, mu- sician. Senior officers will be Arlene Cheney, Gall Downing, Patty Sire. mons, Jantce Pierce, Wendy Brick- ert; curtesy officers, Karen Stern- quiet, Sherry Mitchell, Linda Watt, Robbie Getty, Linda Jackson, Judy Hedrick, Colleen McGuire and Learme Armstrong. Family Reunited For liolidays Christmas was especially joy- t'ul at the W. S. Valley home this year because it marked the first Lime in several years tJe entire family had been togetY, er. Mr. Valley's two sons, both first lieutenants in the U. S. Air Force, were able to take time off from their duties for visits home and his daughter and her fanmy, iVlr. and Mrs. Reinold Anderson, came up from Corvallis for the holiday weekend. Lt. Bill Valley and his wife, Barbara, arriving back in the U.S. after 3/ years divided between Tripoli and Zarazosa, Spain, drove from New York in their new foreign car without encountering snow at any time. They will be in Billings, Mont., for his next AlP assignment. Mrs. Valley, mother, Mrs. Marion Morrison, a teacher at Coupeville, also joined the Christmas gathering in Shelton. Lt. Jack Valley came home from his present assignment at Scott AFB, Illinois, across the Mississ- ippi from St. Louis. NAVY MOTHERS Mason County Navy Mothers Club will hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 7, in the Memorial Hall. Elliot! JOG Project Heart Consultant Bone|Sis Orthopedic BPW Club Guest At the recent meeting of the Miss Marjrie Morrill, consult- Carrie Eiliott Junior Orthopedic ant of the Washington State Heart Guild, Dee Arm Davidson was an- nounced as the winner of the Association was guest speaker at stuffed animal activity. She was the Dec. 16 dinner meeting of the awarded a large teddy bear. The Shelton-Mason County Business JOG will send $28.75 proceeds from and Professional Women's Club, the liroJect to the Seattle Chin in the home of Miss Mary Dobson. dren's Orthopedic Hospital. Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burtner of Tacoma, announced Christmas Day the engagement of their daughter, Carol, to Mr. Richard R. York, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard York of Phillips Lake. No date has been set for the ceremony. Meeting Postponed The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary will postpone their reg- ular meeting Friday until Friday, Jan. 15. The meeting will be held at 8 p.m., in the Memorial hall. AT HOME CHRISTMAS Mr. and Mrs. Bill McComb and their family arrived here from Arcata, Calif., to spend the Christmas holidays with his mo- ther, Mrs. Homer McComb, and brother, Jim McComb. He is with the Simpson Redwood Company. The next business meeting of the BPW will be held at 8 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 6, in the home of Mrs. Susie Pauley. MISS GAlL LOUISE SEIBEL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Selbel, became Mrs. Thomas Gordon Ellestad Dec. 20, In St. David's Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Ellestad will make their SUPER DUPER PARTY FOODS AT DOWN TO EARTH PRICES -- SHOP THRIFTWAY Prices Effective Dec. 29 - 30 - 31 Right to Limit Reserved | December 31 FLOYD GIB: Call Hoodsport TR. Our Hood Canai Representative Has done a spot of KIMREL MOTq Chrysler-Plymouth Ca International Trucks ' W e!l D ril!!,00 WELLS -- TEST I Bedell Drilling €o. LAWRENCE BEDELI- Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, 8helton MEATS FRESH FRYERS Cut-up Pan-ready Washington Grown and iProoessed FIESTA HAMS Carstan's Hygrade, Boneless - Fully Cooked, Whole or Half ALL NEW, HOMELITE 1-- DIRECT DRIVE C HAl N SAW • only 23 balanced ppundl (less bar and chain) • fells trees up to 7 feet in diameter • new -- all new -- design • guaranteed for 7 months Have a free demonstration todayl SAEGER home In Palo Alto, Calif. (Ziegler photo.) MOTOR SHOP Phone HA 6-4602 521 BeBIlevue The newly married Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon Ellestad will be at home in Pale Alto, Calif., fol- lowing their honeymoon which in- cluded a ski trip, returning home for Christmas, the. maid of hon- or's wedding and a trip to the Rose Bowl game. The bride, the former Gail Louise Selbel, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les A. Seibel and Mr. Ellestad, son  of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ellestad Algona. The couple wore married Dec. 20 in St. David's Episcopal church. The single ring nuptial ceremony was read by Bishop Frank A. Rhea, in a chapel decorated with white polnsettas, white chrysan- themums, white stock and silvered greenery. Miss Evelyn Parke sang "Oh, Perfect Love" and "Ave Ma- ria" accompanied by Mrs. Charles R. Lewis at the organ. The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father. She chose a full length off-white gown of peas' de acute' fashioned with a ball skirt and trimmed with bead- ed p,earl Alencon lace circling the s c o o p neckline, elbow-length sleeves and skirt inset. Her waist- length off-white veil was caught by a pearl crown. A pearl bracelet a gift from the bridegroom, com- pleted her ensemble. Red roses With you we welcome 1960 and hope , we continue to merit your good will and valued patronage. All accounts Insured up to $10,000 by F. 8. & L. and I. C, THURSTON OOUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS& LOAN ASSOOIATION 5th and Capitol Way, Olympia, Wash. OFFICERS-- Carlton I, Sears. President J. C. Minshull, Vice President V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Prem. Hazel Walmer, SecPetary-Treu. Eugene Dolan, ABeL Secy.-Tress, and white spider chrysanthemums were used in the cascading bridal bouquet carried on a prayer book borrowed from the bridegroom's sister. Miss Sharene Randell, Mercer Island, was maid of honor and Misses Jean Graham, Redwood City, Calif., Judith Graham, Aber- deen, Mrs. Theodore Stanfield, 19 c GROUND BEEF 3i'I POTATO CHIPS 59 cTRIPLEPACK FRESH LEAN SURPRISE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Archie Underwood were pleasantly surprised Christ- mas by the unexpected visit of their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Underwood, of Le- Grande, Ore. People traveling in England, near York, can tlll find the re- mains of a famous stone road planned and built by a blind man, Blind Jack of Knarresboro, almost 200 years ago. His story is one of many in a series of dramatic radio resentattons titled "Torchbear- ers" and released by the American Foundation for the Blihd in New York, CAKE MIX .-.°.* CHOCOLATE FUDGE, WHITE, YELLOW ......... MEAT SOUP CAMPBELL'S, 10-OUNCE TINS / .............. 29 c SPAM MEAT 3 HORMEL'S 12-OUNCE TINS NOW ........ 7,'Sl TINY SHRIMP 3/s PACIFIC PEARL, 4/-OUNCE TINS .............. COFFEE ,...,.,. .......... ,, 65' Fresh lqbql t- POTATOOHIPS '°* ""* Triple pa k 4111W qllF COFFEE '°""' 59' 2-Lb. $1.17 1-Lb. CRACKERS .,..0_,,.oo_ 33' ¢HEE SLICES":':: 19' Lawry,s - Garlic. Olive, Onion, Blue Cheese CHiPDIP MiX 2 .0. 39' DAIRY FOODS LAR6E AA EGGS :"::??-" .o,. DARIGOLD EGG NOG. .............. oo,., COTTAGE ¢HEBE .,:..'_:.'_.:..:_....ooc SWISS CHEESE :.=::::::' ................ .o, 39' Radishes, Gr. Onions COTTAGE CHEESE "?:?" "F 27' POTATOES -. S9 MED. SHARP , w,.o. CHEESE 6;::z$ Large size, Juicy WISCONSIN "''' ORANGE JUICE 5/95 c 6-OUNCE TINS FROZ .... Or J ice """'"' 37' ange u ,,oo_ Picnic Brand Lemonade ,.,.or,,o "0" 3/25'"" Lobster Tails ..%..oz. 89' o .ooo, racial Tissue SOFLIN SINGLE PLY 4 ROLL 1 Toilet Tissue ,,., SOFLIN 2-PLY 4 RoLLA Toilet Tissue ,,,-€ SOFLIN ASSORTED, 80 COUNT I Paper Napkins 47* 63' 53' PRODUCE AVOCADOES California, Medium Fuertes ea ,,59 c ---NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 4% PER ANNUM-.. DIRECTORS ARNOLD KOUToNEN HAZEL WALMER JOH-N S. LYNCH, JR. V. R. LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHULL CARLTON I. SEAR VISIT SEATTLE Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper Journeyed to Seattle to spend Christmas with Mrs. Cropper's aunts, Mrs. Garrett Lauman and Mrs. William Chat2ield. They were Joined Christmas Eve by Mrs. Chatfleld's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flarity and C}ristmas Day by their son, Mr. "and Mrs. Fred Cropper. Candlelightcrs were Miss Sua- zane Hansel, Edmonds, and Mr. Norman Van Arsdate, Shelton. Mr. William M. Burnett, Berk- ely, Calif,, was best man and Messers. Morton Leicester, Seat- tle, Theodore Stanfietd, John Bag- inley, Hoquia:m, ushers. Mrs. Seibel chose a cocoa col- Ored silk-satin softly tailored shirt dress with matching accessories and corsage of red roses, white carnations and hyacinths, for her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Ellestad, mother of the bridegroom, chose a blue lace dress and corsage of red roses, white carnations and hyacinths. Red roses, white poinsettas and holly decorated the Colonial House for the reception following the wedding ceremony. A miniature bridal couple top- ped the white and silver four- tiered clover leaf wedding cake. Serving the appointments at the reception were Mrs. August Les- sard, Mrs. Leonard Pace, Mrs. Ed- ward Webber, of Seattle, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Jay Cole. For the wedding trip the new; Mrs. Ellestad changed to a Dior blue wool sheath with matching veil hat of blue velvet flowers and black coat. The bride was graduated from Irene S. Reed high school and the University of Washington where she is a member of Chi Omega sorority and past president of Pan- hellenic sorority. She is a mem- ber of the Panhellenic executive board, and ts teaching in the Jun- ior high school in Santa Clara, Calif. Mr. Ellestad was graduated from Auburn high school, the Uni- versity of Washington and Start- fetal University graduate school, He is affiliated with Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity and Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, Zeta Mu Tau, Pi Ormicron Sigma. He is em- ployed as an electronics engineer for General Electric Computer la- boratmT, Pale Alto. and gowned were sister of the bridegroom, Algona, style scoop sheaths bridesmaids, ill necklines. "red with velveteen short They They empire- carried sleeves were APPL JUlC 4/89 c HI. C DRINK 4/001 bouquets of white spider chrysan- TREE TOP - 32-OUNCE BOTTLE 4G-OUNCE TINS OF ORANGE DRINK themums. " ........ • .....