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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 1 0 cents for each additional word over 1 5. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . For Sale .% Sporting Goods Wanted :.% Help Wanted For Rent For Rent For Rent 3KW GENERATOR, portable, $100.00 for sale. Phone 426-4902 after 5 p.m. N12/31 CLEAN CARPETS the save and szfe way with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast Store. 12/31 FREE ONE Chicken Basket to E,mer Strope, 420 Arcadia at Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mt. View. 12/31 ~ALNUT SPINET Console Piano. Like new, assume low monthly payments. Phone adjustor, CH 3-9270, Seattle, Wash. 98166 T12/31-1/7 SMOWMOBILE EVINRUDE Bobcat, 25 hp. $856. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union, Wash. Phone 898-2252. HiO/29tfn 1964 HONDA 150 with helmet, $150 or best offer. Phone 426-4984. D12/31 SALES and SERVICE New and Used Machines HIGHCHAIR; 15 gallon aquarium, complete; cast iron patio set with glass top. 426-2126. L12/31 FREE ONE Gallon of Root Beer to Bob Coots, 112 E. Birch from Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mt. Wew. 12/31 5847 MARTIN WAY OLYMPIA 491-8477 12/17 tfn FOR SALE American Coins & Bottles (FANCY BOTTLES) Beams, Brooks Japan, Italy & France Phone 426-1171 12/3tfn DEMONSTRATOR LOWREY organ, new price $895, now $695. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota, 426-4302. 12/17tfn Wanted RELIABLE HANDYMAN and wife over 40, for care-taking duties. Free rent and utilities, some wages. 426-3242. B12/3tfn OAT, HAY for sale. No rain. 35 bales for $28.00. Phone 426-6091. R12/10tfn FOR SALE Columbia Exercycle. New condition, $40.00. Phone 426-6775. S12/10tfn Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock Septic Tanks Ready Mix Fireplace Supplies and Building Materials at 7th & Park 426-3344 Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances y Furniture 625 So. 1st 426-2411 Instruction Beginner's Tap 10 a.m. Hood Canal School auditorium. Call 877-5713 for information. D1/15 tfn For Sale 7/2tfn MOBILE HOME Furniture- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from At Olsen Furniture you're always color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 welcome. 4th and Cota. enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's 426-4702.4/14tfn Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd ................................ 4/17tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. SIMPLICITY MOWERS and 4/]6tfn tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28.. Pool Table Complete FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER needs some repair, six chair dinette set, both $60.00. 426-2132. H12/3tfn NEW MODEL propane heater, with three-speed fan. 426-3640. M 12/3-12/24-1/7 $119.95 See our selection of new Pool Tables. A complete selection available. The most desirable models in stock for immediate delivery. Free delivery. FREE KODAK Film, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Zeigle~'s Camera. Ask for it. 426-6]63 5/26tfn YOUNC, GRAIN fed steels, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and w~apptng. Shetton Foods. 426-6523. $3/27t fn II II III I I II Olsen Furniture 4th & Cota 426-4702 9/]Otfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/Stfn LICENSED ADULT Baby-sitter will care for one or two pre-schoolers in her ow~ home 426-4279. Mll/5 TFN Personal CONFIDENTIAL CARE for u nwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004: Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and Referral Center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn NEED CASH? We buy or consign almost anything. Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 943-9949. D2/26tfn MISSING Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Ferdinand Peters or the children of Ferdinand and Cornelia French Peters, last known to be living near Sparks, Nevada, please contact Charles Schmidt, attorney, Friday Harbor, Wash., phone 378-2191. The children are heirs to their mother's estate. 12/31-1/7-14 Can CHEVROLET DUMP truck, runs ~od, $300.00. Alderbrook Inn. one Union 898-2155. 12/10tfn 1965 FORD Country sedan; 1966 Mustang. Call 426-4653 after 5 p.m. L9/17tfn JIM PAULEY'S See Our Used Car Sale On Page 13 CALL Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Watters - Bob Walden Mt. View at Kneeland Center 426-8231 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Gas and Diesel Heavy - Medium and Special Duty Scout -- Travelall Pickup -- Campers NEW and USED LADY TO baby sit at home of couple that work. Experience necessary. Must have own transportation. 426-4820. $12/17-1/7 MANAGER-OPERATOR needed for beautiful Hood Canal Beauty Salon. Saturday and Sunday off. Call 898-3307 or 898-3525 for appointment for interview. V12/10-31 THE DIVISION of Public Assistance is seeking private homes to care for the aged and infirm. For information call the Shelton office 426-3363. Wll/19tfn Lost & Found FOUND GERMAN Shepherd puppy, Arcadia Road. 426-6097. H12/31 LOST LARGE male Collie dog. Grapeview Stadium Beach area. Please call 426-1419. M12/31 FOUND -- SAMOYED puppy, about six months old, female. Call 426-6251. L12/31 LOST -- LADLES blue billfold with black handle. Please return, Beverly Bell, 340 E. Pine. 426-1901. B12/31 Mobile Homes SHELTON HOME CENTER AT TAYLOR TOWNE Golden West Villa West KIRKWOOO, FREEDOM HOME BROADMORE 426-4455 SHELTON On Olympia-Shelton Freeway 9/3 tfn Pets, Livestock . FREE KITTEN, only three left. Call 426-6097. H12/31 END OF Year Clearance. Miniature Dachshund and Cocker puppies $10 each. See to appreciate. 426-3767. REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Terrier female puppy, seven weeks old. Phone 426-6152. F] 1/Stfn K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988.8/3 ltfn GOING ON Vacation? Leave your dog with us if over 20 Ibs. MeI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. NB/]4tfn DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointment, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17-tfn FOR SALE Reqistered German Shepherd male 8 weeks old. Sable. 426-1467 L] 1/bttn TROPICAL FISH for sale. Large variety. Also supplies. Marion's Acquarius. 1221 W. Birch. 426-6148. W12/10-17-24-31 REGISTERED POODLE, female, Sassafras, 5 months old, $50. Toy Pomeranian, female, 10 weeks old, $35. 877-5314. M10/22tfn LARGE TWO bedroom house on Mt. View, $115 per month, $50 deposit. Available January 4, 426-4344. D12/17tfn FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tfn Services BACKHOE SERVICES with late model 15 'ft. backhoe. 15 years experience. Also sewage systems. Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr, 426-3053. 6/1 ltfn EVERYTHING FOR your beach. Engineering, designs, construction, repair. Bulkheads, boathouses, boat handling systems. Sea Walls Inc. 868-36U3 or 857-4550. Gig Harbor. S11/12tfn CUSTOM SEWING, Alterations, upholstering, $2.00 per hour. References. Estimates. Call 426-2192. H12/17-1/7 TREE TOPPING, phone 426-3532. McB/8 tfn PAINTING and DRY WALL RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured Call 426-8773 7/4 tfn BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155 .... 3/6 tfn I ELECTROLUX SALES Sales -- Service -- Supplies CALL 426-3544 For free delivery --- Jack Manley 8/20tfn HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/t ltfn SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. GLEN PARR 426-6539 Shelton, 8/6 tfn DAY & SONS CUSTOM ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work --2 machines no job too large or small. 426-8750 4/gtfn For The Finest In: * PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL WALL-TO-Wall Carpets or room-size rugs. Custom-made d raperies. We measure, expert installation. Your sattisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture. 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/18tfn CO R D WOOD for sale. Cold weather coming, call Exceptional Foresters 426-1550 E]0/ltfn CHRISTMAS GIFT. Bareback pad and bridle, Pony size. New condition. $15 for both or trade for what have you. 426-4998 ] evenings, weekends.D12/3TFN SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME LOCATED ACROSS FROM ,er/~/~~ BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone -2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3tfn I I ii Better Building Buys Are Always Available At NYE COMPANY Turn left off Hwy. |01,2 miles south of Shelton, drive 1 mile on Cole Road. JACK KIMBEL Shelton, Wash. Phone 426-8124 Representing INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. Portland, Oregon Will Be Closed Jan. 2, Saturday Y i De/m b Front & Railroae Phone 426-8183 Ii i II Page 14 - 51~elton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 31, 1970 Ca s Of anks CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thank you to the very many friends and relatives who expressed their love and concern and sympathy to us, and ]2/8tfn to her during the long hospitalization and loss of our beloved daughter and sister Elane. ROTO-VATING Satisfaction Guaranteed 426-2857 Evenings 4/2~ltfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Luther and Marie Rodgers Phone 426-8147 Donna and Emmett Brown 1/27 tfn Trudy and Bill Warner. c Services B CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now Bulkheads, Fills at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn BATHROOM AND kitchen remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. ]0/15tfn YOUR SINGER Representative will be in Shelton on Tuesday and Thursday for Sale and Service. Contact locally Kay's Draperies, 129 Railroad Ave., Shelton, 426-6207. Singer Center on the mall, South Sound, Lacey, Wash., 491-3400. UPHOLSTERING! Material by the yard. See our large material selection. C & W Upholsterers, 426-6078 or McCleary 495-3978. Cl1/!2-12/31 Excavating, sand and gravel delivered, dozer, loader and 4 ten yd. dump trucks to serve you. Hourly or contract. PETE FASSIO P.O. Box 1 i i Union, Wn. Phone 898-2452 GENERAL HAULING Sand -- Pit Run -- Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck and Loader -- Peat Soil Tel. - FRANK -- 426-3153 also Light Clearing 12/lOtfn FURNISHED HOUSE, available January 1st. Regerences and deposit required. 426-3273.. O12/24tfn PARTLY FURNISHED two or three bedroom house at Bayshore. No small children. References, $80 month. 426-6577. B12/10tfn I Large "A" Frame at Lake Limerick with clubhouse, golf and lake privileges. Single or couple. References. $95.00. Write A. Matz, Route 2, Box 109, Everett, Wash. Phone Eves. 252-2933. 12/24-1/14 NEW DUPLEX two bedroom unit, carpeted, dishwasher, view, appliances. Full basement. Garage. Phone 426-4428. J 11/26tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, down town, adults. Phone 426-1150. 718 No. Sixth St. D12/17tfn 2 BEDROOM mobile home, no pets. Deposit required 426-3242. B12/17tfn TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house, Mt. View. $95.00. Phone 426-3210. Mc12/31-1/7 HARSTINE ISLAND, one acre with two bedroom unfurnished house, fireplace, garage, ideal for retired couple. $100.00 per month. Call Bill Griffiths Real Estate, CR5-2433, Belfair or Sven Gunnarson evenings, 426-8813. 12/31 MASON LAKE Mobile home spaces, use of 120' waterfront. Boat moorage and launching, $30.00. CR5-2433 or 426-8813. G12/31 MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 3/]gtfn IN One and two bedroom apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances. Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 11 or phone 426-8663. Wanted to Rent WANT TO rent a garage. Must be near Jr. High School. 426-1905, after 5 p.m. G12/24-1/14 TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Phone 426-3169. B12/31tfn Real Estate Wanted FURNISHED 8' x 35' mobile home, 1-bedroom, Lost Lake area $55 per month, ideal for bachelor or retired couple. 426-6852. 11/19tfn WATERFRONT 1|/2 bedroom home unfurnished, range. References. Deposit $35. $80 per month. 426-3850. J12/10tfn WANTED ACREAGE - Timbered - creeks. Call or write Tallman Real Estate LE 1-8999 Tacoma. P.O. Box 2245, Parkland, Wa. T12/17tfn EXCHANGE -- WHAT you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn Real Estate Real Estate Mr. R~ State Says: In comes the New Year on a cheerful note. Best wishes to all our patrons. May 1970 see a fulfill- ment of all your fondest dreams. Thank you. ,,N. mo Oo, n'mg Vince Himlie Dick Knauf Carl Johnson Dick Boiling Dave 3"hocher Skip Ness To our many good friends and customers we extend our gratitude. We look forward to serving you in the New Year with increasing mutual pleasure. Best wishes to you. 10 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evenings Call: DON BROWN. 426-6388 I.!. Real Estate FOR SALE -- bedroom home on Mt. Fully carpeted, garage, downpayment $950. Owner carry contract. 42~ S12/17tfn SIX BEDROOM house. wiring, roof, chim Downtown, 4 lots, fruit garden. $8,500 426-2582. tfn MUST RELOCATE, buy equity, assume contract Cute 5 year old, three rec room, carpeted. W12/31-1/21 SECLUDED BUT close in for sale. 426-4870 evenings. WISHES We're sending you, your family our best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. Thank you. AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURAN( 122 SOUTH THIRD sT. 2 YEAR OLD D PLEX Live in one, rent the other the rent is sufficient to make monthly payments. Each unit 2 bedrooms, range, fully carpeted, curtains drapes. Quality through Owner will take a ha contracts, lots or land in tr This is good, so call us todaY. 5 BEDROOMS OLDER HOME Fireplace, large living bedrooms down, 3 up al close to Bordeaux price $10,500. $1,000 $100 per month. See it : =ii~ $200 DOWN - MT. And approximately $85 month for a 4 bedroom carpeted, U/2 bath home real family size kitchen attached garage. If you h~ children or more you will qualify for the subsidy program. BUY OR LEASE With option to buy, completely renewed Iz bedroom home at the town. Large living room fireplace, formal dining furnace and everything is condition. WATERFRONT, 100 FE|fl And nearly 700 ft. of deptt~.~ Hammersley, nicely wooded ..-" only 5 miles from town. $9,9~i~ Excellent terms. Call on today. GOT $250.00? Then we can put you inb exceptionally nice 2 .home on E. Ellinor Balance like rent, so whY some landlord rich -- use th stepping stone toward the of your dreams. IMMACULATE All this home needs is into. 3 bedrooms, large c living room with fir spacious country style and attached double car This lovely home is Ioca Arcadia Road and has extras you must see. $21,( terms are available. RENTAL Fully carpeted, 2 bedroOm duplex. Range, refri, washer dryer and drapes, $125.00. 235 We're the Low-lnc! Housing specialist and I the know-how to help qualify. Come in consultation. MANN REAL 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWIN 426-3503 !?i!