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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mason County officials have adopted a wait-and-see attitude about pinball machines and other activities which could be considered gambling following a rulling by a Tacoma judge last week banning all bingo-type pinball machines as gambling devices. Prosecuting Attorney John C. Ragan told the county commission Monday he would have to see the complete decision before deciding what effect it might have here. Ragan said he could not see where the recent court decision changed anything and that his policy would continue to be what Tax IIs Mason County and the city of Shelton collected $36,376.97 from the half per cent sales tax during the months of September and October, it was announced this week by the State Department of Revenue. Of the money, $19,924.43 went to the city of Shelton and $15,725 to Mason County. The money for the two months brings the total collected by the two government bodies to $70,659.24 since the tax was imposed July 1. During the first four months, Shelton received $38,119.54 and the county $31,126.51. The city of Shelton receives 85 per cent of the money collected in the city. The county receives the other 15 per cent of the money collected in the city and all of the money collected out of the city. Classes On it has been for the past four years. If there is a complaint filed that there has been a violation of the law, he would take whatever action was necessary, he said. Ragan said that in the four years he has been in office, there have been no complaints filed. Sheriff John Robinson told the commission that as the result of conversations which he had had with county officials the previous week, he had done some investigating and as far as he could tell there was no indication of any syndicate gambling connections in Mason County. He stated he had received no new communications from the Attorney General's office and he believed the county should continue along the same lines as it has been until a firm decision is made as to what has to be done. Ragan commented that the Tacoma judge's decision is almost certain to be appealed, which would delay enforcement of the ruling. Prosecutor-elect Byron McClanahan told The Journal he would not make any comment on what his position would be until after he takes office Jan. 11. The city of Shelton licenses card games, pinball machines and punch boards. The county, while it has an ordinance on licensing these devices, has not issued any licenses for a number of years. Licenses Vehicles On Sale For" Vehicle licenses will go on sale at the Mason County Auditor's offices and at three agencies in the county Jan. 4, County Auditor Ruth Boysen said this week. r'~" l = A 1 1 c a r s, t r u c k s a n d IS RUMORED that rescue dogs will patrol the streets of ulaoeres commercial and utility trailers have to be licensed by Feb. 4, relton on New Years Eve. However. the report is Scheduled Mrs. Boysensaid. rconfirmed. Mobile homes and travel I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Thurston-Mason Health trailers are to licensed by Jan. 30 District and the Thurston County or they will be assessed a penalty Medical Society are sponsoring an of six per cent per year and will instruction class on diabetes, Jan. not be allowed on the highways NOT EXACTLY the life of the Christmas party was this fractious feline who failed to find the festivities to his liking. Thursday, December 31, 1970 Published in Shelton, Wash. Entered as second class matter at the post offlceat Shelton, 16 Pages - 2 Sections Wash. 98584, under act of Mar. 8, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during 84th Year - N u m ber 53 week of Thanksgiving, at 227 W. Cota. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere. 10 Cents Per Copy 5 and 6 at the Gloria Dei Church, without being subject to law at 15 15 Harrison Avenue, enforcement penalties. Olympia. In addition to the auditor's The two day class session will office, licenses are available at Jim Donald V. Zamzow, 43,1131 Survivors include his wife, cover general information for the Sneddon's Farmers Insurance Warm-hearted, extremely contribution, a $5U donation pitched in with its annual $100 $292.59, Vic's Quick Stop Fairmont, Shelton, was found Betty, Shelton; two sons, Mark Diabetic to assist in self care, such office, 125 N., First, Shelton; the generous donors pitched in with from Lumbermen's of Shelton, assist. Another $9 was added $294.92, and Family Market ld in a car in Whatcom County and Patrick, Shelton; one as dietary management, insulinBelfair Sheriff s Substation and at small to huge contributions $25 each from 20th Century from the sale of some extra $186.11. itUod~Yers" here were informed daughter, Cindy, Shelton, a and oral therapy, and urine Taylor.H°°dsp°rt Lumber Co. by Donna totalling nearly $600 in ,a 3-day Thriftway, Mr. and Mrs. Clintoranges left over after all the The baskets were delivered brother, Percy, Shelton, and his testing. Physician referral is not Applications can be made at period to hoist this year s 40 & Willour, and the Zonta Club, and baskets had been delivered. Thursday by PUD 1 and PUD 3 death was an apparent suicide mother Mrs. Mabel Zamzow, necessary. 8-J ournal Christmas fund $5 each from the John E. Harris In all, 93 families received lth death caused from carbonShelton. Persons with diabetes and the auditor s office by mailing in over-the-top by a comfortablePainting Company, Shelton Glass baskets of food and toys in this ofCreWSheltonmemberSstreetaSsisteddepartmentbY a City ~noxide poisoning. Funeral services will be heldfamily members are invited. There pry-runs accompanied by a check margin. Company, Cliff Wivell, Mr. and year s project. Individually, this truck and 40 & 8 Vulture 135 He was born May 5, 1927 in at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Batstone is no charge for the instruction, for the amount of the license fee, Total contributions had Mrs. O.J. Ashford, and Mr. and included 133 adults, 127 boys, voyageurs. The baskets were Funeral Home with Rev. Horace ~as and had lived most of his Classes for the two day period Mrs. Boysen said. Applicationsreached $1,248.63 when the Mrs. H.E. Lakefurg had upped the and 108 girls ranging from infants assembled in PUD 3 auditorium in the Mason County area. HeMounts officiating. Burial will be will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. mailed in to the auditor's office books were closed on the final fund to $801 from last week'sto 19 years of age. In the majority Wednesday by 40 & 8 voyageurs, ~s employed as a boom foreman in Shelton MemorialPark. Please take a sack lunch. Coffee will be processed the same dayassist Monday morning, a $5 report. Soon after the tremendous of cases the families were Legionnaires of Post 31 and t Simpson Timber Co. at the The family sugg, ests donations will be served. Advance they are received and returned to donation by Dallas and Ruth anonymous contribution, the fatherless. In addition, beautiful auxiliary ladies of both units. ~ae of his death, to the Children s Orthopedic registration is necessary. Please the applicant, she said. , Wells. This sum amply covers the Kiwanis Club $33.80 from a baskets of fruit, candies and nuts Chairman Umphenour, speaking i He was a veteran of World Hospitalin lieu of f/owe s. call Thurston County Health Office hours at the auditor s costs of the 1970 Christmas similar action, the Gott Oil were given to Mason County's for the 40 & 8 and Journal fir II. Dept. 352-4851, ext. 60. office are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. basket project, which generalCompany contributed a $25 check, three rest homes, and a quantity co-sponsors of the huge project, ~ewDep tlesJOl~rit herlf~tid~GuaOnson rice ch air m an JaY Umphen°ur the SRA Pin°chle Club member °f f°°d t° the Sk°k°mish Shaker expressed his deep gratitude f°r reported to be $1,108.56 after added $2, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Church for a Christmas dinner is all who helped bring the 1970 • • ~ • ~ compiling all the bills. Stalker tossed in $10, and two sponsored. The story-of-the-week from anonymous donors added $5 andIn the breakdown of food undertaking to a very successful conclusion. "It was the smoothest [ ~ | the donor front is a real $3 respectively. Monday morning purchases chairman Umphenour operation yet,' he said of the heart-warmer. Just hours before another $5 anonymous donation listed the following: Shoprite workers who participated. Robinson sa" be assigned as a jailory The Journal staff was preparing to arrived and 40 & 8 Vulture 135$334.94, 20th Century Thriftway L Two new deputies will join J oinin g t h e S h e ' t"s lbr two da s a [ae Mason County Sheriff's Office Department will be Gaylen would be assigned on the night week and would be with the lock up to go home for Christmas ~aff starting the first of the year. Gulbranson, 26, Belfair, and Fred patrol in the south end of thepatrol division for three days. Eve festivities a telephone caller rt~nds for two additional deputies Pharris, 29, Shelton. ' county to begin with. Robinson, said the Mason asked how much the fund needed [~ere provided in the 1971 budget Gulbranson, a native of Kitsap Pharris was born in Shelton County Sheriff s Office was one to reach its $1,000 goal. He said [IPPr'oved by the county County, has lived in Mason and has lived here all of his life of the few Sheriff's Officesin the he'd seen in the Journal a few [~.namission last October. County the past two years andexcept for 2% years spent in state which does not have a moments before that the fund was detective division. running short with only $657 [l~At the same time, Sheriff has been a member of the Seattle. He graduated from I~hn Robinson will establish a Sheriff s reserve for about six Shelton High School and attended The new division will give the in at that writing. Mary Kent and [!etective division in the months. He was employed as anAutomation Institute in Seattle department a better opportunity Lodema Johnson hurriedly t~lePartment, auto parts salesman prior to for oneyear, to make a secondaryinvestigation brought the figures up to the ~i! L At the time the two joining the Sheriff's Office. He has been employed by . into criminal complaints. The moment and told the caller the ~dditional deputies were He graduated from South Olsen Furniture for the past 7% men in the division, he said, will fund needed $199 at that instant ~l~Proved, Robinson told the Kitsap High School in tort years. . be able to work on follow up to reach its goal. Within a few t~namission this would allow him Orchard and attended Olympic Pharris is married and the investigations without having to minutes a man walked into the [~ opportunity to establish the College at Bremerton for two father of one child, perform routine patrol duties as Journal, placed a check for $199 ~teetive division, years. He is not married. Robinson said Pharris wouldhas had to be done in the past. on the counter and said he'd leave ~r~- Another advantage, he said, is it on one condition.."That this ilili! ::i !¸ GAYLEN GULBRANSON. left, and Fred Pharris, will join the Mason County Sheriff's Department as deputies the first of the year. The new deputies are additions to the staff. that members of the new division will be able to contact people in civilian clothes and in unmarked cars in instances where residents would rather not be contacted by a uniformed officer in a marked patrol car. The new division will be headed by Tom Creekpaum. who has been assigned as Chief be strictly anonymous." That promise was assured...and remains inviolate...with sincere appreciation to such a genuinely generous individual imbued with the true spirit of Christmas. Prior to this unique Criminal Deputy for the past several months with the rank of Approved sergeant. Other members of the new division will be deputy Marvin Snyder, who will work primarily in the North Mason area, and Lester Kennedy, who will be working mostly in the remainder of the county. A class H liquor license to sell liquor by the drink has been approved for the Taylor Towne Cuff, the State Liquor Control Board announced this week. Robinson said the creation of the new department is a Youth Jailed continuation of efforts to upgrade the operation of the department. On Pot Charge In the past year, some of the other things have included the establishment of jailors on duty 24 hours a day and the promotion of four members of the department of supervisory positions in various areas. A 16-year-old Shelton youth was arrested on a charge of possession of marijuana about 11:45 p.m. Saturday after being stopped by officers along Arcadia Road. PACKING FOR TAKEOFF on one of the delivery runs which placed Christmas baskets of food and toys in 93 Mason County homes last Thursday are 40 & 8 voyageurs John Luhm, Jay Umphenour and Clyde Coots (left to right). Umphenour, general chairman of the 40 & 8-Journal Christmas basket project, kept an eye on Luhm and Coots as they loaded Luhm's pick-up truck with heaping boxes made up in the PUD 3 auditorium the previous day by 40 & 8 and American Legion men and ladies of the auxiliary units of both organizations. Altogether there were 133 adults and 235 d'nildren ranging in age from infants to 19 years in the 93 families receiving Christmas baskets. b