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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Juveni ce Has The Mason County Juvenile Probation Office reported it handled 42 cases in November, including 29 delinquency cases and 13 dependency cases. The delinquency cases included two boys for burglary; eight boys and one girl for use of liquor; one boy for loitering near school; four boys for shoplifting; six boys and two girls for Assembly Of God Sets Service A watch night service will be held at the Shelton Assembly Of God Church, 1521 Monroe, Dec. 31 beginning at 8:30 p.m. Robert t'rivold and tamily, missionaries to Japan, will be guests for the service. Rev. Frivold will be showing a movie fihn of their work in Japan as well as sharing with the congregation interesting stories from the Land of the Rising Sun. About 10:30 p.m. a time of fellowship will be observed in the basement ol the church followed by a communion service and prayert~nle in lhe sanctuary before midnight. possession of marijuana; one boy and two girls for disorderly conduct; one boy for vagrancy and one boy for having an altered game license. The dependency cases included one boy and one girl for abandoment; one girl unable to adjust; one boy and five girls as runaways; one girl for a change of court order; one boy and one girl for home investigation and one girl for a transfer of wardship. Dispositions included informal adjustment in 27 cases; two remanded to adult court; one remandeded to another ocurt; informal supervision for one; official probation for two; one made a ward of the court under the supervision of the Welfare Department; one suspended commitment to the Department of Institutions; one referral to the school pyscologist; services completed on three and three referred to the county of residence. NO SINGLE man makes history, ttistory cannot be seen, just as one cannot see grass growing. Boris Pasternak Community Holiday Services SHELTON CHURCH of the NAZARENE Memorial Hall 2nd & Franklin December 31 and January 3 Rev. Bert Daniels, speaker 1'4AZ~,i :ENE EVANGELISTIC TEAMS MUSICAL GROUP AND EVANGELISM TEAMS Week Night Service -- 7:30 P.M. Sunday Service -- 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. Lowell Keene, Pastor Men's & Women's Regularly $7.99 - $8.99 NOW Regularly $7 $ 1 I .99 - $ 12.99 NOW Regularly $9.99 & $10.99 NOW Regularly $13.99 & $14.99 NOW Regularly $15.99 - $16.99 ~( NOW Regularly $17.99 & $18.99 ~IP NOW Regularly $19.99 & $21.99 NOW , "The Fam//y Shoe Store" i=-=-=-~ U r~--;h o~--~-~, u----;==l~l o==-w-~;-~-=~=- i Over 2532 Members 107 S. 4th Shelton SNOOPY IS so happy with the Santa Claus suit she received as an early Christmas present. She has spent the past week handing out dog biscuits to the neighborhood puppies. Aliens Must John P. Boyd, district director of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service states that the month of January has been set for aliens in the United States to report their addresses to the Attorney General. Boyd stated all non-citizens except those in diplomatic status and foreign representatives of certain international organizations are required to file tile address report. He added that any alien who willfully violates the address report requirement may be subject to serious penalties. Address report cards will be available at all Post Offices and offices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service during the month of January. The cards may be completed and given to a postal clerk or immigration clerk or mailed to the nearest immigration service office. We would like to announce to all of our customers and friends the sale of our business, Eacrett Byrne. The sale December 31, Lumber Co., to Michael will become effective 1970, with Mr. Byrne opening the business January 4, 1971. ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: At this time, we would like to express i!iiii{;i;i our heartfelt thanks to our many customers in Mason County, who, through the years have become very dear friends. iiiiiiiiiiiii!i We know, that Mr. Byrne will continue ,-... ,.,.., iiiii:i!i! in the same friendly tradition that we have tried to maintain. Therefore, we ask that you, our friends, trade with Mr. Byrne as though we were still at the old stand, as we will be in spirit. -Francis (Eke) and Ann Eacrett EACRETT LUMBER CO. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....................... Page 2 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 31, 1970 Ed Taylor Heads State Power Group Edwin Taylor, president of the Mason County PUD 3 board of directors, was elected to a two-year term as president of the Washington Public Power Systems Board of Directors at a meeting in the Tri-Cities recently. WPPSS is an organization of public power agencies in Washington State which administers the operation of the Hanford generating facilities and other joint public power generating plants. Taylor succeeds (;lenn Wakley of Franklin Counly PUI) as president of the group. Other new officers are ltoward Prey, Douglas County PUD, vice-president, and Alvin Fletcher, (']allam ('ounty PUD, secretary. Taylor has been a member of the Mason County PL!I) 3 commission since Dec. 1. 1958 when he was appointed to succeed the late karl ('arr. I HAVE no country to fight for, my country is the earth, anti 1 am a citizen of the world. Fugene V. Dcbs LUMBERMEN'S Of Shelton Will be open for business as usual Saturday, Jan. 2, 1971. I take this opportunity to thank all of my customers for the opportunity to serve you during this past year. For that reason, I wish you and yours a very prosperous and healthy new year. -Bob Ogden Bob's Installation Service Our Manager is Out of Town and While He is You Can Save during Our AFTER CHRISTMAS ¢ Helene Curtis 13 oz. All Types. Regularly 99c each. 36 Tab Pack $1.09 Value UNBREAKABLE ON ALL Come and See Our UP Evergreen Square 426-3456 V tpearing o Count'. t Judge i~ere: :~lunieipal 1 ~tricia St ~e, Olyml Womack, n, neglige Loren L Elma, r fo rfeit ; Northla in pub Sykora, ry, failur, lution, $3 mberg, n, drunk ; Ivan Far 715, Shel he; Thomz 326, Sh lg with Gerald i Shelt( Allen Be drunk IS; Lon Sirr helton, J ,$50 forfe fTY BUlL ~erett Ayr~ 100 ; Ro: fn home, ~0~, additi ; Alan [10. SHELTO ~bert Coot i another Irked in hi ehicles d: iberger ar ldat 12th ~Uglas P ~ters thro fonard ! ~as tree li Durand ~1 into and lips siphoni urse be tl was fou Police De n Andrev ~ight arrov ~bara Se~ na left i l~fficers st ~ad left it t ~hicles dri'