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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ PAGE 6 $HELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chrtstma fown, U.£.A.", Shdton. Washington ,m Thursday, December 31, Jehovah's Witnesses Attend Convention A group of Shelton resident:s retunled home after having spent ~t three-day week end in Bremer- ton. They were delegates to the convention held by Jehovah's Wit- nesses in the Coontz School aud- itorium wllere a peak attendance of 1,268 heard a program based on the theme, "Speak the Word of God with Boldness." John Gill, Shelton presiding min- ister fnr the Witnesse, s, touched on some of the highlights of the assembly. He reported that by the time Chairman Lester M. Dugan offieially opened the convention on Friday evening, 1,026 delegates had gathered. Demonstrations, talks and a model ministry school filled the evening'. Saturday morn- ing was occupied in calling on people in Bremerton and inviting them to tile sessions. Afternoon brought the baptism program with 16 new ministers symbolizing their dedication to God by water immersion. Saturday ev'ening's program continued to carry the theme of 'imldness in tile ministry' climax- ing tile day with a color film produced by tile Watch Tower So- ciety entitled, "Proclaiming 'Ever- lasting Good News' Around the World." After an early morning session on Sunday, the delegates filled the next few hours calling on the homes in Bremerton with their brief Bible sermons. Then at 3:00 p.m. came the much publicized dis- course, "Our Divided World--Is Is Here To Stay?" In the event of an attack by an ill-tempered grizzly, you can eseape by climbing a tree. Un- like the black bear, the adult grizzly is not a climber. JUNIOR LEAGUE W L He|nbroff Agency ........ 31 17 Beckwith Jeweh'y ........ 29 19 The Hut ........................ 26 22 Joslin Insurance ............ 20 28 Eagles Aerie ................ 191~ 281,~ Merv's Tlrecap ............ 18J/229!~ High games ..... Peg Bloomfield 156, Rocky Robinson 226 High series .... Sonja Ahlquist 405, Rocky Robinson 584 Joslin 3 (Rocky Robinson 584), Eagles 1 (Rob Mills 514); Hem- broff 3 (Bill Tobler 515), Beck- with 1 (Toni ? 454); Merv's 2 (Don Donaldson 565), The Hut 2 (Chuck Tompson 491). HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE (final 1st half) W L *Shelton Union Service 3525 B & W Marina ............. 35 25 Bali's Food Center .... 32~ 27% Ronnie's ........................ 29 ~,fi 301/~ Shelton Marine ........ 29% 301~ Hood Canal Marina .... 27 33 Dean's Gun Shop ........ 26 34 Moll Chevrolet ............ 25V2 34J& High game--Stella Howard 181 High series -- Stella Howard 496 * won roll-off Shelton Marine 4 (Annette Me- Gee 440). Ball's 0 (LoisBeckman 417) ; Union Service 3 (atolls Howard 496), B & W.1 (Edith Walter 443); Dean's 3 (Ellen Rob- man 451), Canal Marina 1 (Tillie Sherman 448); Moll 3 (Pat Nor- een 437l, Ronnie's 1 (Jen Trat- nick 462). MJL & MRS. LEAGUE W L Stock's Grapeview .......... 36 24 *Griffey Construction .... 33 23 *Sharer's Diggers .......... 30~A 25'/,,. J & J Service .................. 31 29 Eacrett Lumber. ............. 30]/,~ 291~ Thurston Co. S&L .......... 28 32 Donn Marsh Realty ...... 27~5 32% Allyn Shell Service ........ 19~/~ 40]~ High games- Shirley Engen 180, Chuck Thompson 212. High series--Cleo Hulet 456, Bill Staudt 564. Split picks---Bill Staudt and Ruth Etherton each 3-7-10, Chuck Thompson 6-7-10, Joe En- gen 6-~. * Match postponed due to wea- ther. Stock's 4 (Joe Engen 547), Allyn Shell 0 (Judy Hicks 499); (Chuck Thompson 549), Marsh I (Bill Staudt 564); S&L 2 (Fred Rupe 410), Eacrett 2 (Eldon Todd 511). 1 on floor models and demonstrator Zig-Zags First nmnthly payment in February 6RDER, NOW Zig Zag Machine from ..................... $99.95 Sewing Machines from .................... $59.95 Vacuum Cleaners from ..................... $24.95 Polishers & Igug Shampooers from .................... $24.95 Typewriters from .................... $49.95 Shirt Pocket Radios fronl .................... $1.4.95 Phonographs from .................... $24.77 Christmas Record Albums etc. from ............ $ 1.00 The Singer Go. 117 5th Avenue East Olympia, Wash. 357-7586 i ii ,11 It I I ,.i --WEATHER--- High Low PreQip. Dec. 22 ...... 38 34 1.51 1',', snow Dec. 23 ...... 39 32 .36 1 snow Dec. 24 ...... 36 33 .20 ~" snow Dec. 25 ...... 36 30 .27 Dec. 26 ...... 47 3.t 1.01 Dec. 27 ...... 40 31 .05 ,, Dec. 28 ...... 36 31 .28 :N snow i I/ets I gorner AMEllICAN LEGION Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amer- ican Legion held its final meet- ing for 1964 Dec. 15, at. the Mem- orial Hall. A large turnout along with the Auxiliary made the an- nual Christmas party a success. A short business meeting preceed- tn~ the party was held. Dr. R. W. Norvold reported that the school boy patrol was in need of flags and recommended that the post purchase some along with a prize for all boys who serve as a patrohnan. Commander Delbert Weston took this opportunity to thank the many officers who have worked very hard with no fan- fare in accomplishing the Post's many projects. Weston specifical- ly noted the "retirement" of Mel Dobson as Post Adjutant. All members present joined the Com- mander in commending Mel for hid work. Commander Weston will appoint a new adjutant at the first meeting in January. This Post has again reached its membership goal. Post 31 is one of the first in the state of Wash- ington every year to accomplish this. Congratulations have been received from Department Head- quarters for its outstanding rec- ord. The doo," prize, whic)] has been held over for several weeks, was won by Babe Munson. The Board of Directors of Thurs- ton County Federal Savings & Loan Association have declared a regular quarterly dividend at 4¼ % per ,annum, payable l)ecember 31, 1964. In accordance with customary i)ractices, this dividend will be credit- ed to members' accounts. IAVINQI & u-OAN A|IO¢IATIOll O LVM P I AI LACEY r SHELTON Home 0ffloO ~r Dr&nob ~ are.nob LANNY SLATER and THE TRIUMPHS COHE TO OUR FLASHERS -- HATS --- NOISEMAKERS 9:30 to 3:00 A.M. Open 8:30 REGULAR SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE ON JANUARY 2nd 9:30 to 2:00 Ope l 8:30 HEAD MEN---President John Pill (left) and vice- president El@on Kahny (center) were inducted into their 1965 responsibilities as top executives of the Shelton Kiwanis Club last week by District Gov- ernor Ed Hiester of Bremerton. Other Kiwanis officers for 1965 include Torger Lee, secretary- treasurer; and directors Cash Bridger, Dave Harris, Bud Knutzen, Nolan Mason, Ivan Myers, Bob Quiggle, and Jim Taylor. On The Old Olympia-Tacoma Highway i i ii i I I " CRAGMONT ;rage Canned Milk Wrapped .or,od Bulk Candy ,b: 89¢ ,, .on *ore Ripe Pitted Olives T° SKYLARK @ LUNCH Triple Box Pack Try some wHh Swiss Cheese--- Our Special. Price ] ~-OZ. Loaf S~le ~ta,¢~ 9 A.M. Ivtond*y, Ooc. 28th • )hrough Saturday, January 2nd, We resarvo the r}ght to limit quentltles. No sales ~o dealors. 8-0Z. ~,~ q.00 tucnrne---Assortment to choose ~'rom =,on,no2 ' .... 29 Cream Cheese B .... SI. = =.,i DutchMili, Plmon|n ~ |-oz. $1 /~ Ilcen cheese rh = ".vv Lucerne Egg Nag "d2 nn99¢CortenqUart .#~0¢ Onion Soup Mix L,,tnn Sea Trader King Crab Snack Crackers "" Beknr NBC Ritz Crackers Apple Cider ,.w,... ,,.,."0"" Popco ,.wn rn Yellow or Whim Zippy Dills who,.Ko, ., °' Instant Creamer 39¢ 89 ¢o. '-*. 29¢ Pkg. ,, .... 39c Pkg. "." 49 Gallon 25¢ Pkg. SKYLARK For the busy shop- ping d a y s "- Have Pkg. Hamburgers tonight of 8 C ---ICE Snow Star---Vanilla Chocolate - Strawberry .... No non opoiitan, Etc. GolI~ Bel-oir Cheese Pl==a Bel-air Sauage P~zza Bei-air Pepperoni Pizza CREAM -- ''" 69c PkR. 79c Alka Seltzer =,,,,.o= 39 J,ttrn Micrin Oral Antiseptic .... 77= "T; 59¢ Crest Tooth Paste /4 Sl ",. 25= , .... 39~ Brillo Soap Pads ., ,o Jw Sa~eway's ~ place ~o buy... BUMBLE BEE ~V2-oz. Cans Maxwell Can 1.49 1 -lb. Curt @ Orange, Grape 4 Apple, Fruit 46-0z. Punch, Orange Pineapple Cans a eway's place io buy... USDA Choice Blade Cut Fresh Ground Beef Fresh Ground Round No. 1, Our very best quality' Lb. C Fancy Southern Yams 3,bs.49' Crisp Select Celery Orange Juice 49' Sunny fresh served for breakfast. l Clean, Washed, ecoaomTcal for large families Large Sunkist Lemons 6 for 29¢ Large Fresh Limes 6 for 29' -lb. Bag C Fancy Large Prunes 2,0 69' Lemon Juice Roalcmon; Reconstituted Soup ..,.R Cood.o.~ 3 "°' 35t Tomato Soup Cans 7 ".... C White King Soap ,h, 12.0z. Purex Bleach "°" 41 Gallon Bottle Yuban Coffee Can Hair Tonic ¢ovrhoir (plustox! Btl. Hair Dressing vo, "/" 00 Plus Tax Bottle , Coffee .o.s, 10 .... sis, Instant iar Instant Sanka ' .... Sl" Jar Fishers Flour ,0.1~.,I. Elbo Macaroni Qualify Brand 3rib. l~G~ Pkg. ,J1 MIB White Rice Long Grain Whlto 42-oz. Pkg. 63¢ Beef Chuck Steak full cut USDA Choice lb. U.S.D.A. Choice Blade or Seven Bone Cut lb. USDA Choice Beef lb. 'S 10-14 Ibs. lb. --T Manor House or Lyndee USDA Grade A and Inspected 16 to 24 POUNDS C lb. Swifts Smoked Hams CoB. ,, ,o i, Who[~ or Shank Hal( Lb."~l Armours Star Boneless Ham 79¢ Safeway Sliced Bacon us .0., 59¢ Fancy ~rade u.. Armours Canned Picnic s1.69 Safeway Link Sausage ' 59¢ Hygrade Liver Chubs Fresh Medium Oysters Cap,a,n,Chol,e .... 55¢ Captolns Choice 2.15. • $219 Breaded Shrimp Fresh Froten ,k,. Soff.weve Tissue Cur Rife Wax Paper Cut RAte Sandwich Bag wo..o~s Deodoranf o,o,.~i. Furniture Polish ,,.Re 2 Roll ,k~ 29C 12S F! ,0.' 29c Fkq. ., ,s 23c ¢o. 49c 14.el, $129 BtI. Floor Wax aoh.,..,Gioss we,Hare 27C0. .... 79¢ Floor Polish 'o~.,..'.~,..r "=°. .... Sl~ Insfunt Coffee "..,.' '1" LYSOL BLUE BELL Potato Chips 7"OZ. Con Four Peck 6o~ 14-OZ. Pkg.