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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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December 31, 1964 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in etChrishna, town, U.g.A.", ghdton, Washington PACE 11 i "m II i i il i Families Enj, Christmas Friends And Rdafives By Dor~L Ilearlng MATLOCK .... A hapt)y and 3erous New Year to all. I to thank all the good neigh- for their part ill contribut- items for this vicinity during past year. Your com'espondent and her Elvin Hearing, wishes thank the many friends for lovely anniversary party De-~ 20. Also th'mks to lhe guests who attended from and near in spite of our had gild a foot of snow. A no-host breakfast was held t the Mary M. Knight cafeteria it the teachers oi: Mary M. Knight Dec. 23. They enjoyed a party and exchange of 1fiR. AND MILS. MAX CASII. Christmas dinner guests of son and family, the Earl of Everett. There they met Cash's brother, George, who from Minnesota and now l a guest at the Max Cash home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer and spent Christmas in Olympia the former's brother and l~Ir. and Mrs. Harold Clift were Eve and Christmas din- of )cir. and Mrs. Elvln lg. Miss Zellman Cowan arm friend Christmas dinner g~msts of Stephen Brown family. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl spent Christmas Eve and Day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Portman of Shelton. lYl~. AND MRS: S,a~l Diggle family spent Christmas with Edward Valley family. l~r. and q~Irs. Edward Valley on the Rodger Spalding fa- ally Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Rossmaier and daughters, and :Mrs. Carl Goodburn and and Mr. and Mrs. Larry all of Shelton, and and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier and spent Christmas Eve with folks, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Christmas dinner of the Lad Rossmaiers were Arthur Sharp family, Mrs. Sharp and Mr. and Mrs. Rossmaier and family of the Carl Goodburn fa- of Shelton. ~ait. AND MRS. R. E. Brad- try spent Christmas Eve at the )bert TuYner home in Shelton. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. Ld Mrs. R. E. Bradberry were t'. and Mrs. WeB Goodbllrn and mily of Shelton. hit. and Mrs. Roy Martin of Ins Were Christmas dinner tests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ~lin. Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of .~tJ~Lle mloent, the Weekend at tile el'bert Heltn home. ~ervicemen who are home are ~Ul Rossmaier from San. Diego, ao has his discharge, and Ger- :1 Creamer from Spokane an(] ~nny Walker from Fort Gordon ~r. and Mrs. I. C. Fm'd and Et I~e land Wade Boothe spen~ Iristmas night with the Herbert 'ehmeyer Jr., family. TttOSE WIIO enjoyed Christ- ~s dinner at the Earl Walker mae were Mr. and Mrs. Don lib family, Mr. and Mrs. Gene tlam and family and Mrs. Eli ~adshaw, all of Tacoma, and iss Virginia Hollatz, and :Mrs:. radslmw remained to spend thm ~-ek with her daughter and fam- The LeRoy Boothe family of 1 Bend, the Herbert Breh- r Jr. family and Mr. Gross, Mrs. J. R. Singleton were eve dinner guests of and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Dave Wade Boothe remained to spend the week with their grand- parents. Henry Mayer spent Christmas ,witll ,his sister, ]~{rs, Clarence Barker of Shelton. Mr. and M rs. }terbert Brehmey- cr St. anc~ sons Mike and Brian were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I'aul Johnston of Elma. Miss Bernice Swigart of Olym- pia enjoyed Christmas dinner with the Gene Brown family. Those who enjoyed Christmas dinner with the Andrew McGar- vic family were \Varren gland and Rolly ]ih'c.elander of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie. ......................... Southside School Ohristmas P 'ogram Held Last Week By Mrs. Ray Kr,~tt, lu$ SOUTHSIDE --- In spite of the weather the Southside school Christmas party was held last Monday evening and had a goc-' turnout. There will be no PTO meeting at Southside for the month of Jammry. Mrs. Ors Cool of Cole Road and Mrs. Keith Hurst of Arcadia gave the fifth grade room moth.. ers of the Southside School a lon- cheon Dec. 23, hot dogs, baked )beans, salad and potato chips were served and also celebrated the birthdays of Kenny Bare, Craig Bartekman and Shirley Cool. Cupcakes and ice cream were served for desert for the birthday luncheon. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Senn and family of Cole Road last Tuesday evening sharing cake and celebrating the twins', Mary Jo and Barbara Senn's birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wright. Guests spending Christmas Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vie Auseth and family were Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Hovind and family and Alice Hovind. Mrs. Ors Cool, Shirley and Deb- bie of Cole Road Christmas Eve went caroling in their neighbor- hood on Cole Road. CHRISTMAS EVE guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck, were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Holloway, Mr. and :Mrs. Buster Holloway and Ernest Stuck. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha last Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Loerts- cher Jr. of Cloquallum. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck were Christmas Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stuck. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S£hck'. ~aturday for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Halbert and son of Seattle. Guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janice Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kr~'~tcha, Linda and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Perrine and Leah of Aberdeen, John Kratcha and Dolly Clark of Bremerton. Stopping at the Ray Kratcha'S last Tuesday were Orpha and Charles Botts. "He was the third student in line and he graduated Magna Cure • Laudel" this young man's parents proudly announced to kin. folk by Long Distance. How about you? Have you shared a family joy with relatives or friends lately9 Long Distance is almost lika being there with them. Remember, lower rates begin after 6 PM. PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL i WE SINCERELY APPRECIATE: THE OPPORTUNITY OF HAVING HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF SERVING YOU, OUR CUSTO- MERS, DURING THE PAST YEAR, AND AS WE LOOK AHEAD TO THE NEW YEAR, WE HERE AT TRADEWELL WOULD LIKE TO RE-ASSERT OUR RESOLUTION TO CONSISTENTLY BRING YOU BETTER FOODS AT LOWER COSTS! AGAIN, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. ' Y,our Friendly Tradewell Stores. U.S.D.A. Grade 'A', Young, 4 lb. avg. Ducklings ............................ Cosmopolitan, Boneless, 3 to 4 lb. avg.. Turkey Roast ...................... ,b. 89¢ Tradewell, 5 varieties, Sliced Lunch Meat .......... , oz. pk,. 29* Hygrade's Fiesta Or Tradewell Sliced Bacon .................... lb. 59* Hygrade's, Skinless Wieners ................ ,2 oz pkg 39¢ Fresh Ground Beef ................... lb. 39¢ WasI ington Grown Whole Bodied CUT-up FRYERS ............................ lb. Swift's Premium ov Lennon's Shamrock, Fully Cooked 12 to 16 lb. avg., Whole .................................... Ib, Swift's Hostess, Whole or half ¢ ............................ Ib.$ li~ , mnx.,~,oo.s ............ z . LGE.;I ! i 0LIVES ~,,n~, ] rl/ES "::a,,,~ ........... 3 , ~'::::; ::ooaaau:".:~., ......... 4 =,o., ........................... S Regular or: Kosher, Standby .............................. U.S.D.A. "Ch;oice" Blade or 7-Bone cuts urn= IN PRICE 0 ''~ &T THE LO YOU MAy BUy A SECOND 2 I i~ , ) LB, tiN.. ~.._ BONUs..iCE~o~7 VE, R END ;)'~ 0'n ~lrst 2 lb. tin $ SeCond tin • , ii i ii I ii ii I i i I iii I I III NBC, Choice of varieties, Regular 43¢ seller box Large, Firm Heads California heads Plump 'N' Flavorful .......................... .ski. 29¢ Firm Green, Florida OUGUMBERS ............................................ EA Cello Wrapped, California OAULIFLOWER ..................................................... ,b. 19' Extra Fancy, Sunkist .................................................................... ,b. 19¢ Kraft, Philadelphia 8 oZ. bricks Nut lunch SNOBOY, Frozen (12 oz. tins 2/98¢) Farm Fresh, Frozen, Sliced HI-C 12 o~. tins 6 oz. tins 10 p=. pak. 46 OZ. tins AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .Prices effective through Dec. 31. Limit rights reserved.