December 31, 1964 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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December 31, 1964 |
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PAGE 10 EELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAE-- Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington
Thursday, December
It doesn't pay to leave bad
enough alone--come to us
• .¢ OmVER iS A .uR y I{
-to GET pA~l~ FRom A PLACE i l By Betty Dean
provement Club will meet Tues-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Community
Hall. Members are urged to attend
and anyone interested in joining
is welcome to attend. The club's
main project now is the clearing
of the land they own near 5th St.,
where they will have a park, and
ground for everyone to use. The
snow is slowing down the land
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Eby are hap-
py to have their son Jerry home
v¢ith them on a 45-day leave from
the army. He has been stationed
in Korea. Their daughter Judy
is home for the holidays from the
University of Washington where
she is a student.
Other happy parents were Mr.
for the very BEST in service,
gasoline and oil sales,
Christmas dinner guests at Mr.
and Mrs. Eddie Metzlers were Mr.
and Mrs. Don Stacy and family of
Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Balsiger of Everett.
Union boys Gary Cowan and
Seth Coles were in'an automobile
KAMILCHE -- The largest fa-
mily gathering that came to our
attention in the past week was
the Christmas dinner at the Ches-
ter Marshall home where 35 guests
gathered from Seattle, Bremerton
and Shelton. Coming from Seattle
was Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stew-
art, from Bremerton was Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Adair and two child.
ren; from Shelton was Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Foster, Mrs. Mabel
Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Marshall and five children, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Whitener and three
children; Mr. and Mrs. Antone
Ellison and three children. Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Whitener and
daughter of Tacoma stopped in
later in the day.
Twenty-six guests enjoyed
Christmas dinner at the Edwin
Petty home. Coming from Seattle
were Don and Mary Newman;
from Olympia. wer~ Jess and Nell
Jordan and daughter Dianne of
Olympia; from Arcadia Road wer~
Roy and June Petty; from Lower
Skok0mish were Robert and Wil-
ma Petty and two children; front
Kamflche valley were Oliver and
Pat Petty and children, and from
Hillcrest, J. B. and Florence
Stephens; and from Graham, Fred
and Marian Burton and two sons.
On Christmas eve, drop-in
guests at the Edwin Petty home
were the Jack Pearce family of
Pt. Angeles and Glenn Walker and
family of Olympia; and Saturday~
evening callers were John and
Margie Aiken and two sons of
Salem, Ore.
Sunday Mr. and :Mrs. Harry
Fletcher drove to the Louis Dan-
iel home in Aubrn. Irvin Fletcher
visited a few days at his grand-
parents home also.
The Harry Fletcher family and
their daughter and family, the
Oene White's of Shelton, had
Christmas dinner at the home of
Mrs. Myrtle Roberson in Olympia.
Mr. and Mrs. John Aiken and
two sons of Salem, Ore., called
at the Martin Otto home one day
last week.
A WEDDING of interest to
friends in the local area occurred
Dec. 10 in Belfair when Howard
Pershall was united in marriage
with Carolyn Johnson of Stocktofi~
Calif. Mr. Pershall is continuing
his business of buying and selling
house trailers.
Two young men in the armed
forces home for the holidays were
Denney Wagner from Fairchild
Air Force base and Toby Villines
from Fort Ord, Calif.
and Mrs. Axel Johnson who had
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Avery and children
Shannon and Carl with them. They
occident near Shelton last Wed.
~n:esday. Fortunately they were
only bruised and shaken up a bit.
M. C. Stark was also in an aeci-
(~ent due to the ice on the road.
Mabel Ball had an unfortunate
accident on Christmas day. She
slipped on her sidewalk and fell
hitting her head. Mr. Ball rushed
her: to the hospital where the doc-
tor stitched the cut on her head.
Badly shaken 'and bruised she re-
turned home to spend the rest of
the day in bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morris had
are from Hoopa, Calif.
The Union Ladies' Civic Club
had to cancel its Children's Christ-
mas pari.y Dec. 18 because of the
snow. They held it the following
Tuesday and in spite of the snow
50 boys and girls turned out to
receive their sack of candy from
Santa Claus. The ladies would lik~
to thank :Mr. and Mrs. Ball of
Ball's Grocery who donated the
candy. Entertainment was by Ca-
Bey Dean, Bill Timm and Larry
Allen who sang a couple songs.
The audience sang Christmas car-
ols with Nancy Vrahnos at the
piano. After the singing to the
delight of all the children in came
Santa Claus (Axel Johnson).
Jennie Olson from Seattle is
spending the holidays with her
daughter, Bernice O'Berry.
SUE LEWIS spent the holidays
with relatives in Seattle.
Bette Cowart spent a week with
her father in Cathlamet.
9:30 p.m. - 2 a.m.--Music by Tune Toppers
Hats -- Noisemakers -- Fun-Fun-Fun
Mr. and Mrs. Ken ~Vhitaker and
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Morris in for
Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walter!
had their family in for a Christ-
mas breakfast. Coming from Bre-
merton were the Charles Craw-
fords and son ft'om Spanaway
came Roy Stanfill and family, the
Dave Kimball's from Shelton with
their family. From Union were
the Dick Allen family and the
Rollie Walter with their daughter.
After breakfast they exchanged
gifts. After the Rollie Walter's
exchanged gifts with his family
they motored to Olympia to have
Christmas dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Degler and family.
Christmas dinner gnests of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Pearce were Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Pearce and girls of Shel-
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean.
Twenty-six gathered at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Allen
on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Allen and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Dean and family, :Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Allen and family,
Ronnie and Bonnie Allen, all of
Union. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allen
and family of Port Townsend. Ex-
changing gifts and a turkey din-
ner were the highlights of the
When fighting a leaping fish, it
is preferrable to keep a slack
Hne with a flyrod. The fly is too
light to be easily shaken loose.
When spinning or casting, how-
ever, keep a moderately tight line.
Now, more than ever, it pays to do allyour bankingat;
Seattle.First National Bank. Here's why:
,JIEW HIGH INTEREST RATE ON REGULAR SAVINGS or more, and are automa celly renewabIe for
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AvailaNe at all Seafirst offices, these new one kind of bank that offers all kinds ofbanko
tiflcat wheia held for 180 days ing servlce ,
'0 irst National Bank
"gs HighJight
There was a happy gathering
at the Orville Taylor home Christ-
mas day wlten h'~r. and Mrs. R(~y
Taylor and Mark and Bert of Shcl-
tort, and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mc-
Monagle and son Bart of Seattle
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kappas
of Bremerton and Mr. and Mrs.
David Pierce of Port Angeles were
dinner guestls. M['. and Mrs. Bruce
i Mmtr()e of Seattle called in the
i evening.
~,.Sl)~.m(ling tile Chrislnms holiday
~c trzeir Kantilche t)oint home's
were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tayhn' and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Taylor
In a consolidation of regional
staff functions, Rayonier's North-
west public relations offices will
be transferred from Seattle to the
company's office in Hoquiam ef-
fective Jan. 4. Involved in the
transfer are J. D. Gregoire, North-
west public relations representa-
tive for Rayonier, and his assis-
tant, R. L. Crandall. They will
continue to direct the company's
Northwest public affairs and com-
munity relations activities from
A 1953 graduate of the Univer-
sity of Portland, Gregoire joined
By Joa~n Tupper
and Mrs. Ralph Springer and fa-
mily motored to Hillisboro, Ore.,
to spend the Christmas holidays
at the home of Mrs. Springer's
brother, Lowell Cook, and family.
Also, accompanying the Springers
were Mr. and Mrs. Kenny How-
ard and family of :Matlock and
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Mon-
tesano. They all returned home
last Sunday.
Spending the holidays at theI
home of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit
were their two daughters and
families, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve I~rn-
broke of Medford, Ore., and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Ward of Brem-
Christmas Day dinner was en-
joyed by Mr. and Mrs. John Pat-
ten and children, and :Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd A~nstrong of Shelton
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roe
Sunday dinner gamsts at the
Franklin home was Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Lankton and son of Kent.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson en-
joyed dinner last Friday at the
home of their daughter and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parkcr of
Holiday guests at the home of
Mrl and Mrs. Clifford Ford were
Mr. and :Mrs. Leroy Booths and
children of South Bend, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Booths and children
of Seattle and grandson Steve
Crapo, who was home from Cen-
tralia College.
Christmas dinner was enjoyed
by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hickson
and children at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Hickson of Day-
Hansen accompanied by Mrs. Ed-
ith Profitt and Mrs. Adelaide Dur-
bin motored to Seattle to the home
of :l~rs. Donna Watson where they
all enjoyed a Christmas dinner.
Saturday the Hansens visited at
the horse of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
PapwOrth of Issaquah.
Christmas dinner at the home
of N[r. and Mrs. Ray Peterman
of Westport was enjoyed by Mr.
and Mrs. Hector Barbour.
Saturday the Barbours attended
the Wedding of Miss Miriam Peter-
man and Leroy Silva of Aberdeen
at the St. Mary's Catholic church.
A reception followed at the Wish-
kah Grange Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle and
family enjoyed dinner last Friday
at the home of Mrs. Diggle's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valley of
Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Cooper had dinner at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McClanahan
of Shelton.
Due to the snow conditions and
being on Call for surgery Mrs.
Cooper spent a few days at the
Theresa Hall Dormitory in Olym-
pia, which is connected with St.
Peters Hospital.
Miss Betty Kelley was home
for a few days last week, but had
to return to work at St. Joseph
Hospital on Christmas Day. Tak-
ing ner back Were her parents, Mr.
and :Mrs. Archie Kelley. While
in Aberdeen the Kelleys visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Leggett and Mr. and Mrs.
Charley DeBrec of Elma.
SUNDAY, THE Kelleys were
visited bY Albert Kuhnle of Gris-
dale and :Mrs. Hazel McCullum
of Seattle. They received a long-
distance telephone call from their
son, David Kelley from New York.
Dave will be home on furlough
some time in January.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reeve had
as guests for Christmas dinner
~rs. Reeve's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Heilala of Astoria, Ore.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clancy and
children of Olympia.
The Tuppers had as Friday din-
guests Mr. and Mrs. Dan
A.dsero and children of the Lake.
John Tupper was home for, the
* g: *
the company in 1955 after com-
pletion of graduate studies at the
Harvard Graduate School of Bus-
iness. He was first assigned to the
firm's Industrial Relations Div-
ision in Hoquiam and assumed his
present duties in Seattle in 1959.
Crandall joined the cellulose
producing firm's Seattle office in
1946 after army service in World
War IL Prior to the war he at-
tended the University of Wash-
ington and worked on community
i newspal~rs in the Seattle area.
He has been on the public rela-
tions staff since 1958.
holidays from college at Central-
Visiting :Mr. and Mrs. Lee Daw-
son over the Christ'mas holidays
was their son, Ralph Pigg of Se-
Last Friday the Dawsons and
:Mr. Pigg visited at the home of
:Mr. and )/It's. Charles Van Epps
of Shelton. Later that evening
they enjoyed visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Don Smith of Shelton. Also, they
were happy to see Mrs. Florence
Smith and her mother. Mrs. Flo-
rence Leonard, both of Tumwater.
son and son, Eddie and Mike Bra¢-
kert of Shelton shopped in Olym-
:Mr. and Mrs. Ken Branson had
as Christmas Day dinner guests
:Mr. and :Mrs. Ken Branson, Jr., of
Shelton, l~r. and :Mrs. Warren
Erickson of Kent and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hawkins of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and
daughter, Susan returned home
after spending a couple of weeks
at the home of Mrs. Tupper's mo-
ther, N[rs. Mary Chrimnan of
Sonth San Gabriel, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. James Swarthout,
who reside at the Resort, were
presented with a 7 lb. baby boy,
Timothy Allan, Dec. 15 at Shel-
ton General Hospital
1964 is about to go out, and the
• gl
At Kam icL
and family and Murray Taylor
aud sons.
"Wednesday evening c;dlcrs at
ll~]l ()rville Taylor home wcre :Mr.
; Mrs. Carr¢')ll Mercer and three
children of Poulsbo.
Guests at the Edwin Taylor
hozne Chrishnas day and for diu-
ner were Mr. an(l Mrs. Gene Tay-
lor. They spent Christmas Eve
at the Justin Taylor home.
Calling at tile Eugene Taylor
home on Christmas day were "Mr,
and Mrs. l~urt.on of Tacoma and
Fh)rence Stevens of Shelton.
COMING 1,'R()M Oklahoma for
Christmas was Clyde Blevins
who came to see his sister, Mrs.
Ben Coker whom he had not seen
for 13 years.
The Mere Lamberts gttended a
reunion of tire, Lee faniily at the
home of Lawrenee, and Pat Lee ~"
Christmas Day. !~
Enjoying Christmas day at the ~m
Howard Fuller home were the
Frank Wokajance family, the Ro-
bert Brewer family and the Jim
Hunter family, m.
Saturday the Howard Fullers
called at the homes of Mrs. John
Fuller and Mrs. :Marjorie Fuller
in McCleary.
Spending part of the week at
the Blackwelder home last week
were the W. H. :McFie family of
Twisp. :Mr. and Mrs. S. L. :McFie
of Oakville was also a guest for
Christmas dinner.
Sunday evening guests at the
Cecil Blackwelder home were the
Harry Simmons', the Eldon Todd's
and the h'a Stansbury's.
Cindy and Gary Corey of Se-
e.ttle are spending Christmas va-
cation at the Russell Clary home.
Donald Clary celebrated his 18th
birthday Christmas Eve at the
Russell ClarY home when :Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Clary Sr. of Shelton
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd George
of Shelton, and :Mr. and Mrs.:
Wayne Clary and children of Ka-i
milche came to extend good wish-i
Rev. and Mrs. John Moore of
Fresno, Calif., are visiting for two
weeks at the David Whitener
and Robert Whitener homes.
The Wesley Whitener
and the Robert Whitener family
were guests for Christmas dinner
at the David Whitener home in
Shelton on Friday.
A Happy New Year to all!
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