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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NEW OFFICERS of the Mason County Democrat Club elected recently are, standing, left to right, Charles Savage, vice-chairman; Cecilia Cornell, chairman; Darrel Sparks, sergeant at arms; seated, Bobbi DeMoss, secretary; Andy Tuson, program and education director, and Margaret Livingston, treasurer. New Year's Message: OU REV. EDWIN ZSCHOCHE Pastor, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church A friend of mine in Portland attended a tligh School concert. This particular features music and has huge choruses, which total 1,000 voices. On this all four groups sang. First those who had a lot to then the more advanced, finally Chorus Number One My friend got there a little so he missed the first group But he stated that he was and that the concert frankly him. But then came the concluding in which all four groups a few carols together. And th the lowest, the least group, there came in who actually was able to about only because he had special canes; his legs were stumps, completely useless. lad took his place and sang with the rest of them. Then, when the number was over and the applause came, my friend found his eyes drawn to the crippled lad. And this lad's face was wreathed in smiles, and he seemed to be enjoying life more than any other member of the combined chorus. Every time the applause came, this lad reacted as tho the audience was applauding him personally. And my friend commented, "Seeing him so happy made my evening." On the Sunday morning following the concert my friend was driving from Beaverton to the country, and it was raining quite heavily. Along the side of the road he saw a form on crutches, moving along in an awkward gait, so he stopped and offered the unfortunate pilgrim a ride. Flat: hiker got into the car, thanked nay friend very gratefully, and New Year Starts Persons in the Shelton area wish to learn or improve skills in order to enhance employment opportunities encouraged to enroll before first of the new year at ~ia Vocational Technical existing classes: Key punch, auto mechanics, welding, advanced typing with emphasis of speed and accuracy building, applied typing with emphasis on the typing of statisticsand business forms, beginning typing, office machines, accounting, shorthand speed building and advanced civil engineering technology. Olympia Vocational Technical Institute is located on its new site two miles southwest of Olympia on Mottman Road. Doors opened September 14 at the new campus where classes and activities are conducted in 11 modular buildings, including a student lounge and library. Registration by students will be accepted through December 31 at the administrative office, 753-3000. Robert J. Boyden, the director, has announced openings exist in many of current classes and that classes will also be offered as January 4, the first day of following Christmas These new offerings include: A' two-hour course in shorthand theory and and one-hour classes in refresher math and machine )tion and dictation, January 4; A three and one-half month lss, including clinical for nurse aides ginning January 5 and I .-/ eduled Tuesdays, 6 to 10 p.m., I :Saturdays, 1 to 5 p.m.; A 60-hour welding program I IT'k\V ~! ned Saturdays for 15 weeks .j.::i:/ " ! i:::~ .5.1 ary' 8 a.m. to 12 noon starting9, also land ~ ~--~ addition, students may I receJv~ a -~//,~wT,,,,U in any of the following FREE GIFT! /~//ip~\, YOUR A & W DRIVE IN IS OPEN No other Chain Saw starts as easy as the new EXCLUSIVE SIMPLEX STARTING ASSURES FASTEST STARTS EVERY TIME... TRY IT TODAY! MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 A YEAR ROUND e? then as he flashed his smile of appreciation, my friend recognized him as the lad "who had made his evening" just a few short nights before. After a short while the lad spoke: "I was on my way to church about a mile down the road, and I had just asked the Lord Jesus if tie would not find a way for me to get to church just a bit faster. No sooner had 1 spoken my prayer than lie sent you along." And again there broke out that flashing smile of gratitude. After a little while the lad continued: "You know 1 used to be bored stiff in church; everything seemed so dead and foolish. In fact, 1 had nothing to live for. Then one day while 1 sat in church, listening to the Word of God read, 1 suddenly heard the voice of Jesus in it. And since I have found Christ, I wouldn't miss a single service. Yes, sir, everything has changed since I found ttim. To think that lte could love me so. Now everything in life is wonderful." . .And then my friend looked over again and saw once more the wasted limbs and the soaked clothing; but he saw also the light of heaven in the boy's eyes and a smile of utter contentment wreathing his face...And my friend told me, "Suddenly I realized as never before what Jesus meant when He said 'whatsoever ye do to the least of these my brethren ye do it unto Me', and I thanked Him for giving me the opportunity of taking this teen-age brother of ttis to church." Are you bored with life as you enter 1971'? Why not ask the Lord Jesus to enter the new year with you'?...And if you don't know where to find Him, why not try Iris Word and His House? Your year will be the richer and more meaningful for it. GIFT SAVE UP TO 5th & Franldin Is A public progress report on development of The Evergreen State College will be delivered during a January 11 Town Hall Meeting at the Tyee Motor hm in Tumwater. The meeting, sponsored by the Evergreen College Community Organization, (ECCO), will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Tyee's Skokomish Room. A six person panel, consisting of college and community representatives, will discuss Evergreen academic programs, admissions policies, goals and objectives during the first portion of the meeting. The balance of the program will be devoted to a general panel discussion in response to written questions from the audience. Dessert and coffee, costing 50 cents per person, will be served during the time the written questions covering any aspect of the college's development are being collected and distributed to the panelists. Members of the panel will include three Evergreen staff members - Executive Vice President E. J. Shoben, Jr., Dean of Humanities and Arts Charles B. Teske, and Dean of Developmental Services John C. Finley -- and three community representatives - State Representative Floyd Conway, Olympia Mayor Tom Allen and Mary Hillaire, an educational specialist for the Vocational Education Coordinating Council. Retired State Supreme Court Justice Matthew W. Hill will serve as panel moderator and Mrs. Agnes Clarkson, housewife and former special education teacher in the North Thurston School District, will be mistress of ceremonies. Sponsors request that persons planning to eat dessert at the meeting make reservations by calling William L. Johnson at 352-8133 or Mrs. James McCarran at 491-8165. The Town Hall Meeting is another in a series of projects undertaken by ECCO since its formation last September. The organization is designed to help integrate Evergreen into community Life through activities of mutual interest to both the college and townspeople. PNB Work Here Is Being Planned Pacific Northwest Bell's board of directors recently approved the expenditure of some $331 thousand to increase the capacity of the Shelton switching center. Company forecasts show that continued growth in the area will require increased telephone services, PNB manager J. M. Doyle, said the project, scheduled to begin in February will add some 600 telephone numbers to the exchange. LOWREY & PIANOS RENT or BUY on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota 426-4302 CHRISTMAS ml~Pn4gmoll~ See Our ITEMS PRICE! 426-3327 / '62 Convertible WAS ..... $695 NOW WAS NOW '67 Landau Hardtop .... $1795 '63 Hardtop '65 Hardtop ..... 9895 ..... 91345 $1 195 '69 Landau Hardtop 4-D0or ..... $3495 WE HAVE ANYTHING OR EVERYTHING YOU WOULD WANT OR NEED .... LIKE THESE .... WAS '66 Volkswagen Bus With a Camper .............. 9 1495 NOW WAS '64 Rambler Sedan For Transportation ........ $495 NOW '67 Volvo Sedan For Economy ............... 9 1795 '68 Ford LTD Sedan For Comfort ........... 91995 II Here Are Some Examples! Ford 3/4 Long wide box, V-8 Engine, 4-Speed Transmission, H.D. Snap-Ring Wheels and Truck Type Tires ................... $2695 Long wide box, V-8 Engine, Automatic Transmisssion, Bucket seats, 6:50 x 16 6-Ply Tires, Radio, Etc ............... $2495 | V-6 Engine, Roll-Bar and Winch, Ready for the back country. $2095 | Big "6" Engine, 4-Speed Transmission, Custom Cab, and Camper Special $1995 5.Passenger, Custom Equipped, V-8 Engine, Automatic Transmission, Radio, Etc. $1795 | mp At our price you can't help but find a need for this one ................... $495 Look for these and many other :ials Now At "'Better Ideas Make Better Cars A t The Sign of the Cat" Bill Johnson Bob Watters Bus Einarsson Bob Wolden Mt. View at Kneeland Center Thursday, December 31, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pdge 13