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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1964     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1964
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! r day December 2Y, :196 'LT01 --I A 0N COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.Z.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 13 1 '~ _.~. ',i" ........ 7 ' ", ~'ii ,' i,,,i 11',',"[ ~ , ...... i ~" "', ~i, ,~ i'~,•,''~ ...... iTi ..... if'" ,,7 I ...... f II I i,ii IIT'Ti' il ,n i ' '' ~ :''" l]i,l?'~ ~'~'~'" ~"'' ~'77iIf¢ i, ,, , ,,,, , i II ( It Pays To Use __L_egal Publicaffons " " " Journal Want Ads Live $'nleriainmenl Fri@ and Nites l errific Music by The Banjo King Trio plays many instruments all requests, accompanied by & GENE FLEMING Members Only _Legal Publications NOTICE OF SALE OF TIDELANI)S t",J vlt,+ ()P" WANIIIN(ITON, I)I']PART. MENT OF NATURAL /IESOURCES, Bcz't L. Cole, Commissioner .f l'ublic LIIIIllS NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN, That .n 'ruvsday. tile 26th day of Jllntlary, l~ll~,r), COlIilIIClICillg lit tq+n o'clock ill the fl'l'ClllII)l| Ill" Sl|ill day, at tilt! Collllly (.J~ml't llouse in flu, city of Simit.n cm,miy of Mare,n. Stale of Washing- ton, by the Cinlnly Auditor of said c(,unty, tim following described 2nd class lidchul(ts, l()g(,ihcr with ti]e Jln- )l,OV(,lllCllts situated lht'Teon will be sold at I)ll ) (' lltl'.'t ,hi. tO the h g l- ('st bidder thel'cfor, to-wit : Natd~---No [me eXCCl)t citizens of the Uniic(l Stab's. or pcrs(*llS who have (h,chu'cd tiu,ir intention hi bcc(mm Milch, can plli'l'hase slate ]ands, Application No. 138611 The tid~dand.~ of the second class. owncd by the State of Washington, situate in frost of. adjacent to, or almtting upon, tim north 3.02 chains of lhe sontb 9.l'1 cba.ins (11' Government Lot 5, S ¢tion 9, Township 20 North, H.angc 2 West, W.M., with a front- age el' 3.D-I lincal chains, Illore or less, a|)l)raiscd at $250.00 per chain or $760.00. Located ell l~ickcring Passage about 12 mih!s lloIlthcast of Sllelion in south- eastern Mason Connfy. Tim ])urchaser IIIUSt also flay :X $5.00 st~tt niory fee. To be sold at Shelton, Coll/lly Seat. on Tuesday, Januaryx 26, 1965, at 10 (,'clock a.ln, BEH.T L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lands 12/31 1/7-14-21 4t The condition upon which God has given liberty to man is eterna vigilance. --John Philpot Curran To All Our Friends and Customer t 927 East 4th Avenue • Olympia Earl and Naomi Sappenfield, owners & operators NO. 3578 NOTI(!I,; O1,' ,~,AI,I,', I)F IlEAl, I,:NTAT E 1N TIlE StJt'l,]lllt)ll COll}tT OF TIIlC STA'I'E OF WASilINtITON 1,'ell MAS()N COI~NTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Eslate [if I)()ROTItY IS. KRONA. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIERFIIY GIVEN that RAY C. KH.()NA, in his Callacity as • 'l(hllinistl'allH' of tile above estate, will sell at I)rivah! sah! and for cash the fllll(~v/ing (h!scribc(l l'Ca] estate: A tract of land ill lhc NE~,I of tile NE}.i of section 27. Townsllip 20 Nm'th. Range ,1 Wq'st, W.M., des- ('ribcd as f(dlows : l-h,g'inni ng at the NW corn(u' of the NE!~ o17 the NlgZ~ said section, township and raago, l'tln tilcncc East alollg the Nortl] line thereof 150 feet to an intersection with the southe,'ly right of way line of permanent highway NO. 6 (also klloWll as county road No. 258), thence Soutlmasterly along said st)uthcrly right of way line 312] fect and establish tile hlittal point Of llle tract hcrcl)y described (be- ing conlln(ln with tile Iiil,st casterly i lloint of a tract of land convoyed to Nellie Storls Matllews I)y deed dated December 7. 1948, and record- ed in Volume 127 of Deeds, page 534) ; continue thence southeasterly along Maid right of way line 100 feet to an intersection with tile NW corner of a tract of land conveyed to Floyd D. Mathews by deed dated January 3, 1949, and recorded in Volunm 123 of Deeds at page 185, run thence South 20" 30' West along tile west line of said Floyd D. Mathews tract and the west lille extended 222 feet, thence South 80* 80' West 169.5 feet more or less to tlle North- east c(:rner of a tract of land con- rayed to Eugene E. Evers and wife: by deed dated June 21, 1949 and recorded in Volume 135 of Deeds page 874, thence North 16° E 208 feet to an intersection with tile southtaste.rly line of tile aforesaid Nellie Storts Mathews tract at a l)oint 144 feet southwesterly from tile initial point of this description, rue thence northeasterly along said line 144 feet to said initial point. to th~ highest and best.bidder.. Bids must be submitted in writing and may , be left with tile administrator at 122 I South Fourth Street, Shelton, Wash- : ington. Bids will be received until the date of sale. Tile sale will be made on oi- after January 22, 1965. Tile adiidnistrator reserves the right to reject any and all bids. RAY C. KRONA, A dministrator GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Adnllnistrator Bell Buiiding 122 South Fourth Street Shclton, Washington 12/31 1/7 2t NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all claims ag'alnst Mason County for tile year 1964, must be prese.nted to tile Auditor of Mason County, not later than January 21, 1965, for al- lowance by the Board of County Commissioners. According to RCW .'),6.40.200, any claims presented more than 30 days after the fiscal year, sball be pro- vidod for in tile next ensuing year's budget. C, NOLAN MASON Mason County Auditor. 12/31 1/7 2t I prefer to do right and get no thanks, father than to do wrong and get no punishment. ---Mai'eus Cato Legal Publications ;port Amended I,'ranchise Application No. 1t33 NOTICE OF n I,]ARIN(I By Dons O'Neil In the Matter el Application of Mason County PUD No. 1 for a frail- HOODSPORT--- Christmas has chisc to construct, operate and main- passed. The limbs of tile once taln power transmission ]in[~ upon a beautiftll Christmas tree now portion of Primary Slate Highway No. 9. SR It)l, in Masmt County. Washing- droop froln the weight of each ton. bulb that clings so desperately to WHEREAS, tba Mason County PUD its last few clays of glory. Tile No, 1, a nKinieipal corl)oration, has carefully-wrapped parcels former- filed with tile Washington State 1-Iighway Commission, trader tile pro- ly stacked beneath the tree have visions of Chapter 47,44 RCW and no%v assumed their intended role amendments thereh), au application in a small child's heart. The bows for a franchise to construct, ()perate and nmintain aerial powcr transmis- and ribbons which took hOIll'S to don line upon a portion of Primarycreate have bees instantly dest- State Ilighwav No. 9, SI~ 101, iu Ma- royedby an anxious hand. Tile son County. ~Vasbington,{ for R period of twenty-five (25) ycars, at the fol- cadaver of Old Ton] has now tak- lowing locations: en residency ill c(ild storage, his Amend Franchise No. 3,q3 to provide remains bequeathed to the char- f.r the relocation of part of theliable cause of CTS (Cold Turkey existing Dower tratmmission line be- Sandwiches). And last, but not ginning at a point in the Mason least, tile hollse once ringing with County PUD No. 1 line on the west side of Primary Slate ttighway No. the senna of many a dear friends 9 (SR 101) at approximate High- add fmnilies laughter and good way Engineer's Station 297-{-40, said cheer is once again silent till next l)olnt being tn the NEU, of the SE!,I of Section 14, Township 22 year. Let us pretend that all of Nortil Range 4 West. W.M., thencethis is not so, and relive Christ- southeasterly across l~rinmry Stale mas 1964 as the unmentionable Highway No. 9 (SR 101) to a point In the Pacific Northwest Bell Tele- scoundrel "Peeping Tom". phone Company's telephone line onA good window to start with the east side of Primary Stale High- way No. 9 (SR 101) at approximatewould be one ill the home of Mr. 14_igllway Engineer's Station 300+00; and Mrs. William Gilbert on thence southerly ahmg the east side Chr{stlnas Eve. Everyone is there of Primary State Highway No. 9 (SR 101) in joint rise with the with the exception of Dennis O'- Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Nell, his wife Julie, and their new Company to approximate Highway son Dennis James. The most ailx- Engineer's Station 347+50; and thence southwesterly across Pri- ious one at the gathering seems mary State Highway No. 9 (SR 101)to be young Chris Hansen for to a point in the. existing powerit is 10 p.ln. and no gifts have transmission line on the west side of Primary State Highway No. 9 been opened. But shortly thereaf- (SR 101) at aPl)roximatc Highway ter Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hausen Engineer's Station 349+60, said give' Uncle Dean Gilbert the word point being tn the NW~£ of the a.nd he begins passing out pres- SEIA of Secth)n 23, Township 22 No,'th, Range 4 West, W.M., all ents. During all of' this there in Mason County, Washington. sel~sto be an abtinda~lce of blue NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS and yellow dots floating around HEREBY GIVEN: the room. The yellow dots belong That a he~tring will be held on said to :Mr. and Mrs. Tim O'Neil's racy- application by the Washington State ie camera and the bhle dots belong Highway Commission at its office in the Hlghways-License.~ Building, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Neil's flash Olympia, Washington, on Lhe 18th camera. It appears that Christ- day of January, 1965, at I:E0 p.m., or mas days pre-dinner entertain- as-soon thereafter as hearing mayment has already been planned be lind. DATED at Olympia, Washington, for Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are: this 4th day of November, 1964. challenging all comers to their /s/ c, G, PRAHL new marble game. Director of Htghways 12/24-31 1/7 3t Plans for Christmas day include old Tom turkey in full dressing NO. 3~8 with all the trimmings and all NOTICE T(} CRKDITORS kinds of marble and dice games IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE to aid the digestion, or temper the STATE 01~ WASHINGTON FOR impatient. And later in the eve- MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In tile matter of tha Estate ofning pumpkin and apple piewith HERMAN HOVE, Deceased. ice cream to top it all off. Eat, NOTICE ?S HEREBY GIVEN that driuk and be merry, for tomo~Tow the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrat- we shall diet. It's obvious that rix of the Estate of ItERMAN O. this family is a happy lot so on HOVE, deceased; that all pers(nm hay- for a peep into the next window. ing claims against Maid dceeascd are hereby required to serve the same, The next stop is right across duly verified, on the undersigned, the alley at the home of the Cala- OLGA BECKSTEAD or her attorney of record at the address below stated han finally." It is Christmas eve and ftlo the same with the Clerk and the house is cmpty for the of said Court, together with proof Calahans have left to spend of such service within six months after the date of first publication of thi~ Christmas, Holidays in Redondo notice or thc sam~ will bb barred,with Mr. and Mrs. Ben MoiTis. /a/ OLG-A BECKSTEAD M/s. Moris is Mr. Calahan's sis- Byron E. McClanahan Attorney for ~state ter. Also there was Kelly Cats- Office and Post Office Address: hen, Archie's father, and a good Mason Ct)unty Courthouse friend of many Hoodsport people. Shelton, Washington 12/17-24-31 3t No one home at the Carpenter apartment so let's try the home of Stephen Hale. Christmas day m Real Estate ..... SPRAY 16 oz. Size Reg. $1.79 VINYL ASBESTOS 9 x 9 Stock Limited ¢ Ea, 7" BLADE Peg. $27.95 Folding Mahogany 1" SLAT with VINYL Peg. $13.95 FIBER OLASS PANELS 26" x 8-10-12 WHITE I¢ Sq. Ft. COMBINATION STORM AND SGREEN DOORS Reg. $29.95 ALUMINUM SOREEN DOORS Reg. $13.95 WITH GRILL Plastie Tub Eneiosure SWAN DESIGN Reg. $33.95 AVAILABLE JANUARY 15, MT. VIEW These owners are being trans- ferred to Arizona and their love- ly 3 bedroom home must be sold at once. Fireplace, built-in oven and range, roomy kitchen and family area, 1~2 baths, attached 2 car garage, high-fenced yard and patio. And It has been re- duced $500 to sell at $18,000. It's spic and span and ready to move in. Call us for a showing today. 3 BEDROOMS, $600.00 DOWN, NO CLOSING COSTS The bedrooms at'e all on one floor, the living room has a fireplace, it has hardwood floors through- out, it's close to Bordeaux School and on a corner lot. The price is only $10,500. Better call to see and no one is home with the ex-Seattle to spend Christnms day eeption of Majaii the cat and the with Mr, Henry's sister and her little green turtle. It seems that husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford the Hale family with Kelly Hurst Aldrich. B~lt regardless of the of Shelton as their guest are vis- empty homt, it appears that Santa iting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brenning- still stopped here, for a brand er in Tacoma. Their oldest daugh- new organ has been added to the ler Judy and her husband Marvin room. :Alberts also shared their day with Peeping Tom is getting tired, Marvin's relatives in Seattle. Due but just one last stop. This time to a ridiculous 31 hour bus ride the Gordon Dickinson home on from California to Washington, Christmas day. The grandparents, Marvin's Christmas with the Hales Nh'. and Mrs John Shortsleeves and his family in Seattle was a are there sharing breakfast and little short changed. But all in all later dinner. The children are hay- Christmas for the Hales was a inff a ball with their new toys success for them because the en- which makes everyone happy. tire family; Steve, Bessy, Linda, Well maybe one more stop, per- Judy and Marvin shared the day haps the honle of Mr. and Mrs. together--finally. [Bob Bearden. Everyone is there. ! And now up the road apiece to lMr. and Mrs, Robert Nicholsen the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike:and their family, Mr. and M:rs. ICirk and their little daughter Shannon. Old Tom is sizzling away while chief cook and bottle wash- er, Mary Kirk supervises her hel- pers, Mrs. Heldagoss, Mrs. Aaron Kirk, and :Mary's Sister Martha Hesser. The men are waiting for their assignment which will begin when old Tom is on the table. For yoh see, the men are the demoli- tion squad. Little Shannon's aunt and uncle gave her a darling cran- berry red velvet dress so approp- 5ate for such a cute little baby girl on such a Christmas day. Peeping Tom has seen enough through this window. On he goes to see ff things are just as happy at Finch Creek. Another family not at home. The Simmons family has joined a once-in-a-lifetime reunion in the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Eugene Winters. Others at the reunion are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown from Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Bill John- son and their brmld new baby girl Christie from Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Winters and Cin- dy and Mr. and Mrs. Emery %Vln- ters from Quilcene. The people of Hoodsport would like to offer their consolations to Mrs. Roy Asleson during this per- iod of sorrow. Her husband will be dearly missed by all in this community. NOW TO THE TOP of the hill and the Goodpaster home. EVery- one is there. Mr. and Mrs. James Goodpaster and his family, :~r. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Parker from Centralia who spent the weekend there and last, but not lease, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Boga- chus spent Sunday with the Good- pasters• And so our Peeping Tom continues on his way up the hill to Cushman. Once again an empty home. This tinle it is the Henry home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Henry have left for Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pro. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn Legal Publications CAI,L FOR BIDS Mason County llighwsy 1)epartment Scnh'd bids will be received sep- aratciy f,)r furnishing the Mason Court- ty Itighway Department with on(~ (1) 1965 ~-ton Pickup and (1) 1965 4 door : Sedan,at the office of the, Mason Collnty COnllnissioners in theCourt- house, Sheltoa, Washington, nntil I1 :(10 ann., Monday, Janxlary 11, 1965. SlleeificatiolLs and Prop(isal Forms are available at the Ma,uon County Engin- eer's office. Tile County conlemplates selling one (1) 1956 ~-ton Pickul) and one (1) used 1959 4-door Sedan for whicb bid- dcrs Inay deduct trade-in alh)wanc(', or for whh_',h Sllyone nlay snbmit a ~ealed bid in writing, aS required by I~:CW 36.34.0570. Said vehicles lnay be 8con at the Courthouse (inquire at the 1Cnginecr's office) and are described as follows: One (1) Ford 4-door Sedan. 6 cylin- der (1959) with autonlatie tranmnis- sion. County No, 13, Serial F9Rg- 143537. g Bill Bearden, told Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Gill. Mr. Bob Bearden, Jr., was also there. Santa was very generous, ana perhaps a little careless for he brougl~t the Bear- den boys a chemistry set which could prove very interesting and even more than that, a little risky. Well, now Tom must give up. Christmas is gone but will come again. Let's hope for some it is just as bright and for others let's hope it is a little brighter. Other good news is that Rose- marie Crumb is a delegate from Washing%on State University rep- resenting the YWCA at a eonfe:-- ence of the YMCA and the YWCA at.Pilgrim Firs near Port Orch- ard. She left: Sunday and will re- turn Thursday. MT. VIEW Alliance Chureh Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ..................... 6:00 p.m, Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (.Wed.) 7:30 p.m. i . ,,, i ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, .Priest 7:30 a.m.---Holy Communion 9:30 a,nl.-1-.Church School & Adult Bible Class 11:00 Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. I iiiii, i i , %] i' i ~lJl Alex C. Motes, Pastor 7th and Franklin Family Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. Classes: Sunday School & Adult 9:30 a.m. 2rid Worship Service 11:00 a.m. "A Growing Church in a Growing Community" Carl J. Carlsen, P,-mtor Phone: 426-8611 P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 1965 9:15 A.M.---Coffee Time 9:30 A.M.---Film, "IT'S A TREE COUNTRY" =~ 10:00 A.M .---Topic--- "WHO IS AN AUTHORITY"? MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 a.m, Adult Bible Class .................................................................. 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .......................................... 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. ~l: $ ¢ q: * New Year's Eve Service, Dec. 31 .................................... 7:30 p.m. You are cordially Invited to worship with us. ii i SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street Mason 5;om glund, pastor WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Thursday, December 31, 8:30 P.M. REV. AND MRS. JIM DAVIS Missionaries to Japan Sunday School ...................................................................... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:00 P.M. One (1) 1956 Vz-ton Pickup (Chev- rolet), Serial No. A560009517. County No. 59. The County Connnissioners rcserve the right to rqjcct any and all bids and to accept only tht'~qe Bids deemed most advantageous to the County. Mason County Conlnlissiohers By: C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of the Board 12/31 1/7 2t ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, .Priest 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion 9:30 a.m.--Church School & Adult Bible Clas~ 11:00 a.m.--Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. CALL FOR BIDS The North Mason Scliool District No. 409, Belfair, Washington calls for bids on the following: Diesel Rurner Fuel, for Belfair Grade School and Allyn Grade School. (approximately 12,000-15,000 gallons, ) P.S. 300 heavy duty burner fuel for North Mason Junior-Senior High WELCOMES YOU EAST E ST. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST SCHOOL BUILDING Sunday ~h~ol .................................................................... 9:45 A.M. $10.95 .............. $8,95 $14.95 ............$12,95 "--Reg. $27..95 .......... 2.$22.95 FIBER GLASS FOIL ONE SIDE ............................. o5 2¼" ............................. 06sq. ft, ......................... 07½ sq. ft. 3 pc, Complete With Fittings $, FRAME & HARDWARE $, I ,n , ' KNOTTY PINE PANELING I x 6 Lin. Ft. PRE HUNG i Mahg, Inc. Door . Jamb & Hardware wALE kASHiON LATEX AND ENAMEL Reg. $4.98 & $5.98 Gal. PhE*~INISFiED MAHG. 4 x 8 - I~ORY OR BROWN Ea. ~V "[li .... " ....... 1964 1ST AND PINE 426-4393 WALL HUNG $, ..... i~ I " ~ ' ' ARMSTRONG 20 Gal. Peg.S3,69 .............. $3.29 24 Cral. Peg. $5.65 .............. $4.95 STAINLESS STEEL Peg. $39.95 21 x 32 SELF RIM $, Reg. $ " $89.90 Peg. $20.80 IN-WALL TYPE & 426-8279 it today. School. (approximately 10,000 gallons per year). THE PRICE IS RIGHT Regular gasoline. (~pProximately On this 3 bedroom Spencer Lake 15,000-18,000 gallons pei- year,) year.around home. 100 feet of All bids must be submitted to the choice frontage with dock. The Clerk. North Mason School DiStrict No. 403, no later than January 11, house has 2 fireplaces, a family 1965, ;at 8:00 P,M., at which time they room, all natural ~eod fihish in- will be opened. terior and many more plus lea- The North Mason School Dtstr|ct will reeeh, e these products on auto- tures to make this a right buy at matte delivery. Gasoline should be de- $13,950.00. Call to see it today, i livered weekly. OIl distributors will WANT TO TRADE-UP? We can take the equity In your home for down payment on this new 3 bedroom Mr. View home. It has 1 3/4 bath, built.ins, at- tached garage, fireplace and it's close to Mt. View school. Call US. 10 ACRES, 2 BEDROOMS 4 of these acres are Christmas trees and 4 more in small timber, 2 are cleared. The house is a modest home with nice site living room, dining room and 2 gootl size bedrooms. It has an excellent well and a couple of small out. buildings. The price Is $8,000 and terms can be arranged. 5 ACRES, =/'~ MILE FROM SHELTON Here's a 5 acre tract with an un- limited potential. It's triangular, h~s nearly 1,100 feet frontage on 2 g~od roads and on the West it borders in the middle of a nice stream. Call us for details. MANN REAL ESTATE Stgned : Betty Criss i Clerk of the Board ]North Mason School Dtst, 409 Belfair, Washington i2/31 1/7 2t Worship .................................................................................. 11:00 A,M. Evening Worship .................................................................. 6:30 P.M. SMALL ENOUGH TO NEED YOU, BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU be responsible for checking tanks per- [ i°d~c~nY'irectors, North Mason School Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Oota District No. 408 reserve the right to Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education reject or refuse any or all bids. , , Sincerely, Morning Worship NORMAN E. SANDERS, SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 1965 Superintendent B¢oadcast OveP 9:30 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M.---Morning Worship "READY FOR A NEW YEAR" 1280 - 11:00 a,m. 6:00 P.M.---Fellowship & Study Groups , 7:00 P.M.--'FUNNY EXCUSES" NO. ~00 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR Wed. 7:00 P.M,--Bible Study Fellowship & Prayer DISTRIBUTION ~ ....... IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 1 ASON COU T IN PROBATE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1 In the Matter of tile Estate of NI~D A. RUCKER, Deceased. Al~adl~ and Lake Boulevard Netice is hereby given that. FRAN- Charles D. Wigt0n CES L. RUCKER, Executrix of the Bible School ..... 9:45 a,m. Youth Meethzg~ 5:30 p.m. Estate of Ned A. Rucker, deceased, has filed In the office of the Clerk Worshtp ..... _.:.. 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:89 p.m, of said Court her final Report. and Wednesoay -- Bible Stuay and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. petition for distribution, asking the Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service Court to settle said Report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said F,'an- ces L. Rucker; and that said Report and petition will be heard on the 22nd THE METHODIST (lay of January. 1965, at 9:30 a.m. at the Court Room of the Probate Dc- partnlcnt of said Court, at which time North 4th and Pine Str~ and place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file ob- REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER jeetions thereto and contest the same. 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services Datcd this 24th day of Decenlber, CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME i1~4. Date of first publication Dec. 31, ] 1964. LAURA WAGENER. 121 Railroad Ave. ~!~1~ I Clerk of said Court. ~u =.'~ ~ I Teckla Vemnilllon, Deputy ......... ~1~11~ ] RICHARD K. BUSH EVENINGS CALL li~lr"l~/t Attoru~ys for Estate ~,._~ Richard K. Busl~ ~[of Ryau, Aakrcn, Carlsen, Bush and ---I Swanson KURT MANN--426-3228 ]545 Henry Bulldlng , [SeatUe, Washington 98101 • 12/31 1/7-14 3t 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p,m. Youth Fellowslhp RRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SGIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a,m. -- Chur'h 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony ,meettnge 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45.