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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 31, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 31, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Phone Phone 426-1515 426-1515 124 N. First TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOWER INTEREST RATES TO BUY ONE OF THESE HOMES! • IPU~,,~Vf~DIAI=n Cozy cottage with 2 bedrooms, oil furnace in good area on double size corner grounds. Big garage and shop building. Contract terms. ~11,,lql~'Olai~l%mountains.Cute 2 BedrOOmvery secluded.°n 3 acres right on the edge of town. Sweeping view of bay and $10,950 Charming A frame on Shorecrest level grounds with swimming pool membership and guaranteed salt water access. Fully insulated, 2 bedrooms, full bath and built-ins -- Call today. $11,000 $11,5oo Downtown -- 2 bedrooms, new bath, part basement on nice lot plus garage and outbuildings. FHA appraised -- new paint -- new foundation. Delightful bungalow on double lot just outside city limits. Vacant now for fast possession. Family kitchen, livingroom has picture window plus bath with shower and two large bedrooms. Fruit trees, garden and garage. $13,500 Hillcrest 4 Bedroom, (2 up) with 1322 sp. ft. of living area. Deluxe bath, auto. gas heating. Perfect for growing family -- Will sell G.I. -- No Down. $13,500 Six miles out near Deer Creek. Modern two bedroom Cape Cod with separate utility room and big garage. All appliances available - Drilled well. You may take over low interest G.I. loan. $13,950 Delightful completely remodeled 3 bedroom rambler in Hillcrest. Wall to wall carpet, sparkling modern kitchen, with free double oven gas range. New gas furnace. Cyclone fenced grounds. FHA or VA financing. Pay loan and closing costs only. $14 950 Borrow the full purchase price on an FHA or V A loan. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and , fireplace. Double lot and garage in Mt. View -- Call today! $16,950 $18,500 BRAND -- NEW -- 3 bedroom rambler with log fireplace, wall to wall carpets throughout, built-in range and oven, hood and fan. Can be yours for as low as $115 per annual interest rate of 7%% -- your chance to beat the landlord. Just north of town -- three bedroom -- contempory rambler with log fireplace and built ins on over an acre of land. Extra recreation and shop building, drilled well. Easy FHA terms. $18,950 3 Bedrooms -- 2 Baths -- Spacious Mt. View rambler on level fenced corner grounds. Built in range and oven. Breakfast area plus dining room. Wall to walt carpets. Best of all, an extra 3/4 bath with separate shower off master bedroom. One of a kind at this price so see it today. NEW ENGLAND CAPE COD. Huge carpeted living and dining rooms, modern spacious kitchen, utility room, 2 twin size bedrooms and deluxe full bath on main level. Dormitory size bedroom up with half bath. Garage attached. Level corner grounds, paved streets, walks and alley. Dare to be different -- see this charmer today. $25,000 New 3 bedroom with 1632 square feet of living -- Bath & a half. Living room, family room & dining room plus breakfast nook & separate utility area. Panelled wall, electric heat, big garage & drilled well on 2 level acres. New custom built deluxe spacious rambler with twin bedrooms on 5 acres. Bubbling stream - lovely view. Electric furnace and garage. $35,000 Ranch Home on 4 1/2 fenced level acres. Immaculate 3 bedroom home plus den and office -- 2 baths, built-in appliances, beautiful carpet and stone fireplace. All this and formal dining room too! Trade up today! Quality throughout. $6,000 $9,ooo $12,750 Five acre tracts, new road, power and phone. Minutes from town. Terrific for mobile hame sites! Low down payment. Easy terms. "~ 2 cleared acres with 3 room cabin, out-buildings, county beach access -- 600 ft. road front. EZ contract terms. Nice Sound view. Three 10 acre tracts, on county road. Can be purchased separate or together at $900 per acre. 500 ft. of County road in the Agate area. lb acres partly cleared and part in timber. Easy terms. $13,500 Sixteen cleared acres just perfect to build that farm home on. Year around stream -- nice view -- partially fenced. Hurry on this one. $211000 Special buy on a huge 35 acre tract only 3 miles from Shelton City limits. Call today, SALT.S14,500 SALT-S21,950 SALT.$35,O00 WATERFRONT 71 ft. no bank, choice waterfront. Very easy terms. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. Better hurry on this one. Harstine Island -- Older 2 bedroom home on sand and gravel oeacn plus tidelands t00 x 300 grounds plus more waterfront and acreage available. Guaranteed Sec udedJ Level low bank 100 ft. frontage and over 500 ft. to road. Best waterfront lot in Mason County. Can subdivide. 3 Bedroom, basement, double garage and shop on 90 ft. low bank waterfront with fabulous view. Raised hearth fireplace, sundeck, dining room, Kitchen with modern built ins and large breakfast room. All this plus wall to wall carpeting and drapes. Easy assumption with low payments. 76 ft. on nice beach and beautiful view. Spacious 3 bedroom home - Sauna bath and extras galore. This is a new home - grounds are 76 x 300 deep. 120 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel -- Sweeping view of lake and mountains. Real good cabin included -- you name the terms! This one is right on the water. Charming A frame chalet on bulkheaded 60' x 300', Spencer Lake level wooded lot. Truly a bargain. Completel', furnished. Built-in range, nice trees. 4 bedroom -- 3 baths -- basement -- Charming story and a half with full basement and garage -- sprinkler system. Located right on Island Lake -- On the water. We trade! HOME & APARTMENT RENTAL SERVICE - WE TRADE Happy New year - BRANCH OF MCCLEARY -- INS. & REAL ESTATE IN. HODGES McCLEARY OFFICE: EVENINGS CALL; REALTORS: 495-3 198 Tom Savage ............Asso. Broker ........ 426-8584 OLYMPIA OFFICE: ~om Townsend ......... Asso. Broker ........ 426-65-c)? Reid "Mitch" Mitchell .... As;o. Brok,=r ....... 476-~.~ !0 Ca s Of anks The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. The Potter family. ]2/31 Legal Publications NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Federal Aid Secondary Route Construction FAS 9614 in Mason County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all interested persons that Mason County is planning the construction of a portion of the Grapeview Road, FAS Route 9614, by reconstructing the Wood superstructure on existing concrete piers of the Stretch Island Bridge. The proposed project includes very minor raising of the roadway above the lines established by permit to provide improved sight distance and riding qualities and construction to provide HS-15 :~A4SSHO) load capacity and a -foot clear roadway. Very minor roadway widening and smoothingw ould be accomplished on the approaches to the bridge, but no changes in horizontal alignment and no significant changes in vertical alignment of the approaches is contemplated. The maximum proposed vertical deviation of the grade of the reconstructed bridge is 18 inches from the existing and all proposed reconstruction will be above the clearance line stipulated in the original permit for the bridge. FURTHER, maps showing the proposed location of the project and plans showing construction details may be inspected at the office of the County Engineer, Courthouse, Shelton, Washington. FURTHER, tentative schedules for right-of-way acquisition will be discussed at the hearing. FURTHER, no person will be dislocated from his home or place of business as a result of the proposed project. FURTHER, the description of the proposed road improvement is as follows: Commencing at a point on the Grapeview Road, County Road No. 9614, 600 feet east of the intersection of County Road No. 9614 and County Road No. 6615, thence in an easterly direction to a point on the Grapeview Road No. 9614 approximately 250 feet east of the east end of the Stretch Island Bridge all in Section 8, Township 21 North, Range I'W.W.M. The length of improvement being 800 feet and on the existing alignment. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a public hearing will be held at the office of the County Commissioners at the Courthouse in Shelton, Washington, at lh30 A.M.; Monday, January 11, 1971. All interested persons may appear at said hearing to be held with respect to the specific location Legal Publications ORDINANCE No. 815 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A LIBRARY TRUST FUND FOR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, CITY OF SHELTON. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION of the City of Shelton as follows: 1. There is hereby established a trust fund for the library of the City of Shelton for the general purpose of receiving, holding, making expenditures from and accounting for monies donated to the Shelton Public Library by way of memorial gifts or otherwise. 2. ]'hat the monies now held by the Clerk--Treasurer of the City of Shelton on behalf of the library as gifts to the same, (with the exception of funds now and hereafter held formally in trust for the library), be paid into the fund hereby established. 3. The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make such entries upon the city records as are necessary to accomplish the purposes of this ordinance. INTRODUCED in regular Commission Meeting this 15th day of December, ]970. PASSED in regular Commission Meeting this 22nd day of December, 1970. Frank A. Travis Mayor David T. Kneeland Commissioner Glen C. Watson Commissioner Attest: Helen W. Stodden City Clerk Approved as to form: B. Franklin Heuston City Attorney 12/31-1t NOTICE OF SALE OF ABANDONED VEHICLES Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 4th day of January, 1971, at 10:00 a.m. in the morning at Wilcox Garage, Route 1, Shelton, Washington the following cars will be sold: 1939 International, lic. No. 781766,1D No. H021344657. 1940 Dodge, lic No. JAM083, ID No. D14138353. 1950 Chev. truck, lic. No. P53753, ID No. AHCA1160946. 1961 Pontiac, lic. No. DFG236, ID No. 661K1437. 1955 Chev., lic. No. BKM438, ID No. VC55K11432. Shelton Auto Parts, Raymond L. Drebis, Jr., owner. 12/31-1t NOTICE OF HEARING The City of Shelton Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 12, 1971, at 7:30 p.m. at the city hall, on an application for a zoning variance for the south half of lots 9, 10, 11 and the south half of the west 10 feet of lot 12, Block 13, Needham and Day Addition. This is in accordance with Ord. No. 6~2j Purl J~emison, Cha'irman SKeltbn Plan hing Cord fnis ,i0 n 12/31-1/7-21 Legal Publications RESOLUTION NO. 136 A RESOLUTION -- adopting the Thurston--Mason District Board of Health Sanitary Code and amendments and additions there to, by reference, as provided by RCW 36.32.120, and repealing all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict therewith. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, as follows: SECTION 1. The Thurston--Mason District Board of Health Sanitary Code and all amendments and additions thereto, is hereby adopted by reference as the official Sanitary Code of Mason County, Washington, and all amendments or additions thereto when printed and filed with the County Auditor, shall be considered and accepted as additions thereto without the necessity of further adoption of such amendments or additions. SECTION 2. All Resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the provisions of this Resolution are hereby declared necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, morals, peace and safety of the people of Mason County and that an emergency is hereby declared to exist and the provisions of this Resolution shall go into full force and effect immediately without any other or further hearing hereon. RESOLVED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of December, 1970. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Martin Auseth, Chairman William O. Hunter John Bariekman ATTEST: Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board. APPROVED AS TO FORM: John C. Ragan Prosecuting Attorney 12/31-1t NOTICE No. A.D. 270 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON tN AND FOR MASON COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF SCOTT EUGENE SLYER, A Minor. TO: LEO J. BEYER, and TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that there has been filed in this Court a petition for the adoption of the above-named SCOTT EUGENE BEYER, praying that there also be first an adjudication that the consent of the natural father, LEO J. BEYER, to said adoption is not required by law. The hearing for such purpose will be held on Friday, the 29th day of January, 1971, at the hour of 9:30 A. M., in the Superior Courtroom o.f the above,entitled Court, at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, when i and where all persons interested shall appear and show cause why Legal Publications such an adjudication should not be made, and why, if made, such petition for adoption should not thereafter be heard forthwith and the prayer thereof granted. WITNESS the Honorable FRANK E. BAKER, Judge of said Superior Court and the seal of said Court hereunto affixed this 11th day of December, 1970. LODGA KIMBEL, Clerk By Betty Thompson Deputy BRODIE, FRISTOE & TAYLOR LAWYERS Suite 1, Professional Arts Building Olympia, Washington 98501 Telephone (206) 357-5566 12/17-24-31-3t SUMMONS No. ! 0633 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH I NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. DOROTHY H. SHUGART, Plaintiff, vs. A. P. SHUGART, JR., Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO: A. P. SHUGART, J R., Defendant. YOU are hereby summoneQ ~o appear within sixty days after the Legal date of the first this summons, to-wit: Wt sixty days after the 17th day 0 December, 1970, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff, B. Franklin Heuston, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. Plaintiff's objective in this action is to secure a divorce from the defendant upon the grounds stated in her complaint on file as aforesaid and tor such additional relief as is prayed for in said complaint. B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for Plaintiff Office & Post Office Address: Angle Building Shelton, Washington 98584 12/17-24-31-1/7-14-21-6t NOTICE OF PROPOSED MERGER Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C., 20220 for his consent to a merger of Puget Sound National Bank, Tacoma, Washington, and National Bank of Mason County, Shelton, Washington. It is contemplated that all offices of the above-named banks will continue to be operated. This notice is published pursuant to Section 18 (c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. December 10, 1970 NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY Shelton, Washington PUGET SOUND NATIONAL BANK Tacoma, Washington ] 2/17-24-31-1/7-] 4-5t NOTICE OF MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY SHELTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to call of its Directors, the regular annual meeting of shareholders of NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY will be held at the Banking House, 3rd and Cota Street, Shelton, Washington, on Wednesday, January 27, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of considering and voting upon the following matters: 1. Election of Directors. Fixing the number of Directors to be elected at 10 and the election of the 10 persons listed in the Proxy Statement dated January 11, 1971, accompanying the notice of said meeting. 2. Whether an Agreement to Merge this bank and Puget Sound National Bank, located in Tacoma, State of Washington, under the provisions of the laws of the United States shall be ratified and confirmed, subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C., which agreement provides for the issuance of an additional 30,150 shares of common stock of $10 par value each, and for the purpose of voting upon any other matters incidental to the proposed merger of the two banks. A copy of the aforesaid agreement, executed by a majority of the directors of each of the two banks, providing for the merger, is on file at the bank and may be inspected during business hours. 3. Whatever Other Business may be brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof. Only those shareholders ot record at the close of business on January 11 shall be entitled to notice of meeting and to vote at the meeting. By Order of the Board of Directors LARRY R. TRIPLETT *.. Cashier 12/17-24-31-1/7-14-5t and design details of the proposed construction. DATED this 7th day of ORDINANCE N0.814 December, 1970. B O A R D O F C O U N T Y A N O R D I N A N C E W I T H I N T H E C I T Y O F and made for the purpose of for the fiscal year 1971 ; and COMMISSIONERS OF MASON ADOPTING THE 1971 BUDGET SHELTON, NOT EXEMPT hearing any and all taxpayers WHEREAS, the said final COUNTY, WASHINGTON. OF THE CITY OF SHELTON, FROM TAXATION. residing, or having property in the budget for 1971 shows in detail By Ruth E. Boysen WASHINGTON AND FIXING WHEREAS, a hearing was City of Shelton either "for" or the amount of estimated Auditor & Clerk of the Board THE AMOUNT OF TAXES hel d on the first day of "against" any part of said budget, expenditures, and the amount of 12/10 and 12/31-2tNECESSARY TO BE LEVIED December, 1970, pursuant to and due consideration having estimated receipts as follows: UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY notice duly and regularly given,been given the preliminary budget ORDINANCE No. 816 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHICH COULD NOT HAVE BEEN FORESEEN AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THE 1970 BUDGET PROVIDING FUNDS TO MEET EXPENDITURES NECESSARY FOR THE OPERATION OF THE FI REMEN'S PENSION FUND. WHEREAS, the operation of fhe Firemen's Pension Fund requires expenditures provided by law which were unforeseen at the time of the adoption of the 1970 budget. NOW, THERFORE, BE IT ORDAINED- 1. That sufficient funds were not provided in the Firemen's Pension Fund in the 1970 budget to cover expenditures now required under the law and these expenditures were unforeseen at the time of the adoption of the 1970 budget. 2. It is hereby declared that an emergency exists under the provisions of R.C.W. 35.33.090 regarding such expenditures and the City Treasurer is authorized to make the expenditures for such purpose. 3. That $5,500.00 is the amount required to meet this emergency. INTORDUCED in regular Commission meeting this 15th day of December, 1970. PASSED in regular Commission meeting this 22nd day of December, 1970. Fund CITY OF SHELTON 1971 BUDGET RECAPITULATION Estimated Estimated Property Total Cash Bal. Revenue Tax Rev. Budget 1-1-71 1971 1971 1971 Current Expense Fund ................52,598.00 Library ........................... ] 10.00 Parks & Recreation .................. 5,200.00 Street ............................. 12,000.00 Urban Arterial ...................... 5,100.00 285,280.00 54,961.00 392,839.00 11,000.00 24,370.00 35,480.00 4,800.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 156,314.00 115,296.00 283,610.00 12,800.00 17,900.00 Total Tax Levy Funds 75,008.00 457,394.00 232,427.00 764,829.00 Non-Levy Funds: Annex ............................ 2,000.00 Firemen's Pension ................... 2,900.00 Flood Control ...................... Library Interest Income ............... Garbage ........................... 880.00 Sewer ............................. 1,828.00 Water ............................. 12,195.00 Street - Arterial ..................... 2,540.00 4,540.00 8,962.00 11,862.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 57,370.00 58,250.00 190,890.00 192,718.00 238,500.00 250,695.00 40,500.00 40,500.00 Total Non-Levy Funds 19,803.00 553,762.00 573,565.00 Total All Funds 94,811.00 1,011,156.00 232,427.00 1,338,394.00 ALLOCATION BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATION Interest Personal Other Capital & Bond Contingency Services Supplies Charges Outlay Transfers Redemption Reserves Frank A. Travis Mayor David T. Kneeland Commissioner Glen C. Watson Tax Funds: Current Expense . .. Library .......... Park & Recreation .. Street ........... Urban Arterial ..... 283,023.00 18,345.00 51,121.0030,350.00 10,000.0(7 21,115.00 1,050.00 2,815.00 10,500.00 19,900.00 2,000.00 2,550.00 10,550.00 67,000.00 21,748.00 25,762.00169,100.00 17,900.00 Commissioner Attest: Helen W. Stodden Total Tax Levy Funds 391,038.00 43,143.00 82,248.00 238,400.00 City Clerk Approved as to form: B. Franklin Heuston City Attorney 12/31-1t NOTICE TO PRESENT CLAIMS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That all claims against Mason County for the year 1970, must be presented to the Auditor of Mason County, not later than Non-Levy Funds: .. Annex ............ Firemen's Pension .. Flood Control ..... Garbage .......... Library Int. Income Sewer ........... Street - Arterial .... Water ........... 2,540.00 600.00 1,400.00 7,900.00 5,000.00 38,650.00 4,800.00 5,400.00 9,400.00 10,000.00 26,008.00 9,978.00 19,172.00 119,750.00 17,8~.00 40,500.00 33,720.00 8,690.00 22,360.00 142,600.00 4~25.00 Total Non-Levy Funds 106,278.00 26,008.00 52,532.00 3]3,650.00 Total All Funds 497,316.00 69,151.00 134,780.00 552,050.00 Total January 20, 1971, for allowance by the Board of County Commissioners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT and by such reference made a part assessed va uation thereof far the According to RCW 36.40.200,ORDAINED BY THE CITY hereof, be and the same is year 1971. ~ any claims presented more than COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF adopted as the final budget of the I NTRODUC ED at regular thirty (30) days after the fiscal SHELTON AS FOLLOWS: City of Shelton for the fiscal year Commission Meeting theSth day year. shall be provided for in the Section 1: The final budget ]971, of December, 1970. next ensuing year's budget, adopted on December 8, 1970, Section 2: That there is PASSED in regular Ruth E. Boysen for the fiscal year 1971, reference hereby levied against all taxable Commission MeetinQ t#e 15th day Mason County Auditor. thereto being made as though the property in the City of Shelton a of December, 1970-. - 12/31 and 1/14-2tsame were set out hcreir, ~n fu;;, tax at ]Re r=te cf 8 milh, -:pen the 392,839.00 35,480.00 35,000.00 283,610.00 17,900.00 Thursday, December 31, 10000.00 764,829.00 3,962.00 4,540.00 11,862.00 5,000.00 58,250.00 10,000.00 192,718.00 40,500.00 250,695.00 F. A. TRAVIS Mayor ATTEST: Helen W. Stodden City Clerk APPROVED B. F. Heuston City Attorney 12131.1 1970- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15 10,000.00#1,135.00 3,962.00 573,565.00 Z0,O00.O061,135.00 13,962.001,338,394.00